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Discus Administrator book
By Marshall Masters Abstract: Discus Pro is feature-rich, so why waste precious by time by tinkering as you learn what works for you? Use Discus Administrator by Marshall Masters to quickly do it right the first time! Both you and your message board users will be glad you did. This read-and-work administrator guidebook for Discus Pro 4, shows you how to quickly plan and setup a new message board with a Discus Pro configuration optimized for your specific needs and goals. Great for novice and experienced message board administrators alike. Printed on 8.5x11 semi-gloss page stock paper, Discus Administrator is easy to handle in the machine room. It also comes with a supplemental CD that includes a sample message board, helpful planning templates and much more! Click here to purchase or to view additional details Copyright © 2002, DiscusWare, LLC, all rights reserved |