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Options Manager -- Skin Variables

These options are set from the Other tab of the Options Manager interface.

These options are designed only for the most advanced administrators who have a specific need to use them because of skin customization. If you do not intend to customize discussion board skins, you do not need these options.

Board data (total posts, overall last poster, etc.): If checked, the indicated information will be available to skins used to generate all pages. Since this data must be read for each page write, rather than just when the topics page is written, the board will be slightly slower with this checked. If checked, all of the "General Variable Substitutions" on the skin - topics part documentation will be available in the $boardinfo hash.

Allow skins and templates to override global options: If checked, templates and skins will be able to set up their own options, potentially directly overwriting settings from the Options Manager. This is a powerful ability but also has its dangers. Unless you have a specific need for it, leave this unchecked.

Unless you know exactly what you're doing, leave these settings alone.

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