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Appearance Manager -- 'Top Page' tab The Top Page tab of the Appearance Manager allows the board administrator to set up three aspects of the board topics page: the Title Words, the Title Message, and the Main Message. Following here is a description of these three portions of the topics page. Title Words On many skins (notably the "tables" looks), the "Title Words" appear on the top of the topics page in a large font. To specify different title words, enter new title words in the box in the "Title Words" section and click the "Save Title Words" button. You can use Discus formatting tags in this box if you wish (except that you cannot use image or attachment uploading). Title Message The Title Message allows you to enter text that will appear above the list of topics on your board topics page. Traditionally, the Title Message has been used to insert a centered board logo with the following formatting code: \c{\clipart{board_logo}} To specify a new title message, enter text into the box in the "Title Message" section. You can use Discus formatting tags in this box if you wish (except that you cannot use image or attachment uploading). When you have finished entering your text, choose whether or not you wish to have a horizontal rule (HTML code <hr>) below the title message. Then click "Preview/Save Title Message," ensure that the preview is correct, and click the "Save Changes" button. If you do not wish to have a title message, simply delete all text from the box and uncheck the box next to "<hr> below title message." Then preview and save this change. Main Message The Main Message allows you to enter text that will appear below the list of topics on your board topics page. Traditionally, the Main Message has been used to insert a link to the DiscusWare web site with the following code: \c{\newurl{http://www.discusware.com,Powered by Discus}} To specify a new main message, enter text into the box in the "Main Message" section. You can use Discus formatting tags in this box if you wish (except that you cannot use image or attachment uploading). When you have finished entering your text, choose whether or not you wish to have a horizontal rule (HTML code <hr>) above the main message. Then click "Preview/Save Main Message," ensure that the preview is correct, and click the "Save Changes" button. If you do not wish to have a main message, simply delete all text from the box and uncheck the box next to "<hr> above main message." Then preview and save this change. Copyright © 2002, DiscusWare, LLC, all rights reserved |