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Options Manager -- User Statuses This option is set from the Profiles tab of the Options Manager interface. Introduction Discus Pro 4.0 provides "user statuses" which allow the differentiation between different types of visitors to a discussion board. The following terms will be used throughout this page of instructions:
Changing status descriptions The default user status names are derived from the language configuration file of the board. To change any descriptions for your guests, simply change the text found within the box. You can use most Discus formatting tags (except multi-line tags such as tables and list, or upload tags) for statuses. If you make any changes, simply regenerate your board through Appearance Manager, and the changed status labels will be applied to all existing posts. Automatic promotion You can set up your board to promote a user account through the status levels associated with users based on their number of posts. To enable auto-promotion between two adjacent levels, check the box in front of that level and define the minimum number of posts that must be made to cause the promotion to occur. Note that unregistered guests can become users only after obtaining an account. Users can become moderators only if explicitly promoted to moderator status by the board administrator. And, of course, no one can become the board administrator, except for the actual board administrator. These non-automatic promotion scenarios are not listed as automatic promotions in this section. Copyright © 2002, DiscusWare, LLC, all rights reserved |