Access Manager - Posting Options
The following options can be set to affect all posts within a topic. These settings will apply to all posts made AFTER the setting is saved (posts from before this setting is saved will remain posted with the same settings that were in effect at the time that the posts were made).
Disable anonymous posting: If checked, the "Anonymous" checkbox will be removed from all "Add a Message" forms, and anonymous posting via that checkbox will be disabled. Note that anonymous posting and public posting are completely different. Anonymous posting is available to registered users and moderators, who post using their accounts but hide their identity to readers in the user interface. Public posting is someone who is posting without an account on the board. The board administrator may need to regenerate the board through Appearance Manager - Regeneration to update the "Add a Message" forms to include or exclude the checkbox once this option is saved.
Disable e-mail address on post: If checked, an e-mail address that is entered as part of a user's profile will not be displayed with a post. By default, Discus Pro will use a link to the poster's profile in preference to the poster's e-mail address. HOWEVER, if an unregistered person is posting and they manually type their e-mail address into the e-mail box, this e-mail address is still displayed.
Disable full name on post: If checked, a post by a registered user will bear that person's username, rather than full name. If public posting is enabled, whatever the person types into the "username" box will be used as their name on the post.
Disable link to profile on post: By default, Discus Pro creates a link to a registered user's profile and places this link with their post. In nearly every imaginable case, this is the desired behavior. Check this box to prevent the profile link from being created. Discus Pro will then default to creating an e-mail link, unless that option is disabled as well.
Display IP Address on Posts: You can choose to display an IP address on posts all the time ("All posts"), only when an unregistered person is posting ("Posts by the public"), or none of the time ("Never"). You also have the option to deal specially with anonymous posts, selecting to never display an IP address on anonymous posts, always display an IP address on anonymous posts, or not to treat anonymous posts any differently from regular posts ("Follow above rule for IP display on anonymous posts").
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