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Page Manager - Common Tasks

Remove a Post

  1. Click the "Navigation Tree" tab in the topic where the post exists that you wish to remove, and use the links to navigate to the page where the message was posted.

  2. Click the "Messages" tab.

  3. Locate the post within the "Message Management" section. If necessary, within the "Message Management" box, select a different date range so that the post you wish to delete is displayed.

  4. Click the delete (trash can) icon next to the post you wish to delete, and click OK in the pop-up confirmation box.

Close a Thread

  1. Click the "Navigation Tree" tab in the topic where the thread exists that you wish to close, and use the links to navigate to the page you wish to close.

  2. Click the "Page Layout" tab.

  3. Under the "Discussion Elements" heading, uncheck "Add a Message" Ability and then click the "Save Page Layout" button.

Create an Announcement Message

  1. Enter Page Manager to the topic where you wish to create the announcement message. (If you want the announcement somewhere other than the top page of the topic, navigate accordingly with the "Navigation Tree" tab.)

  2. Click the "Page Layout" tab.

  3. Under the "Discussion Elements" heading, check Announcement Message and then click the "Save Page Layout" button.

  4. Click the "Announcement Message" tab (depending on your other settings, this may say "Announcement & About Msgs").

  5. In the "Enter/Edit Announcement" box, type your announcement message. Click "Preview/Save Message" to bring up a preview.

  6. To commit your save, click the "Save Changes" button.

Create a link to an external web page

  1. Click the "Navigation Tree" tab in the topic where the page exists from which you wish to create the external link, and use the links to navigate to the page where the link is to be created.

  2. Click the "Threads (Subtopics)" tab.

  3. Under "Add New Subtopic" fill in a name for the link. The name will be displayed in the user interface.

  4. For "Page/Link Type" choose any of the items starting with "Link:" according to the frameset control. The most common choice is "Link: Open in New Window."

  5. For "URL for Link" enter the full URL to the web page to which you are linking. Do not forget the "http://" at the beginning - if you forget to include this, the link you create will probably be broken.

  6. Choose any of the "Optional Parameters" that you wish, such as a description, emoticon, position, and so on.

  7. Click the "Create New Subtopic" button.

Lock a page to prevent users from creating new threads

  1. Click the "Navigation Tree" tab in the topic where the page exists from which you wish to create the external link, and use the links to navigate to the page that you wish to lock.

  2. Click the "Page Layout" tab.

  3. Under the "Discussion Elements" heading, uncheck "Start New Thread" Button/Link and then click the "Save Page Layout" button.

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