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Moderator Manager

The Moderator Manager is an interface, available to the board administrator, that allows the administrator to manipulate moderator accounts and to assign topic and group editing privileges.

See Also

  • Getting Started Tutorial for Board Administrators: Step 6 goes to the Moderator Manager to add an account. Following steps explain topic and group editing privileges through examples.

  • Discus Administrator by Marshall Masters: Chapters 6 and 7 have numerous tutorials that involve the Moderator Manager, including some theory on how to choose moderators and make sure they are doing their job. Appendix A, step 2 has templates to help in the creation of moderator accounts.

Deleting a Moderator

To delete a moderator, click the delete (trash can) icon next to the moderator you wish to delete. Or, check the box in the "Mark" column next to each moderator you wish to delete, and click the delete icon in the bottom "(marked)" row to delete multiple moderators.

You are not permitted to delete the board administrator's account (typically "admin"). The program will prevent you from doing this accidentally (or on purpose).

Assigning Group Editing Privileges

To assign group editing privileges, click the group (face) icon next to the moderator to whom you wish to assign group editing privileges. Or, check the box in the "Mark" column next to each moderator to whom you wish to assign privileges, and click the group icon in the bottom "(marked)" row.

On the ensuing screen, you have the option to check the box for all user groups for which this moderator is authorized. Existing authorized groups are checked (if multiple moderators are checked, and their initial privileges are different, the checking of boxes may not be an accurate reflection of the privileges of all marked moderators). You can use "Select All" to check all boxes and "Select None" to uncheck all boxes. Click "Save Settings" to apply your settings.

In Discus Pro, you can also choose to notify a moderator by e-mail when a user applies for an account through queued user self-registration. This alerts a moderator when a user account has been applied for and placed in the moderator's queue. Check all groups for which you wish this to happen and click the "Save Settings" button. Note that only groups for which queued user self-registration is enabled will be shown, and this can be turned on for a moderator only in those groups that the moderator is privileged to edit.

Authorizing a moderator to edit a group conveys privileges to use the User Manager to exercise complete control over the user accounts in the group.

Assigning Topic Editing Privileges

To assign topic editing privileges, click the topic (finger against yellow paper) icon next to the moderator to whom you wish to assign topic editing privileges. Or, check the box in the "Mark" column next to each moderator to whom you wish to assign privileges, and click the topic icon in the bottom "(marked)" row.

On the ensuing screen, you have the option to check the box for all topics for which this moderator is authorized. Existing authorized topics are checked (if multiple moderators are checked, and their initial privileges are different, the checking of boxes may not be an accurate reflection of the privileges of all marked moderators). You can use "Select All" to check all boxes and "Select None" to uncheck all boxes. Click "Save Settings" to apply your settings.

Authorizing a moderator to edit a topic conveys privileges to use the Page Manager, Access Manager, Queue Manager, and Log Analysis tool to exercise complete control over the content of the topic.

Generating a Mailing List

You can generate a mailing list of some or all moderators on the board using the mail (envelope in a box) icon next to the moderator whose e-mail address you wish to obtain. Or, check the box in the "Mark" column next to each moderator whose e-mail address you wish to obtain, and click the mail icon in the bottom "(marked)" row. This brings up a screen listing the e-mail address of all selected moderators, which can be copied and then pasted into a mail program.

Generally, the administrator will want a complete e-mail listing of all moderators. To achieve this, click the down-arrow button next to the "Mark" box of the first entry in the list. This will mark all moderators. Then click the mail icon in the bottom "(marked)" row.

Demoting a Moderator

Any moderator account, except that of the board administrator, can be demoted to user status by clicking the demote (face with a down arrow) icon next to the moderator to be demoted. Or, check the box in the "Mark" column next to each moderator whom you wish to demote, and click the demote icon in the bottom "(marked)" row.

The ensuing screen will permit the choice of which user group that the moderator will become part of when demoted. Also available is confirmation of which moderator(s) to demote. Follow on-screen instructions to make these choices. Then click "Demote Selected Moderators" to apply your action.

A moderator, when demoted, will have their "status" set to level 3 (new member). If a different status is desired, visit the User Manager and edit the profile of the recently demoted moderator to change the status level accordingly. You may also wish to assign additional group membership with the account copy features of the User Manager.

Editing a Moderator

To edit a moderator, click the edit (pencil and paper) icon next to the moderator whom you wish to edit. Only one moderator can be edited at a time. This brings up the standard profile screen, allowing control over all aspects of a member's profile. A moderator's password can also be changed by the administrator through this screen.

Adding a Moderator

To add a moderator, click the "Add" tab in the gray tab bar at the top of the screen. Fill in the username and password (twice) for the moderator to be added. Make note of the password you assign. Optionally enter the e-mail address and full name of the moderator. Click "Add this Moderator" to add the account.

After adding the account, you may wish to return to the "Moderators" tab to assign topic and/or group editing privileges to the moderator.

To invite the moderator to your board, you must communicate the moderator's username and password to them via some means (e-mail, telephone, personal contact, etc.). Encourage the moderator to change their password to one of their choosing, which they can do by logging in to the administration program and clicking "Profile Manager."

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