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Appearance Manager -- 'Colors' tab The Colors tab of the Appearance Manager allows the board administrator to configure the color and font scheme used throughout a discussion board. The degree to which colors and fonts can be specified depend on the chosen skin recognizing the color directives that are set in this section. All DiscusWare-developed skins will recognize the directives of this section, allowing full customizability through this interface. Discussion Board Colors/Font/Background This box allows you to set the basic color and font scheme that will be used throughout your discussion board. This scheme will affect all topic and message pages, all user interface utilities, and depending on your settings, all user interface documentation. Within the "Discussion Board Colors/Font/Background" box, you can set the following colors using hex codes or browser-recognized color names. For assistance, click the "Chart" link, which will cause a color-selector chart to pop up in a new window. The colors you have selected will be used as the background colors for the table cell where you make your color selection.
You can also set a font size and face to be applied on all user interface pages.
Finally, if you wish to use a background image rather than a solid color background, you can do so by entering the full URL to the image in the "Background Image URL" box.
To save and apply your new color scheme, click the "Preview/Save Color Scheme" button. Verify in the preview that your text is readable (and that, if you chose a background image, that it shows up properly). When all is correct, click "Yes". You will then be prompted to regenerate your board -- you must regenerate all topics to apply your new color scheme to all existing pages. Alternating Colors Alternating colors were introduced to allow you to create alternation in the listing of subtopics, topics, and messages (e.g., alternating background colors between light and dark gray when listing topics). Although this technique is still used, alternating colors have also been expanded to a mechanism of giving you the ability to control aspects of the user interface that do not necessarily alternate but that still allow customization of the color scheme. On the list of alternating colors, there are 20 boxes. Depending on the skin you have selected, anywhere from none to all 20 of these colors will be used. The skin you have chosen will display to you an indication of what the color will be used for. If the skin indicates that an alternating color is utilized, it is important that you supply a valid color into the box, or you will get unpredictable results (different colors on different browsers). It is also important to note that many Discus interfaces make use of alternating colors #9 and #10, allowing you control over the colors used, for example, on the search page and the contact moderators listing. To save your alternating colors, click the "Save Alternating Colors" button. You will then be prompted to regenerate your board -- you must regenerate all topics to apply your new alternating colors to all existing pages. Copyright © 2002, DiscusWare, LLC, all rights reserved |