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Options Manager -- Options for Post Editing These options are set from the Conv/Msg tab of the Options Manager interface. These options relating to post editing control what text, if any, is added to edited posts to indicate that post editing occurred. In Discus Pro, the feature to allow users to edit and delete their own posts can also be configured in this section. Allow users to delete their own posts: This is a Discus Pro feature. If checked, users may delete their own posts within the time constraints you specify. Additionally, the "Delete page too if the page would be empty" will delete the page itself if the only content on the page was the message that the user is deleting. Allow users to edit their own posts: This is a Discus Pro feature. If checked, users may edit their own posts within the time constraints you specify. The "Disable editing if topic requires moderator approval of user's posts" will prevent a user from editing a post within a topic where message queuing has been enabled for a posts by registered users. The "Include note in post when a user has edited it" option will add a note to the bottom of the message that indicates the date, time, and username of the user who edited the message. Include note in post when a moderator has edited it: If checked, and a moderator edits a post, a note will be added to the bottom of the message that indicates the date, time, and username of the moderator who edited the message. Include note in post when board administrator has edited it: If checked, and the board administrator edits a post, a note will be added to the bottom of the message that indicates the date, time, and board administrator's username. Comments: There are two main ways a registered user can access the "Edit" and "Delete" functionality to operate upon their own posts:
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The addition of a feature that allows users to delete their own post has been controversial. Think carefully about whether or not you want your users to be able to delete posts that they have already made (and which possibly have already been sent to other members via e-mail notification).
To allow users to delete their own posts indefinitely, enter a very large number (such as "9999999") into the box that controls the time limit.