209 1079392992 creating non-linear power point activity factors influencing health fitness. anyone know find website informaion about genetically related health problems.
210 1079393027 interesting information http://www.nchpeg.org/. Just go site click educational resources.
211 1079393082 just read JOPERD about atkins diet poor diet average population. agree said about adverse affects diet. huge supporter teaching healthy eating habits students, certainly sure know real way lose weight effectively eat balanced meals exercise regularly. also try push students take multi-vitamin. students need know keep wieght year after year month month fad diets. nutrition section wellness class (health day activity ) long (12-15 days) informative, especially covering different diets . teach students high school level? important topic cover care? country suffers fast food high fat diest, need change !
212 1079393145 school hoping implement heart rate monitors year. anyone any experience different brands compare? hear users HEARTalker compare Polar monitors especially.
213 1079393181 fortunate attend seminar given Hortonville High School Physical Education staff Wisconsin. Polar Heart Monitors currently department purchased 17 trying implement lifetime fitness units. Give try.
214 1079393374 change need physical education view getting kids shape necessitates lap running mind-numbing calisthenics. Forcing fitness people any age really works - just quit participation optional! effective, encourage youth try activities fun, physically active, leave participants wanting . "physically educated" students adults skillful, physically fit, lead healthy, active lifestyles. risk turning kids physical education start lessons running exercises. 's time change.
215 1079393419 agree Steve Jefferies. teaching elementary PE 22 years gone philosophical changes. years children running laps, circuit training (pre-programmed pauses audio music tape signal switch),lifting small weights, dyna bands, bench stepping, . past 10 years carefully selected, created, modified low organized games meet social, emotional, cognitive physical needs students. use games warm-ups, games cardio, games strength, games flexibility. use traditional ADULT type exercises. kids fun gotten great workout time. think fitness all PE program about use games develop )perceptual motor skills, )listening skills, ) social skills, ) ability focus, concentrate persevere, ) thinking skills, ) physical abilities, ) relaese stress excess energy. times objectives fitness objectives be accomplished game. Brian http://hometown.aol.com/fitplay/index.html
216 1079393452 also agree. goals programs tried fun . Modifying necessary success be achieved. Challenging? heard student say wasn't. , fun doing . kids feel improve fun succeed. try little experiment working mile run requirement. coach know , week expect great changes. , programs require kids run mile week, timed, pass certain amount time fail. , classes turn. About 70 percent walk, 20 percent walk/run, 10 percent jog entire mile. After trimester told students going try little bit different. test mile month. run lap day month. thought, " ." kids overweight PE experience any physical activity saw little light tunnle. month improved. Times better, kids walked mile jogged half entire mile. second month laps. Times continued improve. Best all fear mile wasn't . little change games, twists norms, fun improved programs kids enjoy doing help get rut boring old.
217 1079393492 also believe needs be change way incorporate physical fitness physical education program. children activity participating , going want certainly aren�t going side class room. idea playing games warm . college, observing physical education class instructor children go instant activity soon entered classroom. save time also fun children. Another thing believe need educate older children fitness. high school taught easy be physically fit. didn�t realize easy stay healthy took Lifetime Fitness course college. took brisk minute walk times week greatly lower risk cardiovascular disease. break minute increments day. integrate type information classrooms, feel children conscious effort stay fit.
332 1106952403 Please share ideas 've helping students understand important relationship staying active keeping healthy heart.
338 1107263456 actually physical education teacher Illinois friend right getting master's degree currently doing research project appropriate time sex education be taught children. wanted post thread getting input topic just see think. opinion about sex education be taught please reply thread. Thanks, Lauren Brezinski Martin Elementary
360 1107408497 teach middle school Health use comprehensive sex education curriculum. 6th grade - "Growing Healthy Sexuality" - mind body changes puberty. 7th - "Abstinence" "Human Sexuality " - developing intimate relationships sexually active " babies come " 8th - "Reducing Risk Pregnany, STIs, HIV/AIDS". Emphasis refusal skills delaying tactics also get use methods having safe sex choice. district different approved curriculums meet all state requirements say able teach lot schools state. schools F.L..S.H. / S.T..R.S. 5th grade listening kids sound late. 's fun see DON'T know think know all. important thing consider comfortable teacher teaching sexuality. teacher knowlegable comfortable about teaching subject kids pick immediately life miserable . Example: 7th grade brainstorming ways showing affection boys said "Having sex". amazed wrote said classmates. asked amazed said " said any class 'd be trouble". find strange Health safely talk about subjects affect lives.
376 1107668339 According NASPE Talkers, HR Monitors Number technology improving student growth physical education, heartedly agree. drawbacks Maintenance, Hygeine, Self Image surround straps. Take chance go Strapless, consider ease use, management time, fewer headaches road. Constant readout great perk having wear strap, love freedom just wearing wristwatch.
385 1107894953 Dear Steve Jefferies, teach elementary physical education. teach students find pulse neck (carotid artery) wrist (radial artery). sitting resting. teach heart muscle pumps blood tubes bodies called veins arteries. show picture veins arteries human body. tell pulse beating sensation feel neck wrist blood pumped heart tubes (veins, arteries). tell keep heart strong healthy need aerobic exercise running, walking, riding bike, .. all students spread gym space run/walk place music. ask find pulse heartrate neck feel see beating fast. pulse heartrate beating fast tell just exercised heart little stronger healthier. lesson students grades K-3rd. hope helps. jalopydi
448 1109285629 'm public health student working developing physical activity class curricula low-income pregnant postpartum women. 'm looking ideas any existing programs ideas motivate behavior changes. meant be -time informational class exercise safely ideas incorporating physical activity day. Any ideas be greatly appreciated! Robin Read Ochoa
453 1109316940 video thirteen-part series Covert Bailey PBS years ago. just bought copy entire series. episode titles "Crash Diets" explains great detail low carb/hi fat diets cause muscle tissue antibodies be dismantled reconfigured glucose feed brain supply sugar muscles keep working. loss muscle tissue tears muscle bulk reduces calorie-burning aspect muscle tissue, reducing BMR, breakdown antibodies weakens immune system allows body catch colds/viruses easier. uses charts drawings flow chart format diagram various processes happening different diets, show high carb/low fat diets productive healthier. Use google search "Covert Bailey" take website Rhonda "somebody" taken Bailey's matherials retired. also entire series -stocked video stores. Good luck.
463 1109369454 school organization observe any health related issues, awareness, month March? Please tell about .
478 1109515326 middle school negative nutritional influences... junk food cart lunch, school store selling candy, soda machines, junk food incentives classroom name . 'm process collecting research shows high sugar diet serious adverse effects brain function behavior. believe making significant changes ( terms negative influences) may be big change improve test scores. 'm having trouble getting 50% staff idea. 'd know think done direction.
512 1110422394 Today Show March http://msnbc.msn.com/id/7137441/ entire list be http://www.child.com/kids/health_nutrition/fittest _states.jsp?page=
518 1110643719 connecticut, working ACES, CT school received PEP grant, CT working " Schools" Model. model strives provide healthy choices students Cafeteria vending machines, Gymnasium(Physical Education Program) afterschool programs. states Health Director tramendous resource, information presents address physical activity key. , intense daily physical activity. asserts physically inactive number risk factor population, broke data. contends health classes focus teaching healthy active lifesyles , all areas second. eye opening presentation, all administrators, parents, teachers, students see.
519 1110675761 Childhood obesity complex subject easy answers. food intake energy output child taller another fatter. know obese children grow be obese adults. Treatments aimed weight reduction limited success. important part treatment avoid stigmatization overweight damage self-esteem. Children suffering obesity high rate depression. Suicide third commonest cause death American teenagers
543 1111254558 List fun fitness activities Fitness Component
544 1111254610 Fun Aerobic Fitness Activities
568 1112100244 agree Mark. Just night colleague mine spoke about junk food changing climate school cafeteria allow school's celebrations. thought provoking. take policy legislation demands policies changes take place involved schools truly cares.
573 1112229987 activities incorporate classroom observance Alcohol Awareness month?
624 1115062800 great way emphasize health-related fitness concepts use Physical Best Activity Guides. K-12 lessons developed teachers help students fun, be physically active, leave class wanting .
649 1116305268 Hi all, student Australia studying Physical Education. wondering, thoughts importance teaching PE kids young. believe extremely important emphasis place general learning. be hand hand. Kids be fit healthy learning school, participating PE achieves . thoughts?
657 1118048856 Banking Fitness Pass play dollars exercises activities written back . laminate dollars. Give student banking slip columns denomination. write tally mark column complete activity. return dollar banker(teacher) new . activity students count money earned exercising.
681 1120278666 high school developed health council comprised administrators, teachers, support staff, students. council committed changing nutritional standards school cafeterias district, working goal meeting students' physical emotional needs, academic needs. ( want be leaders role models health nutrition, dragged legislation.) sent team visit school district completely revamped cafeteria eliminating ala carte foods offer healthy meals--- candy, soda, . students went group visit said food really good actually eat school lunch similar. changes helped encourage students eat . administration decided ease changes slowly council ( want be pioneers just jump feet ), developed master health plan includes stocking all soda machines water (plain flavored artificial flavors), 100% juice, milk--- sodas sugar-laden drinks. also calls eliminating candy soda sales school fundraisers. trying convince reluctant colleagues 's ethical profit sales items detrimental students' health, matter difficulties incur. , yearbook, sports teams, forth take hit fundraising, advisors trade health children ends meet? shouldn't be doing students, . passionate council members , , realize need be judgmental obnoxious about , try help staff see vision helping students healthy young adults quality life ( rest lives!) be enhanced efforts.
682 1120300490 Becky fantastic post. 've working district school health indices key factors all schools involving student health - feeding children, young adults school eating . effort outstanding. Thanks informative post. Email any written policies 'd love see 've produced.
690 1120784625 Hi, 'm half-way excited about bill just passed Louisiana about nutrition. bill states 50% products high school vending machines be healthy snacks. tried 100% principals coaches against money machines. start time try 100% again.
691 1120843327 Mark Anderson - get Physical Best Activity Guides? Dawn
692 1120883177 Human Kinetics http://www.humankinetics.com/products/showproduct. cfm?isbn=0736048030 Amazon.com Barnes & Noble.com also books available.
693 1120939618 Hi, about Physical Best. updated version Physical Best guide really fun fitness activities students. right children don't enjoy fact running laps turn kids getting shape. quick story- May track adapted physical eduCation student flying kite. student's friends having walk laps track tell hated. came asked fly kite. take kite. ran all grassy areas kite. got exercise kite just slowly walking track. keep kite. cry see happy . fitness activites fun explain about benefits fitness students get activity. Alittle aobut Physical Best. buy guides plus certified Physical Best specialist attending workshop passing open book test. worth looking . JiJi
741 1124887431 trying revamp snack shack school. looking vendors supply store healthier snacks. anyone know company contact?
745 1124897412 contact current vendor see offer way healthy snacks. think vendors seeing understanding trend healthier snacking.
807 1127438666 fitness testing battery think better? FitnessGram President's Challenge? use classroom ?
808 1127488660 looking info active stretching. department looking change stretching routine active having hard time finding info.
821 1128438705 agree belief extremely important young children be involved physical education. PE develop child physically, also help develop interpersonal relationships students. interpersonal relationships help children understand importance sharing, cooperating, allows support encourage peers. Also, physical activity important child's cognitive development. activites be PE teach concepts subject areas math, spelling, social studies. PE important!!!
833 1128467863 Hello looking good fun game get students involved wondering anyone any suggestions.
847 1128957046 JOHANNS UNVEILS MYPYRAMID KIDS ALEXANDRIA, Va., Sept. 28, 2005 - Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns today unveiled child-friendly version new MyPyramid Food Guidance System called MyPyramid Kids. Johanns visited Samuel Tucker Elementary School unveil new graphic symbol, lesson plans grades - interactive game. " fun approach addressing serious problem childhood obesity," said Johanns. " teachers take advantage lesson plans children learn takes win game, messages about importance healthy eating physical activity take hold. know MyPyramid captured America's attention hope MyPyramid Kids inspire level interest help improve health America's kids." MyPyramid Kids provides age-appropriate information about 2005 Dietary Guidelines Americans MyPyramid Food Guidance System released earlier year. new MyPyramid Kids symbol represents recommended proportion food food group focuses importance making smart food choices day. Daily physical activity prominent MyPyramid Kids. interactive game, lesson plans, colorful posters flyers, worksheets, valuable tips families, MyPyramid Kids encourages children, teachers, parents work healthier food choices be active day. interactive computer game, called MyPyramid Blast , involves rocket needs fuel blast . game reinforces key concepts MyPyramid Kids challenging students select healthy variety foods physical activities fuel rockets. MyPyramid Kids lesson plans provide nutrition physical activity information be included Math, Science, Health, Language Arts Physical Education curriculum elementary school students. Students participate active learning assignments handouts provided students share families. MyPyramid Kids slogan children "Eat Right. Exercise. Fun". key messages MyPyramid Kids : . Be physically active day - child climbing steps reminds children physical activity be done day. . Choose healthier foods group - food group foods eat . . Eat food groups - different size stripes suggest food choose group. . Eat foods food group day - different colors pyramid represent different food groups plus oils. . right choices - MyPyramid.gov gives family personal ideas eat better exercise . . Take step time - Start new, good thing day, continue add another new day. MyPyramid Food Guidance System website, MyPyramid.gov, experienced 800-millon hits MyPyramid Tracker, personalized assessment tool provides information diet quality, nearly 480,000 registered users. MyPyramid Kids activities children classroom materials educators also available web MyPyramid.gov. 2005 Dietary Guidelines Americans consumer brochure available www.healthierus.gov/dietaryguidelines. USDA News oc.news@usda.gov 202 720-4623
896 1129754644 school, health nutrition taught gym class - quarter health sixth grade. way gym classes run? quarter students understand health? believe health nutrition need be incorporated Phy Ed - may help nations obesity problem.
904 1129836475 anybody teach students type foods eat strong impact feel day? , teach abstract.
905 1129836718 anybody use technology physical education lessons? , type incorporate lesson?
907 1129903462 able get DDR program ? types programs better DDR?
908 1129903828 Linda, believe nutrition be incorporated Physical Education classes. also believe integrate health related topics physical education classes also. students health physical education incorporate teach health class bring gymnasium. teach students , get contact health teacher see subjects students learning about. student relate learning actually affect body better.
915 1130018567 anyone use Trifit machines schools? work, assess ?
916 1130055036 best stretching ballet yoga IMHO. activites combine stretching area active use another. Check New York City Ballet Workout ( video book) examples great stretching strengthening.
931 1130341675 Hello, 've created online tool allow teens identify current physical activity level provide tailored messages help motivate improvements Stages Change theory. interactive tool, called Personal Fitness Planner, be updated year . be great feedback missing tool appropriate teens encourage increase activity level. link free tool takes minutes complete: http://www.dairycouncilofca.org/activities/pfp/pfp _main.htm Any suggestions encouraged be posted emailed . Thanks!
945 1130629298 'm need research showing fitness level elementary age children ( lack ). action research involves health related fitness components (muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, aerobic endurance). Also research activity changes/improves components. find research be greatly appreciated! thanks
946 1130712815 type cardio exercises warm-ups lessons be fun effective way get entire class involved, also good work-.
947 1130714326 measuring devices (Accelerometers, Pedometers, Cyclometers) effective incorporate physical education class?
950 1130753195 Check information www.childrensresearch.org. information about feel free email . Kathy
952 1130784563 good fitness activity builders bulldozers. game played cones groups students. 'builders' name group. job pick cones lying . 'bulldozers' name group, job knock standing cones. be done different variations different locomotor movements travel. change bulldozers knock cones (ex. right elbow, left knee). after little groups switch roles. fun tiring game. playing area big. main focus lot movement.
974 1130885610 Scott, love activity called high /everybody's . procedure everybody choose catch tapping shoulder somebody caught give high free . easy activity gets all students involved. Maria
975 1130886084 Linda, Ireland teach health specific class called SPHE(Social, Personal Health Education). physical education specifically physcial education. students Ireland generally get classes physical education week excellent students need be active classes sitting listening health issues . SPHE taught twice weekly also students develop good understanding . Maria.
976 1130906948 wondering anybody went school taught school(perferably high school level) PE offered week. time week school 40 minutes feel doesn't benefit anyone. Also, go about trying get PE be offered frequently school?
977 1130907174 college student, roomates just discovered DDR think great idea get program. gives workout workout mode , mention lot fun. be costly , all games, pads, PS2's, televisions.
991 1131045918 agree belief importance teaching PE kids young. younger teach students, better going be lives. believe children need be informed about importance PE health early age carry adulthood. child learns be healthy fit early age, stay physically fit healthy. percent childhood obesity outrageous right . future PE teachers need change way students look PE.
992 1131046612 went high school, PE twice week. feel time students be physical activity. personal opinion teching class, . lessons fun exciting, physical. Try get students enjoy activites. also assess PE. take learned class take home activities families. want try get students stay active inside outside classroom. need try website... use students assess . All sign ... promise going love ... www.getactivestayactive.com
994 1131047088 Great hear 'm utilizing highly aerobic, super fun, challenging, games skill building activities instill "joy movement" students teach.
995 1131047179 Mark, totally agree . think need change nutritional influences. high school ton vending machines, pop machines ice cream machines. absolutely terrible. items students be eating school. Students need "brain food," order be able function day school. observing school semester, saw bagged breakfast given student went homerooms. think great idea. bagged breakfast muffin, apple juice box. great food items students eating homeroom. be way get rid vending machines pop machines.
996 1131047181 Mark, totally agree . think need change nutritional influences. high school ton vending machines, pop machines ice cream machines. absolutely terrible. items students be eating school. Students need "brain food," order be able function day school. observing school semester, saw bagged breakfast given student went homerooms. think great idea. bagged breakfast muffin, apple juice box. great food items students eating homeroom. be way get rid vending machines pop machines.
1001 1131048464 student teacher ireland going teaching practice soon part curriculum teach gymnastics.. wondering pupils competent afraid gymnastics lower fear help enjoy class progress tholding rest class back also avoid bullying afr4aid gymnastics... any ideas be welcome thank . Aoife Lynskey
1004 1131048931 Irish student think students American schools accept introduction foreign sport, instance Hurling(Irish) PE class course providing equipment readily available . know Americans play alot hockey soft/baseball know be able play quiet .. love see sport excell world wide Irish playig .. actually taken American football schools Ireland time share love sport.. think.. thank Aoife Lynskey
1017 1131052256 anyone know any names catalogs websites sell music, DVD's computer software Elementary Physical Education teachers? looking materials focus concepts : importance physically active, practiicing proper nutrition, recognizing feelings/emotions. Thank , Ken Khalouf
1050 1131492137 Research proven physical movement be beneficial academic success. think regular education teachers time active movement?-Especially standardized testing breaks block scheduling periods?
1060 1131507908 outdoor education unit high school? trust-building/communication activities, weather all go outside, limited equipment.
1062 1131508232 communication activities gym class, outdoor education unit. lot involves speaking listening, closing eyes moving - focusing listening skills. may student deaf class... incoorporate ? ? ?
1082 1131577037 think any type aerobic workout good. know alot schools teaching students pilates. Pilates may meditation/relaxation, really great workout gets students heart rates .
1092 1131595842 activities use trust building communication. 1st person human spring. students see far get apart support fall . activity tests limits bulids communication trust. 2nd person trust lean. teach students proper spotting technique. student stands possible catcher hands fallers back faller just slowly falls back. catcher bends elbows brings faller body pushes back upright. come comands students give doing tasks. 3rd. person trust lean. basically person trust lean catcher front back. catchers just move faller back forth hands faller. All activities build trust fall. All need plyometrics box any size. activity stress serious activity be focused. teach students commands. all students interlock arms Zipper arms catchers. Also stress dont feel comfortable doing fall dont . teacher stand student falling reassure . isnt all steps trust fall just basic information. all activities good communication, trust, teamwork building. learned all activities Outdoor class college!
1098 1131608695 strongly agree fitness activities be forced students, people, including stubborn told , includes working . goal future Physical Education teacher day productive fun student. allowing students choose activities want unit, helps stay active doing activities comfortable .
1103 1131641226 website help http://www.pitt.edu/~poole/eledMusic.html all kinds music elementary students things . hope helps.
1104 1131641882 think psychological issues included health subject , topics pe & health covers, believe mention go topic suicide. Any thoughts ? Furthermore, any suicide programs/projects . contribute . , anyone want start ? hits close home & want about .
1105 1131642248 specific trust activity outdoor/adventure games class comes mind . blind trust walk. class line, hands shoulders person front , closes eyes person line. person line , talk. All 't see. , 'm saying , student deaf be perfect leader activity. great opportunity lead.
1108 1131648899 currently developing heart rate program done extensive research various types company's models. FS1 polar model be best quality price market.
1110 1131649352 Fun agility activities. Get agility ladder ( football teams ) children naturally perform locomoter movements . Ex. footed hops, footed jumps, running ladder, jumping inside outside ladders. goal feet contact any part ladder. Friendly competition be having ladders teams having race against partners. hundreds ideas fun variations look online. Ladders great asset football teams physical education class.
1111 1131649478 student studying teacher learned lot about importance stressing fitness anf THR. question people already teachers stress class. high school grade school lot standing period free time shoot baskteball sit bleachers.
1112 1131649563 Check http://www.dole5aday.com/ give great ideas implementing fruits vegetables students diets. also link mood nutrtion fun activities music games.
1154 1133214813 trying convince principal staff utilizing food reward undermines nutritional education teach P.E. encourages overconsumption foods high added sugar fat, connects food emotion, reinforces unhealthful eating habits. 'm curious anyone help, effort met resistance. Any success stories ?
1189 1134763355 Breakaway Books giving away 44 Happy Feet, Healthy Food kids' books ( 44 schools) help promote healthy eating lunch program. Please see link details. books -come, serve schools Happy Feet Lunch contest. Kids design healthy lunches, choose winner serve lunch program. winning child gets free Happy Feet, Healthy Food book. school huge success. 100 children design healthy lunches days. need downloadable site. strings attached. Just fun promoting healthy eating. Questions? email . Please see http://www.kidsrunning.com/happyclub/happyfeetlunc hcontests.html .
1195 1135289234 added DDR fitness room high school setting. big hit 'm looking new ways get kids moving.
1202 1136045974 Keroh! include ? pads, console, software use? new facility (school/community access) love get DDR . 've couple kids PE classes, say buy membership just use equipment. ( probably get parents buy membership)(g)
1203 1136074221 going incorporate DDR fitness room, be sure purchase good equipment! softpads Playstation DDR elementary kids, older kids adults. also use DDR conditioning gymnastics team. Lots fun. family laughs ... use DDR aerobic activity. Ha ha. closet DDR users... Check http://www.hyperfit.com/hf2004/hf_home.php?TOPIC=m anufacturer&categoryID=42&manufacturerID=126 use Playstation X Box, yr warranty parts months electronics. manufacturers platforms offer good coverage. initial outlay expensive side, quality worth ... email contact Tony Novelli novelli@hyperfit.com Also, practice diagrams floor tape, kids waiting use actual pads feet practicing anyway!
1205 1136142241 Hi Paula, checked link swear pads look alot Cobalt Fluxes. company decided go Fitness/Gym marketing route expand line, think 'professional/commercial' version. bought couple home pads almost years ago indestructable. 've taken middle high schools intramurals activity afternoons teenagers taken teen gatherings LAN parties any problems. LOVE . warranty home version isn't good, haven't any problems, kid's friends heavy footers. (-10) , , haven't able slow footer, 49yrs.old figure 's pretty good.(LOL) far closet DDR-ers go... 've teachers, janitors couple moms tell DDR home. take stuff school intramurals try get jump pads kids... , 're shy won't ! 've got figure way get old people closet fun kids. Any ideas? (g)
1206 1136158600 think Hyperfit units may be manufactured Colbalt Flux, better warranty service. say fitness room, better warranty. get use fitness room intramural program. entirely choice. state leadership team (adults) soft pads... cracked hard plastic part, pads functional. also state future professionals pads. blast. wanted get arcade unit state conference, couldn't get worked . want get adults involved, adult DDR time. don't want kids watching . couple resources: http://www.ddrstation.com/ http://www.gamecycles.com/products.php?cat=18&PHPS ESSID=68f5737e88d02812cf7dc5488b5f3c13 http://www.ddrfreak.com/buyddr.php https://host156.ipowerweb.com/~cobaltfl/sunshop/ dex.php?action=item&substart=0&id= http://www.techfreaks.org/reviews/cobaltflux.shtml http://www.gamesarefun.com/gamesdb/perireview.php? perireviewid=13 http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en& q=cobalt+flux&=UTF-&oe=UTF- Good luck!
1208 1136168290 Thanks again Paula links. BTW, 'm regular ddrfreak cobaltflux forums. (cpurola) tried keep people 'Old Folks Accomplishment' thread ddrfreak Gameplay heading people driven wayyy better .(g) Altho' reading posts helped get reluctance go arcade . ( previously done teenage daughter.) stopping arcade 5th mix machine school hours, (g) polishing form.(bg) 're right, DDR adults be interesting experiment. Don't know show . thinking about setting display anyone try Fitness Expo area February. 've already contacted CobaltFlux see pay booth fee, volunteered be rep. 'll wait see pans . BTW, 'd really incorporate DDR middle school curriculum, 'm mom idea . talk teachers try get funding lined ? wouldn't want step any toes know 'm doing. Thanks, Cindy
1214 1136567368 Eye Toy? http://www.eyetoy.com/index.asp?pageID=18 http://www..playstation.com/games.aspx?id=SCUS- 7319
1215 1136636623 Hi everybody, 'm looking websites / books find activities healthy nutrition preschool students. don't be strictly related Physical Education, involve books read children, puzzles, art projects, tapes, . Any help be highly appreciated!
1221 1136768025 http://www.smallstep.gov/kids/index.cfm
1226 1136828150 school teach , Health offered week period. equal quarter grading period. agree little amount time teach information. process trying reduce amount information teach level. think kids understand Health full extent given appropriate amount time be taught. think full semester Health be lot realistic. Good Luck class quarter. also agree students need time run be active learning about personal health issues.
1231 1136914133 teach K-12 phys. ed looking add DDR program. 'm looking durable equipment suggest fro age range? longevity equipment? program TV handle pads? put pad TV room large room need? Thanks, Linda
1232 1136945198 program pads tv/projection system. don't need alot space set . Check http://www.hyperfit.com/hf2004/hf_home.php?TOPIC=m anufacturer&categoryID=42&manufacturerID=126 best warranty. believe units manufactured Colbalt Flux, better warranty hyperfit.
1238 1137087108 'm PE/Health adoption committee seeking active games, equipment, be incorporated PE curriculum teach health concepts. Heart pumping fun games teach kids about nutrition, example, be great. Any ideas????
1239 1137170558 Currently tests taken Fitnessgram...pre- post-testing all 9th 10th grade students...assessing performances based gender age-specific data obtained internet source years data collection performances students past classes... district requires numerical grading, calculated formulas converting performances test numerical scores(grades) equations regression lines.
1241 1137448834 little control kinds foods parents purchase children. 'm sure teaching kids kinds food eat help obesity problem. know states low requirement PE. school districts don't meet low PE time requirments. also know studies shown students fit perform better academically. studies show students kept weight daily PE. know alot money spent athletics. skilled team get rewarded daily excercise months depending level. ones cut, guess taxpayer money spent gifted fit athlete. Athletics serve pecentage school's population. PE . Athletics PE need be seperate. paying mentality children's health. also know coaches, parents, teachers careless about PE. elementary school people care about PE students . physical educators need talking forums start action. urge . find state PE requirement find schools state meeting requirement . find loopholes state pe requirements schools use skirt pe time requirement. . find studies shown daily PE help fight obesity imrporove academics ( won't be hard). . appointment state senator representative push enforcement pe time requirements increase pe time requirement. appointmnet -21-06. NY State Senator Mary Lou Rath. Good Luck!!!
1253 1137614325 definately good idea educate children benefits nutrition. parents feeding junk - continue consume junk. tough cirlce break . school lunches be, - hour day children eat just asking metabolism be suppresed. eat Quick get ot lunch room era . Give time eat( ) enjoy food.
1294 1138753553 Hi. current physical education major believe sex education be taught 5th grade level. think imperative teach students about sex early age good decisions futures. know people old high school getting pregnant 9th 10th grade believe part due lack sexual education
1306 1139004181 collection useful websites submitted participants 2006 Washington State conference Health PE assessment. Use following format: Title, Address website followed description usefulness. Example: TITLE: Easy Jeopardy games. http://www.hardin.k12.ky./res_techn/countyjeopar dygames.htm DESCRIPTION: website numerous previously prepared jeopardy games ready go. , scroll bottom follow directions creating Jeopardy game any health PE topic. user friendly.
1307 1139005589 collection creative imaginative activities teaching health PE provided wonderful teachers 2006 Washington State Health PE assessment conference. Format submission: Time, Preparation, Procedure. Example: Time: -15 minutes Preparation: collection balls objects easily be caught written . balls students. Procedure: Circle students space easily throw balls back forth. start throwing ball student across room ( ). student catches ball throws all students chance catch ball. ball thrown back pattern throwing ball continued students receiving ball person throwing person. Introduce balls objects room filled flying objects circulating pattern created earlier. After awhile reverse . Variation: Write health fitness terms balls. ball thrown, student reads written ball shouts says tosses person / suppose throw ball . Collect balls see students remember all things written balls. �s great way get students hearing, seeing, saying, doing content.
1317 1139264916 Help! looking add DDR middle school program. recieved about $600.00 buy pads. thinking about gettin pads start going arcade metal pads sure exact ones get go . looks get fitness arcade set pads metal pads?
1331 1139417262 tried searching website American College Gynocologists Obstetricians? help regarding safe limits activity, target heart rate info, .
1337 1139428358 think teaching P.E. kids young important time. teach important be physicaly fit active young age, number problem kids wouldn't be obesity. Also, teach P.E. young kids fun, enjoyable ways show kids fit active be fun want .
1339 1139432799 think drug education be part physical education/health curriculm schools. high school week drug unit watched movies think opened alot students eyes consequences effects various drugs. may cut amount students experimented drugs future.
1340 1139433236 agree also physical education be taught students early years. learn things quicker young. also need learn be active early age. positive effects active young child carry adults physically active be second nature . be able lead healthier lives adults.
1353 1139855090 Informally, soon young children start asking questions..... occur home. problem , parents unprepared reluctant answer questions truthfully, worry about progessive, tell---- educator going say child. child intelligent form question, opinion intelligent get truthful answer. ask follow- question, again, another truthful answer. Eventually, personal development moment reach limit questions. Just be ready round questions.
1354 1139860165 think lot high school fitness programs stayed time teachers don't improve lessons newer technology variety . believe fitness healthy lifestyle be taught kids early possible, keep students' interest grade school high school?
1356 1139876760 way things going days. think sex education be taught 5th grade level. know back school boys girls sixth grade having sex baby's brough world really young age. know kids taught young age good decisions mistake change thier young lives. mean know going high school, kids getting pregnant. teach kids younger age think parents be included
1358 1139877588 know school block scheduling math class. teacher teach 45 mins give 10 min break. break get walk get moving. said help be focused teaching help understand better . know doing helped focus sitting time going class . paid attention class period. think teachers class get move be better .
1360 1139879890 anyone any information Sleep Apnea? doing project study. want know about father really bad. all information keep looking almost .
1366 1139968584 Correct wrong, feel students " advanced" years ago. agree sex education start 4th-5th grade. currently student teaching elementary level, middle school semester. middle school, learned great deal about students, confide . adolescence realize oral sex considered "sex." educators EDUCATE students "baby daddies" running . couple months, interview teaching position PE/Health, primary questions be regarding PE Health curriculum. think Jennifer's comprehensive health curriculum be worth implementing middle school level-- all encompassing. , depending district, depend educate.
1373 1140126959 Components Fitness Steal Purpose: get cardiovascular work , initiate team work, motor skills, familiar terms associated fitness Equipment: bucket w/ muscular endurance written , bucket w/ cardiovascular endurance written , bucket w/ muscular strength written , bucket w/ flexibility written ; poster board color coded components fitness listed (see ), 10 red bean bags, 10 blue bean bags, 10 purple bean bags, 10 green bean bags; cones divide team�s sides. Pinnies/jerseys teams (pinnies vs. non-pinnies). Description: team starts all green blue bean bags spread side play area, labeled buckets back side. team red purple bean bags spread side play area, labeled buckets back side. object game go team�s side try take bean bags put bean bags buckets side. put correct color bean bags properly labeled bucket ( sign) count, (example: red bean bags = muscular endurance, be red bean bags muscular endurance bucket). team comes side may try bean bags tagging . tagged, go teacher tell / exercise activity goes fitness components (example= running 20 minutes be cardiovascular endurance). teacher tells , �correct incorrect� gives body reward matches example student gave teacher. instance, jog steps place go cardio example student gave. student completes prescribed exercise may join team again continue playing. team gets all beanbags ( set time limit), switch sides court; get exposed terms round. Sign ( words sign be bean bag color, readers trouble): Cardiovascular Endurance = blue bean bags Muscular Strength = purple bean bags Muscular Endurance = red bean bags Flexibility = green bean bags
1379 1140182995 think stressing fitness, encourage physical activity. Get active improved fitness follow. old days improving sport related skill gone; trying mandate fitness doesn't work . Get active! Get feedback kids.
1387 1140369189 Dear Colleagues, name Rick Fie University Minnesota doing research disordered eating female xc/distance runners. know controversial problem area learn. excited about able add unique insights current knowledge writing ask help. believe wealth information hidden away personal diaries runners may kept. �s hope use diaries primary data source. also believe challenging parts research be finding people kept . hoping help along lines. �ve copied also attached document elaborates gives contact information. potential participant, look forward hearing . , be possible forward document potential participants (runners past present) post attachment place people may see be tremendous help. also copy document www.tc.umn.edu/~fiexx001/participants.doc �d talk , �d welcome opportunity. email address fiexx001@umn.edu. Respectfully, Rick Fie Research Participants Needed Disordered Eating Female Distance Runners: Qualitative Diary View Hi� name�s Rick Fie �m University Minnesota. appreciate stopping look. �ve lifelong professional personal interest �disordered� eating position year be able original research along lines. great desire educate people about area use help. years tremendous amount research about disordered eating learned. understand. area continues grow, new questions interesting ways answering emerging. terms athletics, studies actually looked certain types behaviors surrounding eating develop, especially, meanings purposes associated . , wealth type information --- question : get ? believe may be hidden personal diaries runners. got idea reading Mary Wazeter�s book �Dark marathon, Mary Wazeter story: ongoing struggles world class runner�. Mary relied heavily personal diary/training journal way telling story. book full insights experiences brought light help understand eating unique worthwhile perspective. female ran cross country high school / college, kept diary ( extended training journal) wrote about experiences any following: fasting, severe caloric restriction, vomiting, diet pill, laxative diuretic use, excessive exercise special/ritualistic dieting, be participant study. diary be wealth information building understanding about things. wouldn�t meet person; actually part diary; remain anonymous terms analysis. �re interested, hope drop email fiexx001@umn.edu discuss consent process, arrange communication. [] 27. K participant_solicitation_irb.doc "participant solicitation document"
1407 1141012408 also love DDR. put fitness room middle school interning . students loved ! intoduced cardiovascular activity addition treadmills elipticals . gave athletic students chance shine class checked pluses, students doing DDR said close THR zones. reccomend checking stores Game sell DDR equitment. seen alot mats games cheaper buying new equitment. eqiotment seen type stores great condition.
1409 1141071410 partially agree . think physical educators emphasize importance physical fitness healthy lifestyle early-. , activities shouldn't be mandatory 're fun creative, kids want regular basis won't work.
1410 1141071478 pretty interesting article. W. Va. schools try video game fight obesity Statewide project hopes kids dance way better fitness http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11018456/
1418 1141164173 Definately Accelerometer. Pedometers measure plane be inaccurate, cyclometers usesless bikes program. accelerometers may be expensive , money worth .
1419 1141164560 good warmup game entire class "Knee Tag." Seperate class pairs intruct students try tag partners' knees letting partner tag theirs. Be sure tell group get carried away just warm-.
1421 1141164933 good supplements use order put extra pounds. lifting couple weeks noticed alot definition increase strength, 't put any weight.
1426 1141273351 substitution hard work proper nutrition. working couple weeks give time. may want daily calories help pounds. Slow steady gains usually healthy ones. sure getting wide variety foods eating times day. gaining drought basically ate, ate ate . eat meal full. helped big time gaining size strength. Eat healthy train hard. Good Luck know goes!
1652 1141776118 anyone any ideas types integrated warm-ups cool downs get students interested doing exercises, help students realize importance warming cooling muscles after physical activity?
1654 1141806831 visiting high schools lately different programs. 't quite figure P.E high schools be activity based fitness based?
1656 1141842373 also believe teachers reward students food. be problem food nutritional. way get message .
1657 1141845299 part team developed district's Health Master Plan, working group, realized gave candy students various reasons, wasn't true principles believe comes kids' health. stopped giving candy started giving pencils, kids , ( teach high school P.E.); just means don't give rewards, pencils expensive candy. result district having Health Council Master Health Plan, distict doesn't allow candy soda campus, 've eliminated ( similar) items fundraisers. introducing healthier foods cafeterias ( getting rid junk), struggling financial issues. 's just be dealt , , 't trade students' health cost-effectiveness way get students involved classroom. Okay, 'm stepping soapbox...
1658 1141852396 high school PE program based activities/skills fitness really depends teacher expectations/wants community involved. benefits sides system program integrates be best use. prefer combining simply leads better health skill time. George
1676 1142277715 disagree statement watching movies may cut number students experimented drugs. All movies show consequences effects, allows students pick easliy may may be experimenting drugs. opinion, students probably experiment form drug way another, know consequences. students may choose experiment drugs just see effects feel effects themsselves. preach philosophy "Don't drugs", choice . feel educate movies talks, don't feel significant number students experiment based soley movies education.
1677 1142286829 exactly think kids ignorant teen pregnancy? don�t think find kids know sex didn�t realize result pregnancy. live society treats subject taboo. Condom awareness higher. Sex �education� taught younger ages teen pregnancy rate isn�t declining � �s increasing. Continuing repeat activity expecting different results definition insanity. Freedom Responsibility dangerous, information morals proving disastrous. �s just know, �s difference . P.S. Didn�t Bill Clinton say oral sex wasn�t sex? �s education.
1687 1142441418 debate supervisor week. process developing purely fitness based curriculum focuses developing appreciation understanding benefits physical activity. Students alternate days working circuit classroom instruction 's going bodies exercise important be physically active. liked idea comfortable fact skill component . question , skill component all important? really important student set volleyball understand rules Ultimate? point view pretty PE , give choices want get physical activity.
1691 1142463727 response : spelling important component reading? think moderation good guideline. Fitness be goal, teaching skill good way give students good knowledge base. students tried be part sports activity taught skills class " ok mistake , 're practicing" environment. Giving kids tools/skills be able be active also important. may use volleyball setting day, sure helps 'm family picnic be able try play. add ball gets low hit any way, know ball got low!
1695 1142630505 mention suicide topics health. usually covered emotional health section be teaching. cover class sure appropriately children already deal issue life.
1713 1142958437 looking people's opinions weight training activities students PE classes. ages early weight training be beneficial student?
1743 1143149947 soccer training camp newer type stretching. Basically walk steps stretch 15 seconds take another step stretch side 15 seconds. After stretching lower body agility lunches, karaoke . types activities keep students moving boring regular circle stretching. sooner form routine better.
1744 1143150041 think any measuring devices be effectively PE class. depends amount funding available . ideal situation, accelerometers be way go accuracy. limit funds, think pedometer be useful having students use certain activities keep track number steps. far cyclometers go, teaching type biking unit, be great investment.
1750 1143312539 currently student teach early elementary school. warm- day, usually cool . week change warm- fun new. done tag games fitness tag incorporated exercises (push ups, sit ups, .), card games suit represented different exercise, running leaping small hurdles, running jumping flags hanging basketball hoops forth. offer varitey warm-ups increase students motivation participation levels.
1751 1143315151 lots cardio exercises be fun kids. done tag games fitness tag incorporated exercises (push ups, sit ups, .), card games suit represented different exercise, running leaping small hurdles, running jumping flags hanging basketball hoops forth. offer varitey warm-ups increase students motivation participation levels.
1786 1143649588 looking anyone agree ideas keeping weight loss after losing . Cutting back eating after , watching carbs, exercising all ways thinking keep . anyone any different ideas theories?! Thanks! Amanda, SRU Physical Education Student
1797 1143737812 anyone know ways introduce Aerobics unit physical education class?
1798 1143738106 believe sex education courses be started early 6th grade be carried 12th grade. Students need information about sex early years way proper decisions teenage years. important give information early be educated topics be able right decisions.
1799 1143738492 think food be reward. promotes bad message encourages students be extrinsically motivated. think better reward students minutes free time class letting pick activity class session.
1802 1143851649 think totally right. actually "Grapefruit Diet", similar Atkins Diet, drink oz. grapefruit juice meal. really allowed meat salad, diet, foods be part diet. vouch diet working, lost lbs days, willing eat meat salad after , prone put right back . diet people need lose weight fast surgery, need drop size , meant be long term. Just thought Id give input diet. Good Luck!
1803 1143851677 think totally right. actually "Grapefruit Diet", similar Atkins Diet, drink oz. grapefruit juice meal. really allowed meat salad, diet, foods be part diet. vouch diet working, lost lbs days, willing eat meat salad after , prone put right back . diet people need lose weight fast surgery, need drop size , meant be long term. Just thought Id give input diet. Good Luck!
1829 1144095163 think sex education start about 5th 6th grade continued 12th. Having high school long ago lot things learning already experienced. tought just review kids. think better help all students educated decision about sex life. wait long already decided going having all facts.
1831 1144095430 graduated high school 2004. years ago remember hearing about sixth seventh graders having sex amazed . Unfortunately believe trend having sex young age descend smaller grades. think good time teaching sexual education fifth grade. Children age easily influenced older kids media portrays. reason believe imperative young children taught sex ed early age better prepared handle pressures come along growing .
1839 1144100350 high school PE offered about times week. about 40min class. way think get PE taught show school important PE really . easier said done. Also Lindsay said try get activities fun enjoyable students try use outside class help getting active day week PE classes.
1865 1144113036 teachers states promote abstinence health education classes supposed educate topic safe sex supposed be happening all?
1868 1144113410 agree keeping weight after losing extremely important , people tend "yoyo" diet able maintain desired weight. addition suggestion, feel beneficial encourage people eat majority carbohydrates morning early afternoon time burn day. also suggest drinking lot water day feel fuller may help avoid unhealthy snacking.
1869 1144113529 feel need isnt just educated students educate about drugs. Scaring kids straight tactic just may work students experiment anyway. think just showing consequences also possibly having testimony adicts helps. students see friends doing drugs see older theyre life ruined different opinion.
1872 1144113835 think DDR means achieving cardiovascular activity good idea. DDR fun beneficial health. 've seen kids mall play DDR hours love second . feel DDR especially beneficial students interested sports exercising programs want achieve good health.
1879 1144115113 Yeah agree sex education needs be taught younger age lately times children try just about anything drugs sex definitely risen things get control. probably lot television lack parenting want children be safe protect early age sex think 5th grade be good time start.
1881 1144115533 interesting point Joe tough call. say teach werent obey abstinence rules know students aren't going abide anyways. say just teach safe sex keep stressing point abstinence best method!
1919 1144158300 great thing , trying fitness run. know years, run, specially forced High School Football Coach!! Teaching people running great students learning enjoy better. Junior year Slippery Rock University, til began enjoy . Keep great work!!
1924 1144165457 dont think food good reward class room. give bad message students encourages work get candy. think be given bonus points free time class.
1930 1144167456 just wondering health teachers doing about fad diets health classes. personally don't believe , right interfere education. say fad diets really mean Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet, any "new" diets just coming market. personally believe balanced diet. , 'm sure fair provide biased approach teaching nutrition.
1941 1144169186 be hard trying persuade staff reward children candy probably rewarded junk food. remember health teacher handing candy students earned 's assignments exams. parents allow ice cream finished food all behaved day. mentioned topic, noticed husband rewards eat accomplished great. substitute candy healthy snacks, children connection food emotion, unhealthy. suggestion staff substitute candy extra credit points, having class outside, playing game class enhances learning.
1949 1144170049 Parents letting children get hand comes eating. Kids be exercising parents be monitoring kids eat. ideas problem.
1950 1144170285 wondering suspect students drugs sellings drugs school? approach student , student's parents, school principle?
1957 1144171116 high school, day year police officer come class bringing poster drugs . show pictures people overdosed died drugs, . feel educated. wish teachers spent time subject drugs. helped shown movies testimonies. needs teach children drugs ruin lives prevent having .
1961 1144172148 suicide hot-lines contemplating suicide knows friend thinking about go advice just talk. person remains unknown get thoughts chest. Having talk world difference. Teacher give local suicide hot-line all students.
1964 1144172776 appropriate age grade teach weight lifting P.E.? anyone know any amount truth statement stunt growth?
1968 1144174975 Megan, agree Jeanne fun creative students. relay teams warm play game freeze-tag. v-sit stand 10 jumping jacks. activity strecth also.
1969 1144175169 Joe, world today things way differet. Kids starting sex trying things younger age. feel teach students happen be safe. tell consquences happen. informing abstinence best way go.
1970 1144175510 Erik, feel food be reward class room. heard , teaching? feel rewards be bonus points, sticker, free time class, food. say principal staff dont think giving free time sticker better give food kind message giving food? agree giving candy need get changed.
1971 1144175974 think sleep imporant? students/college students get aquired amount sleep? any suggestions changing solutions?
1980 1144596185 totally against giving food reward. Teachers send completely contradictory messages give sugary candy reward classroom. also give pencils stickers.
1992 1144933294 Exercising family be beneficial kids parents. nightly walk ( weather permits) provides extra exercise, increases family togetherness, also gets family away kitchen. weekends: bike rides, playing catch, anything promote activity away television computer valuable.
2068 1146940068 New York State Nutrition Council hosting Annual Meeting �Kids Health Weight: Public Policy Update� Saturday, June , 2006 Holiday Inn Carrier Circle, East Syracuse, NY. www.nysnc.org/events_meeting06.asp conference particular interest involved health children. may noted today�s news President Bill Clinton Foundation mission remove sweetened soda fruit juice beverages schools. Also interviewed Today Show morning Eric Schlosser author Fast Food Nation follow book �Chew : Don�t Want Know About Fast Food� . conference timely speakers Dr. Margo Wootan, Director Nutrition Policy Center Science Public Interest (CSPI), �Nutrition Action Newsletter�, Washington, DC. also appeared film �Supersize �. Helene T. Messner, MS, RD, CDN, CFCS Program Chair Past President NYS Nutrition Council bhmessner@infoblvd.net [] 56. K THE_NEW_YORK_STATE_NUTRITION_COUNCIL.mailerdoc.doc "NYS Nutrition Council Info"
2113 1150619033 want start research about Nutritional behaviours sportmen possibility gaining fitness natural nutrition any help
2119 1150841600 Massachusetts trying decide pad buy. know cobalt flux good expensive. appreciate anyone experiences pads good bad give guidance purchase
2120 1151145169 KidsRunning.Com get lots letters about groups schools writing grants big corporations start kid "marathon" programs. respond hope grouple program don't get grant. another topic, summer 'm doing presentations school lunch programs wellness. decided couple topics. came Kid Marathon Pasta program. 's pretty simple low budget. see picture front page http://www.kidsrunning.com . Lunch program kicks marathon pasta lunch pasta family night. (healthy pasta entree course). . footprint chart kind chart track / mile increments. . Kids wear 26-piece pasta necklacess complete marathon. . Lots bulletin board tie-ins. - find type pasta approximates 26 piece serving. Lots . nutrition info board. Happy Feet tie page (44) book marathon/pasta page.
2126 1151687183 've posted question technology section 'm going try . any GeoMotion mats? looking DDR system ran GeoFitness site. http://www.geofitness.com/pages/shop.htm teach K- 8th grade school looking add be small indoor PE area be easily set taken , provide safe, fun, vigerous aerobic workout. looks versatile music CDs, task cards, & videos offer. any ?
2131 1152623153 think weeks be spent teaching students about drugs. different types drugs students need learn about effects dangers learn stay away drugs. think movies great way teach students about drugs. show students interventions students visually see effects drugs see better look physically emotionally gone rehab. students love tapes think beneficial. lessons be taught depth video be shown reinforce drug dangers.
2133 1152623422 Teaching abstinence best way go students shouldn't be having sex anyways. 's face students having sex younger younger need be scared about STD's pregnancy abstinence be taught students understand prevent issues best 100% method-abstinence.
2137 1152623611 Lets be real , students high school students think pencils stickers reward. think ok give students candy award long all time. see problem all. want eat .
2149 1152625764 google search Wayne Westcott. done extensive research strength training children.
2150 1152626270 think things . 't be students homes all time, . .Advocate physical activity classroom keeping kids active possible telling kids doing doing. .Be role model. student going listen unhealthy, obese person telling take care body. .Advocate physically active lifestyles possible newsletters, meetings, parent contact, . physical educators unique position help transform communities... effort.
2158 1152666947 Also check Inernational Youth Conditioning Association www.IYCA.org premier leader youth conditioning.
2162 1152707102 school districts abstinence policy sure know start teaching different things. Juli definately right track ideals.
2165 1152728746 think major problem obesity lack activity. , p.e. educators, faced challenge changing programs making classes enjoyable all kids. think turned lot kids p.e. sadly may enjoy activity. Children need be educated about benefits physical activity along need eat right. feel schools need start offering programs outside school hours increase student's activity levels. programs include parents. way, touching groups. Newsletters, e-mails, presentations ways eduate parents.
2190 1153183939 Take look report obesity. http://health.msn.com/reports/obesity/default.aspx ?GT1=8307 click state see done state combat obesity.
2191 1153186875 Cindy, think nutrition size children. help educate students about benefits healthy body encourage be active outside PE classroom. area NY state, recreational programs filled active kids. 've overweight children class know active kids. active soccer lacrosse, watched competition. be diet.
2197 1153275506 year offered fitness activites ( Saturday month fall winter; year want continue spring) open students families, staff. hiked snowshoed national park, rode bicycles river trail, ran walked Thanksgiving Turkey Trot. goal offer fun activities draw students families. ( 'd enjoy continue .) lot work organize attended 'd hoped, lot fun event. number students participated active anyway, boy overweight asthmatic, attended almost all activities. plan offer activities upcoming year figure open doors student ( / family!), 's person choose healthy activities future. ( anyone done type activity suggestions getting involvement, 'd love get input.)
2244 1157742296 looking recommendations K- Health Curriculum unhappy . teach PE 25 minutes week/class health.
2297 1158852424 wondering anybody World Wellness Health Education Series. , classroom teachers K- buildings ? really know teachers think program about take school board purchase.
2331 1159326183 Sleep important lot priorities college keep . Sleep take backburn. time sleep sleeping 't time social life. Also, students spend lot time library studying, class, times working, engaging sports extra curriculum activities. think students manage time find feel time.
2334 1159385129 results "gaining fitness" looking ? (.e. Size, weight-loss, cardiovascular, strength)
2345 1159475930 all know, breakfast considered be important meal day. Students tend skip eating breakfast just wait eat lunch. classes, weak attention span goes . elieve important eat breakfast especially physical education class day?
2347 1159569155 pelinks4u October 2006 editorial entitled "PE Sale: Corporate America Replace Public School Physical Education?". Please post comments editorial thread. (Message edited admin October 31, 2006)
2361 1159891403 Breakfast important regardless activity planned day . important start day energy reserve, students important growing phase life, ANY meal, alone breakfast
2366 1159921455 training track field. practicing, lifting hard, trying get stronger. time, lose little weight breaking body . successfully?
2367 1159921796 feel sleep extremely important. bodies break sick unable complete normal activities everyday lives. Students college fail get sleep due homework, sports, partying, work, . find students getting sleep put homework day wait night. puts lot stress student, mention takes away sleep patterns. balance day, be able sleep night.
2371 1159970910 teach K- PE Health. Health week 25 minutes looking WOW health series. Please give feedback program school. having lot luck finding opinions .
2382 1160078911 think main problems comes eating habits lack knowledge parents children . believe lot time parent child wants eat unhealthy, 's simply fact know any better. simple ways healthy foods apeal junk food lover, parents children be schooled ways.
2387 1160080230 believe students be aloud drink water school? asking carbonated caffeinated beverages be aloud water water be carried kids. ones health benefit drank water.
2390 1160080745 extremely important eat breakfast all cases better eat smaller quantities frequently quantity frequent wall. top eating breakfast also important stay hydrated.
2415 1160674634 Losing weight ultimately boils factor. burn calories eat. complicates "getting stronger" factor. wanting get stronger, protein best friend. mean neglect important nutrients carbs, . Carbohydrates just important protein, especially athlete. carbs main energy source, energy train keep steady intake carbohydrates. detail carbs , complex carbs best bet (.e. grains). Losing weight getting stronger easy task almost impossible people, get discouraged come easily. long avoid unhealthy fats, saturated trans fats, keep good intake protein complex carbohydrates, chances getting stronger increase. losing weight, keep calories ingested calories burned , improve chances losing fatty pounds.
2444 1160929364 Steve, agree corporate america answer. example, local gym provide transportation gym times week hours gym busy. , children participate cardio, strength, flexibility exercise developmentally appropriate way designed p.e. teacher personal/group trainer specific child. children spend 30 -45 minutes be returned school. tricks making successful be getting principal sign releasing children. Thoughts? Rose Gelrod Harlem Day Charter School NY NY
2448 1161096801 , usual, done. certainly mixed emotions. think corporate gaining physical education think PE classes teaching 19th Century. think schools moved 20th Century worried move 21st Century. Regardless efforts, obesity rise. led NASPE Ad Hoc Online Physical Education, learned seriously need consider role physical educator. appears discussion brings fitness, online PE may enhance fitness, corporate world wants help fitness. Fitness important component. , aren�t national standards need be met also forget ? hampering progress? believe , certainly play equation students need schools provide. hardest standard find today�s PE class ( harder online courses) social component. time focus fitness skill development ( leads lifetime fitness?) , corporate world providing physical education providing health care. , see questions , time allow corporate folks provide health care students? Steve, raise good questions be explored!
2452 1161114226 Thank . Jeffries exposing issue physical educator be thinking about, reason job security. longer physical educators think going be needed, majority time teach sport based program? opinion quality physical education program strives teach fitness health concepts, fitness related activities motor skills equally. history shown be great teachers motor skills fitness related activities connection fitness health concepts missing truly affecting child. adults know play sports consistently? going keep jobs impact today�s youth imperative look doing good also doing be modified changed. don�t matter time big business sucks !
2464 1161345327 Thinking corporate America may be bad idea � saw need need exercise activity acted need successfully. fact change society changed key. Education be slow adapt / change needs society. amount time physical education seen improvement years, evidence overwhelming need. legislature change ( just guidelines), schools continue be satisfied already exists. �s health affects ( data driven statement), administrators heed data increasing school activity time. Nutrition addressed degree schools adopt �wellness" policies. connection needs be all separate programs � physical education, health, nutrition programs. need be stronger advocates children programs. good programs, get school parents involved, know happening classes change be . , again, wrong kid�s fitness club????? good juice healthy food bar, wide offering activities, music playing televisions different stations� Wait minute. be schools�.
2481 1161619905 think allowing students carry water schools good way promote idea drinking beverages healthy. also cut interuption child remove classroom get drink water. problem be children abuse . try push envelope sneak different beverages ( alcohol). Also alot schools don't allow mess create, just water.
2488 1161622274 good age start teaching sex ed. schools? kids "experimenting" earlier ages year educate earlier? think taht educating kids actually just gives ideas? 's 's thoughts ?
2490 1161630668 know takes counter sleeping pills wondering safe. person needs sleeping pills sleep think person go see doctor see long term effect sleeping pills harmful be directed use another method fall asleep.
2493 1161631797 believe s great idea know high school allow any beverage class water. know fact people drinking water. believe good idea. Another reason allowed bring water class case spill drink. Water be easier clean wouldn�t sticky mess soda.
2502 1161648107 all Bryan said previous response definately check school district policy doing anything. point agree teaching abstinence best way get point across. all need open eyes tell truth about sex. Despite contraversy subject, need topic issue talk about way world today. better students informed all know going !
2504 1161649589 Sleep important matter lifestyle anyone . feel college students try overload finish things away sleep thinking about important . think way students going realize important sleep just continue doing realize sleep helps throught day. Try give information try good sleep patterns t week see helps all. don't think any way prove anyone having be living proof .
2505 1161649611 Sleep important matter lifestyle anyone . feel college students try overload finish things away sleep thinking about important . think way students going realize important sleep just continue doing realize sleep helps throught day. Try give information try good sleep patterns week see helps all. don't think any way prove anyone having be living proof .
2514 1161704844 little borther 13 years old self-concious about h e eats. growing boy pretty active kind advise give get eat healthy foods obvious, " need eat grow?"
2520 1161705511 interested having students health class keep journal eat week. be effective lead dishonesty embarassment?
2522 1161705677 believe kids learning about sex younger age. concern adults lives aren't ones interpreting correct sex ed, experience . believe good age start sex ed Middle School level. need be open kids cause curiosity lessen.
2533 1161715135 opinion, person see doctor. hcounter sleeping pills be taken regular basis, 're person occasionally trouble sleeping. person really trouble falling asleep, need see doctor hopefully find methods sleep.
2539 1161720829 health educator feel right be able step attempt change school's menu see fit? go about making changes?
2559 1161748138 know eating disorder anorexia. steps helpful tips offer help person . just easier tell take see doctor?
2569 1161793001 Offering help good thing eating disorder serious health threatening, person really needs be seen professional get best help. Be supportive!
2575 1161817214 negative/positive effects strict weight lifting program early age - years old?
2584 1161820336 all know alot people don't any interest nutrition. just wondering any new ways teaching about nutrition keep students intrigued?
2585 1161820487 Letter sent response Editorial ________________ Steve, boss forwarded Physical Education News - October Edition. 'm member, able reply editorial. thought written extremely informative. physical education degree chose teach. 25 years disagreed required teachings PE kids. inclined enjoy team sports, teaching going be positive experience .� Danville, Virginia, see teaching football, softball, baseball, . certainly, sports teach teamwork, assist large small motor skills, . lifetime fitness activities? Nope... think PE departments need radically change teaching. Golf, tennis, dance, walking, karate, yoga, swimming, weight training all ages... activities be easily incorporated day living. see kids lining "exercise" class. boring, cringe watch. School best way life change kids. right - couple times week just isn't . rate, won't need worry about social security generation past boomers - all die heart disease way retirement. hand guys. tough road ahead .�� Danville, Virginia (Message edited admin October 25, 2006)
2596 1161832112 friend eating disorder. accountability partner. talk listen tell ate threw . get wearing ! came point tell really provide help needed.
2597 1161832798 consider strict weight lifting program?
2603 1161835501 Exercise Bulimia new eating disorder just risen sharply decade. People employ socially unacceptable method dealing calories, exercise bulimics choose purge bodies nourishment soley sweaty endevors. say result preoccupation gym culture media pressures just be thin, toned. Just curious peoples oppinions about new eating disorder.
2605 1161836135 emphasis placed Nutrition health classes schools? teachers think important issue spend time ? time be main focus emphasis?
2616 1161868346 good age explain kids importance eating right?
2621 1161872657 ideas fitness fun boys girls. �m trying find good ideas happy lesson. Any ideas?
2623 1161873880 defiantly want DDR school. really fun get great workout. also keep students interested keep excited.
2624 1161874275 want school teachering. fun actually get great workout. also keep students interested excited.
2625 1161874429 think approach student . doesnt take action take care problem defiantly tell parents. parents don't care about childs actions go principle.
2626 1161875885 think teachers spending time nutrition obesity era experiencing. need learn healthy lifestyle learn live way forever just going crash diets.
2627 1161876638 girls want change class weight bulling girls? just tell dress school day don't change?
2628 1161876793 want know approach friend know eating disorder? suppose say want go get help problem? really need ideas
2639 1161889215 agree. think 's great idea allow carry water. Children consume water fuel daily lives , allowing may help problem.
2652 1161973237 believe talk student don't accusation. Try find 's going life give clues. 's definitely possibility, school team set intervention - 's use. high school drug/alcohol counselor. 's talk . wouldn't say leave student problem, needs help. Leaving just create secretive use. school need definitely communicate parents. tragic happened, be liable saying anything.
2654 1162319535 pelinks4u November 2006 editorial entitled "Profiting Student Health Be Choice." Please post comments editorial thread. (Message edited admin November 30, 2006)
2666 1163190686 Again, looking -rounded health curriculum K-. looking Health Wellness material Macmillan/McGraw-Hill. anyone use curriculum think about ? really need info present school board. appreciate help!
2674 1163556051 comes food choices, people typically choose familiar . familiarity leading choice formed commercials, peers, schools, family. Americans truly "Fast Food Nation" enormously popular burger, fry, pop diet familiar nearly country world. Also familiar rising rates obesity related illnesses go hand hand fast food diet. Public schools , federally funded USDA breakfast lunch program, promoting, perpetuating teaching familiar "American Diet." Hot dogs, hamburgers, fries, cheese zombies, nachos cheese, macaroni mini franks, chips typical lunches funded USDA, doughnuts, pop-tarts, cherrie pies dominate breakfast menu. choices? 50% all American children participate USDA breakfast lunch program, good choices. serve fruit syrup, fresh vegetables, highly processed junk, wonder obesity epidemic grows leaps bounds; teaching familiarity! public educator beg step fight healthier school. Erik
2675 1163557741 Absolutely! Try gain support teachers principal, approach food service director. willing listen, take school board. Get familiar districts wellness policy, policies may address key points.
2676 1163558323 Hey Juli ~ familiar statistics? read any articles relating detrimental effects tying food emotion? wonderful ways reward students, motivate ; food be !
2677 1163598405 agree need offer healthy food choices school cafeterias. member district's Wellness Committee adopted Missouri Eat Smart Nutrition Guidelines school. guidelines limit amount fat be foods. Cereal grain. Skim low fat milk options. Fresh fruit vegetables offered ( all) days week. District also adpoted policy get rid fryers Middle High Schools, french fries baked. also adpoted policy vending machines be stocked 100% juice water. Soda machines available after school pictures physical activity front. tons things done district. suggestion join school Wellness Committee voice heard! 'm sure love dedicated people help . want see Guidelines go : http://www.msbanet.org/pdf/wellness/Missouri_Eat_S mart.pdf#search='missouri%20eat%20smart%20nutrition%20guidelines'
2678 1163599163 use Great Body Shop Children's Health Market. consumable text. 10 themes pamphlet goes . kids get keep pamphlets take home. about kids "characters" all lessons. kids grow students. Kdg doesn't booklet read. just front page parent newsletter back. music goes Kdg sessions alot cute healthy songs. teacher's manuals come scripted lessons wanted all set . don't time (30 minutes week) cover use scripts, read pull valuable information share. teacher's manuals activities/experiments . also suggested books websites. love . textbook adoption again year hope keep . website: http://www.thegreatbodyshop.com/index.asp Health Curriculum, district getting ready rewrite . waiting finalized Grade Level Expectations state. draft right looks pretty good. idea teach level check : http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/curriculum/GLE/healt h_gle.pdf Good Luck!
2680 1163621000 Thank , Lisa. looking website looks good program. know any lessons Diabetes? reservation Diabetes common. need teach prevention. grade level teach? K- looking K- tell middle school teachers. Thanks again!
2682 1163694651 any teachers use program? love hear feedback .
2686 1164036552 agree students choices making selection food, drinkgs items. , limit availability products sugar, fat cholesterol, students be forced buy products develop better habits. again, see students bringing lunch school ....
2697 1164846193 Chuck Corbin (Arizona State University) also shared following comment: Good article. advocates teaching self-management skills lead problem solving good decision making physical education strongly advocate teaching kids good decisions allowing AGE APPROPRIATE CHOICES. key, , teach skills allow students practice skills exposing situations require choices. skills practice be appropriate age skill taught. think �age-appropriate� aspect missed school board. Young kids concrete abstract thinkers� expect decisions about abstract ideas ability deal abstractions age-appropriate� see . Chuck
2715 1165434605 think allowing students carry water class great idea. Having beverage healthly essential awesome. Students leave classroom get drink. , kids smart looking ways circumvent rules. Drink lots water go bathroom alot. Spilling be issue allow students water containers leak won't cause disruption class (.e containers straw students drinking , loud sucking noise straw occurs). benefits far outweigh negatives be considered nationally.
2722 1165890566 rebate junkie shopping. days want buy rackets dozens shuttlecocks. Rackets, smash player, technical player. hope shuttlecocks easy falling pieces. sites about badminton item, give advises? portal website shopping ( info: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_pg_2/105-6906199-62 38014?=UTF8&keywords=badminton&rh=%3Aaps%2Ck%3A badminton&page= ) professional website about sports equipments ( info: http://www.opentip.com/catalog/Badminton-1_111.htm l )
2735 1166716409 Check http://pecentral.org/ particular, http://www.pecentral.org/pecinfo/guidelines/guidel ines.html 's link specific badminton: http://www.ssww.com/search/?v=badminton
2758 1167838761 students free drink water class avoid lot problems, related lack accepting liquids. (Message edited summit5 January 04, 2007)
2776 1168383407 'm looking purchase new curriculum K- health classes. looking diabetes curriculum add . anyone feedback regarding Cooridnated Health Bienestar? looks 's teacher's guide student workbook. really hope get 's opinion Health Wellness (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill) program.
2785 1168988737 wondering any schools changed school lunches far time allowed children eat. working implementing School Wellness Policies, heard any positive changes regarding time allowed schools? , changes ?
2810 1170077838 question kids learning about/having sex nowdays. opinion- be taught 7th 8th grade. don't think gives any ideas about having sex. 're getting all incorrect information friends think know 're talking about. need provide all facts about sex hopefully use safe responsible way.
2812 1170100244 teach sex education, wanted teach abstience ? didn't truly believe way teach subject?
2815 1170127751 Hi Nadia great post! Personally, believe teaching "abstinence-" sex ed. unrealistic, mention ineffective. Sure, waiting marriage sex ethical (according societal belief), believe curiosity basis education. research ( done Texas &M University 2005) confirms abstinence- sex education programs, major part George W. Bush's education plan (LOL. find paradoxical), absolutely impact compared hormone-raging teenagers educated. , study reveals teenagers taught abstinence- sex ed. tend unprotected sex frequently received proper instructions use contraceptives. doesn't surprise ? don't criticize abstinence main focus sex education. just believe educators evolve students different culture live (hip hop culture big ). find dissatisfied ( health teacher, ) teach abstinence knowing students go home watch 'Sex City' 'Desperate Housewives'. put situation allowed teach abstinence, try best convince school board parents ( be difficult religious school). doesn't work, ( ashamed say ) respect decision submit authority. philosophy stands; students 't learn way teach, ought teach way learn.
2824 1170165190 think sex-education imporant, 're teaching abstinence, don't feel students getting education need know sex-ed. mean lets face exactly holey creatures. lets say happen teach abstinence sex-ed coarse, 're going students going sexually active. feel students know about sexaully transmitted diseases, pregant, important peps smear. bring princpal say girls getting pregant age 16, need teach importance protective sex, un protective sex consequences. hope actually reality. mean world isn't all about flowers bunnies.
2825 1170165454 particular situation, address student about problem be arising. agree settle approach be taken student trying get root problem. student know care about wellbeing, available talk about any problems may be facing life. unwilling accept advice seek counseling, notify parents. think parents be informed about students' problem any higher authority involved intiminating student. want student afraid recieving help, be comfortable .
2827 1170166673 ! absolutely agree about parents having lack knowledge health wellness. know big issue today's society. say generation be generation die parents. think wouldn't be bad idea send home flyers students, possibly send mail, weither be e-mail mailing physically. Send home flyer really attracts eye, bright colors bold text explaining importance healthy life. 's sad say feel parents just don't care about treat sadly children pick dirty habbits. be everybodies best intrest nutritionist come school seminar importance healthy lifestyle, 'd be amazed parents be pro-active.
2839 1170207760 past, steroid use seen college, Olympic, professional sports. Today, steroids athletes nonathletes, high schools all America. major professional amateur athletic organizations banned steroids use athletes. organizations include International Olympic Committee, National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National Football League (NFL). , students High School, tested use Anabolic Steroids. anybody see problem ? allow adults professionals use , allow students use ? Students High School be drug tested steroids. student steroids High School seriously injure mature High School student. Also, Physical Educators address issue steroids class, sure students know wrong.
2846 1170287574 pelinks4u February 2007 editorial entitled "Forcing Healthy Choices: Restrictive, Prescriptive, Necessary?." Please post comments editorial thread. (Message edited admin March 02, 2007)
2847 1170294259 be able inform brother types healthy foods be eating dangerous effects eating little body. 13 essential gets rights nutrients body perform physical activity, simply everyday activites .
2850 1170300953 heard children start lift early age ( 16 heard) ( vary physical maturity) stunt grow. alternative push-ups, sit-ups, chin-ups, build strength developement problems.
2857 1170353900 create use already created fun/creative warm ups actitvity games. running laps push ups aren't fun children, people , need fun getting workout having fun time. search any search engine PE games be fun students along giving good workout.
2865 1170358877 main problems kids obesity want exercise trained exercise punishment. Simply put, need implement exercises kids actually fun doing traditional run cirles jumping jacks! far eating habits, parents poor job monitoring children eat, eat time. perfectly fine couple cookies snack eat dozen completely crossing line!
2869 1170600046 actually firsthand experience subject biggest success just letting person question know ... lonely position be , don't want help state mind difficult change. Calling person problem work, moreso, eating disorder stems control issues feel alone best thing hear , hey 'm sticking better worse, need know 're gonna try recognize harm 're doing body. get angry shun , part mentality...just stick . . . best luck friend
2870 1170600370 work fitness center pt group ex instructor (im student studying be PE teacher) issue 's widely discussed facility. lot triathletes, marathoners, endurance athletes come gym times day get training runs, bikes, . . . hand women men come times day (extremely early extremely late) work 90 minues . obvious endeavors truly training purposes. , problem monitor ? responsibilities? liabilities? hard problem deal especially uncommon athletes spend time gym. 'skinny' models spain new york monitored, feel exercise bulimia large problem due pressures say, be toned. 's hope Physical educators help student establish healthier relationships exercise future.
2880 1170943750 type actions making suspicious contreband activity?
2903 1171664959 (Coincidentally, wrote pelinks4u February editorial following editorials appeared Central Washington University, weekly newspaper. student authors present opinions against ban trans fats.) Megan Hansen City editor another attempt take choice away citizens, government officials trying pass legislation controlling eat. early December, New York announced approved ban trans fat, product French fries crunchy cookies chewy, cities across country including Chicago, Los Angeles Portland looked banning backyard. think ban trans fat great thing. government wants be healthier. government�s job tell put FDA approved substance bodies. majority people put bodies bad . long time, sugar carbohydrates bad. red meat bad, followed constant debate about eggs. be unhealthy. Banning trans fat about making Americans healthier, �s about control. People right choose eat. Banning trans fat takes away right choose. Northwest Cable News highlighted Portland restaurant owner program trans fat. major concerns restaurant known having best fish chips Portland; unfortunately fish chips fried trans fatty oil. Portland bans trans fat, man�s restaurant, credibility be stake. said experimented oils wasn�t . business goes , government be held accountable ruining man�s business? . Restaurants start displaying nutritional information menus packaging amount trans fat. aspect ban great idea. Increased information allows consumers informed decisions. Portland restaurant-owner be able continue trans fatty oil, nutritional information displayed allowing customers decide . Banning trans fat just step government-regulated diets. allowing bans take affect across country, �re losing right choose. Paul Balcerak Senior reporter �m about shakes short libertarian, government-mandated regulations citizens� personal decisions usually don�t sit . �m willing regulations protect citizens� -. opponents state bans trans fats argue consuming trans fats choice, reminds another choice Washington voters chose ban year: smoking. comparison illustrate point trans fats just dangerous cigarettes be regulated all . According Centers Disease Control Web site, top killers Americans completely preventable. tobacco companies endured endless scrutiny lawmakers public large, fast food chains junk food companies allowed profit choking Americans fat. Tobacco companies banned advertising TV billboards long 2006 Washington State bans. Joe Camel, lawmakers claimed, encouraged youth smoking cartoon. problem Ronald McDonald coaxing kids premature �Super-Sized� graves. difference people conditioned believe smokers rebellious disgusting overeaters just victims. Think about : mother young child wouldn�t think twice berate smoking public. mother be mortified husband loose tirade obese man gorging pancakes IHOP. Children overeaters risk. child supposed develop healthy eating habits parents succumb gluttony daily basis? Behavior just inexcusable smoking front children exposing dangers second-hand smoke nicotine addiction. �re going allow people overeat, world smoker�s lounge, .
2907 1171848163 depends situation. Say suspect average non-confrontational, 'B' student smoking pot due frequent blood shot eyes. 're asking question turn situation involving help solve address issue. , , effective destructive approach be --, NON-PUBLIC line communication student. Give shot. anything increase ability deal/communicate w/ students. hand, 'm sure institution S.O.P. dealing w/ instances inexperienced fumbling about may actually get trouble. probably scenarios general question all play different ways. scenario, , comes kind teacher kind teacher .
2909 1171910819 current climate country blame 's poor health lifestyle choices. just government�s way dealing poor health care system. people get sick / obese despite anything short starve death. eat kitchen table gain ounce. people smoke die 110 get lung cancer 50 despite having smoked cigarette. diseases caused environmental conditions created business, industry government. People get sick poor immune systems. person�s genetics responsible diseases including obesity. , thin people poor physical condition health. saying shouldn't teach children healthy choices, mandate laws take away personal freedom. 's work provide single payer health care system rest modern world. �s blaming victims.
2910 1171913401 Parents be held accountable feeding children. sign neglect abuse. people unhealthy society cost health insurance going raise higher. already doubled past years. doubles again another years, average person be paying 100k health insurance. scary!! Working health insurance alone far making living!
2926 1172356360 believe components add obesity epidemic. lack motivation physical activity. Children days technology fingers tips, new invention children inclined get move. continuously getting easier children be entertained screen time. believe reduction screen time increase physical activity needs be promoted along healthy eating habits. Obesity combination lack knowledge about healthy lifestyle. physical educators be informing students healthy non-healthy eating habits, important physical activity . job get inform growing obese population ways prevent obesity.
2927 1172357369 believe PE teachers invaluable influence children interaction students everyday; , believe huge responsibility -called "obesity epidemic." believe role? promote physical activity?Healthy eating patterns? be responsible encourage certain standards fruits vegetables day? Physical Educators role obesity epidemic prevention?
2930 1172371261 problem live fast food world. wants quick. People drive car ride bike walk. People eat McDonald's ( be illegal way) cooking meal . People drive parking lots 10-15 minutes just get closer spot walking bit farther. People take elevator use steps. just examples society going hill comes healthy. children see doing things . SOCIETY NEED SET POSITIVE EXAMPLE TAKE EASY ROAD.
2939 1172585445 talk student, try absolutely sure suspect true. be awkward situation, wrong / contacted / parents. ask principle fellow teacher about school's policy advice.
2944 1172631277 interested teaching yoga Pilates high school students. wondering anyone tips help motivate interest students forms fitness. Also time plan spend going history background information? Any input be appreciated. Thanks!
2971 1173194150 start teaching health P.E. classes year see students day week. want move possible. Any ideas get kids moving also teach health?
2976 1173200266 try get school be teaching . deals lot cardio respiratory fun workout. keeps students active wanting participate .
2978 1173200840 agree statement parents monitor kids eating. Parents main causes children obese. children eat anything want. Brett said, live world quick. any patience wants anything . easiest quickest thing be go fast food restaurant eat fatty foods.
2981 1173240641 hear/know student drugs? Go principal, call parent talk student???
2986 1173324561 'm starting club high school teach. 'm looking anyone already similar club exchange ideas site. club trying start give students chance traing highly qualified trainer ( + ) Students be athletes working college varsity sports just improve fitness level. give back commuinty area health fitness. Anyone any ideas, good group students willing participate approach principle school thought properly written proposal. Thanks
2989 1173360788 also disagree government mandated rules about cook french fries ..., rate childhood obesity rising alarming... be sign prosperity america. kids video games, computers, dvd players, . go outside play. focus be activity level eat. just opinion , be wrong, ... 'm sure be again...
2994 1173414473 grade level think appropriate teach students properly lift weights? Weight training good muscular strength also muscular endurance. dilemma weight training be done heavy weights. , people say weight training be done any grade level.
2995 1173416010 Any Whey protein powder help gain weight, build muscle. Another supplement take, weight lifters trying gain weight take, "Weight Gainer." extremely high amount calories protein help gain weight add muscle. supplements, eat - meals day. also eat . grams protein pound weigh.
3004 1174422838 P.E. Health Teachers bring issue -ed class be brought special session young men.
3022 1174633776 don't see 't introduce weight training 6th grade . good text consult/purchase Essentials Strength Conditioning NSCA spends good deal weight lifting development adolescents. kids 15-16, stay 10-15 rep range going failure.
3033 1174779214 eating disorders be larger subject health class? grade level be appropriate? health classes middle/high school learned definition eating disorders . difference taught about ? be jsut people eating disorder? Danielle
3037 1175028444 easily see happening nowadays! 've worked fitness center seen ! find pressure person supposed look media forcing look way! Unfortunately, don't know cure help !
3045 1175207116 course sleep important. , college students procrastinate assignment. Students stay all night studying test night , stay late finish paper project. Eventually exhaustion, stress frustration catch be completely burned . College students get organized get priorities straight. get all straightened , be able sleep better complete assignments timely manner.
3050 1175283287 pelinks4u April 2007 editorial entitled "Technology Physical Education: Help Handicap?" Please post comments editorial thread. Read rebuttal editorial, Phil Lawler, PE4life Academy Director, Naperville, IL. rebuttal be June/July 2007 pelinks4u hompage. after archives. (Message edited admin May 31, 2007) (Message edited admin May 31, 2007)
3078 1175796866 think schools get rid all pop vending machines good. Students match sugar fat. machines teaching students snacking chips candy bars wont any consequenses. problem schools reluctant get rid . feel ? persuade schools adopt views?
3079 1175797417 obesity rising year point fingers ? factors genetics money, aside parents reason. see obese mother father, look child be obese. think parents take responsibility active role models. parents tell children lose weight need look mirror . think schools try mroe involved sudent's parents educate . parents just uneducated coems nutrition. think?
3084 1175805537 , agree saying parents aren't blame. kid reaches certain age, decisions. just part growing . believe schools better educate students pursue better nutrition inside cafeteria. be eliminating vending machines full soft drinks offer food better nutritional value.
3086 1175809563 Creatine supplement give person size, strength, faster recovery time. get supplement be sure read follow directions carefully. gain pounds short span build lean muscle.
3091 1175910393 Sleep extremely important. think college students tend chose fun homework, doing , stay hours finishing homework needs be completed day. 's anyone help sleep deprived college students... people help . freedom comes responsibility.
3098 1175995889 mom just informed include state required health screening report cards. health screening takes account students height weight calculates Body Mass Index (BMI) BMI percentile. little section tells results mean. opinion tells parents politely child underweight, risk overweight, overweight. Just wondering 's opinion new screenings.
3102 1176066565 think students need be taught importance nutrition. think difference students eat good breakfast opposed ones ?
3111 1176136126 working younger students physical education think important take day week classroom setting teach about nutrition healthy food choices? take time be benificial? be look future physical education?
3112 1176136484 agree 100% think America change. Children see all overweight people think normal suppose be. Parents elders need understand kids look , kind role model tell kids change changing ?
3120 1176162970 agree sixth grade great age start weight training program. Maturity plays large role kids ready lift weights. age, see reason students partake bodyweight resistance exercises pull-ups pushups. give students great head start provide benefits come along having good muscular fitness.
3121 1176163411 believe brought -ed classrooms, just breast cancer be. health conditions affect way another. Chances student classroom directly affected diseases. comfortable students discussing health problems, be prevent tell happen exhibit any symptoms.
3125 1176179027 definitely think way live today considered acceptable outrageous contributes unhealthy population. wouldn't put all blame parents society accept people sit watch TV. be type model parents. be ideal continually teach students eat healthy hope go home educate parents. week ( ) be spent PE/health class "bring healthy meal day" student go home get parents involved cooking healthy meal share tell. week recipes copied handed student.
3135 1176240890 appropriate start talking students about obesity eating disorder problems? elementary students young conversation?
3136 1176241798 importance eating breakfast definately be stressed. Breakfast jumpstarts metabolism gives energy day. know , eat healthy breakfast soon after waking , feel lazy all day don't get accomplished. 's way lot people. lot PE classes morning, breakfast meal class students. energy crucial participation.
3145 1176255467 feel neccessary teach basics sex education female male reproductive organs, puberty , expect going be taught elementary schools. know sounds crazy people, think about girls begining menstruation age . far sex education sexual activity consequences goes, think definitly be taught early middle school level. Kids having oral sex intercourse age don't really comprehend really .
3146 1176255701 number ways incorporate health P.E. resource great elementary level students Physical Best Activity Guide. bunch fitness related activities also incorporate health topics heart, digestive system, muscles, .
3148 1176258692 Drinking water definitely be allowed schools. allowing pop coffee giving kids option drinking water drinking , kids pick drinking water. thing educators need start watching kids put water bottles. heard kids bringing alcohol water bottles school passing water. big concerns comes allowing water, benefits huge. best part , kids dont realize just good !
3151 1176261633 feel allowing students carry water school great idea. increase water intake drink anything school. Also, students increasing water intake school, eventually increase water drinking home. idea promote healthy habits kids.
3160 1176264746 agree. athletes high school level excelled high school sports steroids. know wrestled individuals took steroids help gain strength lower body fat percentage nearly successful . just takes away kids all natural worked hard. mention steroids harm bodies long run.
3161 1176265132 agree America change need focus parents get educated may be able educate children. be effective way fighting childhood obesity. need educate parents today help all future generations come gets control. Physical educators hold workshops student's parents come learn.
3162 1176265531 agree about balanced diet. time think educators important provide students best information possible fad diets work lifetime. Teaching students about balanced eating be reinforced fad diets reccomended. say give beneficial information about balanced diet explain fad diets work lifetime.
3177 1176322489 opinion, reason fad diets work advertisement. goal all people diets lose weight better . Look diets advertise. use famous people able lose excesssive amount weight short time period. everyday people assume lose weight fast. all reality, unhealthy. need preach kind dieting unhealthy dangerous. think important look pros cons fad diets versus healthy dieting. all fad diets, exercise huge factor stressed. parts diets good nutrition facts , , teach diets short time, lifetime.
3181 1176323351 agree. Breakfast helps get jumpstart day also helps lose weight huge concern growing obesity rates. sleep body's metabolism slows . eating breakfast, helps speed day. Going eating breakfast confuses bodies. bodies think sleeping, causing metabolism act slower day.
3190 1176324908 see kids fall asleep classes. think bored actually think tired biological processes bodies? be done improve attention span students? seen middle school high school students. schools start school ?
3191 1176326298 all aware dangerous obesity rates getting. know needs be done about all actions taken? school districts BMI put students report cards. think be done? really proving point? be implemented "class"?
3196 1176333201 definitely think biological. students lose track time evennings staying internet late texting friends. Teens need understand necessity getting - hours sleep night.
3197 1176334151 fad diet be recommended any child teenager.Students growing developing. need all nutrition get. just recommending eat healthy watch eat try get meals meals day possible be given any recommendation. fad diet brought students think be best teacher show explain diet be weight loss. Also said earlier active plays big role any diet.
3198 1176334857 believe biological fact scientific studies. Students staying use time studies shown schools start hour alertness, attention, grades all improve.
3199 1176335400 certified Strength Conditioning coach, personal opinion actual program isnt appropriate till 7th 8th grade. students follow any kind "program" early age turn idea early . Thats say, , activity shouldnt be stressed pushed earlier grades. Things bodyweight push ups pull ups definatly benefitial any age.
3200 1176335908 todays society focusing stars "beautiful" women sticks guys having be muscular ripped, suppose combat issue students know ok shouldnt look tv look. Individuality needs be stressed .
3201 1176337379 think putting students' BMI report card great idea. Parents know child lazy overweight, open child's report card see school point notifying , take seriously. crucial parents know child risk serious health problems future. physical educators, classroom. really difference students go home, parents promote active also.
3202 1176338487 think teaching sex ed. elementary level be good idea. matter teach kids health classes, students going chose involve themselve risky behavior. know teacher tries promote abstinence, day age, just isn't realistic anymore. think be taught, focus be promoting safe sex. Kids having sex early age days, haven't learned put condom. Teaching avoid pregnancy sexual transmitted deseases be main focus sex ed be taugh early age possible.
3203 1176338861 think matter activities involved day, breakfast be thing starting day. Having breakfast starts metabolism morning. also eating breakfast, alert classes. Breakfast truely important meal day, unfortunately forgotten meal day. definitely be issue address schools students realize missing.
3204 1176339238 know starting new work routine, be hard people want results right away, easy. future physical educators, going overweight children classes. tell important be physically active healthier, see results right away, get discouraged. think be good way go about handling discouragement potentially face overweight students?
3205 1176339585 know grade school, pack lunch healthy food selections menu. Adding grain foods fruits vegetables be ideal. Cutting back french fries soda be ideal . aware any nutritional food changes place primary secondary schools? , changes implemented?
3214 1176389405 high school don't remember hearing about compulsive addictive behaviors. think topic needs be covered health classes certain personalities prone addiction. belive be part mental health allow students be aware may already tendencies.
3236 1176402778 kids starting take creatine earlier ages. problem creatine water taken body, cause liver problems. friends happen. believe creatine allowed be taken age 18. Kids responsible use supplement correctly harming long run.
3237 1176403444 believe physical educators huge role trying curb childhood obesity. think parents emphasize healthy eating exercising. parents going push kids get active eat right, . role, opinion, anything . be catalists trying epidemic, matter .
3239 1176404724 person eat breakfast thinking . After long night fasting, bodies depleted nutrients needs fully function. healthy breakfast jump start any student prepare school. time cook, grab fruit piece bread. Anything better .
3240 1176405145 Fad diets dangerous rarely yield any long lasting results. students good knowledge about nutrition. idea lose weight healthy way place. start diet, need learn healthy ways eating. don't word diet means person after period time. just go back eating gain weight back. diet comes again. turns dangerous cycle. dieting, tell students change eating habits. Discuss healthy meal eat right life. better longer results.
3245 1176763887 complete agreement editorial. people experience joy movement, need electronic gimmicks. create atmosphere encourage all students life long movers physical learners.
3251 1176909868 Hello , Researchers UC Irvine Seek Children Metabolic Syndrome Healthy Controls Study Better Understand Inflammation Regulated Exercise Participants Needed: Children Metabolic Syndrome (overweight) Healthy Controls -18 Years Old Volunteers receive $125 compensation completing sessions. Information, Please Call: Stacy Oliver Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator University California, Irvine Department Pediatrics Voice: (949) 824-4433 Email: soliver@uci.edu Pietro Galassetti, MD, PhD: Lead Researcher [] 37. K Flyer-Metabolic Syndrome.doc "Flyer"
3255 1177087178 thoughts regard editoral. best helping kids choices impact rest lives. want mimimize impact kids, times , people surround outside school environment fill time ususally influences decisions comes nutrition exercise / physical activity. hope influence just kid year be life-long pursuers living healthy lifestyle. GOAL!!
3261 1177512085 think be important constitutes healthy dietary intake level be beneficial. think middle school best time hit eating disorders.
3262 1177512198 take / class time talk about health be beneficial.
3263 1177512573 think problem educated creatine. PE/health class cover topics ergogenic aids. find lot misinformation kids due friends advertising.
3264 1177512722 Pretty Greg said... phys ed/health instructors hold certain standard way look. -weight -conditioned provides bad example. role model teach.
3271 1177771706 Hi - just quick clarification: Hyperfit "Fitness Arcade Brande Interactive Play Products", including DDR controllers, affiliated any way Cobalt Flux. products manufactured Northern California exclusively distributed North American market Hyperfit. controllers programmable totally compatible all current video game consoles market; Sony, Microsoft & Nintendo. also manufacture PC compatible controllers computer-based play. Fitness Arcade DDR controllers feature built diagnostics, arcade- responsiveness, require shoes be worn be safely played. -12 year old crowd recommend Mario Mix - http://www.ddrmariomix.com/main.html - 's age appropriate content. faith-based clients recommend PC based Dance Praise controllers - http://www.buzzplant.com/dancepraise/ecard1/.
3272 1177774793 Thanks clarifcation Tony! Thanks checking forum!
3324 1181250614 Sex-education subject lot controversy. , believe health teachers teach all birth control methods (including abstinence) hurting students. obvious students exposed tv computer. sit teach all correct information good basis informed decisions .
3328 1181409536 agree, teach -12 healthy choices lunch menu school today. food groups balanced , snack lines longest. school soda pop allowed be purchased drank school day. also fresh fruit veggie cups sides fries. , think far be area.
3337 1181846608 way introduce Aerobics physical education class be introduce basic step aerobics activity, warm- activity class. Another idea be station students rotate .
3354 1183650017 following comment Frank Forencich response editorial provided Phil Lawler June/July pelinks4u editorial ( archive August). Frank guest editor May, readers be interested perspective physical education posted May issue pelinks4u available archives. ____________________________________________ Phil Lawler completely misses mark pro-technology stance. seen Lawler give presentations thing obvious: reason succeeds teaching tools technology. succeeds passion desire. ( deep pockets community.) just rocks sticks. point. Technology complete side-show colossal waste energy. , 's distraction really need pay attention : body . teaching PE, thing matters interest, desire, engagement. tools irrelevant. invite Lawler spend year teaching medicine ball hula hoop. certain results be just good better. Human beings ( animals) healthy millions years technology. Dancers martial artists succeeded generations any gee-whiz devices. Gadgets dead . Frank Forencich Exuberant Animal
3361 1185981788 pelinks4u August/September 2007 editorial entitled "PE Teaching: 's ALL About Outcomes " Please post comments editorial thread. After September editorial be archives.
3378 1188414179 Judy, right !! teachers look individual students formal assessment, teacher internalize success taught.
3379 1188428542 Physical Education unique problems subjects face. subjects academic easier assess written tools. graduation, employers expect employees be literate. don't particularly care ther employees 't shoot hoops. starting expect level fitness ( health care costs skyrocketing). don't see giving fitness tests attaching heart rate monitors job appicants. goal PE be students acquire skills knowledge life long movers. Assessing knowlege part easy part. give written tests fitness concepts, resources, rules, body mechanics, . Skills different matter. difficult assess, may actually harm goal students life long movers. Students need find physical niche. offer different kinds activities. need understand importance fitness be able judge particular activity relates personal fitness. need understand proper body mechanics order enjoy particular activity. need be proficient particular skill teacher locality deems important. want be taken seriously academic subject, give written work: essays, tests, portfolios, research projects. way compete subjects.
3384 1188487542 heartily applaud work Judy Rink , especially developing state-wide assessment guidelines South Carolina. Also remember basic guidelines established NASPE Outcomes Project (1992) examples Benchmark statements provides grades K, , ,, , 10, 12 guide curriculum development teams local school districts define implement standards assessment. able define product program ( Physically Educated Person) be able monitor progress achieving absolute necessity demonstrating accountability time resources devoted program. schools teachers accountable students achieving, district priorities program increases. example, Parkway School District St. Louis County (student population 18,000+) Health Physical Education program year second highest funded (2nd math) all subject matter areas. aware PE4Life center Grundy Center, IA, Physical Education program leadership Rick Schupbach influence Beth Kirkpatrick clearly demonstrates high-level achievement powerful database student work covering psychomotor, cognitive affective outcomes result continues be number funded program district. Judy demonstrating, knowledge tools demonstrate accountability outcomes affect quality life student, accept responsibility disservice students serve. help think all adults population don't know care about role Physical Activity Healthy Living Behaviors life, think adults turn Personal Trainer (certified ??? ) Remedial Education Physical Education. be able document progress students meeting psychomotor, cognitive, affective outcomes designed help develop maintain healthy active lifestyle may mean abdicate responsibilities -source untrained questionably capable commercial enterprises be able accomplish.
3387 1188941994 Hi, Washington State defined minimum outcomes students expected achieve particular grade levels, , accountability stressed simply emphasis assessing measuring reading, math, science. Washington State P.E. also considered core subject, district support P.E. instructors engage professional development. steps P.E. teachers take enhance credibility; , alleviate shared responsibility administrative political leaders building credibility P.E. hiring, providing continuing education opportunities, adequately funding P.E., seeing facilities match needs created mandates, stating ( suggesting) time students be P.E. class, ensuring P.E. specialists ( general education teachers) be instructing students required P.E. time. Excellent organizations changes adjust all various parts organization support change. Relating P.E. specifically, education general, changes introduced , " Child Left " comprehensive changes be all areas support change. great provide teacher training, necessary supports place sure subject left ? equal thought put planning State, district, teacher left due short falls funding strategic planning. taught long see changes ordered providing immediate needs accomplishing change; providing initial funding adequately funding mandated change maintain initial vigor.
3396 1189544057 DDR came , thought joke. after seeing schools incorporating game curriculm believe great idea great way help young children burn calories.
3400 1189547203 Sleep definitly important. know , don't get hours sleep, 't function day. 'm tired class physical education major, 'm active all activity classes class day, normally . college students, lot college students cram minute test, get project done finish homework. 'll confess, be . wised , realized smarter decision , planning ahead. solutions be write planner all assignments due due dates 're aware due 's due. Also, plan ahead get things done. 's done, won't worry about .
3415 1189719230 think sleep important thing, say get recommended hours. think main reasons college students get sleep scared going big. Another reason college students dont sleep kids put partying infront sleeping. im sure really anything about . law , just comes personal preference guess.
3418 1189773751 teaching abstinence extremely important. lot religious groups teach youngsters “True Love Waits,” purity rings all adolescents adhere regulations practice abstinence till married. , “perfect world” youngsters start engaging sexual intercourse married. be educated all risks doing preventions . Sex Education needed schools, appropriate amounts grade level.
3423 1190051633 song, catchy phrase, game introduce elementary students help understand effects smoking boring scaring ?
3445 1190947919 Breakfast important meal day probably inconvenient, especially non-morning person. , "breakfast" literal term - 're "breaking fast" eating hours. eat breakfast, reason just wasn't hungry ; , after slowly getting stomach eating morning eating small things, banana, enjoy eating breakfast, able function efficiently morning.
3465 1191357284 Kelly, believe best way encourage students overweight trying improve lifestyle keep giving positive reinforcement. Also find new ways be physically active don't get old routine working . Remember just kids need all help get be successful attempt live healthier lifestyle.
3492 1191512222 year Pe teacher start students weight room? teacher hit topics dietary supplements affects persons health future? Physical Educator tell probably wont listen?
3510 1191527667 don't think putting child's BMI report card good idea 's . child's BMI high another child notices BMI starts making fun . child upset children know shape. child go home tell parents, may hide report cards parents.
3513 1191528095 improtant students know people see tv aren't norm. Remind 's improtant keep good diet exercise regularly. bodies take care .
3519 1191528886 wondering any schools offering breakfast ( free sale) students? , school noticed students attention span better part day test scores improved. Also pe teachers noticing better performance class students eat breakfast be home school?
3532 1191619161 health & physical education teacher responsibility live healthy, physically active lifestyle? overweight physical education teacher affect perception / students?
3537 1191858497 kids today having sex younger younger. Sex education old high school taught tenth grade quarter. learned about STD's, condoms, ... main focal point abstinence. teacher teaching time class 25, kids already parents. believe sex education needs focus aspect. Health, consequences, options, birth control, ... also believe sex education needs be taught actual class year be introduced younger age. Get younger chance getting involved sex. older, use education taught .
3543 1192135325 think good idea put student's BMI report card. obese help understand dangers obesity. also be helpful getting students change lifestyle late. student also explain BMI parents possibly difference lifestyles. horrible think student getting fun overweight, usually based appearance, BMI. see any harm posting BMI report cards. worst thing think happening student / parents ignore try positive changes.
3545 1192376630 definitely feel need lead example. be able be role model students going teach. overweight representing physically active, healthy lifestyle. believe important look part physical educator.
3551 1192495214 teachers try stress important be active stay healthy. efforts instill health lifestyles, anyone think educate eatin healthier, smoking, watching polutants hurt body?
3554 1192496399 believe health teachers get points across . teach about sex drugs . think teach eating healthier also harmful factors world .
3555 1192496832 actually heard high school students getting caught steroids. Im saying dont use agree, steroids afect body also take years persons life. use things ment go body. After puberty, body pretty done humane growth hormone introducing steroid bring state mind back affect body bad way.
3560 1192538806 think sending fake babies mimicking real babies home students good idea? took home baby cried forever all change cloth diaper feed . older versions turn turning key. real? think slight eye opener students real baby. turn nephew turning key...
3561 1192542261 Going high school health classes, hardly remember teachers stressing importance healthier diet. may briefly discussed . believe emphasize importance healthier diet number obese kids big problem.
3562 1192542641 agree 100%. allow professional athletes use steroids performance enhancing drugs, students high school be allowed . Students be tested high school use roids definitely getting advantage students natural work hard accomplish things sport.
3563 1192542984 sure any songs; , commercials television emphasize side effects smoking. "whudafxup" commercials be show students importance smoking.
3572 1192565531 agree . High school students, especially athletes be tested performance enhancing drugs. All high school certain teams 's players sophmore junior year gain upwards 30-40 pounds. , be gained naturally point kids life lot physical developement occurs, be sure. think be tested, just be fair teams, protect hurting life.
3575 1192565938 think extremely important. personal experience know dont eat hours get weak distraught classroom. people say need caffeine morning get going, take away feeling hungry, dizziness comes . hard concentrate class period after class period alone, trying stomach growling.
3578 1192566449 different theories proper training methods get strong fast time. think correct ratio running lifting be week be effective see results?
3693 1193710745 think Physical Education Teachers live unhealthy life styles. overweight physical education teacher, say take seriously. don't think anyone . oppinion, Physical Education Teachers be physically fit, be seen eating fatening foods.
3705 1193717560 know health classes stress food pyramid healthy eating, healthy students truly eat school? health classes try get school cafeterias provide healthier eating options also provide students healthy ideas foods already day?
3708 1193742130 believe reduce inproper eating habits, schools eliminate vending machines replace soda machines water gatorade. Schools also regulate teachers distributing candy prizes holidays. Health classes persuade school set healthier cafeteria menu part class project.
3709 1193742496 Breakfast extremely important. , know personal experience people just develop appetite day thought eating nauseas. case, protein shake fruit smoothie trick. Breakfast important meal day kick starts metabolism fuels body rest day.
3710 1193742729 agree balanced diet important. , neccessary students know negatives associated fad dieting. Fad dieting cause ketosis lead eating disorders. educator, may be providing information students planning fad dieting, may also be giving students tools decide against fad dieting.
3712 1193743323 student physical education department classes overweight students plan educate. pass judgement students stress reducing obesity rate setting good example bodies. bodies physical educators represent shape form. Right?
3761 1194471697 obesity children affect grade? flip side eating disorder aneroxia effect grades school?
3766 1195343980 think essential parents aware health child, BMI just . knowing child's progress Math, Reading Writing health be left equation. paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, good academically sound body bad health? place score thier BMI report card Fall Spring. attach double-sided letter explaining BMI TREND number, healthy/unhealthy values listed back double-sided document. Patrick suggests inappropriate occur... won't know score means parents share score . responsible PHYISICALLY EDUCATING students parents ( community). see day parent(s) sue school district telling child obese. Doing BMIs 5th graders leave elementary couple years back 49% 85% higher. Thanks asking question. view BMI letter report card(s) 3rd, 4th 5th go : http://www.blaine.k12.wa./bes/bespe/
3768 1195532483 Children crave fast food days. Parents may time cook balanced meal home, fast food easy way feed kids. future teacher, get students understand may need take control eating habits?
3787 1196744142 see doing lesson calorie contents various food items, cheeseburgers fries, fruit, candy bars, juice soda pop, comparing contrasting nutrition, fat content taste... sure be exciting, shocked read calorie content quarter pounder! 750!!! yikes.
3816 1200427007 don't recall hearing about behaviors . important educate kids/young adults about behaviors regards health/fitness/nutrition. specific area talked about mainstream addictive behaviors exercise addictions, serious damage body person -exercising. Anyone know articles regards ?
3817 1200427411 studying Athletic Trainer interested hearing experiences Athletic Trainers working High Schools Colleges encountering eating disorders male athletes. , affect interactions athlete ?
3841 1201297561 anyone use Heart Rate Monitors, personal use, students activity participants? particularly interested finding people use track find monitor helpful easy use. use , find useful tracking accurate number calories burned activity session. anyone use education tool? Anyone all?
3842 1201364700 retired, teaching, POLAR HRM students elementary school. took time teach use , worth time. ones recorded printed results ones simply recorded time gave above, HR times. knew use , set rotation chance use . optional, loved see HR class. log sheets record results. log sheet included HRM & pedometers. sheets kept folders kept store room. Students took sheets home be signed grading period. Grade recorded information 3x5 sheets paper took home after class. parents aware child doing learning class. know teachers difficulty making HR straps contact little bodies, time worked . friends put HRM straps kids unable . wet contacts pull shirt forward slide strap shirt, hold contact area body attach side strap. recommend method teacher... asked wanted put strap done alcove gym proper students visible. parents purchased personal straps children. kept box class. supposed put thier strap plastic baggie. also straps didn't purchase. clean bag bag. washed home. students washed HRM transmitter soap after use replaced HRM storage case hanging store room door. liked about HRM class gave students tool monitor heartrate run/jog/walk portion class. validated risk students walking activity turn, improved attitude class. HRM receivers recorded printed log students. students aware doing print HRMs... appear rotating monitor students.
3407 1189644927 anyone tried use www.bodyforlife.com challenge high school students? 's contest really built sound principles nutrition exercise. Thanks, Floyd Kish
3410 1189645379 looks body life bunch great exercise ideas nutritional education.
3847 1202316293 didn't realize purchase strap separately, also didn't know monitors recorded printed results. school purchase use class?
3869 1203444274 agree , teaching kids telling strive healthy physically active lifestyle, be good example . extremely weight teacher, year lost 150 pounds, great motivator all .
3870 1203603639 Elementary school phys. ed. teacher obese physically active, elementary school really didn't know difference, wanted run, jump, play. got older realized obese taught job getting moving. creative women new activity everyday. feel physical educators practice preach believe healthy lifestyle, teacher elementary school may believed wasn't doing , feel best teachers phys. ed. class.
3872 1203654655 think teacher needs be reflection teaching. math teacher needs be able math teaching, be any different physical education? think students listen physical educator fit shape. student teacher overweight, going take seriously.
3906 1205778579 high school overweight phys. ed. teacher, students class motivated participate. think important phys. ed. teacher be active show role model studets, keep motivated.
3909 1205795356 think putting BMI students report cards work really great really bad. good thing wake parents little needs be done be bad. Students get discouraged didnt really Physical Education imagine think . good points bad. think just be physical educator. be / opinion.
3910 1205795592 agree statement 100 percent. go gym all time stay healthy show good example future students day. dont get educator actually tell students live healthy life / overweight . doesnt any sense all. glad sees way .
3911 1205795856 dont know any songs . want scare kids, option sure kids wont smoke show graphic images. went bodys exhibit just pittsburgh actual lung smokers lung. differences eye opener. believe kid sees want smoke quit see .
3912 1205796208 Growing old high school, believe emphasis life time activities staying healthy brought class. go college just opens eyes all talk about promoting healthy life students. all high school. know anyone thinks about promoting healthy life having fun Physical Education class. (Message edited jcw0969 March 17, 2008)
3913 1205796506 believe physical educators be healthy shape preach students live healthy life. know stand point student taught live healthy life overweight physical educator wouldnt be able take / say. dont want go gym day just going be big part proffession someday. wondering think about .
3922 1206027688 strong believer physical education teacher be fit. teaching children teacher portray healthy lifestyle? feel physical educatin teacher able participate activities . coach, run workouts athletes really enjoyed having . also motivated improve. Plus boys want get beat girl. need motivate students fit step.
3928 1206132614 feel schools responsibility provide healthy choices students lunch. Parents need feel good about letting children eat school. think soda snack machines be aloud school. Parents need write schools express interest kids eating lunch.
3929 1206133128 love game golf. think great way stay active gets older. think Golf be taught physical education classes. Teacher need show students beneficial game be students health. know lot people ride golf carts golf. think teachers need tell students walk golfing. Walking golfing great exercise good cardio muscles.
3930 1206133745 think adding bmi scores report card good idea. long educate parents numbers mean good score bad score. bmi scores parents see child weight saying words overweight skinny. parents know bmi stands letter sent home explaining bmi think giving parents child's results O.K.
3931 1206134327 think right thing . Teachers need promote healthy lifestyles also need teach students get older stay active. teach students sports hobbies take lives. Students times attend physical education class week. students attends time week allow time get students shape. think job physical educators teach students skills activities outside school.
3934 1206152719 Having done different fitness videos home, be beneficial. current pe major, think incorporating current pe programs be fun successful. videos choose . choose dance, pilates, yoga, tae bo, . think videos pe class? After working videos, students be asked routines assignment? Just wondering be good idea?
3944 1206385102 feel videos excellent way helping students visually learn. Videos also shows skills , pe teacher's, may be able show, example show butterfly swimming stoke critical elements video. Videos enhance memory !!
3945 1206385476 know dressing PE may be school policy , all days forgot bring cloths just great day. know students fail gym choose dress. understand safety concerns wearing correct apparel, students didn't dress wanted participate class. way students participate? feel want be active educators . think???
3946 1206385858 totally agree message , passing judgment , people weight, practice preach. know PE teacher football star college overweight , resting heart rate 53 better shape internally shown. just add people just see person big see working hard.
3956 1206399499 know feeling points PE. students get points day class, dressing, activity. future educators, try stress dressing class, student fail aren't dressing, fact encourage bonus point , free day. way students want participate order earn free day. try !
3957 1206404661 agree be balanced diet, new diets really work. example,Weight Watchers "fad" diet, people use age 18 growth obesity doctors recommending ! diets, sure, say wait little longer bring diets classroom. need talk about negatives diet students see doing peers.
3959 1206405443 firm believer bringing health classroom feel important students get health physical education knowledge equally. question anyone any fun games bring physical education classroom dealing health? physical education tag game including health? Thanks!
3973 1206460619 ! Breakfast huge part everyday; considered people eat breakfast mentally prepared day able lose weight efficiently. Breakfast especially important children; energetic need fuel all day.
3986 1206477616 studnet health class, teacher really weird about teaching drug unit going depression suicide. know weird about , 's sensative sunject teacher wants give students any ideas use drugs new drugs hurt . educate students sensative subjects drug use suicide giving ideas?
4002 1206500721 wondering anyone experienced any ways incorporate information about nutrition class activities get students excited about eating healthy?
4035 1206571775 totally agree. feel future physical educators take fitness test pass move phys. ed. teacher. need be good role model students want respect teacher knows / talking about.
4040 1206577693 think important teach students about importance nutrition difficult topic motivate students learn about. any ideas motivate students want learn about nutrition?
4045 1206580297 School lunches just understand. incredibly hard serve healthy students. long run benefit better lunches. students probably perform better bodies actually good fuel . little back Shaqeal Oneil ran television program took handful middle schoolers clearly weight whipped shape. also challeged school board get better meals students succeeded. direction be heading. hometown investing turf field going cost dollars, absolutly wrong field . invest money school lunches benefit entire student body? economy recession almost verge another depression safe be investing unnecessary turf field? anyone any advice really action getting better school lunches?
4049 1206581114 Bottom line fad diets unrealistic. , results great , time people live healthy lifestyle long . Weight watchers , diet truly feel works. accommidating realistic "everyday life". balanced diet key, long students knowledge need maintain healthy lifestyle tools apply thier everyday life. , basically im trying say fad diets feel be avoided, need be taught educational purposes. long students know really important be doubt right decision.
4083 1207175027 pelinks4u April 2008 editorial entitled "Physical Education Obesity - ’s Be Careful Wish " Please post comments editorial thread. After April editorial be archives.
4086 1207530245 all 36 years teaching years retirement, stick giving students identify relate . , saw week, sure fitness calendar entire year. included homemade equipment ceativity be day. excuses. involved parents care givers., got core subject teachers , lesson plan comply day wasn't building. included recess day., along technology brain gym innovative ways inspire "naysayers. gave -services, talked legislators community. entry missed included newspapers.Throw PTA all administrators. energy enthusiasm be shared continued school year future lives. Another idea volunteer , rec board,umpire head involving parents walking program. placing walk athons events school paper bulletin boards activity work all levels, including special needs. include special needs,.'s pesty fly 't get rid squeaky wheel gets oil. takes alot work., work ! 40 somethings asked play "homemade" volleyball sand pit students gave summer fitness calendar , knew worked. time be idle,pound pavement, believers spread word pass along . Gerry Cernicky
4100 1208471669 hit nail head. years thrust teaching: physical education fun , children learning about skills fitness. reason worked hard come original games focus skills fitness. told students fit healthy short amount time see , fit healthy choosing participate team individual sports movement forms. Everyday kids tell about activities joined. particularly proud non-athletic kids ways having fun moving outside school.
4114 1209476031 come big family blessed gene pool allows high metabolism skinny body. work almost everyday big people standards. feel physical education, competence ranks higher appearance. teacher overweight shows students perform sports gain respect teacher appears be shape kick throw ball proficient manor. important generally overweight teacher disprove motion big stay fit. good idea teachers appear be big go run laps students, play games show shape.
4122 1210025378 disagree all posts. believe matter person looks physically fit assume be. know couple physical education teachers may appear overweight participate physical fitness activities workout daily. believe physical education teacher be viewed good teacher know perform material teaching.
4124 1210181995 believe teacher's lifestyle "extra-curriculuar activities" away school setting noticeable students. fortunate be relatively thin students see eating McDonalds driving walking, negative model heavier build walking eating healthy. think want all students learn healthy lifestyles, actually see "heavier" teachers be healthy people .
4143 1216637832 hoping get poems art children year decorate kidsrunning.com Web site. interested having children participate see http://www.kidsrunning.com/ask/runforlove071808.html Carol - P.S. don't remember Biker user name, 's appropriate 'm busy training Pan Mass Challenge. Sun - 80 miles 112 PMC. Hope having good summer
4175 1220212530 district, health begins 7th grade 45 days, health another 45 days 8th grade. time taken semester 11th grade. talk obesity, nutrition general health, time kids learn health be able apply daily lives?
4188 1221092019 almost -known fact wrestlers known fasting days weight weigh-ins. know, experience , counter-productive method losing weight. know better eat slightly smaller amount calories day burn day course approximately meals. Knowing , questions. quicker ways find calories person may burn day counting calories? Second, any advice convince wrestlers fasting near efficient eating correct number calories? wrestlers deal convinced fasting best way.
4267 1223941490 teaching upper levels Health High School, practical get different energy systems? think be useful students intend stay active know energy systems be types calories energy systems use (fats, carbohydrates, protein, alcohol). , may argue appropriate content Biology Department High School. Any help be appreciated.
4292 1225065434 use videos group fitness classes. example kickboxing. kickboxing video classes. classes give informational packets students kickboxing moves. create routine small groups. Friday students present routine participate turn .
4293 1225065887 teach sex education 10th grade. lucky school teaching abstinence . understand mention abstinences best choice realistic kids today necessary. atleast 10 girls years get pregnant. personally go all contraceptive methods. demonstrate explain protect . feel absolutly way go. atleast school district knowing kids doing hand condoms. dont feel means go sex, feel saying going decision sex atleast use protection.
4294 1225066195 really know good idea . teach teen pregnancy 10th grade health ask going get babies. interested sure benefit. students complete baby budget project, all worried about money having things.
4295 1225110047 enjoy playing review games students prior test. believe helps prepare exam. switch games jeopardy wheel fortune. collegues think playing reveiw games beneficial students. think? play reveiw games types games play?
4296 1225110405 school district big problem teen pregnancy. year -10 girls get pregnant. keep babies get abortions. students already - abortions. go sexual education great detail. trend continues. ideas may be able implement students cycle?
4307 1225248121 think review games beneficial students use advantage. Usually, review game questions taken test questions, student incline, learn all test questions. , gives students entertaining way test knowledge content find just regards prepared upcoming test. Also, teacher wraps game class Q& students, believe help students prepare test.
4326 1226260511 anyone use challenge choice anything adventure education?
4327 1226261026 coaching women seen issues arise. people teaching about issues weight lose control issues continue see issues people trying lose weight.
4328 1226261458 all teen pregnancies anybody truly consider abstinence valid concept. absitinence be taught information about people choose sex.
4329 1226261686 people teach about pros cons dieting versus eating properly? get people crash dieting just eat right?
4330 1226261908 teaching abstinence start teaching peope about consequences teach personal responsibility.
4331 1226262227 Videos great ways learn technology be done videos.
4332 1226262631 Crash diets unhealthy flucuate weight constantly go harder lose weight.
4333 1226262892 course need energy food burn give energy fat burns carbohydrate flame.
4334 1226263161 people heavy seen effects motivate time change suffer poor choices.
4335 1226263728 far worse things be addicted exercise. addicted . control impulses compulsions decide healthy . bad done .
4341 1226291504 think review games great idea! use PE Health? just area? 've done Health, be interested use PE. definite way help prepare future testing just plain reviewing!!
4353 1227152800 best formula get idea heart rate max? 've heard 220-age isn't accurate. use monitors school, percentages use zones? Thanks advance responses.
4362 1228175522 pelinks4u December 2008 editorial: think? affective skills be primary goal public school physical education? Dr. Hedlund presents strong case caution excessive focus skills fitness. Given time limitations face realistic achievable approach? get public take seriously? PHYSICAL EDUCATION Joke Change January 2009 editorial be archives
4364 1228272020 new teacher trying find ways stimulate kids strive healthy lifestyle behaviors... Any advice newcomer energize life?!
4366 1228317926 students create Physical Activity Journal. strive get 60 minutes activity day. write activity, duration activity, adjective describe felt afterwards, parent, guardian coach sign day. NFL little challenge almost similiar gives ideas promote activity. go NFL.com/play60 register get free materials. Also, money pedometers, another great way get moving. Walk4Life.com great program help get started putting pedometers curriculum.
4371 1228683006 say liked article think about think. 'm surprised responded, 's .02. kids may know 's important be 90th percentile fitness tests, think value teaching about healthy fitness zone fitness tests important. 'm fan grading attitude, believe grading effort justified putting forth good effort expectations PE. put forth effort, see improvement . basic goals get kids active PE putting forth effort, ultimately goal student be active outside PE. want kids leave class feeling learning gaining fitness class, put forth effort, learn improve? mark student lack effort, 's don't student, 's aren't trying hard . easier quantify students wear HR monitors pedometers . don't think achieving top physical condition important student, creating value reasonably fit, healthy fitness zone, maintaining healthy lifestyle paramount PE. Citezenship certainly important time spent things certainly important , think effort tied citezenship. wants person just stands team sports work? person contributing team? agree about trivial things test, invented game baseball year, say integrating history PE curriculum. , having test help kids learn better take time study know material. means pay attention disruptive class. students tested benefits active components fitness, things related activity sport studying means learn effectively. studnets won't care, , hope difference students. far modifying game things requiring boys pass girls having girl scores worth points, understand mockery game, also see gets people involved , big part any game. Suddenly students normally stand calling ball. absolutely agree teaching things get open knowing role team, just doesn't be . Thank time write article.
4372 1228683527 Oh, bottom line. say affective goals be secondary. Learning put forth effort, value active, healthy fit be primary. kids truely value things, be active time . Kids want high levels skill fitness decision , just encourage decision long safe 's want.
4377 1229463376 subject area goal physical education - teaching student life long learner. purpose math, science literature students use get school? Unfortunately , Math, Science English considered important subjects graduation, advancement college achievement life. Barack Obama play basketball choice Education Secretary, Barack elected President basketball prowess, give education secretary job basketball. goal physical educators be instill love movement student choose activities life time. exposing students vast array activities, improving skills, teaching fitness concepts dealing affective issues help students better citizens. teach fitness, skills social issues fun exciting games. games just about sustained movement, purposeful geared all learners, matter skill level. games see physical education classes allow athletes take . types games turn students need reach. game be successful, address psychomotor, cognitive affective areas physical education. game lesson be all inclusive, allow opportunities learn / practice skills, be fun differentiate instruction. Howie Weiss http://www.weissice.com
4403 1233689458 believe along basic sexual education material, financial aspect raising child, affects future jobs, education, personal life, family, shock factor needed show educational video abortions.
4407 1233756273 better bring mommy suzy 17 explain easy after johnnygotherPG left find . firmly believe teens listen sooner AdULTS.
4409 1233862822 Breakfast students difficult meal attend students, "Night Owl" mentality hard time attending early morning breakfast. especially difficult smaller school certain windows opportunity eat commons. basically comes weighing important get breakfast sleep extra hour.
4414 1234277483 standard figuring personal calorie need, ACSM, criteria use? example age, sex, activity level, .
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4421 1234302195 Breakfast consist fruit, anything. want eat simplest thing body metabolize morning. also eat right wake . body digesting food ate night eat again really hungry. notion breakfast important meal day MYTH! slogan brought dairy farmers America FDA. personally don't think breakfast fuels fitness lifestyle . meals eat day, type quality food putting body, portion size be considered recommending sample breakfasts.
4422 1234302965 right - fasting slows weight loss process! key losing weight wrestlers nutrition. , having HS kids buy eating healthy easy deal. Forget counting calories. Start eliminating "bad" thing diet week. (, soda pop, sugary desserts, fast food, chips, ..) Replace things healthier alternatives (fruit, salads, nuts, Clif bars, water.) Drinking water helps rid body toxins trying cut weight. 't emphasize importance drinking water ! really want drop weight eat all want, try cutting meat dairy products. eat right, strength feel full, won't skip meals beat scale. Educate about importance nutrition all things put mouth. Eat be healthy, just taste!
4427 1234473254 important child breakfast rich complex carboydrates, fibrous carbs, form protein morning. worked children adults almost passed eating physically acitve. critical blood sugar energy levels key metabolism. meal jump starts metabolism. keeps internal furnace reved ! Children need nutrients brain function having energy complete physical activity.
4428 1234473374 important child breakfast rich complex carboydrates, fibrous carbs, form protein morning. worked children adults almost passed eating physically acitve. critical blood sugar energy levels key metabolism. meal jump starts metabolism. keeps internal furnace reved ! Children need nutrients brain function having energy complete physical activity.
4457 1236105260 'm graduating year DePaul 'm hoping find job teaching PE year. 'm ACE certified currently teach group fitness classes Crunch Muscle Work - anyone any ideas use type experience PE class making challenging students? think 's good idea work- just introduce students fitness general? Thanks help!
4460 1236140676 silly question wondering anybody answer . taught fitness gliding disks gym great workout. money budget purchase disks all students told use paper plates . anybody tried ? kids actually go think 's silly?
4475 1236817596 about start student teaching high school level Monday. going be teaching Strength Conditioning classes fitness center elipticals, treadmills, stair steppers. anyone suggestions programs use machines keep students interested?
4476 1236818001 fitness activities be done outside high school students challenge students. be done track/soccer field/bleachers.
4482 1236915385 browsing web, came across site ton different "days observance" month March. particularly interesting "National Waffle Day" interesting , people may hear about, March National Nutrition Month. American Dietetic Association. anyone share promote National Nutrition Month health physical education classes? , activities ideas lessons, sort nutrition project? Anything all be helpful! be nice know lot teachers promoting month March people don't really know about . Thanks! Shawna Slippery Rock, PA
4483 1236943903 Hey!! promote Nutrition month. Month National Heart Month hense Valentine's Day. don't know know about PeCentral.com, bunch lessons devoted Nutrition. Plus also March Teacher's Toolbox www.aahperd.org/naspe also Observences gives ideas instant activities lessons month.
4534 1238513016 think issue important inform parents. be teaching children about safe sex. teach rest need learn .
4535 1238513198 Try playing games involving food pyramid, doing group projects. Students get motivated work people socialize. Also stress importance eating right facts obesity unhealhty. Hopefully alone motivate students.
4536 1238513317 P.E teachers today follow guidelines title IX Physical Education classes?
4537 1238513398 best way keep attention children young get distracted?
4538 1238513525 best easiest way get grants put equipment P.E
�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4565 1239051319 Breakfast be apart daily routine. fact students perform pay better attention class after eating breakfast. far know schools offer breakfast morning pretty cheap. helps kids problems waking already school opportunity eat .
����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4572 1239052588 Get moving active class. Set Wiki Webquest pages students research learn information selected - prepare project individually group. couple ideas may be helpful! Jane Keily University School Milwaukee
4588 1239065868 Sleep thing high school students college students don't get . individual get / hours half hours sleep night, benefits weigh negative tremendously. effects stress, concentration, health, brain function weakened isn't sleep. lot students high school college usually distracted sports, gym, after school activities, television, new friends, responsibility. ’s cycle usually individual takes part , especially college mid-terms finals approach. fact getting bed early may help improve scores pulling all nighters.
4594 1239073059 believe important teach abstinence school, also about contraception. Teens want teach be safe.
4595 1239073650 healthy diet be implemented students 10-12 years old? think may be good idea help develop healthy eating habits lower obesity epidemic United States. don't know soon start program. Any input?
4598 1239074722 growing rate childhood obesity America today think important stress schools. believe PE classes be longer days week. Vending machines be taken school be turned after school . Also programs experimenting schools healthy lunches. away fried food replacing baked food salads. Finally, believe schools start after school programs promote physical fitness hold meetings educate parents help home reduce risk childhood obesity.
4630 1239112700 believe sleep just important nutrition. getting sleep may hurt morning, catch line. body needs proer rest , shut .
4644 1239123174 believe sleep extremely important. currently college student part get appropriate amount sleep night. sure get hours sleep know sleep positive effect grade compared staying all night cramming information test. answer question about college students get correct amount hours sleep sleeping patterns developed, already stated lot college students get stuck pattern procrastinating.
4653 1239124453 absolutely agree. child grow eating healthy / may keep lifestyle live long healthy life. 's early healthy, balanced diet!
4668 1239130411 physical education undergrad, wondering good idea incorporate fitness plan health program lessons?
4669 1239131405 Physical Education undergrad. think important incorporate fitness health plans possible. get use learn develop correct fitness plans certain people. don't certain things, change way putting types plans .
4676 1240011617 's indoor unit simulate outdoor activities
4716 1244826972 SNF USDA Announce “Solving Food Allergy Puzzle” Workshop School Nutrition Foundation USDA partnering offer -hour workshop managing food allergies schools Sunday, June 28, 2009 Las Vegas, NV. Titled “Solving Food Allergy Puzzle”, workshop be part pre-conference offerings School Nutrition Association’s Annual National Conference 2009. interactive seminar feature national, state, local guidance best practices. Attendees leave greater understanding legal regulatory responsibilities surrounding food allergy management schools action steps address school district’s efforts. workshop intended school nutrition operators school nutrition field. Speakers include Samia Hamdan, MPH, RD, Nutritionist Special Nutrition Programs USDA-FNS Midwest Regional Office; Gilda Karu, USDA-FNS Midwest Regional Office (retired); Elizabeth Bugden, consultant; Katie Millett, Director Child Nutrition Programs Massachusetts Department Education; Cindy Hormel, MM, RD, LD, SNS, Child Nutrition Director Liberty School District Kansas City, MO. Complete information pre-conference workshop available : http://docs.schoolnutrition.org/meetingsandevents/anc2009/educationsession_precon.asp. Register conference workshop www.schoolnutrition.org/anc2009. any questions, contact SNF snf@schoolnutrition.org (800) 877-8822 ext. 149.
4717 1245680726 try Muscle Charades. 's particularly active, use game format teach different muscle groups. see article following link: Physical Education Games - Muscle Charades
4735 1251317146 great game called Veins Arteries Tag stay painted lines gym. taggers "risk factors". chase " blood" flowing veins. tagged "blood clot" tunnel position line. tries go line crawl tunnel ( slows ). discuss arteries get clogged, risk factors need stay healthy keep blood flowing smoothly.
4736 1251320200 tried PECentral.org? section Health Lesson Plans. plans adapted games.
4738 1251394518 anyone know any nutrition education curriculum elementary level. 'm really looking curriculum 3rd 5th grade. Any suggestions be great. Please email robert.larivee@sau20.org. Thanks advance
4767 1252006087 believe PE teacher responsiblity practice preach. mean teaching be fit overweight aspect anyone take seriously. import keep shape practice healthy life style. matter kind teacher oyu responsiblity practice good habits case important live helathy life style.
4796 1252079264 importance eating breakfast definitley topic growing concern. topic needs be hugely stressed foremost parents. making children get extra minutes earlier normally making breakfast be benefical body school performance. know eat breakfast 't get gear feel sluggish all day.
4804 1252177596 Another fun cardio exercise involves class dancing. teach students dances (disco dances, electric, train) get heart rate going way involves music fun.
4805 1252178365 agree, along promoting exercise good health, issue looking 'stars' tv, vital take time talk about bulimia anorexia, especially growing problems causing teens today. issues doubt be talked about health classes.
4822 1252335096 depends consider overweight. NFL lineman teaching Physical Education. say shape? overweight? emphasis focus class image instructor plus isn't .
���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4830 1252343550 think convince admin student health integral academic personal achievement students, student health/wellness essential goal school district. California state mandated changes be served cafeterias snack/beverage machines. Fortunately, district decided get ahead incoming changes banned sodas, high sugar/fat content cafeteria/snack machine items making money various programs selling candy/soda students classrooms having types food items rewards classroom. district created Health Council comprised teachers, Public Health personnel, district nurse representative administration all vision passion healthy school healthy students be . creation District Health Master Plan District Curriculum Master Plan measurable goals essential effecting change district. essential piece all getting administration support food services making healthy changes all yummy foods beverages healthy students BIG money-makers cafeteria. district be willing cafeteria actually lose money order changes. huge budget crisis going state right , 've put changes ( salad bar site) hold, ways go getting want be. , light years ahead be; just took get . 'm trying impress anyone great ('re just pretty average bunch desire better kids, aren't perfect meeting goals 've set ), 'm trying point be done just get right people board set wheels motion.
4869 1252375190 anyone newest fitness videos come Hip Hop Abs P90x? , success ?
4872 1252375884 good way enhance movement education Physical Education class?
4900 1252420176 wondering current teachers use heart rate monitors classroom , school give money apply grant?
4908 1252420636 Childhood obesity definitely problem. Technology great think adding obesity problem, , kids playing video games computer games getting physical exercise need. good point about longer PE classes, be great kids, realistically schools aren't going PE classes be longer any course. Hopefully be changed future help cut back child obesity.
4914 1252421150 'm current student SRU personal fitness class HRM. ones download worked fine class. just strapped class watch recorded long target heart rate got points met required time limit. basic worked fine .
4921 1252421888 pass judgment particular individuals, , side spectrum really be embarrassed. physical educators want be proper role models students, students seeing weight physical education teacher making prepare participate fitness testing truly nice sight see. all demonstrate proper body mechanics include body image. Considerationg overweight different depening body density muscle mass, visual overweight obese be proper image students teachers building.
4923 1252424459 best teacher PE extremly weight, healthy guy buy apperence. , come find weight, ability motivate class get kids enjoy PE. say shape fit help kids positive connection exercise getting class. Espically teacher leads example particaptes class
4925 1252424796 see national standards women. brain all see numbers don't match things see tv.
4928 1252425199 believe sleep biggest factors effects entire day. properly rested negitive affects entire day. tired cause loose focus forget things. regular sleep parten helps body adjust feel engerized threwout day.
4951 1252437087 agree disagree adding Wi Fitness Wi sports P.E curriculum children ?
4960 1252438017 heard order build muscle need mass amounts protien really matters. , read about carbs protien fats things need build muscle. wondering anyone clarify . best way build muscle eating right?
4982 1252548011 good point, realistically any parent lets children compare super models body builders thats bad parenting 're fault.
4985 1252548411 High School mandatory student run/walk mile certain amount time. majority students able , selected extremely unmotivated preferred failing grade part class pushing achieve goal. future educator, good ways help motivate selected push ? Also, consequences be student bluntly doesn't try, argues doing best?
5080 1255873821 experience 's energy bring environment ability get students moving. body gets moving, mind turns . Look teaching expectations, " situation, max - expectation, state instructive language, practice expect , emphasize expectation rule test". love words "starter activities"Thanks Heather!
5082 1255879964 's "looking good feeling terrible syndrome" see "" looking good state rarely see terrible state.
5285 1265211773 district currently uses following protocols fitness assessment: fitnessgram pacer, push-, sit reach, curl-. find problem curl-. find student reliability low test. all perform different ways. students low muscular endurance able shrug shoulders aids completion rep. feel Traditional sit crossed arm modification serve better. any any thoughts ?
5310 1265338543 P90X past summer. see positive results sense gained muscle loss fat. , ripped people testimonials. probably 've seen better results stuck nutrition plan comes program.
5314 1265381744 year student class knew struggling severely eating disorder. student comfortable expressing concerns able prepare any lessons involving sensitive subject matter. main concern students class react issue discussions class. worried, having student disorder class, students remarks about eating disorders insensitive. Any ideas best way students sensitive about subject matter?
5316 1265435743 'm wondering thing. Also wondering about yoga videos.
5338 1265674656 find push FitnessGram test just hard curl test. teacher, need be constantly checking form helping students improve. actually start teaching technique tests school year (typically week week ). try students work partners hold accountable . just started rotation system work small group class (about kids time) technique rest work partner. rotate group day entire class week period. believe curl traditional sit places lot lower back strain students. Remember, curl needs go high fingers cross strip. students going all way working lot harder ( farther) need .
5373 1266436089 good way incorporate fitness PE include warm . Also, be good fitness class just introduce students idea group fitness classes look fitness center.
5375 1266439089 physical education major classes peers 't physical activities shape, trouble doing easy warm activities reason. big supporter healthy role model phys. ed. teacher. student pass fitness testing order graduate physical education major?
5376 1266451243 think putting BMI children's report cards, open awareness child, parents. child above "normal" healthy ranges, reason , usually stems parents. Sure parents get angry , angry don't want hear associating bad parent. think open eyes kick gear, getting parents board help! help children improve health, order parents children need know stand. far discouraging student, 's physical educator's job comes play. need EXPLAIN BMI students. Create understanding , class provide ways improve fitness.
5377 1266451960 equation use calculate basal metabolic rate ( amount calories body burn resting rate). equations male female: Women: BMR = 655 + ( .35 x weight pounds ) + ( . x height inches ) - ( . x age years ) Men: BMR = 66 + ( .23 x weight pounds ) + ( 12. x height inches ) - ( . x age year ) figure , add physical activity factor "Harris Benedict Equation" based sedentary, engage light activity, moderate activity vigorous activity, participate . find , just google Harris Benedict Equation. multiply factor BMR get daily caloric needs. remember, 're trying lose weight want use energy balance equation cut back calories take food drink, increase calories burn physical activity. number get above equations number needed maintain current weight. Hope helps!
5378 1266452218 actually group fitness classes. work exactly discs, ! cost efficient. thing sure floor surface clean dirt dust- mean 've problem gliding disks , plates stick dirty floor. far classroom, fun. Draw pictures plates,add color, add key words remember activity. don't think kids think 's silly. add dimension , think 'll find fun!
5380 1266452758 creative ways implement fitness physical education setting? fitness fun? anyone experience / ideas help children enjoy moving?
5395 1266512038 completely agree. all about "practicing preach" feel going stress students importance eating healthy staying active, need be eating healthy staying physically active !
5398 1266512174 types snacks good keep dorm?
5407 1266512608 heard lot discussion about new forms anorexia. Specifically "Drunkorexia". Drunkorexia describes eat entire day know night going drinking. done prevent consuming calories food alcohol day, be able consume alcohol. form anorexia seen college females. think about form anorexia? believe mental disorder simply fad? thoughts prevention disease amoung college females?
5408 1266512634 keep snacks Special K bars 100 calorie packs kitchen. way, running late class grab 'm walking door incase get hungry. Also, good idea keep fruit cups, veggies yogurt handy. Fruit veggies perfect snack be filling !
5418 1266515153 feel biggest concerns child obesity fact good role models look area. teachers lazy show poor habits students. teachers, need advocate healthy lifestyle benefit importantly, students. want "New PE" actually true reality, get ball rolling individual lifestyle habits.
5423 1266517036 think easily use information 've learned class setting. Just remember principle progression. Start students doing activity short amount time ( low minute) increase time accustomed time.
5424 1266517386 be honest, placing BMI score report card come deaf ears. Parents see number small case find means change. BMI scores be treated confidential students be fun scores. learned lesson hard way years teaching. ( student allowed students observe height/weight). , talk school nurse ( district contact) come plan send home letter. letter explain about BMI BMI score ( range) show health issues detrimental students health. thoughts about : ) need send letter , just already overweight obese. Students normal range be taught ways stay normal range. ) list(s) ways help turn things . be web page designed work eating habits exercise habits. ) Explain BMI , parents know students "forget" asked parent.
5437 1266527031 think having baked chips salsa good microwave popcorn! Also, cans corn string beans good snack day.
5451 1266528100 neice nephew elementry level noticed unhealthy school lunches . school rrecently recieved pop machines options beverages include milk, orange drink. dont all kids get water? Also kids get served fatty lunches pizza friday's spaghetti thursday? arent children getting wheat bread fruit carbs? Shouldnt be major issue especially childhood obesity highest doctors noticing cases type II diabetes chidren?
5453 1266528166 personally feel shouldn't be considered form anorexia. calories consumed willingly. probably just fad mental disorder. suffer anorexia may knowingly get help. real way prevention happening. extreme eat all day drinks throw need serious concer feel colleges provide programs help students understand negative health effects.
5454 1266528229 think students absolutely get educated drugs. need learn about kinds drugs , also side effects consequences. lot students find about new drugs seeing getting introduced , knowing harm cause. think scaring great way get showing happen. high school speaker come talk about happened , jail. shocking memorable.
5455 1266528240 trying build mass, carbs good fats just equally important protein. Protein obviously important want consume almost double body weight protein. Complex carbs important take day body constantly slowly digesting keeps metabolism moving all day. take simple carbs right right after about workout. Simple carbs help react digest faster give energy post workout, helps rebuild muscle just broke . Good fats essential diet be eating different types nuts, fish oil eating fish . good types fats.
5457 1266528272 think healthy snacks keep dorm include nuts (unsalted possible try brush salt ). healthy source fat protein keeps full inbetween meals. Getting Fruit Yogurat great ideas. get mini Yogurt 80 calories (Dannon Light&fit) give good amount yogurt container. give calcium, vitamin D, protein carbs. Watch sugar Yogurts esp fruit . Protein Shakes aren't bad get protein powder low calories fat.
5466 1266528691 actually just research exercise addiction great books amazon discussing ranging children adults. Also, just google "exercise addiction" find lot information damaging really .
5467 1266528711 course think health physical education teacher be healthy fit. also think be working playing students possible. think students motivated. highs school, really respected health physical education teachers work , really set good example motivated . teacher isn’t healthy fit feel students respect feel shouldn’t listen unhealthy, weight teacher.
5477 1266529244 vending machines be allowed school setting?
5488 1266593926 knows breakfast important meal day. Schools need serve greasy bacon sausage foods refined carbohydrates sugary cereals. need be offering foods yogurt, oatmeal, grain cereals, fresh fruit. list go ! believe omitting bad foods all ! proven fact student eats healthier breakfast foods, attention span classes be longer be focused.
5528 1266779316 also believe abstience be taught schools. also problems high school. think teenagers want baby bad high school be given baby week see really all about. change minds.
5532 1266791158 think constantly keeping body guessing key. Sure, may favorite exercises okay don't want order work . instance, 's say workout chest Wednesday. Wednesday, start bench go incline chest press. following week Wednesday, going chest again, start incline chest press go bench. keep body guessing. Just don't get discouraged about weight fluctuation different workouts. may be able x-amount reps x-amount weight bench go back following week, won't be able amount be starting incline chest press. won't be losing any strength; just making different exercise. see results quickly depending body type. lifting weights, drop amount weight all exercises pounds want. incorporate cardio strength training . exercise go IMMEDIATELY after; allow time. Keep doing all exercises. allowing body relax, keep muscles tense heart rate . Incorporating running workout fairly easy. workout quickly, allowing time, help start run. get strong fast time. say lift days week run twice week. following week, lift twice run times. opposite days . Run Monday, lift Tuesday run again Wednesday continue fashion.
5535 1266797850 felt lifestyle activities important skill based activities competitions. focus teaching physical education? outcome best students? focus helping develop effective sport based students students develop lifestyle activity early?
5544 1266856029 agree 100%. noticed schools visited past years unhealthy food . be brought ’s attention eating unhealthy cause serious health problems years. sooner serious issue addressed healthier alternatives added schools cafeteria’s, all lead happier healthier lives. [] 17. K Unhealthy school lunches.wps "Bringing issue unhealthy school lunches be"
5545 1266856624 days, numerous teens getting pregnant year round. ’ve know people gotten pregnant young ages twelve thirteen. Getting pregnant age good teenagers just young ones . think important thing sure young ones refraining sex all . know people gotten pregnant really young ages, half regretted , wait school done, after married? [] 18. K Teenage Pregnancy.wps "Ways prevent teenage pregnancy"
5547 1266857978 noticed today, numerous people having issues self-esteem. people today actors, actresses, models gorgeous, thin stick figures, may look all gorgeous say , don’t look . just don’t understand . People habit comparing people actresses models want be . just picture go get beautiful. doesn’t happen overnight. People models actresses watch eat professions watched audience seen screen, don’t want be big people fun . don’t think male actors really problem. seen movies fat actors, actresses. Girls think far obsessed look guys. want know girls go great lengths. look way . people choose starve , famous people may get liposuction, breast implants, lip collagen plastic surgery. Yeah afford , , tells way unhappy way look. time accepted , . don’t need fancy surgeries tell . good person looks people die . all unique characteristic all different form another, don’t think any important. All need know perfect. may perfect body, perfect eyes, perfect hair, perfect. wouldn’t dare friends anyone thinks perfect. all created differently. people may be attractive , , looks thing associated self-esteem. put bottom list. accepted kind, smart, loving caring individual love care about . don’t need good looks help self esteem, just accepts . [] 18. K Self Esteem.wps "Ways help self-esteem"
5555 1266865968 currently back schol helath phys ed teacher. degree exercise science. strong passion exercise, nutrition helping . want be able reach students faculity importatnce health involves. programs better reach kids faculity? teachers get involved changing lunches making phys ed longer health year ..?
5557 1266866944 educators take different approach teaching drugs, alcohol sex? don't think kids learn D..R.E Health classes helpful. school alot people took joke. Personally, against drugs done . think be beneficial teach about psychology children predisposition doing drugs alcohol learn early about conditions. example: close friend psych degree grad school guidance counseling be therapist. family predisposition addictive behaviors. Alcoholics, gambling addictive behaviors run family. controls addictions healthier things cleaning school work . knows control able change anytime. may be educators know look ? don't think kids get right help need? Kids go highschool talk about prolems. best approach teach about subjects?
5562 1266871460 feel students acting need about . just dont want sit dont get any activity run want fun fitness use thier life time about
5563 1266872357 after school programs work? students interested ? age group work best? see high school working students just want leave. anyone set after school program?
5565 1266873482 feel students acting need about . just dont want sit dont get any activity run want fun fitness use thier life time about
5576 1266877823 Slippery Rock University classes nutrition Health Physical Education major. health classes certified teach health class. day professors talking about obesity rates America physical educators obligated be big part fighting childhood obesity. , asked, “ supposed fight obesity teaching things life time sports, isn’t nutrition people eat obese? don’t nutrition classes?” answer told ask chair-person department. university preach educate children fight obesity, knowledge certification talk about food put body, obese?
5606 1266900743 absolutely agree fact needs be nutrition classes Health Physical education major Slippery Rock. physical educators be fighting force agaisnt obesity be properly prepared subject good nutrition. Good nutrition plays essential role helping prevent obesity believe needs be taught all Health Physical education majors just Slippery Rock University colleges across country.
5607 1266901516 college athletic team across country training program set practices about nutrition dieting athletes? Depending sport involved need proper diet help body preform 's highest level. example college football players meal plans help increase size strength runners high carb diets order help themthrough long workouts. College kids may good nutrition decisons believe athletic teams success helped improved diets athletes.
5618 1266931497 high school, stand Health aspect called 'gym class.' peers care learn about anything related Health; simply interesting. excited about active sitting class room. feel kids today. take time understand healthy lifestyle. best ways get across high school students importance health? Reading book work. fun, active ways teach health students want learn about healthy lifestyles? incorporate cognitive thinking psychomotor activity help teach health?
5627 1266937674 want know way eat healthy also eat things enjoy eating?
5629 1266937958 want know think phys ed teachers need lead example comes living healthy lifestyle just teaching live healthy life ?
5635 1266948730 think all high schools required students wear heart rate monitors? section lesson plan just cardiovascular workouts heart rate monitors?
5645 1266951556 believe any teacher any subject live preach. supposed be setting example health jepardy. Children model behavior teachers thats evident observing parent's behaviors. ultimate goal show student's physical fitness fun healthy gain student's trust healthy.
5679 1267671697 lecturing about common drugs teenagers. anyone feel talking about certain drugs students curious want try ?
5692 1267821349 be student teaching pretty soon, wanted know any good websites use supplement health lessons?
5710 1268320771 high school vending machines operate after school hours. annoys sell sugar-loaded pop unhealthy snacks , especially implemented wellness policy years ago states types beverages snacks be sold school! wellness committee told contract vending companies contract take look removing replacing sold . waiting contracts expire?????
5730 1269870232 issue struggling . about pregnancies go full term year sure countless numbers abortion. talk students frustrated get. pregnancies school supported families. cultural issue community. decided start approaching issue males side, focusing obligations role preventing .
5744 1270696825 student teacher need teach fitness days week. love fitness, problem weather ruining plans. anyone suggestions games fun fitness indoors. teaching high school adequate facilities. Thank
5745 1270782988 Stations work limited space. Try balance "fun" activities fitness activities. kids won't want . Fitness videos option. 'm curious anyone suggestions videos.
5755 1272376408 anyone any suggestions approach topic differently?
5780 1274203014 HS students enjoy doing activities little kids. love different relay races, wheel barrel races, legged races, scooters, variety tag games. Simple, childhood activities really don’t get chance anymore. organize things older. ’re simple raise heart rates. Give shot.
5784 1274268274 bleacher workout, students sprint hitting step, step, side step ups ways (similar shuffle), single leg hops , double leg hops , front lunges ( steps time) side lunges . years ago come train football players. incorporated training techniques fitness classes. lot different sized tires regular car tires huge tractor tires. students roll hills, pull running, get low push weights top, get big ones flip , vertical jumps top big ones. students get little dirty need tell hand going be doing wear dirty workout clothes. need shower also. ’s great long period classes enjoy .
5799 1274731307 interesting great point. help situation childhood obesity properly taught about nutrition colleges universities? curious find PE departments colleges across country offer nutrition course. know didn't take , 11 years ago! taken pledge nutrition education students K- PE classes. research add quick discussions , after, classes. also play nutrition games year educate kids.
5802 1275589598 Absolutely!!! places accountability students' hands. content areas, students accountable practice (homework) graded efforts(number correct rubric evaluation). be different. leads identifying individual students’ perceived exertion (Borg) compares actual exertion (heart rate) identifies exactly (perceived) get aerobic benefits preaches. also great method approach differentiation acceptance differences. argument totally fit athlete… Target heart rate benefits . 140-160 beats minute output aged student regardless fitness level. fit may produce mileage/speed time aerobic student. moving faster mean working harder peer. students 140 bpm, equivalent efforts, receiving benefits. probably amount productivity, difference 140 bpm. , get complaint Matthew Jordan working soooo hard compared Cathy Potato, bring numbers find Cathy working Matthew!!!!
5873 1285717936 agree . needs be classes about nutrition PE departments across country. Childhood obesity common problem country, future Physical Educators need be prepared coming future.
5874 1285718312 high school couple vending machines. , avaiable after school hours certain time. , full wrong types foods. Snicker bars, twix, potato chips, . wonder reason country obese. place health pushed actually be place health crushed. far vending machines, believe okay certain extent. healthier items , pretzels.
5896 1285879187 believe teacher live healthy lifestyle. expect be taken seriously telling students eat right exercise live tips . Students may think " //Ms. isn't healthy 's reason be?"
5984 1286299462 completely agree importent students wear heart rate monitors! allows student be able self assess working class exactly harder may need work. Plus allows students may be physicaly fit work level .
5987 1286299875 refridgerator yogurt, celery, carrots, string cheese cottage cheese great foods . refridgerator keep apples, oranges, bananas, high fiber bars, granola . foods healthy also help keep full!
5989 1286300212 activities be done physical education classes get class outside? Keeping mind area north western Pennsylvania. activities all seasons?
6007 1287687647 class President's Fitness test curl- option Matthew said, anything past 45 degress switches weight lower back abdominals eccentic movement. matter test standards, come best standards all kids. rule arms crossed, thumbs tucked shirt collar, hands grab shirt, sit extend elbows front touch middle thigh farther . go test standards scores. minutes test, multiple students save time, just running mile, student accuracy question. Spend lot time rules counting sit-ups, practice demonstrate, record keeping students accurate.
6012 1287755819 feel any teacher be role model students. , especially health teacher, talk about smoking students stay away smoke! Students aren't going take seriously. bad teacher, absolutely !!!! students look decisions !
6038 1290079062 form anorexia. high school unfortunately, just above. knew going party, eat day knew be drinking carbs speak night. fad, problem/extension anorexia. again, really any different adults, knowing holiday parties night, eating all day eating lightly KNOW be eating drinking merrily parties night? any different really? cut calories get ,,,,
6093 1297709589 person knew willing admit eating disorder? , suggest talking person, explain importance seeking medical attention. Also, person athlete, especially female athlete, ball game. Female athletes suffering eating disorder eventually experience called female athlete triad - eating disorder, amenorrhea & osteoporsis. person suffering eating disorder denial about condition be difficult friend. friend signs symptoms eating disorder, admit all. difficult offer help tell about situation. , things just simply hands. Good luck friend.
6129 1300405435 highschool peer educator. told preach abstinence anything , advisor said "welcome new world" basically seeing teen pregnancies. limit things said came sex all names parts younger students, say come personal questions. Usually use contraceptives. pretty happy ask about all. think students slowly getting message abstinence key, chose engage sexual activity, multiple ways be safe about
6142 1300566130 Parkour growing activity youth greatly support teaches discipline mentally physically. familiar parkour, visit www.americanparkour.com. called urban gymnastics great way students get shape outside classroom. teams equipment needed, simply good pair running shoes. Parkour teaches rely capabilities get point B letting get way. Parkour be taught students hopes kindling fires igniting passion physically fit. Especially students excel certain sports posses physicality practice related skills jumping climbing. , outside classroom eyes students, parkour taken extremes originally intended led countless injuries young men women. question , possibility injury practicing skills, be good idea attempt teach students parkour?
6145 1300816050 high school also peer educators. abstinence priority peer education sessions, school enforce abstinence approach. Students free ask questions reason peer educators also spoke about importance safe sex along abstinence. feel important abstinence safe sex taught adolescents. unthinkable believe student going abstain sex important safe sex covered. teaching safe sex practices, adolescents learn abstinence important also learn ways safe sexual actions occur.
6159 1300999080 sports spupplments increasingly popular students, wounder be wise teach sutdents about risks/ bennefits proper sports nutrion.
6168 1301081259 belive Heart rate monitors increasing popular school systems rightfully . finally chance student be evaluated " playing feild" years athletic fit students excel dominate PE class. HRMs change th entire outlook PE class levels.
6177 1301354142 think stress management be bigger part physical education all high school middle school programs. think help students long run.
6178 1301354792 believe students need learn use areas wilderness outdoor settings physical education. believe help people better understand world .
6195 1301452063 Hi all, eating disorders big thing comes high school also sensitive topic bring . anyone any ideas bring topic parents think child having eating disorder.
6198 1301480067 think school place vending machine available certain times , healthy items .
6202 1301525985 use drugs alcohol high school students increasing greatly, graduated years ago. Students need aware consequences face drug alcohol consumption. feel teachers role models doing stress consequences students. chapter health book guest speaker year going cut . thoughts?
6216 1301850231 best friends bulimic. kept secret long time, little upset pushed away awhile. thought, thing needs right . needs be be able support help any way . suggest talking person be patient about respond way want right away. Eating disorders scary things person usually embarassed admit disorder. Also, just be . don't need watch parent. Honestly knowing lot positive progession disorder.
6231 1302015548 friend sister eating disorder, disorder anorexia bulimia constantly eats fattening food reached severely unhealthy weight bad emotional state led unhealthy eating. slow process talking giving advice supportive slowly worked way trying change life. Basically matter be sure situation doing be life threatening.
6247 1302095089 firm believer "practice preach." want students develop healthy, lifelong habits, shouldn't be direct reflection trying instill ? positive role model major impact effectiveness teachings.
6248 1302095406 agree great need nutrition courses offered. be effective teaching students about nutrition aid decrease childhood obesity, be provided tools information . information come personal research workshops. also feel nutrition be major component taught school's PE Health curriculum. students know, better decisions .
6258 1302624509 also agree majority - PE Health Educators be fit people products modeling lifestyle comes healthy choices. , understand needing drug addict order students take seriously teaching about drug abuse. ran concerned parent group years ago about PE teacher extremely muscular deny fact steroids past. discussions about person fit role model. come satisfying conclusion mind. definitely line choices kid choices adult - 'm just sure lines cross.
6259 1302625076 seeing "eating disorder" doubt stems particular stressor. be event chronic situation. way, doctor position deal . professional uncovered underlying trigger, may act supportive coach assist necessary behavioral changes person go , FOOD dietary patterns problem.
6265 1303176614 Having taught PE 18 yrs offered nutrition class , undergrad grad. level... feel strongly school district, Bay Shore, done exceptional job setting tone. Strong wellness policy enforced School Superintendent, Wellness committee compromised mds local hospitals, nutritionist, school lunch coordinators, teachers, AD community members. All putting heads set goals community. done wonderful things. obesity problem going need lots willing participants.
6282 1303859592 health / physical education teacher feel important be healthy fit. want be positive role model students challenge be best person be. love participating activities see competitiveness come students ’m involved activities. think students days learn lot teachers, large number kids come broken homes. Active lifestyles helps improve self-esteem helps feel good about . believer students follow believe ’m saying practice preach.
6283 1303859799 ’m health educator feel definite need teach abstinence class, also contraception, STD’s lifelong effects unprotected sex. huge problem teenage pregnancy school. say about 10-15 new pregnancies school year, . heard girls classes say, “ be ”, wouldn’t know ’re pregnant. kids school think doing fall peer pressure. added special part sex education curriculum personally think difference. bring teens baby tell story. students sit quietly listen detail actually ask great questions. see age going struggles having baby feel difference.
6291 1304285361 problem school . school district's health curriculum allowed teach abstience. Contraception allowed district's curriculum. nurse practitioner county health department comes health class discuss STDs. candid about sex getting diseases. talks about oral, anal, vaginal sex. topic again allowed discuss . think education best way prevent teen pregnancy. Kids be aware consequences. Personally think parents responsible educating kids topics, schools be secondary. teach children.
6466 1311286019 strongly believe health PE teachers model behaviors teaching students. message impact see believe be doing things telling . , see right be motivated take seriously. all time modeling healthy eating kids ( letting know treats also). talk lot about activities mean improve life. amazes see pe/health teachers overweight point obese .
6467 1311286248 real problem reliable “abdominal test ” share concern. real issue be focusing . Obesity type diabetes efforts be addressing tests highlight problem kids pacer BMI. pacer test relates healthy hearts kill . Having pack abs dying heart attack favor. BMI measurement, taught correctly additional measures address limitations, be sent home child twice year. states adopted laws requiring . , difficult subject bring take heat parents type diabetes going devastate country PREVENTABLE. need take health educators. addressing body fat measurable way ( realize BMI measure body fat fairly reliable predictor people) don’t want deal possible conflicts parents professional negligence humble opinion.
6468 1311286373 , healthy eating exercise survey use start discussion topic. put Washington state dairy council available free Washington teachers. After kids take survey discuss know answering questions be indicator attitudes about food, eating exercise be harmful. After kids keep track diet days put information mypyramid tracker print information gained especially caloric balance page. also track activity level site . Lastly, kids take bmi see student concerned about . all assessments indicate possible problem, set meeting expressing concerns parents. Be aware , parents denial about kids eating disorders early . doing , done responsibility educator.
6502 1317762481 practice preach physical educator. get front group students tell importance fit good physical shape , get taken seriously. order be good role model students look , be model healthy active life style. be best PE teachers , positively affect student's lives practice teaching. Children model behaviors authority figures lives; , imperative be healthy teaching PE.
6503 1317763608 'm involved school trying transition traditional PE Lifetime Fitness Outdoor Education kind fade team sports. opposed Lifetime Fitness Outdoor Education any way see problem trying fade team sports units class. anyone give feedback obvious arguments keep team sports? want bring new argument table, soemthing concrete. Anyone gone transition also shed light experience?
6509 1317767141 definitely agree physical education teacher needs be physically fit active. type lifestyle physical education teacher leads sets example all people 're involved . Having physically fit PE teacher gives motivation students . believe PE teachers need be involved students class, just give instructions. PE teacher's top priority be motivate students live healthy, active lifestyle.
6510 1317767742 'm huge believer eating healthy college year. refrigerator yogurt, peaches, kinds delicious fruit snacks. breakfast usually consists different Special K cereals egg whites. dinner, usually grilled chicken salmon burgers George Foreman. money, definitely invest buying George Foreman grill. cooking easier. microwave access, bagged veggies good . hard eat healthy college. hardest part putting mind , telling eat healthy. be done !!
6511 1317768934 believe schools implementing heart rate monitors PE programs. Having heart rate monitors wear class gives students instant feedback. heart rate monitors provide students resting heart rate, average heart rate workout, percent target heart rate zone workout, calories burned. Having numbers available students provides instant feedback also helps motivate students try best. believe warm- mile run heart rate monitors suffice. Teaching students heart monitor works definitely be necessary.
6512 1317770097 lot student athletes complain about Physical Education classes. argument propose get physical activity sports practices games. believe student athletes be required take PE classes just rest student body. high school exceptions athletes games . school athletics affect PE participation schools?
6513 1317771082 obesity rise United States, believe absolutely necessary teach importance healthy eating early child's life. Kids give argument fast metabolism's young age eat want. be case, developing early eating habits child's life sets success future. future educators need help students fight obesity epidemic give necessary tools . healthy lifestyle be taught elementary aged students?
6526 1317780225 practice preach physical educator. get front group students tell importance fit good physical shape , get taken seriously. order be good role model students look , be model healthy active life style. be best PE teachers , positively affect student's lives practice teaching. Children model behaviors authority figures lives; , imperative be healthy teaching PE.
6554 1317908272 understand lot schools don't want athletes be position get hurt strenuous hurt game play. disagree . think Phys. Ed class actually help athletes loosening game, helps keep body motion, take time warm game.
6568 1318103316 understanding athletics considered Physical Education class after school activity. be possible practices part school day? , take place Physical Education class. may also allow shorter after school practices order get students home earlier allow time academics. season time, athletes use Phys. Ed. time weight training conditioning upcoming season.
6570 1318113534 disagree. considered "overweight" considered middle school. , sport athlete basketball star high school continue play . run good mile time physical activities. don't think physical educator needs look body builder be good . , believe be able fitness testing games teaching students.
6571 1318113697 disagree. considered "overweight" considered middle school. , sport athlete basketball star high school continue play . run good mile time physical activities. don't think physical educator needs look body builder be good . , believe be able fitness testing games teaching students.
6582 1318356724 October, breast cancer awareness month. all see pink . think stressing cancer prevention young kids important. see PE teachers telling students, exercise really important becasue prevent cancer. , lost loved ones deadly disease, think time stress young kids important exercise really . think?
6608 1318545253 Hello, senior graduating fall Physical Education Health thinking about masters. interested educating students about wellness, self esteem relaxation. took class community college called Mind, Body Connection get somethine . problem know get field . anyone know be able especailly teaching college level?
6610 1318545663 Nutrition interested know about. curious get degree, specifically masters. noticed places offer certification understand get masters. possible? also know about life coach think important know educator, coach parent?
6613 1318546335 softball player plays intercollegiate level, feel necessary athletes know about proper nutrition. person tell eat don’t know exactly start stick , be effective. Nutrition feel athletes take interest amount physical activity stress putting bodies. know sport season just doing conditioning practices, practices 6pm day, 8pm another day, 11pm another day. Eating right healthy huge part athletes perform practices games. love university funds hire educate teammates about nutrition dieting.
6625 1318628705 PE classes, job educate students importance healthy lifestyle. really doing Goal Setting process after Fitness Testing, gives student chance see need improve also doing right. ways education Healthy Lifestyle meaningful NON-athletes? may be easy show important healthy lifestyles athlete shows field, court, . important get athletic involved sports board.
6627 1318781391 feel high school students interested after school programs. feel right students just want go home hang friends sleep . need show students after school programs help resume keep active. believe students feeling don't need extra work resume. don't understand hard get job be world alone .
6629 1318786735 students misbehave attention class, thing don't want draw attention negative behavior. Try redirect attention student behaving completing objectives correctly class. example: Johnny task misbehaving, Candace hand task misbehaving, teacher say "hey, Johnny look Candace kicking soccer ball, just Candace?" students match peers challenged . Also frequently making sure students know understand importance expectations classroom gymnasium help prevent misbehavior.
6650 1318807474 believe form anorexia. Excercise anorexia also form anorexia person also consuming calories works burn just ate. definitely psychological thing 're obsessing calorie intake body.
6651 1318808395 think students educated about sex early . 's sad say kids losing virginity high school . wasn't taught about sex highschool career. Abstinence great reality kids need be aware risks goes along having sex pregnancies STD's safe sex practiced
6660 1318873484 person plays women's rugby high level part structures training program, given lot information about importance nutrition vital look after body preform best high level. definitely feel cant , athlete needs know about proper nutrition, sleep recovery protocols get best training programs.
6690 1318890945 athlete performing dynamic stretching practices games beneficial. feel alert, ready go, confident, prepared doing any movement asked . coached information USA Olympic softball team. similar warm- routines look online order USA women’s softball DVD breaks T.
6691 1318891278 agree . classes , professors see students starting lose focus class stand doing funny, crazy activity minute . perform task, pick right left 's moods changed focused. Physical activity helps get blood flowing oxygen moving - body helps person be able retain information be productive class.
6696 1318892637 think teachers be required fitness testing. brother considered overweight BMI scale short muscular. requiring fitness testing, PE educators be good role model students peers.
6699 1318893606 agree statement, , also don't disagree . believe setting good example students big part teaching. overweight setting good example. also believe able teach effectively extremely important. plenty overweight PE teachers excellent . way people different create opinions all be different.
6702 1318895495 day TV programs basically promote teen pregnancy. Physical Educators trying teach teen pregnancy big responsibility, be overwhelming high school. continue educate students subject constantly mislead shows teenagers watch?
6712 1318899142 Obesity growing problem U.S. physical educators be promoting life long PA. schools swim unit, , usually just time students please long water. Teachers use opportunity actually take time teach different strokes, give insensitive students want participate. promote swimming schools programs students don't want swim, won't put forth effort?
6731 1318903989 agree certain degree. think healthy eating healthy lifestyle be implemented childs life soon journey. , calling healthy diet may be best bet. eating disorders young women focus feel pressured about think look . Adults understand healthy diet idea, young child understand adults coming calling diet? believe healthy eating healthy lifestyle, , 's be called. word 'diet' connotation frowned society, word 's be proud . Living healthly lifestyle eating healthy be proud .
6745 1318959572 really feel great topic be focussed all obestiy numbers rising. adults obese, kids obese early age. reasons obesity numbers rising, video games watching t.v. , healthy diet be implemented early age people excercising new inventions technology. Also, start early age eating healthy, older continue eat way.
6748 1318960879 Schools definitely be introduced heart rate monitors. bonus see use heart rate monitors instant results. teacher be able grade student working best ability. students may look working hard , heart rate monitors show . student didn't look working hard actually pushing , person looked trying really wasn't. feel heart rate monitors beneficial.
6749 1318961765 know experience, teachers grade skill performance physical education classes. core subject math, get graded understand material perform tests. bad math, get bad grade, good math, get good grade. physical education class grades based dress code attendance, fair. think physical education teachers grade skill performance, challenge students actually students put effort physical education classes?
6750 1318962507 high school, written assignment take test physical education class. feel physical education just be about running doing different activities sports. Students be taught about sport activity, knowing history rules . test after lessons, having class assignment physical education class help students understand about class. feel tests class assignments help students understand certain activities sports better just playing day after day?
6756 1319028972 teach middle school level health 8th grade. month human sexuality unit. stress focus abstinence obviously best choice. spend time contraception realistic educators realize students going best choice need know be protected. clear abstinence stand best choice.
6757 1319029389 middle school unit stress stress management health class. great unit give students resources manage stress also find types stress students dealing days. multiple activities stress management students think helpful practical. agree stress talked about fact depression suicide start stress.
6779 1323451971 Physical Education Educator 30 years, think important be healthy. Student read say. 53 years age, get play different activities students. Haven't Freshman beat badmitton years. remain 14 year year older. need be positive role model students. Starting class throwing ball letting kids play education. currently teach couple PE teachers . may play football 25 30 get throw ball students run pass routes. think students see teacher get invovled class. teach love active. Be active students time keep physical workout.
6820 1330739871 Eating disorders touchy subject. Meeting parents person probably best idea. affirm child eating disorder, question parents noticed certain characteristics noticed. feel asking , 'll be believe afterwards. After discussing characteristics, bring probability eating disorder. , 'll probably want explain symptoms signs, accept anger denial. be polite; all want consider . After speaking , 'll keep strict eye son daughter.
6821 1330740608 anyone any good ideas physically active nutriton lessons? kids high BMIs want teach nutrition want be active learn . Any ideas??
6827 1330797828 Ok, all heard saying "Practice preach", health physical education any different? pass various fitness tests, tell students run pull-ups. healthy active role model be part job, feel students look teaching class. , think? health PE teachers sort fitness test certified health PE?
6835 1330970378 Circulation Scooter Students be able identify flow blood body, identify different structures blood explain . Students riding white scooters represent white blood cells. Black scooters germs, red scooters red blood cells blue scooters oxygen. Students follow flow circulation body. White blood cells attach Black germs turn White blood cells. pick oxygen lungs send take body drop muscles. Students be able incorporate health lesson physical education class. use multiple intelligences, hands active participation team building. Learning work get flow assignment running correctly. incorporate lesson plan kids fun doing grasp learned lesson.
6840 1330996723 feel high school students interested after school programs, high school students interested want try sports team team. after school programs work middle schools elementary school students. Middle school high school students participate play sports after school schools.
6849 1331057404 high school, students exempt PE play sports year years. student , loved . professional perspective , Physical Education be required . Physical education isn’t just about getting exercise, ’s about learning be healthy physical lifelong. Athletes be required take physical education, just learn skills.
6858 1331090824 mainly judge effort. times students try cheat heartrate monitors try throw . effort atleast student attempting fun participate basically need gym class. main thing judge active attitude. need keep children active happy.
6873 1331170340 currently junior health physical education major. classes reiterated about fitness testing having data back . question deals giving grades fitness testing combined. example, student poorly fitness test, shouldn’t be given failing grade. just give participation points? teachers grading fitness testing done, grade based affective domain?
6908 1333043229 's possible work industry be role model health wellness probably "weighs heavily" mind physical educational professional. also believe necessary practice preach seen examples contrary.
6936 1339461056 Obstacle Race Course Training sport exploded popularity years, hundreds races place year round across U.S.
6947 1342723180 think students perform better teacher appears healthy lives healthy lifestyle. stimulates great conversations builds great relationships involved kids playing various activities class.
6948 1342723332 think issue places, mine included. struggle thought glorifying , educating . think great opportunity teach diet exercise affect pregnancy.
6949 1342723482 interesting see people struggle dynamic versus static stretching. athletic programs gone dynamic , personally hard time giving static. classes use combination .
6950 1342723606 program school consumer science program deals nutrition exercise angle. good class elected away . replaced health classes physical education program.
6955 1343680127 agree saying Health/PE teacher live healthy lifestyle. , hypocritical preach about exercise, healthy diet choices, avoiding unhealthy behaviors turn ignore just said life. sit doctor tells smoke lights Marlboro, 's going leave bit confused, sure. 't help think 's students feel situation. Aside , people kids' lives advocate healthy lifestyle - need step model healthy behaviors.
6976 1345826340 promoting new, educational game, Dead Miles. surface, Dead Miles game about surviving world filled zombies. , underlying goal game teach about health related components Physical Fitness calorie intake/output. obvious game teaching tool, point! soon kid suspects educational, tend anticipate unpleasant experience. hope use Dead Miles teach kids about fitness metabolism realizing . link download page: http://www.misterdonovan.com/deadmiles/ link information game be educational tool: http://www.misterdonovan.com/-value--games/ feel lack entertaining worthwhile educational software. especially true Physical Education. Please consider passing game people find useful. free, advertising game, website. Physical Education teacher New York City ( Bronx). plan use program, along carefully designed questions, optional extra credit assignments. encourage discussion about software , feel free contact site. Sincerely, .C. Donovan
7000 1349364397 new wave CrossFit going today's world, everyones take training kids kid fitness?
7001 1349365030 understand may be health class implemented curriculum schools, classes truly go proper diet consists ? educators? obvious obesity epidemic today's society people really idea take care , put bodies. think be class devoted nutrition school taught educator practices preach knows ins outs balanced diet.
7030 1349828632 definitaly agree physical educator needs talk talk walk walk. All student look , teacher telling be healthy students see eating unhealthy foods going gain respect. thing teacher telling students activity, teacher just standing sitting trying participate , students definitaly going laugh listen teacher says. going think dont ? , believe all physical educators need be fit physically active.
7031 1349831363 past years schools pushing school lunches snacks healthy done? high school order buy lunch get fruit vegetable slushy fruit fries vegetable. way be. Schools be serving wholesome foods. Any ideas get done?
7032 1349831730 College students -educated topic nutrition. people heard freshman 15 average weight people gain go college. due sedentary lifestyle poor food choices. college students eat dining halls eat desserts. Nutrition be emphasized college students help prevent unecessary weight gain. physical education major get information nutrition average student gets little. feel be changed.
7033 1349832019 All students be required participate physical education classes matter doing outside class. PE class be treated . student going science fair get science class "get science" fair. PE different. reality athletes benefit participating class. reason kids get lazy.
7034 1349832517 feel educators practice preach. student believe teacher says teacher doesn't follow ? soneone weight trying talk about nutrition think " know?" Content important teaching appearance. , looking part may be extra step good class great class.
7035 1349833094 middle distance runner college consistantly running lifting. Personally feel be healthier run get stronger lifting. feel better running lifting. person just constantly lifts run get bulky shape. seen guys just lift usually shape. lifts practical benching example. Chances need lift heavy object chest laying back. think important be physically fit feel need run . example week be run days lift days. feel get best results.
7045 1349891731 teacher act tell students daily basis. teacher be able ask students. stress large obesity rates increasing, student take seriously eating healthy active teacher fail categories. feel practice healthy active students see , gain respect students. want students look , practice preach feel students be open healthy active.
7055 1349909673 agree teachers practice preach, be careful emphasize "healthy" "small skinny" thing. teachers bring healthy lunches school model proper nutrition students just important. Also, teachers talk class about healthy activities participate , playing sand volleyball tournaments, running school, going gym after school. Students be encouraged healthy body image healthy body. Phys ed teachers be able perform teaching, necessarily obligated be marathon runners.
7074 1349965751 goal get strong fast, running, sprinting, lifting be level. certain lifts incorporate gain speed also gaining strength. lifts olympic lifts, concentrate gaining explosive strength correlate strength speed. lifts include power clean, push jerk, snatch issue difficult lifts require coach knows lifts teach proper form. lifts include squat, deadlift, lunges, shoulder press, arm movements running just legs work, also creating momentum upper body. far ratio, say days lifting days sprints, done day. Take day rest . may lot after weeks body accustomed high output also concentrate proper nutrition get recovery results.
7076 1349966238 classes went stretching great lengths, reading articles journal entries. dynamic stretching prior exercise beneficial. raises heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature all keys proper warmup. Static stretching shown be effective muscles return pre-stretched levels 10-20 minutes. Static stretching useful post workout gets lot lactic acid muscles prevent soreness decrease recovery time.
7077 1349966692 truly want keep weight college any time life, thing cut any bread, pasta, beans diet. foods contain high amounts carbohydrate harmful chemicals population idea . , wheat breads pastas bad, matter anyone says. successfully done take full force Paleo diet. Meat, veges, fruit, nuts seeds. eat things processed foods sugars count calories again. foods humans designed eat digest easiest provide bodies available nutrients. Don't forget go organic!
7087 1354127583 Squats deadlifts week sprints twice week. Separate day
7088 1354890411 agree, know quite PE teachers terrible shape. going teach believe . try teach kids accomplish anything effort. agree be healthy skinny don't think settle weight. Watch biggest loser
7106 1363632132 important role model action aspire students . issue weight, discuss struggles ways addressed . may help individual student.