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Database Manager

The Database Manager is an interface available to the board administrator that configures a link between the Discus program and a MySQL™ database. This interface is only useful if the server is running MySQL, and if a MySQL database is available to you, the user. The use of MySQL to store Discus data is optional, although the use of a database is more robust, efficient, and quick than the corresponding data storage in flat text files.

  • Turning on the Database Tutorial: If your web host has your MySQL database set up, and you just want to get your data imported already, follow these simple steps to import your data and turn on the database.

  • About MySQL: A brief summary of what MySQL is, where to get it, and how you might use it.

  • Setting up MySQL: How to set up your MySQL database so that Discus can read it and write to it. This page also includes the specific system requirements for the use of Discus MySQL features.

  • Data Storage: A complete description of the data that can be stored in a MySQL database for both freeware Discus and Discus Pro, with notes on why you might wish to store this data in a database.

  • Database Manager: Documentation for the Database Manager administration interface itself.

  • Unusual Setups: Tips and tricks for non-standard setups (e.g., database on a different server).

Please note: MySQL is a trademark of MySQL AB, which is the developer and distributor of the MySQL database software.

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