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Options Manager

The Options Manager is a powerful administrative interface that offers over 150 options that the board administrator can choose. These options control the operation of nearly every aspect of the discussion board.

Because of the number of options available, the options are divided among two interfaces. By default, new users of version 4.0 will encounter the BASIC INTERFACE which lists the most frequently changed options. For simplicity, less frequently used or more complicated options are hidden from this view and instead set by default.

Those users who began using Discus 4.0 prior to the introduction of the Basic Interface, or those users who have explicitly switched, will encounter the ADVANCED INTERFACE. From the Advanced Interface, all configurable options are available to be set.

At any time when in the Basic Interface, switch to the Advanced Interface by clicking the Basic tab and then the "To Advanced View..." button. At any time when in the Advanced Interface, switch to the Basic Interface by clicking the Other tab and then the "To Basic View..." button.

Options in Basic View

  • Introduction: An introduction to the Basic Interface for first-time users, covering setting up defaults and beginning to use the interface.

  • Basic: Setting of basic operating parameters, including contact information, access control, IP banning, maintenance mode, and time zone.

  • Posting: Options that control posting of messages and starting of new conversations through the user interface. Image/attachment uploading and the spell checker are also configured in this interface.

  • Profiles: In freeware Discus, you can configure default settings for e-mail notification, how often the program records user accesses, the maximum number of characters that can be used in a user's full name, and whether or not a user may change his or her password. In Discus Pro, you can also configured default and forced preferences, help profiles are displayed in the user interface, fields and other settings within profiles, the "forgotten password utility," picture upload in profiles, signatures, the display of registered users in the user interface, user self registration, and user status.

  • E-mail: On this page, configure Discus to send messages through your e-mail program or server. This is where you enable the reply by e-mail feature and configure e-mail notification.

Options in Advanced View

  • General: Options that control the operation of scripts and the format of dates.

  • Contact: Specify the name and e-mail address of the board administrator or other person to be contacted in the case of an error, as well as configuration of the user interface display of available moderators.

  • Conv/Msg: Conversation and message options. Here, you can configure user creation of new conversations, the display of messages on page, the default ordering of new subtopics and messages, in profanity checking. In Discus Pro, you can also configure post rating and the spell checker.

  • Icons: Configuration of the display of icons in user interface, including icons to jump up and down within a message less, and JavaScript-based icons to indicate new activity.

  • Security: In freeware Discus, you can configure maximum and minimum sizes of uploaded images and new messages. In Discus Pro, you can configure who has access to your topics page, banning of IP addresses, alerts for incorrect login attempts to the administration program, and a filter to prevent unregistered guests from impersonating registered users.

  • Profiles: In freeware Discus, you can configure default settings for e-mail notification, how often the program records user accesses, the maximum number of characters that can be used in a user's full name, and whether or not a user may change his or her password. In Discus Pro, you can also configured default and forced preferences, help profiles are displayed in the user interface, fields and other settings within profiles, the "forgotten password utility," picture upload in profiles, signatures, the display of registered users in the user interface, user self registration, and user status.

  • E-mail: On this page, configure Discus to send messages through your e-mail program or server. This is where you enable the reply by e-mail feature and configure e-mail notification.

  • Other: This section contains other, miscellaneous settings for your discussion board, including options for the administration program, whether or not to display archives in searches, the ability to track all activities of particular users for debugging purposes, the Discus task manager feature, options related to disk quota checking, options for keyword and date search, private messaging, resource usage, the template editor, the topics page, and other miscellaneous options.

  • Skin: Certain skins allow for the setting of options specific to that skin. If the skin you are using supports options in this way, this tab will appear and let you select those options.

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