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User Manager - Self-Registration

User self-registration is a feature available only in Discus Pro. In freeware Discus, user accounts must be added by a moderator through the User Manager.

Self-Registration Setup Tutorial

For first-time moderators or board administrators wishing to set up the user self-registration features, DiscusWare recommends the Self-Registration Setup Tutorial.

User Self-Registration Configuration

Configuration: Select one of the following options:

  • Disabled in this group: No user self-registration of any kind will be permitted in this group. Users can be added to the group only by a moderator. This is the default setting for all groups, until changed by a moderator or the board administrator.

  • Automatic with e-mail verification: Users can self-register. Upon signing up for an account, an e-mail message will be sent to the e-mail address specified with the user's registration. This e-mail message will contain an activation key which must be entered in order for the user to use their account. This is an assurance of obtaining a valid e-mail address for a user (the ongoing validity of the e-mail address cannot be assured, of course).

  • Automatic without e-mail verification (instant): Users can self-register. Their account is activated and can be used immediately, without e-mail verification.

  • Place applications in user queue: Users who register will be submitted to a "queue" where their application can be approved or rejected by moderators. The approval or rejection can be based on payment of fees, validity of information, or any other criteria desired by the moderator. Moderator use of the queue system is described below.

User Interface Display: These parameters affect how this group is displayed on a list of groups in the user interface. The group name and description also appear on the list of all users of this board when the viewer chooses to include the user's group.

  • Group Name: This will be the name of the group as it's presented to the user. The group name need not resemble the group name used within the administration program. If the group name is not specified, the group name from the administration program will be used by default.

  • Description: This description will be shown to the user within the user interface, immediately under the group's name. Helpful text that identifies the purpose of the group is recommended. The description is optional, and if none is provided, none will be shown.

  • Checked: If this box is checked, within the user registration form, this group will be checked by default. This setting is recommended for a group to which users should be registering.

Notification of New Accounts: If you select 'Place applications in user queue' from the choices above, you can choose to be automatically notified by e-mail when a new user has applied for an account in this group. Note that you will not receive e-mail for any situation other than a new user application with the 'Place applications in user queue' option.

  • Notify me of new applications in this group: Check this box if the group you are editing has "Place applications in user queue" as the self-registration setting, and you wish to receive e-mail notification of new applications. Checking this box with any other self-registration setting selected will have no effect.

  • Apply this setting to all groups that I administer: Check this box to save your setting for all groups you administer. This is a one-time checkbox; it will not remain checked after you save your settings. You can verify that settings were applied to other groups by navigating to the Self-Registration tab for those groups.

User Queue

When accounts are submitted and pending in your user queue, via the "Place applications in user queue" setting, the user queue will appear on the main page of the User Manager. Within the User Queue, you can approve, reject, or view the accounts. Click the "go to your queue" link to navigate to the user queue.

Use the table to approve (thumbs up icon), reject (thumbs down icon), or view any user applications that have been submitted. You have two options related to the approval or rejection of accounts:

  • Send e-mail to user to confirm action: This will send an e-mail message to the user indicating whether the account has been approved or rejected. In the case of approval, an activation key will be e-mailed; this activation key must be entered by the user prior to using the account. In any e-mail message, you can type something in the "Optional Personal Note" field.

  • Identify yourself as the moderator who acted: If checked, the e-mail message will contain a sentence giving your username, identifying you as the moderator who acted upon the application.

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