Page Manager - Managing Threads
The Page Manager contains the tools needed to manage threads. Throughout the documentation and in some places in the interface, the term "subtopics" is used interchangeably with "threads." Unlike some systems, Discus has the ability to create subtopics/threads to an unlimited depth, allowing supurb organizational capabilities. This documentation covers the "Threads (Subtopics)" tab in the Page Manager.
The following documentation applies to the options that are present in Discus Pro. In the freeware version, not all of these options will be present, but the options that are present should function as documented herein.
Using the Filtering Tools
The list of threads will display all threads that are present on the page. In the case that the number of threads on the page exceeds 20, the first 20 will be shown, with the capability to navigate to the other threads using the selection box or up/down arrows. In the case that the thread name is known, or that threads of a particular type are to be edited, the following filtering tools allow the moderator to filter the thread list:
Subtopic Name: The name of the subtopic/thread (i.e., the subject of a conversation). You can use the filter to find thread subjects that contain a certain pattern ("contains" option) or that do not contain a certain pattern ("does not contain" option).
Number of Posts: The number of posts in a thread. You define a threshold by typing a number into the box, and can then use this filter to find pages that have less or more posts than that threshold.
Number of Pages: The number child pages of a subtopic/thread. You define a threshold by typing a number into the box, and can then use this filter to find pages that have less or more child pages than that threshold.
Most Recent Post: The number of days ago of the most recent post, relative to the current date. This filter allows you to specify a time threshold, in days, and then to select pages whose most recent post was made before or after that threshold.
When the filter criteria have been set up, click the "Filter" button to display a filtered list. To clear the query (display all threads), click the "Clear Query" button.
Working with Longer Thread Lists
To make load times reasonable, any page containing more than 20 threads will display only 20 threads at a time by default. The "Subtopic Management" box allows the moderator to switch the list to find the desired thread. The arrow icons or the selection box can be used to switch the display as needed.
Reordering threads
If more than 20 threads are present, the "Reorder" column will not be displayed in the thread management grid. To display this, go to the "Subtopic Management" box and choose the option "Show All Subtopics in Reorder View." The page will refresh, showing all threads and a "reorder" box.
Using the "Reorder" boxes, type in a new order. For simplicity, you can use both decimals and negative numbers. It is not necessary to go through to ensure that the boxes all contain consecutive integers. For example, to insert a thread between two others currently in the 5th and 6th position, you can assign an order of "5.5" to the thread you wish to insert.
Click the reorder icon, which is in the last row under the "Reorder" column.
Deleting threads
WARNING: Deleting threads is PERMANENT, and you will delete all messages, attachments, and subtopics from the threads you remove. There is no way to recover deleted threads. Use this option with extreme caution!
If desired, mark all threads you wish to delete by checking the box next to the thread. If the page contains more than 20 results, and you wish to delete all threads that matched your query (or all threads on the page), in the bottom table row check the "Check to mark ALL subtopics..." box.
Click the delete (trash can) icon next to the thread you wish to delete. If you marked multiple subtopics, you must click the delete icon in the bottom row of the table.
Confirm your action in the JavaScript pop-up box.
Moving threads
You may move a thread to any location on the discussion board that you have authorization to edit. You are not able to move a thread into any child pages of itself, as that would not make sense.
If desired, mark all threads you wish to move by checking the box next to the thread. If the page contains more than 20 results, and you wish to move all threads that matched your query (or all threads on the page), in the bottom table row check the "Check to mark ALL subtopics..." box.
Click the move (hand and cross) icon next to the thread you wish to move. If you marked multiple subtopics, you must click the move icon in the bottom row of the table.
The resulting dialog allows you to move the thread in any of two ways:
To move the thread to an existing location on the board, click the "view locater tree" link. This brings up a navigation tree in a pop-up window (requires JavaScript and pop-up windows to be enabled). Navigate through the tree and click the blue and green right-arrow icon next to the desired location for the thread. This automatically fills in the appropriate topic number on the previous page. Now, click the "Move subtopic" button next to the topic and page number boxes.
Note: Advanced administrators, or those performing many "move" operations at once, may come to learn the topic number and page number of the intended destination. If you know these values, you can fill them in directly without using the locater tree.
To create a new subtopic within the page you're editing, and then move the thread(s) into that new subtopic, enter a name for the new subtopic in the "Subtopic Name" box, and click the "Move subtopic" button next to the box.
Renaming threads
Click the properties (finger pointing to a yellow sheet of paper) icon next to the thread you wish to rename. It is possible to rename one thread at a time, so there is no option to mark multiple threads and then edit their properties.
In the "Rename Subtopic" section, type a new name for the thread in the box.
Click the "Rename Subtopic" button. The board may display a gauge to show progress in regenerating all of the page's child threads with the proper new name. Wait for this to complete.
Changing thread properties (description, icon, emoticon)
Click the properties (finger pointing to a yellow sheet of paper) icon next to the thread for which you wish to edit properties. It is possible to change properties for one thread at a time, so there is no option to mark multiple threads and then edit their properties.
In the "Subtopic Properties" section, enter a new description, choose a new icon, or choose a new emoticon, as desired.
Click the "Save Properties" button.
Setting META tags for a thread
Click the properties (finger pointing to a yellow sheet of paper) icon next to the thread for which you wish to set META tags. It is possible to set META tags for one thread at a time, so there is no option to mark multiple threads and then edit their META tags.
In the "META Tags" section, enter new META tags as desired. META tags are used to control interaction with search engines. Consult documentation from your favorite search engine for details.
If desired, click the "Apply these META tags to all pages below this subtopic page" button. This option does exactly what it says.
Click the "Save META tags" button.
Editing Link Properties
These instructions apply to a subtopic that is created as a link to another page on the internet. Such subtopics are not real threads, but are merely placeholders in the thread list. These are easily spotted in the thread list by virtue of the URL that appears below the icon and name.
Click the properties (finger pointing to a yellow sheet of paper) icon next to the link whose properties you wish to set. It is possible to set properties for one link at a time, so there is no option to mark multiple items and then edit their properties.
In the "Link Name" box, enter a new name for the link if desired.
In the "URL" box, enter a new URL if desired.
In the "Target" box, select a new target if desired. (The possible targets are explained in the next section that covers adding a link to the board.)
In the "Description" box, select a new description if desired.
Choose a new icon or emoticon if desired.
Click the "Save Properties" button.
Adding a new thread or link
This section permits the moderator to add a new thread to the board. This new thread can be either an actual discussion pages (configured with various layouts), or a link to another web page or web site (on the same server or a different server). Once created, this thread can be manipulated with all of the available functions for managing threads.
Scroll to the "Add New Subtopic" section of the page.
Enter a name for the thread or link in the "Subtopic Name" box. This is the name that will be shown in the user interface, under the clickable link.
For "Page/Link Type," choose one of the following options:
Discussion Page: Private Index: The newly created page will be a page on the discussion board that itself contains a list of threads. Only moderators will be able to add new threads to the list, through the administration program. This is commonly used in cases where greater levels of organization are desired.
Discussion Page: Public Index: The newly created page will be a page on the discussion board that itself contains a list of threads. It will also contain a "start new thread" link or button, so that anyone with permission to post to the topic will be able to start a new thread in the user interface.
Discussion Page: Message Page: The newly created page will be a page on the discussion board that contains messages. It will also contain an "Add a Message" box, so that anyone with permission to post to the topic will be able to post a message onto the page.
Discussion Page: Closed Thread: The newly created page will be a page on the discussion board that contains messages. It will NOT contain an "Add a Message" box in the user interface. The only way messages can be added to this thread is by a moderator posting them through the administration program. Such a layout is commonly used when a moderator is using a thread to post frequent announcements.
Link: Open in Same Frame: The newly created item will be a link to an external web page or site. When clicked, there will be no control over the frameset, meaning that on a framed board, the link will open within the same frame where the list of threads appears. (In a board without frames, the link will replace the board when clicked.)
Link: Open in Right Frame: The newly created item will be a link to an external web page or site. When clicked, the name of the right-hand frame typically used by Discus ("main") will be coded as the link's target. (This setting is not recommended for a frameless board.)
Link: Open in Top Frame: The newly created item will be a link to an external web page or site. When clicked, the link will open in the "top" window, completely replacing your board's frame set, if any.
Link: Open in Parent Frame: The newly created item will be a link to an external web page or site. When clicked, the link will open in the "_parent" frame from where it is clicked. This setting is intended for those moderators who understand what the "_parent" target is in HTML coding. This feature is utilized quite infrequently.
Link: Open in New Window: The newly created item will be a link to an external web page or site. When clicked, the link will spawn a new browser window. This option is frequently used to prevent a user from navigating away from the discussion board when visiting external links.
If the page type you selected is a link to a web site, enter the full URL to that web site in the box for "URL for Link." You can skip this step if the new thread is a page on the discussion board, as the URL will be chosen automatically by the program.
If desired, fill in any of the following optional parameters:
Description: Enter a description to appear below the name of the link.
Subtopic Icon: Override the default selection of a subtopic icon.
Emoticon: Choose an emoticon for the thread. For this to work, the emoticon option needs to be enabled by the board administrator, and the skin chosen for board displays must support emoticon displays.
Position: Choose whether to position the newly created item at the bottom of the list (default), top of the list, or inserted alphabetically into the list.
After Creating: Once you have created the page, choose whether you want to jump immediately into editing the newly created page, or if you want the Page Manager to remain in the current location (e.g., to add more pages).
Click the "Create New Subtopic" button.
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