Page Manager
The following links provide documentation on the Page Manager, which allows the board administrator and moderators to manage content of pages (threads and messages). It provides a comprehensive set of thread and message management tools.
See Also:
Page Manager documentation
Common Tasks with Page Manager: How to use the Page Manager to remove a post, turn off posting in a thread, lock a page so that users cannot create new threads there, etc.
Navigation and Overview of the Page Manager: A general overview of the Page Manager including how to navigate within the interface. A brief description of all of the tabs is provided.
Page Layout: Choosing which discussion elements will comprise a particular page on your board, and leveraging these features to plan and organize your content.
Announcement and About Messages: Creating static, moderator-created blocks of text on your pages.
Managing Threads: Documentation for Threads (Subtopics) tab, allowing a moderator to add, remove, move, and reorder threads.
Managing Messages: Documentation for Messages tab, allowing a moderator to add, remove, move, edit, and reorder messages.
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