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Options Manager -- Privileges

This option is set from the Profiles tab of the Options Manager interface.

Account Functions

The following basic settings pertaining to accounts on your discussion board can be set:

Limit length of full name to __ characters: If checked, the length of the "full name" as entered in a user's profile will be limited to the number of characters that you enter into the box. This affects all future saves of full names within profiles but does not retroactively truncate the full names of existing users.

Users may change their own passwords: If checked, users will be able to change their own passwords through their profiles. If not checked, the only way to change a user password is for a moderator to change the password by editing the user's profile through User Manager.

Users may delete their own accounts: If checked, a button at the bottom of a user's profile editor page allows them to delete their own account. Regardless of whether this box is checked, user accounts can still be deleted through the User Manager by moderators.


A "signature" is a bit of text or graphics that is appended to the bottom of each post made by a registered user. Typically this signature includes a full name, links to the poster's web site, etc.

Enable display of signatures (if supported by selected skin) for: Check one or both boxes to enable signature displays for users or moderators. Note that for signatures to be displayed, the skin must support signature displays. The tables2 and tables3 skins do support signatures.

Maximum length (characters): Control the maximum length of signatures by entering a number in the box. Entering 0 indicates that there is no limit on signature length limit.

Maximum number of lines: Enter the maximum number of lines that a signature can occupy in this box. This option checks the number of "hard returns" that are entered into a signature, but does not attempt to calculate the effects of word wrapping (as this will vary based on browser and screen resolution).

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