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Options Manager -- Topics Page

These options are set from the Other tab of the Options Manager interface.

Tutorial: Change URL to topics page in navigation bars

  1. Check the box next to "Use alternate URL to topics page."

  2. Enter a full URL (starting with http://) in the "Alternate URL" box. This URL can be any document on your site or on the world wide web.

  3. Save your options.

  4. Go to Appearance Manager and click the Regeneration tab. Regenerate all topics on your board.

Tutorial: Remove topics page link from all navigation bars

  1. Check the box next to "Use alternate URL to topics page."

  2. Clear out all text, if any, in the "Alternate URL" box.

  3. Save your options.

  4. Go to Appearance Manager and click the Regeneration tab. Regenerate all topics on your board.

Functional Reference

  • Use alternate URL to topics page: If checked, Discus will use an alternate URL to the topics page, according to your specification in the next box. If unchecked, the topics page link will send users to the actual topics page on the board.

  • Alternate URL: Enter the full URL that you wish to use instead of the topics page in this box. If the above box is checked and you enter a URL in this box, that URL will be used instead of the actual URL to the topics page. If you check the box above but you do not enter anything into this text box, the entire link to the topics page will be hidden.

  • Do not regenerate topics page with each post: If checked, the topics page will not be regenerated when new posts are made. This means that the topics page will not be updated with corrected post counts, recent poster names, or last modified dates. Generally you do not want to do skip regeneration of the topics page. However, in the following circumstances no regeneration of the topics page is needed and checking this box will improve efficiency:

    • You are using a splash screen that you created and users never are directed to the actual topics page of the discussion board. If you're doing this, the "Use alternate URL to topics page" box is almost certainly checked.

    • You have selected "Template/Skin" under Appearance Manager - Interface in the "Topics Page" box. In this case, the topics page is generated dynamically for each access, so there is no need to regenerate the topics page with each new post too.

    • You have modified the skin for your board so that the topics page does not show post or page counts, recent poster data, last modified dates, or any other information that would change regularly upon the addition of new posts.

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