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Quota Manager

The Quota Manager is an interface available to the board administrator. It allows the board administrator to test available disk space and re-enable the board following a disk quota problem.


Disk Quota Events: If Discus automatically disabled itself because a disk quota event was detected, the details are presented here, along with a button to re-enable the board. Read through the message and be sure that the problem is solved. Then click the button to re-enable the board.

Large File Scan: All files that are 1 MB or greater in size will be listed here. This is for your information only. It is a very bad idea to just arbitrarily delete large files, so don't do it!


Disk Quota Tests: This utility checks your available disk space by creating a file of the size that you specify. The actual size of the file created is reported. For example, if you tried to create a 25 MB file, but the actual file size created was 16.9 MB, you then know that you only have 16.9 MB left on your disk quota. DiscusWare recommends that at least 25 MB be free to run Discus.

This utility also checks to see that files can be created and removed in both the "locks" and "backups" directory. If these tests fail, make sure permissions on those directories are set to 0777 (rwxrwxrwx) on unix. On Windows, you probably are getting a "File Locking Error" in which case you should consult this document for further information.

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