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Options Manager -- Template Editor

These options are set from the Other tab of the Options Manager interface.

In this section, specify the number of rows and columns in the template editor box. The template editor is available through the Editor tab of the Appearance Manager. Enter integer values for each setting to change the size of the box. The window size of the pop-up window automatically adjusts based on your column and row settings. The window gets larger as you specify more rows or more columns in your edit box.

Here are some recommended values for common screen resolutions:

    Screen Resolution Rows Cols Window Size
    640 x 480 9 65 595x344
    800 x 600 16 75 675x456
    1024 x 768 25 100 875x600
    1280 x 1024 40 140 1195x840
    1600 x 1200 50 175 1475x1000

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