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Topic Manager - Assigning Moderators to Edit a Topic

Topic Manager: Topics: Assigning Moderators to Edit a Topic

The Topic Manager allows the board administrator to assign which moderators will be permitted to edit topics. When a moderator is authorized to edit a topic, they have full privileges in the Page Manager, Access Manager, Queue Manager, and Log Analysis screens. A moderator can delete threads, edit posts, change posting and reading privileges, and approve or reject queued messages, to name a few.

Assigning moderators to edit a single topic

  1. Go to Topic Manager and click the "Topics" tab.

  2. Click the moderators (face in front of page) icon next to the topic whose moderators will be assigned.

  3. In the resulting screen, check the box next to the username of each moderator who will be permitted to edit the topic you've selected. Note that the board administrator is always checked and cannot be unchecked. You can use "Select All" to mark all boxes or "Select None" to clear all boxes.

  4. Click "Save Settings" to save your editing privileges.

Assigning moderators for multiple topics at once

  1. Go to Topic Manager and click the "Topics" tab.

  2. Check the box next to each topic for which you wish to set editing privileges, in the "Mark" column. You can also use the up/down arrows to toggle the checkboxes above (up arrow) or below (down arrow) your current position.

  3. Click the moderators (face in front of page) icon in the bottom row of the topics table, just to the right of the text "(marked)".

  4. In the resulting screen, check the box next to the username of each moderator who will be permitted to edit the topic you've selected. Note that the board administrator is always checked and cannot be unchecked. You can use "Select All" to mark all boxes or "Select None" to clear all boxes.

  5. Click "Save Settings" to save your editing privileges.

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