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Page Manager - Managing Messages

The Page Manager contains the tools needed to manage messages. This documentation covers the "Messages" tab in the Page Manager.

The following documentation applies to the options that are present in Discus Pro. In the freeware version, not all of these options will be present, but the options that are present should function as documented herein.

Using the Filtering Tools

The list of messages will display all threads that are present on the page. In the case that the number of threads on the page exceeds 20, the first 20 will be shown, with the capability to navigate to the other messages using the selection box or up/down arrows. In the case that information about the particular message to manipulate is known, or that messages of a particular type are to be edited, the following filtering tools allow the moderator to filter the message list:

  • Text of Message: You can use the filter to find messages that contain a certain text pattern ("contains" option) or that do not contain a certain pattern ("does not contain" option).

  • Displayed Author Name: You can use the filter to find messages for which the name of the author, as displayed in the interface, contains a certain text pattern ("contains" option) or does not contain a certain pattern ("does not contain" option)

  • Real Username: In the case that a message was posted by a registered member, you can use the filter to find messages posted by a particular author.

  • Time of Post: The number of days ago the message was posted, relative to the current date. This filter allows you to specify a time threshold, in days, and then to select posts made before or after that threshold.

When the filter criteria have been set up, click the "Filter" button to display a filtered list. To clear the query (display all threads), click the "Clear Query" button.

Working with Longer Message Lists

To make load times reasonable, any page containing more than 20 messages will display only 20 threads at a time by default. The "Message Management" box allows the moderator to switch the list to find the desired message. The arrow icons or the selection box can be used to switch the display as needed.

Reordering messages

  1. If more than 20 threads are present, the "Reorder" column will not be displayed in the message management grid. To display this, go to the "Message Management" box and choose the option "Show All Messages in Reorder View." The page will refresh, showing all messages and a "reorder" box.

  2. Using the "Reorder" boxes, type in a new order. For simplicity, you can use both decimals and negative numbers. It is not necessary to go through to ensure that the boxes all contain consecutive integers. For example, to insert a message between two others currently in the 5th and 6th position, you can assign an order of "5.5" to the message you wish to insert.

  3. Click the reorder icon, which is in the last row under the "Reorder" column.

Deleting messages

WARNING: Deleting messages is PERMANENT, and you will also delete any attachments or images that were part of the messages you remove. There is no way to recover deleted messages. Use this option with extreme caution!

  1. If desired, mark all messages you wish to delete by checking the box next to the message. If the page contains more than 20 results, and you wish to delete all messages that matched your query (or all messages on the page), in the bottom table row check the "Check to mark ALL messages..." box.

  2. Click the delete (trash can) icon next to the message you wish to delete. If you marked multiple messages, you must click the delete icon in the bottom row of the table.

  3. Confirm your action in the JavaScript pop-up box.

Moving messages

You may move a message to any location on the discussion board that you have authorization to edit.

  1. If desired, mark all messages you wish to move by checking the box next to the message. If the page contains more than 20 results, and you wish to move all messages that matched your query (or all messages on the page), in the bottom table row check the "Check to mark ALL messages..." box.

  2. Click the move (hand and cross) icon next to the message you wish to move. If you marked multiple messages, you must click the move icon in the bottom row of the table.

  3. The resulting dialog allows you to move the message in any of two ways:

    • To move the message to an existing location on the board, click the "view locater tree" link. This brings up a navigation tree in a pop-up window (requires JavaScript and pop-up windows to be enabled). Navigate through the tree and click the blue and green right-arrow icon next to the desired location for the message. This automatically fills in the appropriate topic number on the previous page. Now, click the "Move message" button next to the topic and page number boxes.

      Note: Advanced administrators, or those performing many "move" operations at once, may come to learn the topic number and page number of the intended destination. If you know these values, you can fill them in directly without using the locater tree.

    • To create a new subtopic within the page you're editing, and then move the message(s) into that new subtopic, enter a name for the new subtopic in the "Subtopic Name" box, and click the "Move message" button next to the box.

Editing Messages

A moderator can edit any previously posted message, without time limitation.

  1. Click the edit (pencil and paper) icon next to the message you wish to edit. It is possible to edit one message at a time, so there is no option to mark multiple messages and then edit them.

  2. Use the text box to edit the message as needed.

  3. Click the "Refresh Preview" button to refresh the preview without actually saving any changes. Click the "Save Message" button to commit the changes and save the edited message to the page. Click the "Cancel Edit" button to cancel editing.

Viewing Messages

A moderator can view any previously posted message, one at a time, through the Page Manager.

  1. Click the view icon (magnifying glass) next to the message you wish to view.

  2. Click <<Previous or Next>> links to navigate to the previous message and the next message in the thread, respectively.

  3. Click the "Page Manager" link to return to the Page Manager.

Viewing and Editing Properties

  1. Click the properties icon (finger pointing to a yellow sheet of paper) next to the message whose properties you wish to view or set.

  2. You can see the poster's identity, IP information, and time of the post in the "Post Information" section.

  3. You can set post properties through the "Properties" section. This is intended for advanced administrators only, and is not currently supported by DiscusWare.

  4. Click <<Previous or Next>> links to navigate to the previous message and the next message in the thread, respectively.

  5. Click the "Page Manager" link to return to the Page Manager.

Adding a message

This section permits the moderator to add a new message. In the case that an "Add a Message" box is present in the user interface, a link to the user interface is supplied so that the moderator can add a message through the normal procedure. In the case that a thread is closed, a moderator can add a new message through the administration program.

  1. Enter a new message into the "Add a Message" box, just as you would through the user interface.

  2. Click the "Preview Message" button. Continue the posting procedure as you would normally do in the user interface.

  3. When you have finished posting, close the user interface window and bring up the Page Manager window again.

  4. In the "Add a Message" section, it says "When you are finished posting, click here to refresh this page so your message shows up on the list above." Click the link as instructed to refresh the page.

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