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Data Recovery - Search tab

A fast keyword search is made possible by Discus storing uncommon words from posts in a keyword search index file. These files are rarely corrupted in practice (especially when the MySQL database back-end is on). However, it's possible that "stop words" were adjusted to alter the size of the keyword search files, or for some other reason the search engine files need to be rebuilt.

To rebuild search engine files, select a topic from the pulldown list box, or leave the default of "All Topics" selected. Click the "Rebuild Search Index" button to perform the operation. Depending on the size of the board or the selected topic, building the search index may take a long time. A progress gauge is displayed during the procedure.

When to rebuild the search index:

  • Keyword search seems entirely broken for a topic or the entire board (no results are being found, or results are being found on non-existent pages).

  • You have recently changed the "stop words" configuration file.

Other search-related problems:

  • No results in by-date search when there were really were posts: Reindex your board through Data Recovery - Tree. If the problem persists, and you are not using the MySQL database back-end, rebuild post mini-logs through Data Recovery - Other. (There is no need to rebuild the search index.)

  • Search results (by date or keyword) point to wrong pages: Reindex your board through Data Recovery - Tree. (There is no need to rebuild the search index.)

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