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Access Manager - Moderated Posting

Moderated posting, or message queueing, is a feature of Discus Pro that requires moderators to review and approve posts before they are displayed on the board. Submitted posts can be approved or rejected as-is, or edited by the moderator, prior to making it into public view.

There are 4 boxes that can be checked to turn on the message queue. If checked, any posts submitted by a user of that status level will be queued in the Queue Manager, and must be approved by a moderator.

  • The public (unregistered guests): If checked, posts by anyone without an account on the board will be queued.

  • Registered users: If checked, posts by registered users will be queued.

  • Moderators: If checked, posts by moderators will be queued. Generally this option is not used, first because moderators are typically trusted, and second because in most cases, a moderator would be authorized to log in to administration and approve his or her own post.

  • Anyone using the "Special Password": If checked, posts by anyone using the global password for a topic will be queued. More information on the global password feature is contained in the posting/reading privileges documentation.

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