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Topic Manager - Adding a Topic

Topic Manager: Topics: Adding a Topic

  1. Go to Topic Manager and click the "Add Topic" tab.

  2. Under "Basic Information" you MUST give your new topic a name. You can use Discus formatting tags to format the name if you wish. (You can rename the topic later.)

  3. A description will appear below the topic name, and in a smaller font, directly on the topics page. Descriptions are optional and can be changed at any time. To give your topic a description, enter that description in the "Optional description" box. You can use Discus formatting tags if desired.

  4. Set up initial posting privileges by selecting one of the options in the dropdown list for "Posting." Posting privileges can be changed at any time using the Access Manager. The available options for initial posting privileges are:

    • Public posting: Allows anyone to post, whether or not they have an account.

    • Registered user/moderator posting: Allows users and moderators to post.

    • Moderator-only posting: Allows only moderators to post.

    • Disabled posting: Does not allow anyone to post.

  5. Discus Pro only: Set up initial reading privileges by selecting one of the options in the dropdown list for "Reading." Reading privileges can be changed at any time using the Access Manager. The available options for initial reading privileges are:

    • Public reading: Allows anyone to read the discussions in this topic, whether or not they have an account.

    • Registered user/moderator reading: Allows users and moderators to read.

    • Moderator-only reading: Allows only moderators to read.

    • Disabled reading: Does not allow anyone to read.

  6. Set up the layout of your new topic by selecting one of the options in the dropdown list for "Content." The content and layout of a topic can be changed at any time using the Page Manager. The available options for initial content are:

    • Public index (with 'Start New Thread' button): Your new topic will allow anyone with posting privileges to add new threads directly to the first page in the topic. Choose this option if you want to start out with user-created threads placed directly on the front page of the topic. (This is how many products similar to Discus handle layout, so if you are transitioning from such a product, this will be what you are used to.)

    • Private index (essentially a blank page): Your new topic will allow only moderators to create subtopics within your newly-created topic. This option permits the organization of the discussion within the topic into subtopics, as defined by the moderators. Note that if this option is selected, before any posting can actually occur in the topic, a moderator will have to create some subtopics through the Page Manager.

  7. Choose the positioning of the topic by selecting one of the options in the dropdown list for "Position." The ordering of topics can be changed at any time using the Topic Manager. The available options for initial position are:

    • Bottom of topic list: The new topic will be added to the bottom of the list, after any topics or categories that already exist.

    • Top of topic list: The new topic will be added to the top of the list, before any topics or categories that already exist.

  8. Click the "Add this Topic" button to add your new topic to the list.

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