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Version Manager

The Version Manager is an interface available to the board administrator. It displays the current version of Discus and provides handy methods by which new software versions can be downloaded. We'd like to think that most of the Version Manager is pretty self-explanatory.


Board Information: This reveals the following information:

  • Title of your board as recorded in the title variable of your discus.conf file

  • Discus Pro license number (if you're running Discus Pro)

  • Number of posts, pages, and topics gathered mainly from your board's "tree" index files (see Data Recovery if you think this is incorrect)

  • Most recent post as gathered from posting logs

Version Check: This contacts DiscusWare's server and compares your version against the currently available version of Discus. This will either tell you that no upgrade is needed, or that an upgrade is recommended.


Download Discus (Pro) for telnet upgrade: Provides a link to the download page for freeware Discus or Discus Pro, based on the version your board is currently running. The linked page contains the telnet download procedure.

Perform FTP upgrade: This button submits your board data to the DiscusWare web site to generate an upgrade FTP distribution for your board. This replaces needing to submit your ftpdiag.cgi script (as in a first time installation) or needing to paste in your discus.conf file manually (as was needed for some older versions).

Perform FTP patch: This button submits your board's data and version number to the DiscusWare web server. A "patch" distribution, which contains only those files that were modified between the version of Discus you have and the version of Discus currently available, is produced. This is the fastest way to upgrade, since you are given only those files that you absolutely need.

Mailing List

Discus Mailing List: To subscribe to the Discus mailing list, enter your e-mail address in the box and click the button. Your e-mail address is submitted to DiscusWare's site and added to the mailing list.

Auto Upgrade

[This section will be filled in when Auto Upgrade is offered as a service]

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