Skillful and Healthy Movers"
Choose the difficult right over the easy wrong |
Innovative Fitness
The place to go when you need to
know about what is happening in the world of physical education and
sports! Great source of information and links compiled by teachers at
the Liverpool Central Schools. Exemplary
PE Program Ideas from PE Central Active
and Safe Routes to School
Read more about Don Hellison's ideas for a PE teaching approach that stresses the learning of social responsibility. An interview with Don is also available through the PELINKS4U Video Store. Preschool Field Day Here are the stations for a field day for pre-school aged children developed by Greg Thompson from Detroit Country Day School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. PE Actvities in Limited Space William Price
provides suggestions for activities when inclement weather or other
environmental circumstances make outdoor class space temporally unavailable.
Educational Standards in PE Charles Hill has compiled an annotated list of Internet sites with K-12 educational standards and curriculum frameworks documents.
The Physical Activity Guide helps individuals of all ages to make wise choices about physical activity. These choices will improve health, help prevent disease, and allow individuals to get the most out of life.
Are U Fit This site posts information on health, fitness and sports topics, includes a comprehensive search engine, and offers a free newsletter.
The majority of Australian women do not participate in sport and the lack of public attention to their female role models does little to change this. There is however a growing awareness of the need to encourage women and girls to play regular sport, so they can experience the boost to physical and social well-being and self-esteem, that sport quite clearly offers. Women's Sports Sports Illustrated's online web site featuring women's sports. Freedom to Grow A site where girls learn how to deal with pressures - from peers, parents, teachers and the media.
welcomes articles, letters, ideas, conference dates and reports,
suggestions for links and any suggestions for site improvements.
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Sport and Physical Education Week- May 1-5
Are you hosting a special event in your school the first week of May to celebrate sports and PE? National Safe Kids Week - May 6-13 The leading killer of kids is unintentional injury. SAFE KIDS Week is intended to raise awareness about the dangers kids face during the summer. AAHPERD Proposals Due - May 15 Don't miss the upcoming deadline if you plan to present in Cincinnati in 2001, March 27-31. Virtual
Sneaker Day - May 19
PE-News is a biweekly
digest bringing you the latest news and reminding you to view
the current PELINKS4U web site. If you would like to be added
to our mailing list please e-mail
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who might also be interested in PELINKS4U.
Coach's Computer Resource
Learn to perform basic tasks such as saving, opening, & editing documents, printing, using Microsoft's SpellCheck and Print Preview functions, using cut & paste, and more. Moving Together Ken Daley offers a free publication consisting of collection of bits and bytes that he assembles as he wander about on the Internet. Designed to provide wisdom in the area of technology as it impacts the professional Kinesiologist. Thanks to Ken Daley for informing us about the site "Measure 4 Measure" which offers a collection of calculators, estimators and translators that will allow you do do a host of things, such as: Target Heart Rate Calculator: Activity Calorie Calculator: Body Fat Estimator, and much more.
Today, the health of young people and the adults they will become, is critically linked to the health-related behaviors they choose to adopt. Read more about behaviors that contribute markedly to todayıs major killers. Technology and the Olympics Today, technology has a more profound effect on sport than it did in those early years, by literally changing the way most sports are played. Why Include Bodily-Kinesthetic Activities in the Academic Classroom? Think of several "problem learners" you've observed. How many of them have trouble sitting still? How may need to touch something to understand it, or learn best from field trips or real-life applications of the subject matter?
The Greek Athletic Games Lots of information on the GREEK ancient games - not only the Olympic Games, but also the other ancient games :the Pythian Games , Namean Games & Isthmian Games. Includes rules of the different sports.
Real Story of the Ancients Olympic Games