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Options Manager -- 'Contact' tab
The Contact tab controls the display of contact information displayed on error screens and in the user interface, as well as customizes the display of the information on the contact moderators page. Contact Name: In this box, enter your full name or the name by which you want the users of your discussion board to address you. In the case of an error message and on the bottom of the contact moderators screen, the name you enter here will be displayed. Contact E-mail: In this box, enter your e-mail address. In the case of an error message and on the bottom of the contact moderators screen, the e-mail address you enter here will be displayed. Display topics each moderator administers on contact list: If checked, your contact moderators screen will display the topics that each moderator administers next to that moderator's contact information. This is advisable only if specific moderators administer specific topics on your board. Hide board administrator from contact list: If checked, the board administrator will not appear as a moderator on the list of moderators on the contact moderators screen. Comments:
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Be sure to give a valid e-mail address in this section. This is for the benefit of your users, who need to know how to get in touch with you if they experience difficulties.
Do NOT enter DiscusWare's contact information in these boxes. DiscusWare silently ignores any inquiries from users of a discussion board not administered by DiscusWare. If you users do not get a response to their inquiries, they may become mad at you and potentially not use your board anymore.
You may change this information at any time by returning to your Options Manager and entering new information.