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Options Manager -- 'Conv/Msg' tab

The Conv/Msg tab controls numerous options relating to conversations and messages on your discussion board. In this section, you'll configure options relating to new conversations created by members through the user interface, options for newly posted messages, the order in which new items will appear, editing of posts by users, profanity checking, rating of posts, and spell checking.

Many of the features noted in this section are available in Discus Pro only. Administrators of freeware Discus who do not see these features can gain full access by purchasing an upgrade to Discus Pro (click here for more information on Discus Pro).

  • Conversation Options: Options affect new threads that are created through the user interface with the "Start New Thread"/"Create New Conversation" links and buttons.

  • Message Options: Options that affect the appearance, behavior, and display of new messages posted.

  • Ordering of Items: Options that control the ordering and reordering of messages and subtopics upon the addition of new messages and subtopics.

  • Post Editing: Options that configure post editing, both through the administration interface and, in Discus Pro, through the user interface.

  • Profanity Checking: Options that configure the profanity checker, which checks new and edited posts against a list of banned words that you define.

  • Queued Messages, Rating of Posts, Spell Checker: In Discus Pro, options that allow queued messages, post ratings, and new message spell checking to be enabled and configured.

Click here to return to the Options Manager main instruction page.

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