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Archive Manager - 'Manual-Pruning'

The "Archive Manager" automates the normal "Delete" functions that are otherwise available through the Page Manager. The 'Manual-Pruning' allows the board administrator to log in and take action against older messages and "dead" threads, based on the posting date of each. This option lets you delete older messages and/or inactive conversations.

Threshold (days): Enter the threshold for what constitutes an "old" message or thread, in days. This means the number of days before today (and today means the day on which you are actually performing this operation). Any threads that do not have a message posted after your threshold will be deemed "old." And, of course, any message posted before this threshold is itself considered to be old.

Then, choose how you want to deal with old messages and threads:

  • Delete messages older than threshold and empty pages: This is the traditional pruning of messages option. Discus will delete ALL messages that are older than the specified threshold. If this deletes all messages from the page, Discus also deletes the page (so there are not lots of empty pages sitting around).

  • Delete pages when ALL messages are older than threshold; leave others alone: This deletes old threads, which have not had any posts made to them since the threshold. Older messages on recently updated threads are spared from the pruning. This option deletes only entire threads; it will not delete individual messages within a thread.

Topic: Select the topic, or "All Topics," in which you wish to perform the pruning operation.

When your selections are made, click "Prune Now," and wait patiently for the pruning operation to complete.

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