"Developing Skillful and Healthy Movers"
  Color wouldn't have to go so fast - Steven Wright
The greatest lesson a teacher can give is to teach a child to love herself. - Anonymous


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Innovative Fitness Connections

Innovative Fitness Connections! is LOADED! That's correct---loaded as a resource for quality physical education. Collaborating over three years, and already producing a Second Edition, two award-winning physical educators from Anchorage, AK, Bonnie Nygard and Bonnie Hopper, put their creative minds together to produce this popular product line.
With the growing focus of health-related fitness in the physical education curriculum, there was a real need for quality health-related fitness resources. Understanding teacher preps, Innovative Fitness Connections! realized the necessity for thorough and user-friendly curricular materials. And having taught K-post secondary age students, these authors recognized the essential ingredients required to provide comprehensive teaching strategies and resources.
The design of Innovative Fitness Connections! Secondary Curriculum and Resource Materials keeps students' needs in the forefront. Methods for lessons and supporting materials move from teacher-centered to student-centered, giving students many opportunities to apply their acquired knowledge as well as gain ownership in the class. Many of the innovative activities are student-created, lending more authenticity to the conceptually-based and movement-oriented lessons. The lessons are also designed to promote critical thinking skills, enhance cross-curricular topics, as well as focus on respect and responsibility among adolescents and teens.
The complete secondary health-related fitness curricular professionally produced product line includes:

* 2 comprehensive 9 week health-related fitness units (complete with user-friendly lesson plans, concept-reinforcing worksheets, weekly review sheets, authentic assessments, extra concepts, and quizzes).
* 18 leaning objective charts
* 18 motivational charts
* 7 concept reinforcing posters and wall charts
* 8 double-sided (that's 16) warm-up and activity charts
* 24 double-sided (that's 48) fitness station cards
* 4 music cassettes

More recently, the two Bonnies have completed their newest resource --Gotta Minute? The Ultimate Guide of One Minute Workouts for Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere. This book will be on the bookshelves of national bookstores just after the new millennium and cultivates a nontraditional approach with lifestyle fitness. It aligns with some of the newest research from Cooper Aerobic Institute in Dallas, TX, as it tells and shows people how to incorporate fitness activities while on the job, in the car, or even watching TV-------all with the aim of improving one's quality of life. Also, still in the design stage, is a book targeted for release early next spring focusing on health-related fitness for grades K - 8, utilizing a thematic approach and inquiry-based teaching methods.

To personally promote quality physical education, both Bonnies stay busy providing staff development sessions to school districts around the nation, and presenting at professional workshops and conventions. For more information about Innovative Fitness Connection's products and their new millennium markdown prices, call (800) 453-9343 OR visit the Innovative Fitness Connection website.

Selected Testimonials

"The value of the Innovative Fitness Connections! inservice was not only the contagious enthusiasm and knowledge of its presenter, but the expertise shown when creating a tailor-made inservice experience that specifically met our needs." Ted Vaughn, Physical Education and Health Curriculum Coordinator Central Kitsap School District, Silverdale, WA

"The combination of the Innovative Fitness Connections! resource package and energetic motivational presentation, provided a powerful and positive experience for Fort Worth secondary physical education teachers." Polly Springfield, Program Director Fort Worth I.S.D., Fort Worth, TX

"Bonnie Nygard and Bonnie Hopper are making a great contribution to our profession. The quality of their curriculum and presentations is unsurpassed in the field today." Dr. Kaye Comeau, former chair of HPER Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA

"With current research and best practices at their fingertips, Innovative Fitness Connections! has re-energized our teachers and programs with their creativity, enthusiasm, and eagerness to work side by side with teachers in mentoring situations." Sharon Vaissiere, Program Director Anchorage School District, Anchorage, AK

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