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Access Manager

The following links provide documentation on the Access Manager, controls the privileges that users have with regard to topics. In freeware Discus, moderators can control posting privileges for topics and also choose some basic options. In Discus Pro, moderators gain control over reading privileges, and can use expanded privilege options and message queueing to configure security as needed.

The following documentation is for the Discus Pro features of the Access Manager; in general, the freeware version contains only a subset of these features, but the features that are contained will typically work as described here.

IMPORTANT: Many of the screens in the Access Manager pop up in a new window. In order to use these dialog boxes, your browser must support JavaScript and pop-up windows. If the screen described in these instructions does not appear, turn off your personal firewall or enable JavaScript in your browser as needed.

Access Manager Features

  • Controlling Posting and Reading: A description of the available options to limit posting and reading to registered users and/or moderators, to control access by IP address, or to open up topics entirely to the public.

  • Posting Options: Documentation on available options to control anonymous posting, the appearance of the author's name, and to put IP addresses on posts.

  • Moderated Posting (Message Queue): Documentation on how to set up the message queue, so that posts must be approved by a moderator prior to being posted into view on the board.

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