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Options Manager -- File Locking/Quota Checking These options are set from the Other tab of the Options Manager interface. Why Quota Checking and File Locking? Because Discus uses flat text files to maintain certain crucial board information (such as your message pages), it must itself deal with two situations that commonly affect customers of web hosts. These situations are running out of disk space and simultaneous access to files. Quota checking: When writing important files, Discus reads data from the source file and writes out the modified version of the file in a separate directory. It then checks to see that the size of the file that was written out matches the expected size of the file. If so, the new file replaces the old file. File Locking: When Discus needs to update a file, it first establishes a "lock" on the file. It then reads the file, manipulates the data, and writes out the new version of the file (perhaps using quota checking as described in the previous paragraph). When it is finished, it "unlocks" the file, so that other processes can update the file as needed. If quota checking or file locking were not used, serious corruption of data could result. If the disk quota is exceeded, upon update, files are written out with 0 length (which basically means an empty file is created, wiping out all of the data previously in the file). If two processes write to the file at the same time, data loss or incorrectly interspersed text can result. The default mechanism of file locking is for Discus to create a directory in the 'locks' directory of your discussion board when it locks a file. Since directory creation will fail if the directory already exists, this is essentially air-tight in preventing conflicts due to file locks. The other options allow you to specify other options, but the other options are less reliable than this default. If you have enabled the MySQL database option, file locks are handled through the MySQL database using an equally robust mechanism. Configuring Quota Checking and File Locking UNLESS YOU HAVE A VERY GOOD REASON TO DO SOMETHING ELSE, YOU SHOULD HAVE THESE OPTIONS CHECKED ([X]) OR UNCHECKED ([ ]) ACCORDING TO THESE GUIDES. If you change any of these settings from their recommended defaults, DiscusWare will not provide any support for the consequences!
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