930 1130297210 'm mission. school system performance pay system. superintendant wanting PE teachers provide ideas criteria be judged determine receive bonus. criteria need be measurable objective. see children time/ days 45 minutes. teacher administers Presidential Physical Fitness Tests. , don't feel results tests show any worth don't see children difference tests. superindentant suggested be measured percentage children pass year . matter excellent program unreasonable. Any suggestions performance pay system?? 1030 1131095621 competition healthy idea promote phys ed? competition get active student reults, expose athletic class. take results exchange hurt feelings? lessen remove competition classroom? Know. 1016 1131051992 Hello , student Slippery Rock University. degree Exercise Science working Physical Education Health degree. curious know types tests Physical Educators recommend assessing muscular strength. ones know pull-/bend arm hang, bicep curl (Tri fit), hand grip dynamometer tests. anyone any tests? 689 1120784106 Hi, know anyone new Physical Best activities school setting. , ? JiJi 1040 1131392193 Hello . wanted gain feedback promotional video NASPE. want be PE teachers today? drives educate people ways physical education? 1054 1131499460 year requirements students graduate high school changed continuously. changing curriculum, think physical education be requirement, just getting certain score standardized tests (S..T.s)? 1068 1131514780 level intent competition physical education important issue. concepts P.E, finding balance important. foremost, participation be significant issue any class. Competition decreses participation reduces self-esteem be avoided. Also belief example, early stages skill mastery, vital competition place. pupils skill level increases gradually add competition. downside avoiding competition, athletes class quickly bored frustrated. Again need balance needs be stressed. single class respond differently competition. Understanding observing class, day day basis, clear issue " ?" 1115 1131922147 get "real life" competitive...competitive jobs, competitive advancement, . be teaching competitive non competitive situations. Kids activities competitive... job teacher de-emphasize competitive aspect activities, also aware competitive aspect. Teaching good sportsmanship another aspect teaching. 1143 1132540160 agree- kids almost anything "win/lose" competition- beleive stressing sportsmanship key . , kids going specialized camps playing traveling teams practice days week- winning be stressed anything. important P.E.'ers impress kids importance playing fun, get exercise be active freinds. Stress classes competing against beat help improve hard work. sure class divided teams come back single class leave- little "team unity" ! 1149 1132850167 current El. ED student Minnesota PE methods course, discussed grade PE students. best criteria use grading students PE? 1184 1134576541 experimenting self assessment middle school. Rubrics include time task, listening, following directions procedures, cooperation, sportsmanship individual effort. be working students harder . 1197 1135382431 Hi . anyone having trouble 'covering' PE teachers sick? colleague signed chronic back problem best part term. Head Dept. having try ensure adequate cover, lessons -line syllabus also teach full load Level Gcse KS3 classes. ( teach UK based system). tough find PE supply teachers colleagues want cover PE lesson? anyone any really good resources classroom based lessons? problem students expectation practical lesson classroom goes close fullfilling need? Bails 1252 1137598195 looking web site offers hs level written assignments. kids need classes aren't classes available . any help appreciated. 1286 1138592251 PE Central lesson winter olympics HS level. -12 lesson plans look interdisplinary lessons. 1291 1138679565 Michael: retired having taught 1965-2001, middle school level, years HS. all jobs 've done, matches teaching PE. entirely self satisfying see changes able lives young people, physically socially/emotionally. people opportunity. PE special kids concerned bodies gives inroad education possess. be meaningful. chance be creative ways, keep active, stay fit, set example students, be leader campus, community help children lead longer, healthier, happier productive lives. Need say . mentored great teachers/leaders, retirement, 'm really retired 'm having blast keeping hand game. change 40 years, anything. Joe Herzog, Fresno CA 1408 1141061116 name Chris Zeh currently Physical education major East Carolina University. choose be physical educator believe teacher be important students lives. physical educator feel teach coach students life. main motivation picked career be coach teacher obesity levels rising drive shifted teaching students way safe healthy life style continue grow older. hope be able difference. 1442 1141589242 PE teacher just may be best job all time. Having power instill habits knowledge may ensure longer, healthier lives future America opportunity people . introduce future America variety ways active, getting outdoors, eating healthy order ensure longevity bodies extremely important job poeople lifetime say . elementary PE teacher get see kids smile all day long pleasure knowing smiles partially result . teacher look forwardto seeing telling things teacher feel comfortable coming problems matter . get run jump all day long. get hear laughter, help reslolve problems, best all see children bettering health bodies! 1655 1141828056 agree Kelly. taught Elem PE about 26 years . fun learn new stuff year. try introduce different activies find thing excel . love testing fitness see worked hard improvement rewarding National Fitness Award better Pres. Phys Fitness Award. just girl 5th grade win all years kindergarten . love job kids get know. 1685 1142435732 taught swimming unit high school. all students dress PE written assignment. PE related. mind? want longer paper, involved topic? 1690 1142462684 elementary level, student write observations students class. heading included sitting observing class. times specific behaviors looking times give written feedback help student observing improve skill working . younger students drew pictures observed. papers kept student folder. interesting observations... 1726 1143056563 , think PE be requirement. all obeasity levels rising country need about . PE way start. also think students sit chair all day. need time get run . 1965 1144172860 PE just important any class school system. learn be physically fit eat right. day come die sooner . point comes need proper english, be able speak anyways. feel PE just valuable any subject. 1967 1144173540 wondering anyone knew way prevent base running injuries indoor whiffleball activities. way seccure plastice rubber bases damaging wood flooring? know. Thanks 1983 1144788619 Congratulations! STARS Exemplary Physical Education Recognition Program (State Listing) Alabama STARS Level Elementary School: Ogletree Elementary School (2004-2007) 737 Ogletree Road Auburn, AL 36830 334-821-2140 http://www.auburnschools.org/ogletree/dschnuelle/ ndex.html Cristen Herring, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Deana Schnuelle Amy Chance Kristie Pinyan Alaska STARS Level Elementary School: Willard L. Bowman Elementary School (2004-2007) 11700 Gregory Road Anchorage, AK 99516 907-742-5629 www.asdk12.org; http://www.asdk12.org/schools/bowman/pages/ Darrell Vincek, Principal Physical Education Teacher: Sara Paulson Florida STARS Level Elementary Schools: Equestrian Trails Elementary School (2005-2008) 9720 Pierson Road Wellington, FL 33414 561-791-9300 Sandra Gero, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Amie Schneider Julius Baumann Verde Elementary School (2004-2007) 6590 Verde Trail, Boca Raton, FL 33433 561-218-5840 http://www.palmbeach.k12.fl./verdees/index1.htm Dr. Jon Prince, Principal Physical Education Teacher: James Gostomski Middle School: Turkey Creek Middle School (2004-2007) 5005 South Turkey Creek Road Plant City, FL 33567 813-757-9442 http://www.sdhc.k12.fl./~turkeycreek.middle/ Mark West, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Ulysses Valdes, III � Department Chair Tecca Kilmer-Almskog Debbie Taylor Marcy Beck Christopher Rawlins Ira Shaw Georgia STARS Level Elementary School: Braelinn Elementary School (2005�2008) 975 Robinson Road Peachtree City, GA 30269 770-631-5410 Wenonah Bell, Principal Physical Education Teacher: Anne Raines New Jersey STARS Level Elementary School: Fleetwood Elementary School (2004-2007) 231 Fleetwood Avenue, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 609-235-3004 http://fleetwood.mountlaurel.k12.nj./ Linda Dickerson, Principal Physical Education Teacher: Carol Lynch Michigan STARS Level High School: Seaholm High School (2004-2007) 2436 West Lincoln Road Birmingham, MI 48009 248-203-3776 http://www.birmingham.k12.mi./seaholm.html Terry Piper, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Derek DiGiovanni Jeff Devantier Debbie O�Neil Brian Priebe Missouri STARS Level Elementary School: Babler Elementary School (2006�2009) 1955 Shepard Rd. Wildwood, MO 63038 636-458-7328, ext. 63084 www.rockwood.k12.mo./babler/ Marie Strothmann, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Rhonda Williams Michael Kaiser Kendall McMahon Nebraska STARS Level Middle School: Andersen Middle School (2005-2008) 15404 Adams Street Omaha, NE 68137 402-734-7845 www.mpsomaha.org/ams/home.html Jeff Alfrey, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Diane Mynster Dan Crawford Chris Johnson New York STARS Level High School: Victor High School (2004-2007) 953 High Street Victor, NY 14564 585-458-5674 http://www.victorschools.org/files/493/Welcome%20t o%20Physical%20Education%20in%20the%2021st%20centu ry.ppt Yvonne O�Shea, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Shelley Collins Jim Andre Keith Shields Bryan Lischerelli Leanne Ferreri Sean Rucker Mike Ferreri Robert Thompson STARS Level Middle School: M.C. Miller Middle School (2004-2007) 65 Fording Place Road Lake Katrine, NY 12449 845-382-2960 http://www.kingstoncityschools.org/miller_home.htm Joseph Previll, Principal Glen Maisch, Director PE Athletics Physical Education Teachers: Lisa Hackett Michael Marra Ann Cotty Ronald Kilder North Carolina STARS Level Elementary School: Cartoogechaye Elementary School (2006-2009) 3295 Old Murphy Rd. Franklin, NC 28734 828-524-2845 www.cartoogechaye-elementary.org/ Jerry Arnold, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Sarah Lowell Brian Crupi PENNSYLVANIA STARS Level Elementary School: Oliver Heckman Elementary School (2005-2008) Cherry Street Langhorne, PA 19047 215-752-3822 Jacqueline Rattigan, Principal Physical Education Teacher: Richard Grafius Middle Schools: Carl Sandburg Middle School (2005 � 2009) 30 Harmony Road Levittown, PA 19056 215-943-0360 www.neshaminy.k12.pa. Dawn Kelly, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Terry Martian - Department Chairperson Keith Bogart Hank Coleman Brooke Deacon Maple Point Middle School (2005-2008) 2001 Old Lincoln Highway Langhorne, PA 19047 215-752-6900 Mark Collins, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Jane Gibbons - Department Chairperson Richard Keefe Charles Schmidt Pat Smith Robert Wright Amy Keating Josh Reed Neshaminy Middle School (2005-2008) 1200 Langhorne-Newtown Road Langhorne, PA 19047 215-752-3600 Karen Wychock, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Robert Emery Jan King Sharon Fecho Bill Wallace Skip Mason South Dakota STARS Level Middle School: Watertown Middle School (2004-2007) 601 11th Street NE Watertown, SD 57201 605-882-6370 Dan Albertsen, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Nick Kranz Brenda Rydell Todd Jutting Deb Schooley Virg Polak Maure Weinkauf Tennessee STARS Level Elementary School: Johnson Elementary School (2004-2009) 815 Glass Lane Franklin, TN 37064 615-207-7300 www.fssd.org link Johnson Elementary School Meredith Henderson, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Cam Kerst-Davis Ansley Hobbs Washington STARS Level Middle School: Assumption Catholic Middle School (2004-2007) 2116 Cornwall Avenue Bellingham, WA 98225 360-734-0221 www.school.assumption.org Anne Brand, Principal Physical Education Teacher: Regina Campbell STARS Level Elementary School: Assumption Catholic Elementary School (2004-2007) 2116 Cornwall Avenue Bellingham, WA 98225 360-734-0221 www.school.assumption.org Anne Brand, Principal Physical Education Teacher: Regina Campbell STARS Level Elementary School: Hamilton Elementary School (2005-2008) 1822 W 7th Street Port Angeles, WA 98363 360-565-1679 Loren Engel, Principal Physical Education Teacher: Krista Winn High School: Black Hills High School (2006�2009) 7741 Littlerock Rd. SW Olympia, WA 98512 360-709-7898 http://bhhsweb.tumwater.k12.wa./index.sutml Terry Borden, Principal Physical Education Teacher Greg Bert Lisa Summers Jack Silla WEST VIRGINIA STARS Level Middle School: Frankfort Middle School (2006-2009) Rt Box 170 Ridgeley, WV 26753 304-726-4339 http://fms.mine.k12.wv. Susan Ray, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Susan P. Long J. Dawn McFarland Dennis Mickey WISCONSIN STARS Level Elementary School: Hortonville Elementary School (2005-2008) 240 Warner Street Hortonville, WI 54944 920-779-7911 www.hasd.org/hes/Hesweb.htm Larry Sikowski, Principal Physical Education Teacher: Cheryl Richardson Middle School: Hortonville Middle School (2005-2008) 220 Warner Street Hortonville, WI 54944 920-779-7922 www.hasd.org John Brattlund, Principal Physical Education Teachers: Crystal Gorwitz Dave Janssen Bryan Fletcher High School: Hortonville High School (2005-2008) Physical Education Department 213 E. Towne Drive Box 70 Hortonville, WI 54944 920-779-7933 Sharon Becker, Principal Physical Educations Teachers: Marcia Schmidt Don Williams Chris Genrich Bryan Fletcher 1984 1144791033 please tell number Universities United States America Undergraduate Sports Management program School Business Business concentration? Please provide list Universities possible. thank advance. 1987 1144807786 http://www.sportslinkscentral.com/Sports_Education /undergrad.htm link help find universities sports management. Good luck search. 2036 1146582622 growing PE, music art everyday. think important part education, children trade areas. children today obese diabetic essential keep physically active teach about proper nutrition. understand goverment wants children be literate able function world. , find children kinesthetic learners, PE , learn about subjects (especially use integrated education). 2038 1146583439 name Marissa just decided pursure teaching career. original plan study engineering wasn't fulfilling teaching Learn--swim program La Feria, TX summer vacation. Water Safety Instructor taught swimming lessons past years enjoy watching students come back enjoying swimming just . took couple years college follow teaching path incorporates favored qualities. neverending cap amount learn student student learn . position Physical Educator helps teach importance physical activity also mold students healthy lifetime sharing perks healthy living. able observe numerous elementary physical education classes 't wait gym . 'd spend all day seeing smiles hearing stories. hope teaching elementary physical education be rewarding . 2045 1146744260 see everyday PE be prepared things. Guidance counselor doctor. Also, WEAR SUNSCREEN hat. Visit PE teachers get ideas check new catalouges new stuff 2059 1146835874 NASPE wants know about bi-monthly practitioners� journal designed specifically --physical educators coaches. Strategies: Journal Physical Sport Educators offers: -practical, - ideas latest issues trends physical education sport -excellent best-practices instructional tools teachers coaches -substantive, step--step solutions challenges faced practitioners -hot-breaking advocacy grant-writing tips journal absolutely FREE NASPE/AAHPERD membership. , pay $25 year receive Strategies second journal choice. Call 800-213-7193 x.451 today information subscribe! 2207 1155146226 anybody know any web sites cd specialize physical education/sports clip art? 2211 1155828149 anyone new PECAT instrument evaluate curriculum? , general impressions? , anyone read intrument be willing articulate general impressions. Thanks Jim DeLine 2212 1156441980 Ask education agency password use clipart database. access good site. specifically physical education, trouble finding anything need P.E. class. 2217 1156564479 ususally Google want find good clip art online. . gymnastics clipart, lacrosse clipart, . also book clipart cds, took quite bit time locating wanted. Appleworks good clipart software. Microsoft office allows search online clipart. 2232 1156877550 wife graphic artist, making posters athletic office software program called Juice Drops. ability alter graphics, awesome! 2326 1159295507 any observed going regular ed classroom years? Testing all . Fla. be retained passing single test. stupidest thing heard ? state lawmakers decided teachers really stupid assess kids correct decisions. feel thank God teach PE. kill PE? Try regular class. Give lots handouts history sports, rules games demand actually SIT chair regurgitate just social studies/reading/science . Just spend lots time lines waiting skill hardly get use actual game. take written tests show "knowledge" specific games sports. btw, know exceptions comments welcome debate. glad forum actually moving working people getting posting talking. Keep . 2343 1159475404 modification high school physical education class use mats bases playing kickball, whiffleball, . also changed rules game fun. student stand base time large area. fun good way prevent injury. 2352 1159790819 games/activities play large P.E. classes, require little equipment? 2365 1159900174 Capture flag (steal bacon) cooler weather. Kids love teach correctly. use wrist bands identify teams flags (Flag football) prove tag. Soccer good space. Relays great appropriate level. 2386 1160079868 agree P.E needs be everyday class. show children subjects math, english history need be studied everyday P.E. needs be taken times week leading path be physically active daily basis finished school. 2394 1160085171 high school graduated changed PE schedule. went school PE day entire year, 's everyday half year ( semester). good bad idea? 2395 1160138250 HS PE everyday FFA Home Ec. think Fla just half semester entire years. PE daily benifit entire population youth applied correctly. 2411 1160538982 killing PE children SC. new PE assessment program(SCPEAP) requires teachers video tape children doing performance indicators. Teacher assess various movement forms, score rubric, committe watches percentage tapes, school's PE program given rating. assessment rigid, time comsuming, limit children movement. 'm tossing volleyball student, 25 students doing? necessary humiliate child physical skills peers? considersation given creative innovative things teach class. quality program judged following testing procedures assess according state's strictly subjective rubric. Take look testing manuel. (SCAHPERD.org SCPEAP ) 's crazy. 2413 1160581259 Sounds ivory tower idiot decided prove teachers accountable. swear all teachers need speak about idiocy passed assessment good practices. Governing bodies state legislators willing prove brilliant passing laws rules rest society. public schools whipping boy years easy target. Teachers busy teaching don't realize attack. current climate regarding testing prove oblivious. 2414 1160611900 continue fight unrealistic assessment. written letters legislators Governor. convinced legislators read information given . push handful professors public school arena long time. $400,000 dollars allotted program given schools. SCPEAP offering $100.00 day plus expenses watch videos 10 days June. buy jump rope child school amount money. 2613 1161867570 high school remember having share gym guys phys. ed class. girls wanted play guys teachers wouldnt allow . Any thought reflections ? 2689 1164375780 process developing grading system high school class. Currently P/F want start letter grades. any articles websites information deals grading physical education classes? 2787 1169143576 experiences goal setting classrooms? 'm currently researching "effective goal setting practices" colloquium inquiry (essentially thesis presentation). 'd appreciate any input experiences about/ goal setting PE effective eyes. Thanks! 2790 1169490463 Hi Tim, goal setting grade - classes fitness testing skill building. students set goal write prediction. example- " predict perform 50 sit-ups fitness testing day." post goals outside gym. time sit-ups warm- activities, remind goals. fitness testing day, look goal sheets time testing. worked students keep goal mind thinking about just fitness test. believe motivates , cases, students reach goal come pretty close. 2793 1169733761 say new PE teacher know entering world ankle-biters? 2796 1169744927 Becky, thanks input! 'll keep mind continue develop strategies effective goal setting... 'm interested helping students developing achieving goals, also understanding come short term strategies meet long term goal. Ultimately, be able take classes put use rest lives! Thanks help! 2798 1169866539 keep active having fun love . 2803 1170020047 Educating mind educating HEART education all. 2820 1170163098 Sweet, thanks , 'm 3rd year college 'm starting realize close really thrown , any information helpful. 2841 1170221328 good way pick/assign teams having be picked , having teams equal different skill levels? 2842 1170261436 question PE profession. classes discussing obesity children adolescents kids overweight feel perform PE. inclusion "Alternative PE" offered possibility kids struggle physically emotionally regular PE. "Alternative PE" be specialized class tends physical needs obese children. wondering PE teachers thought idea heard experienced type PE? 2849 1170300223 use playing cards select teams. pass suit belong team. 2859 1170354507 steroids popular easy get hold think high school kids actually ? 2868 1170369335 think students definetly . athletics college scholorships competitive , athletes stay top game. HS, athletes go presentation about drugs/alcohol/tobacco, season, think dangers effects steroids be included . believe kids know steroids improving play, may realize just bad . 2874 1170728136 agree be requirement, fact believe students be required semesters physical education schools require. students get run take minds school work, want go run exercise bit - shouldn't be forced , favorite part day. 2877 1170789061 think -ed classes important regards any form diversity. learn lot secure learning setting. key be setting allows success sexes. Also instructor focus respect open-minded. all done, think great idea put boys girls group . 2882 1170957421 deal school office friendly helpful? 2883 1170957768 PE be treated any class? hold high standards base grade perform just effort. kids get effort grade math. 2884 1170960605 grade? goal PE isn't give grade. goal get kids moving learn love sports physical activities. learn cooperate, care about teammates, share take responsility actions success. find activity continue play ecstatic. group take ball go get game, play ref get along KNOW learned valuable lessons. grade class years ago actually . 2889 1171228260 Physical educators powerful people. may realize big influence people's health lifestyle. Physical Educator elementary school level needs sure / students having fun want activities. students be doing running push-ups punishment, be fun. High School level, students already minds about Physical Education. important keep reminding important activity entire life, keep having fun. Physical educators need be example, show students physical education joke, lead longer enjoyable life. 2890 1171311602 advocates PE claim health benefits. order justify medical procedure take consideration any possible adverse effects. 2894 1171396045 play game group college age people time time refer GaGa. equipment cheap requires minor construction. wooden boards (about feet long foot high) constuct octogon shaped playing surface. join boards hinge. octogon constructed play. game simple be exhausting. All need small nerf ball (about -10 inches diameter). object game similar dodge ball rules different. be ball hits knees hit ball wall also . Step ball.... ball hits person wall toe.... Modifying PE class. Students strikes another activity start second game . Add nerf balls. anything think help. game exciting sure break sweat get important heart rate . KNOW THINK THINK WORK. 2898 1171480305 sounds great. people outside octagon throwing people ? certain distance back? 2902 1171630735 agree completely. elementary kids almost worship . fun keep busy treat fairly run walls . think PE 30-40 minutes everyday teachers kept varied exciting American kids be healthier, happier perform better classroom. local county ( elementary schools) host tournament (soccer/basketball/field day/softball ) use incentive kids behave work harder classroom. WORKS. 2913 1171939013 anyone know public school conduct gymnastics? years ball activity PE softer students required wear helmets facemasks. list goes , safety liability concerns roof. possible conduct risky activity gymnastics w/ held liable injury after injury. 2914 1172016435 GaGa actually old sleep away camp game. popular, elimination game. campers turn cafeteria benches GaGa ring. hit knees leave game. play form GaGa gymnasium. Use gym. need ring. Use lot foam gatorskin type balls. don't throw balls, hit open hand hands stay close floor. child hit, person hit / scores point. Keep count points try better round. Alternately, hit freeze legs apart get back game rolls ball legs. person rolled ball legs scores points. may run move ball. hit roll find . may course dodge block any ball aimed . may also hit comes . 2917 1172185480 Depending teams want need different ways. , line count . Secondly, classes , use index cards, write numbers back teams want need students draw card hat extent. second way helps prevent students getting order be picked friend. thought great way! 2933 1172534626 high school student teaching -ed gym classes. time may combine classes times. subject really hard address alot people -ed alot people don't. far observed seperate gym classes work. girls dont timid shy participate, dont boys destracting making feel cant compete male level. again grew -ed gym classes loved . think social interaction good kids. teacher run organized gym class dont see be problem way. 2936 1172582139 college guess ask another teacher see need help. Also, custodians know lot about school be able point right direction. depends need... sorry wish be help. 2938 1172582456 know fact , high school, knew couple football players, played soccer didn't anyways. ask about , yeah players use , started names see . definitely high school students looking get town get good school. help reach . 2946 1172694182 saw want give studetns leadership role having captains. pick teams gets kids place different teams. way . 2947 1172694493 new PE teacher, worth getting Health Endorsement? beneficial teacher? heard . Anyone experience know details? 2952 1172718085 Absolutely, be requirement just all classes. agree Erin, think students semesters p.e. graduation. also think just participate band chior get p.e. p.e. days week students. schools times week week times. shouldn't be any different students. 2954 1172718676 students be graded skill level solely effort class? 2956 1172774848 PE important subject schools curriculum? direct effect health life. 2959 1173040837 Assessment growing importance physical education. Grading part assessment. , school grading policy fully explained all parents, students, teachers. Grading effort subjective heart rate monitors record effort. educators don't believe heart rate monitors grading. Grading skill level assumes teaching level playing field. usually case students come class diverse skills. Grading be based taught successfully. students demonsrate skill / knowledges taught. be rubric set grade. example: assessing fitness technique understanding. Rubric: demonstrate exercises correct form shows understanding aerobic endurance. demonstrate exercises moderately correct form shows understanding aerobic endurance. . demonstrate exercises moderately correct form shows confusion about exercises aerobic endurance. . Confuses exercises shows understanding aerobic endurance. Additionally, base grade amount successful pushups, foul shots , speed 50 yard dash, time mile run, . , believe base grade student's personal improvement knowledge taught. 2965 1173128471 think PE important subject any schools curriculum people view subject need rest life. , PE teachers, think duty instill students PE blow class, classes helping bodies present moment, learning keeping healthy throught lifespan benefit long run. 2967 1173176845 Physical Education be important subject health -- ! Unfortunately, poor programs teach developmentally appropriate skills knowledge. kinds programs give physicial education bad name. job physical educators be best be. programs indispensible. all be members professional organziation, attend workshops, knowledge latest trends, deliver enthusiasm. also sure administration, teachers, community, parents aware going classroom. questions ask . integrating curriculum? giving homework? meeting national standards? sending newsletters? technology? assessing students abilities, knowledge needs? answer all questions, be road making PE important subject. 2973 1173198116 wondering about situation . athletic director high school right shocked be graduating Health minor endorsment. told Suburb High Schools look PE teacher Health Endorsement Minor. teachers also want ourself be marketable schools want apply recieve job . case, any Endoresments obtain state, get, be easier find job long run. 2975 1173198418 Elmwood Park High School Alternative PE class mainly obese students. think wonderful class offered students use heart rate monitors 30 minutes exercise heart rate 150 higher. also recieve extra credit week lost pound. students enjoy class excited week weigh see weight lost. 2977 1173200525 believe alot problems people PE seriously PE teachers simply roll ball kids play kickball entire period. expect general public respect teacher sits back reads magazine kids kids want. physcical education majors be duty fight stereotype prove rest society wrong! 3001 1174167708 studying physical education teacher feel friends family overlook profession "gym teacher" inform people physical education just playing sports kids all day. take profession seriously wish . 3008 1174523108 school extensive gymnastics program, past 30 years . came program 10 years ago, -workers modified -existing program think effective . model program somewhat KidNastics program developed Dr. Eric Malmberg SUNY Cortland. hybrid version safe, age-appropriate, injuries. ... varsity gymnastics team uses school, sets equipment leaves roughly months , find way work curriculum. rules simple: . running gym equipment set . . skills teacher taught ... going ahead. . skills/rolls gymnastics mat... roll hard floor. . get chance. students lose chance, sit entire class period. Also... children "challenge choice" method. forced anything afraid apprehensive . encouraged try ( help), deathly afraid, substitute skill . way child progresses rate. rules extremely effective, helps cut fooling injuries. Obviously injuries occur, proper use progressions, spotting, safety, injuries be lessened. interested finding info , please feel free email clicking name/profile post. 3024 1174670501 high school -ed PE class. think went great! middle school ( awkward stage) choice. got sheet paper got sign activity wanted take. strict male column girls permitted take females. -ed column . Anyone take activity. choice weither wanted class opposite sex . worked thought great idea! agree Kathleen about importance -ed classes! 3085 1175808055 Keeping score PE ups downs. Take example keeping score poses real life situations sports. team football, want change tactics order comeback. may passing ball offense playing aggressively defense. hand keeping score kids may be fun losing. ask think about keeping score PE class? 3101 1176066009 think PE be everyday class also. technology today kids playing outside , playing video games. 3108 1176081770 agree PE be everyday class just important english math, mandatory everyday classes. PE gives student time be physically active important leading healthy life. need start pushing subject PE be everyday class society obesity healthy individuals. Children just need right initiative participate physical activities making PE everyday class, children learn important really ! 3123 1176167041 'd know current graduates handle teaching Health class prepared . college programs dont big emphasis actually teaching subject physical educators . 3159 1176264708 wondering about skin fold test. physical education classes, told accurate tests percent body fat. , spoke friend mine, physical therapy major, told inaccurate, flawed test perform. deal skin fold test? 3249 1176906503 Hello , anyone aware any schools implemented "PE "? Any feedback be appreciated. Cheers, 3250 1176909492 Hi , Researchers UC Irvine Seek Children Metabolic Syndrome Healthy Controls Study Better Understand Inflammation Regulated Exercise. Participants Needed: Children Metabolic Syndrome (overweight) Healthy Controls -18 Years Old. Volunteers receive $125 compensation completing sessions. Information, Please Call: Stacy Oliver Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator University California, Irvine Department Pediatrics Voice: (949) 824-4433 Email: soliver@uci.edu Pietro Galassetti, MD, PhD: Lead Researcher [] 37. K Flyer-Metabolic Syndrome.doc "Flyer" 3252 1177000546 Hello: received email Paula Summitt asking post information about Project ACES. hope be able join fun. Thank . Wednesday, May , 2007, mark 19th anniversary Project ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously). ACES great way help celebrate National Physical Education Sports week. Millions children all world exercise simultaneously promote physical education children�s fitness. state Michigan alone approximately 400,000 children participate year. information, please visit ACES web site http://www.projectaces.com ACES brought Youth Fitness Coalition Sportime. celebration 20th anniversary ACES 2008, new program be launched called PACES Day (Parents Children Exercise Simultaneously). PACES motivate families exercise weekends. Families sign http://www.pacesday.com Visit web site information download free fitness activities. 3329 1181697143 Hi Ben, graduated '04 call , thrown teaching middle school health-- curriculum speak , another new hire developed . teacher education program cover lot Health ( minor) feel little prepared . think big key find resources-- text follow along create lessons . 's started progressing just fine! 2248 1157819363 lesson plan came love share all PE teachers get feel . selfish good copyright sell school districts. get PE professionals view stealing ? course may be interested feel good about?!! think? 2704 1165197759 know, China old saying, good friends share good things. think give reference, don't think everbody want copy . 3285 1178737994 anyone know get web quest lesson plans PE? 3288 1179017834 Hi Rita. old "steal". LOL. work college placing student teachers love hear idea. also taught elementary school physical education children's book movement posted website - www.pehealthsite.com. be adding lesson plans book, familiar lesson plans be happy give feedback. want post lesson , send gamato@spfldcol.edu. Honestly, won't steal . GJA 2082 1147318463 students 20 min. run Tuesday. teacher grade scale (. miles = , .75 miles = B, . miles = C, ). don't permanent scale diversity fitness levels students. grade improvement sure best way be. Any suggestions? 3279 1178382630 also run 20 min. timed run Tuesday students log number laps chart kept pe portfolio- don't forget bring pencils write . 3436 1190918603 personally think acceptable physical education teacher (-groomed) facial hair? realized school dress codes regulations feelings teaching Physical Education clean cut beard 3462 1191341729 personal trainer, feel skin fold test definitely be accurate, , certain common mistakes try avoid. , 's basic human error. don't lot experience don't pinch correct spot, results may be flawed. Also, person body fat, may be difficult perform test. also take consideration quality calipers; course, accurate ones going be expensive. also, keep mind skinfold test, need be careful invasive methods measuring body fat, students may feel comfortable . body fat percentage taken variety methods close period time, part, results generally close another. feel cases, doesn't matter exact percentage, close give person idea according recommendations. 3474 1191384499 agree. Physical Educators huge impact students. PE teacher high school inspired want PE teacher. Also, got started playing softball running track rest lifetime. people influences life important level. tournament idea. 3475 1191384651 agree. Physical Educators huge impact students. PE teacher high school inspired want PE teacher. Also, got started playing softball running track rest lifetime. people influences life important level. tournament idea. 3497 1191513415 Facial hair matter little comes reaching goals teacher. personal experience student, teacher's facial hair : learned , respected , motivated lead physically active lifestyle. , look big picture, shouldn't matter all facial hair. ( long abide school's dress-code, obviously.) 3539 1192052584 Hello need ideas create unit deals working groups . Any all ideas appreciated... 3584 1192584815 teachers all highschool facial hair. saw be problem. also teachers whos facial hair unkept taken care . really thought any . 3590 1192722319 objections facial hair physical education setting, long allowed particaular school's dress code. Facial hair poses safety issues, fact facial hair shouldnt pose any issue, long groomed. Remember, representation entire faculty school, groomed, acceptable opinion. 3624 1193328720 problem facial hair Physical Education. personal experience teachers classes wild facial hair. believe hair be groomed professional. 3630 1193335417 recall told college ( years ago) women's hair be longer shoulders. think facial hair falls kind thinking. appropriate groomed professional. goes hair. 3679 1193700447 school district phys ed class days day rotation (.e. PE days week, ). agree PE be everyday ensures students active days week. 3721 1193753880 don't think facial hair be issue. Facial hair effect teacher teaching knowledge bring . 3784 1196447244 Hello. 'm Eric 'm National Board Certified PE teacher St. Augustine, FL. available be any assistance anyone Florida going National Board Certification. help reading entries any questions may . Post reply 'll get touch . appropriate space post , please know ought go. Thanks! 3790 1196858540 able get recertification all stuff NBC PE? time take all work. friend almost passed test after jumping all hoops elem. ed. refused retake test. about -10 years PE wonder $$ be worth . email gatorpe@yahoo.com 3791 1196869598 state Florida, current NBC, state certification be renewable all subjects certified . Inservice points be necessary. average teacher takes - years tries NBC, encourage friend retake . retake portions test scored lowest , thing. took roughly 100 hours work. refused bring anything home. come Saturdays get work done. state Florida, pay 90% costs go NBC. , took advantage getting approx 4k bonus year NBCT. , worth . 3794 1197520054 elementary physical education classes differ United States comparison Canada? 3795 1197562568 Probably warmer. ;) idea. Any Canadians tell . principal just went Alaska school went PE Temp above minus 20. Amazing 3835 1201042823 Interested working overseas Europe doing education. PE be awesome considering bachelors , love any experience get. Looking change help getting started step . Thanks ! 3878 1204063533 Hi! need little help. trying find documentation support proper skill sequencing. learned grad school find reserach....Step - demonstrate words. . Breakdown words/steps. . demonstrate again. anyone know find refernce ? 3895 1204572069 wondering anyone help question. Identify principles motor learning, motor development, exercise physiology, biomechanics. looking net info about different principle things listed above find . Please help. anyone insight P.E. Praxis test love help. take test March 15 3896 1204645266 any websites books anyone recommnend be helpful trying come rock climbing unit plan? All advise appreciated. 3900 1204776986 just couple books PECentral web site day. sure good ... http://www.emerchant.aciwebs.com/shop.asp?s=817464 &p=1155 3902 1205178574 people won’t agree realize , Physical Educators important figures any kids’ life. elementary kids' second parents, also high school kids best friends. all Physical Education teachers supposed , youth today deal obesity issue. high school PE teacher friend coach trainer PE teacher. teachers , decided career path . 3905 1205519381 anyone help ideas teaching unit waveboarding?? 3966 1206458313 think best way pick teams pick . say way don't worry about kids getting picked , know kids talent levels , go teams . 3967 1206458960 think problems today obesity, PE be taught day. think lot kids aren't going go home be physically active get be school help little, give time influence be active. 3968 1206459325 believe main problems people don't view physical education important, people view teacher just throwing ball telling kids go fun. view ’s teachers . believe all standards future teachers meet America’s problem obesity, people start realize importance physical education, start take serious. 3969 1206459801 wondering anyone thinks ’s fair grade student performance mile run. think unfair going be able get great time mile, athlete takes physical education class. 3976 1206473365 considering ACSM says about physical activity health, students need be active day week. Unfortunately, time PE classes children raise HR be maximum benefit. , removing PE any day week be school saves time. 4034 1206567901 Ther different ways grade students Physical Education class; example dressing, participation, attitude, specific areas important areas grade Physical Educator? 4039 1206575335 wondering important incorporate music Physical Education class? think music better Elementary level, Secondary level, ? specific ways music be incorporated Physical Education class? 4041 1206578490 Classroom management important aspect PE be difficult decide kind punishments use. physical activity push-ups running punishment give students negative outlook activities. punish students inappropriate behavior keep positive attitudes PE? 4042 1206579306 went Panel Discussion day graduates basically just filling expect after graduation comes getting job PE field. discussion brought topic able find things injured athletes just students doctors excuses allow particpate class. understand ride bike walk track , kind hoping better activities . Activities really keep interested completly agianst PE get interested PE. Any suggestions? 4043 1206579453 don't feel need competion PE. motivate athletic students all students be athletic. PE focus getting students active motivated participate. thing want lower self-esteem students. 4064 1206588014 heard day people talking about PE hassle high school students benefitial. worried say interfers way look smell day help all. students know PE going really benefit life. start t get old stiff know solution problem insteadof just sitting doing . think comments. say word.. Get shower. 4065 1206621065 PE class essential part any child's education. Developing minds unarguable today's society hard understand 50% equation rounded, healthy individual? PE class, all classes teach kids skills use rest adulthood ( skills, importantly, healthy habits). say PE class doesn’t long way go developing kids excited about, agree also case statistics class. Also, ’re completely right….get shower. Kids may need longer PE periods schools. maintain proper hygiene fully engage excel physical activities weekly basis, see improvements encouraging. 4066 1206621506 also agree P.E. be everyday think schools moving right direction making P.E. everyday atleast days. high shcool P.E. days week junior year. choose take swim class everyday P.E. everyday chose take P.E. think students given choice type physical activity interested , students be active. 4067 1206621823 remember middle school be girls guys P.E. class time. split gym half girls be side guys be . rarely play any activities guys. high thing occured. times girls guys played different activities seperated. believe having -ed P.E. class important allows genders interact another fun! 4068 1206622322 feel facial hair acceptable kept groomed, speak, teaching P.E. Facial hair unacceptable 's kept . beard long tell able manage keep professional looking. 4085 1207522314 wondering anyone any ideas game get students moving classroom. giving speech importance PE hoping point students feel better after move brief period time 4087 1207579131 student teacher Mexico City University Georgia. high school PE class prepared presentations traditional games Mexico. class school (any elementary, middle, high, university) be interested having video conferences , please email sarab08@uga.edu Sara 4088 1207669504 utilized music classes. equipment catalogues, Gopher, order CDs snippets music play certain amounts time rest . teach students stretching routine know. use music. know music plays stretch switch stretch pause. ( stretch 30 secs rest 10 secs.) Also, cds music plays minustes based long want children jog warm-. CDs be stations . kids motivated. , know routine, stretch, example, thinking ( complaining) about . 4111 1209306097 don't know speech already passed post back, great links physical activities be done classroom teacher. http://www.fitkidsnc.com/ http://www.ncpe4me.com/energizers.html 4130 1210961989 just asked about classroom management interview today. told originally went profession enjoyed militaristic aspect PE. , children enjoy . , believe thought set classroom expectations, consistent enforcing , eliminate misbehaviors come about. said, believe punishing students. take work, need gain support keeping good rapport parents. teacher's assistant help enforcing rules making job easier. 4137 1214599836 Hi! process developing advanced physical education class taught completely online. Currently, researching curricular models,threaded discussion boards streamlining teaching videos. anyone currently physical education field any tried true methodology? 4150 1217535763 things think . undergrad, Soccer Festival. different students take different roles. be athlete, referee, journalist, coach, director, . student doctor's note, don't excuse participation, take role aforementioned. suggestion student just pain ass. Assign research paper send library get started. 4152 1217824640 year be getting student teacher time. anyone give suggestions ? idea. 4153 1217889066 grade HR monitors use . Grade completing walking, 's 15 minute mile ( grade way, sure gradually build distance running mile). grade improvement run times. pros cons . grading motivating , discouraging . 4154 1217889654 Be clear expect gradually give oppportunities teach class. sure know going teach, show lesson plans ( student teachers be creating lessons ). Usually student teachers start observing helping, "take " weeks gradually decreasing role. Be available help, give suggestions, positive private way. Also, remember 's new experience , probably scary . Good luck. 4159 1217954470 usually answer question kids ask, say wait see? don't mind answering, people ask ! thought about writing daily itinerary board look, haven't done . 4160 1218067266 Isn't great time encourage exercise , fitness Family Unit. failing economy energy crunch , necessary combine ideas examples ways ride perfect storm . Try listening podcast website episode #40 http://igreen.tripod.com/gerpe , along episodes. any questions buzz gcernicky@comcast.net 4161 1218405032 thoughts? Article link http://junkfoodscience.blogspot.com/2007/03/-school-pe-really-answer--childhood.html 4162 1218557170 happened all participants summer months.? bad listserv went air. need response. 4166 1219245475 another " perfect storm" idea witht Olympics. great time week school extend national pride Olympics classes! serve impetus class unity encourages fun, along integratative activities.Try keep simple , be creative add fun ensure great school year. Encourage after school activities home include family. medals .(ask art teacher).Chose music.(ask music teacher) ask help classroom teachers social studies. Bring scooter boards beat Michael Phelps' records. hurdles folded mats . sky limit keeping simple easy transition. opportunity 't be passed . , medal count brings math. Everybody winner,just go ? 4173 1220154072 student taught, all PE teachers white board locker room names . names, reminders anything pertinent day's activities listed. taught math, designated whiteboard itinerary period. believe be any surprises school. Students know coming. think any reason inform students be doing class. ? thing 'll say don't students ask , " doing today?" respond sound Ben Stein. (google don't know ) , order teach students manage impulsivity, decided respond asking read syllabus. help self-directed allowing solve problem ( case, discover need know written whiteboard). 4174 1220211874 Looking injuries occurring younger kids, think starting early age specialization sports? 4189 1221439401 Hi, happen teach physical education -line western PA. question anybody board tell think about instructing PE capacity know about ? Thanks, pe rules 4193 1221534221 Jill, see post, put query. happen teach PE online days. Check post forum. specific questions, know. 4199 1221585894 teaching alternative school grades -12. currently students play basketball, volleyball, badminton, baseball/softball kickball. lot equipment use, getting students motivated participate huge challenge. wondering anyone knew any activities integrate curriculum require lot equipment may spark interest. 4200 1221611495 's article use fitness breaks classroom. good ideas wake students brief periods -class movement: http://www.physicaleducationupdate.com/public/279.cfm 4201 1221611943 's article performance cues teaching bouldering Middle school PE Classes. includes top cues use: http://www.physicaleducationupdate.com/public/311.cfm 4262 1223862285 currently process changing new elementary "specials" report card trying get away current grading system. students get grade participation, attitude behavior, sportsmanship. difficult time grading areas 700 students. anyone suggestions better way give P.E. grade? 4264 1223932284 choose teams students. just want ensure teams equal don't want anyone negative experience game starts. take time switch sport, 's worth . 4270 1224163680 curious, any school districts seperate Health course Elementary buildings? incorporate Health P.E., textbooks classroom teach seperate Health class. Any feedback schools PA be greatly appreciated! 4271 1224186378 school district work students earn grades library, music, PE. grade called "self-management" grade letter grade. (E,S+,S,S-,N) grade "activity" grade. self management grade based behavior, sportsmanship, attitude class. activity grade based skill assessments. works great having seperate grades. 4278 1224521935 year teacher Catholic school. PE teacher grades K-. 7th 8th grade classes split gender. feel things going classes 8th grade boys. large class 26 boys. struggle misbehavior issues ( just ). gym size basketball court issue space restriction . know lot struggle lack experience lack proper classroom management. anyone any good tips classroom management/procedures decrease ocurrence misbehavior increase flow/productivity? Thank ANY advice give . 4279 1224691411 Im guessing Catholic school stricter discipline admin. Dont hesitate ask help. exercises stretching - minutes. Running / mile warmup outside possible. get outside? Play soccer flag football. Give Pres. Physical Fitness Test. Call parents. teach k- havent age awhile. good luck. think after answer questions. 4290 1224961493 use music classroom great motivator energizer. students actually wind begging music! 've music start activities don't strain voice. 've music energize activities. 'd be surprised music changes activity. don't buy cd's, just create playlists cd's based popular songs great oldies. absolutely love music adds classroom! 4291 1224961898 cooperative unit, boys' PE teacher ( teach all girls) great idea. teaching sportsmanship fair play, ., students choose teams discuss fair. things, ideas need be taught be "touchy" subject. , tried discussed day, said best lessons 's taught. students choose teams discussed . times 10, students agreed hadn't chosen fair teams. , talked about necessary choose fair teams choose hurting individual's feelings. , success think great "life" lesson be taught PE classroom. 4310 1225312946 teaching recess games elementary students Utah. trying stick games simple require little equipment. idea students be able play games teach students longer school. need ideas games be played winter. Games take consideration slippery ice / wet slush. don't want kids get hurt soaking wet. Any ideas? 4360 1227885284 choice impose standards class. get demands - .e. call class be quiet- understand be progress quiet receptive. bouncing balls talking. Sit necessary. 26 large class. teach 34. 4367 1228322712 adapted social responsibility model difficult class worked . course, any management system, works enforce . basic idea create scale - -10 number specific type behavior goes example, =student participate, 10=student participates enthusiasm time instructions given helps students participate . Share scale students allow decide number day. tell number class, held specific behavior. zero be given students absent disruptive class. , also told students behavior better number chose, reward accordingly. , behavior worse, be given score numbers chose. puts responsibility students doubles daily grade. 4373 1228772760 Gopher Sport program called Active Healthy Schools (AHS) provides activity cards/energizer cards specifically classroom teachers. activity simple, takes about minutes. 4374 1229026200 teach all classes (grades -) PE twice week (25 minutes) also go classrooms week health class (25 minutes). really health time teaching, reviewing assessing 's . Health Wellness curriculum Macmillan/McGraw-Hill. 4375 1229362158 pleasure running Manchester Road Race student after-school Happy Feet club years ago. visually impaired. read about run kidsrunning.com page also shows modifications help John fully participate after-school club. Just sharing. 4385 1230651081 any classroom time specifically health class elementary classes Wisconsin... try incorporate health possible games play. also health/nutrition units kids know serious part stand . 4387 1231259818 GaGa actually Israeli game. 4393 1232730212 Snowman Toss fun game students play winter recess periods. won't get hurt soaking wet. 's article link : Physical Education Recess Games - Snowman Toss 4394 1232738795 Forgive ! appears book thread. attempt communicating forum. teach Department Defense Schools interested knowing states allow grading physical health skills? thoughts matter greatly appreciated. Argument grading physical health skills! Today suffering obesity epidemic all health problems related moving body eating nutritiously. Just day heard discovered increased numbers diabetes kindergarten elementary schools district. shocking news! improve situation? data driven school system. data help decisions education ( Terra Nova scores). read studies show fit students learn achieve higher standards. want Terra Nova scores go , insure students healthy fit. data indicating healthy fit students ? need start testing students physical health evaluating data. test all children body composition strength cardiovascular system. started evaluation method elementary schools counseled students risk, may healthier students high school better learners. be fear physical education teachers grade/assess students physical health skills. Grades symbolize progress cumulative achievements individual students form be communicated parents. Periodic assessments standards taught grading period basis grade period. Physical fitness physical activity major strands School System’s standards. performance based educational society, fitness be grading. subject area (math, science, history music) graded various skills. just important develop good health skills--- fact, important. Students take various national tests, Terra Nova, SAT, ACT see learned skills. real life today student learned physical health skills play bigger bigger role. military constantly evaluates troops see healthy fit life. testing health components fitness: cardiovascular strength, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility body composition. Today companies insurance agencies checking physical health potential working force. obesity epidemic rising cost health related illnesses cause checks ’s physical health skills maintain good health. think physical activity fitness (physical health skills) be sole basis student’s grade, portion . consider strands standards, Personal Social Development Skills, Motor Skills Movement Patterns assess students. grading physical health skills major motivator students year. students parents motivated grades. Just retested mile run 90% improvement rate students previous record--- minutes. test cardiovascular strength, students evaluated areas: . Fitness! efficient cardiovascular system . . Effort! hard student works. heart monitors great method assess work ethic. student may low fitness standard gives C- grade. work hard high heart rate average receive grade effort. student fit working hard efficient cardiovascular system receive B grade assignment. school physical education department probably highest success rate students comparison any subject area. high standards student friendly system gives all students chance great success. important things be taught any physical education class be healthy life. order be healthy life know use health skills healthy life. “Physical fitness important keys healthy body; basis dynamic creative intellectual activity.” John F Kennedy evaluate assess great vigor! Sincerely Denny Lemmon Bitburg High School Physical Education denny.lemmon@eu.dodea.edu 4395 1232739298 Hello, just posted thoughts about grading physical education /23/09. know district want grade standards: Personal Social Development Skills, Motor Skills Movement Patterns, Physical Activity Fitness. Personally think important sure students know various methods keep healthy life. 4396 1232820363 Please read thoughts grading posted /24! think important area grade students physical health skills. healthy ? start evaluating elementary schools time high school realize importance healthy life. teach high school level healthy standards mile run. students efficient cardiovascular systems receive , B, C lowest grade be c-. D's F's! also grade hard work heart rate monitors. 180 heart rate ave work be . 170 HRA be B . 160 HRA C be C-. think fair puts little emphasis healthy life. 4397 1232897650 okay encourage unfit HR higher 180 mile? Just wondering, 've graded simply zone, idea stay zone. 4398 1232903996 unfit student finds easier get heart rate above 180 fit students. happy get effort running mile despite time 15 minutes. say intense work efficient cardiovascular system . 4410 1233878116 Hi all. doing study unhealthy PE teachers affect student achievement. anyone knows peer reviewed online article, greatly appreciate sharing . 4424 1234472703 remember 9th 10th grader take advanced gym be day. great!! any teach kind class? students respond? types lesson plans teach? 4425 1234472967 any teach girls think eating disorders confessed ? done situations? any female students gone about self esteem body image problems? best safest way handle issues topics? 4426 1234473210 Depending class size area teaching learned differents ways establish teams. prepare night place groups different colored items bag. 20 students put groups different color popsicle sticks, pieces paper, . students select walking locker rooms gymnasium. Ex. attend small college students put names local land marks restaraunts near . peer President Obama's daughters. 4429 1234473722 Another modificaation be use poly spots bases. attentd SRU Striking/Fielding class poly spots. better stick gym floor prevent injury. , poly spots small, increase safety base, sure use different colors. Specify game play color fielders/runners. 4434 1234990873 doubt mind P.E be requirement. Just gymnasium having fun doesn't good reason cancel P.E. obesity levels todays world higher . get exercise. Physical Education changing focus health/fitness aspect regular P.E. traditional games. be just plain stupid got rid P.E. 4435 1234991411 agree. grade students dressing apprpriately participation thats easy anyone dress participate easy . grade students locomotor skills, proper activity/fittness performances, also grade learned things maintain healthy lifestyle live longer healthier life. (Message edited jmh8260 February 18, 2009) 4436 1234992202 really think issue P.E teachers facial hair long keep groomed. keep groomed be informed thats professional looking tell alot about person turn be bad P.E. teacher. 4437 1234992817 think all P.E. classes outdoors unit activities ice breakers, initiative games, trust building activities, rock climbing skills? 4439 1234993446 think all P.E. classes be required dress code policy student wearing thing wearing school colors? 4440 1235052129 . prevent distractions boys girls kids afford latest nike shorts t-shirts be comfort ! 4441 1235052549 , course be required! Children teens days concerned damage doing bodies future! think times week. people see importance?? just boggles mind! education health fitness sending teens world bad choices exercise, nutrition, lifestyle choices! be required! 4442 1235052770 believe be clean cut any job! personal opinion. think looks professional shows sign respect role position professional work force. 4443 1235135946 post get deleted. wonder hair tells about person. reasoning bald person ideal. 4463 1236622510 reading lot schools sending newsletters parents regarding status children physical education classes. question , good idea send letters be addressed individually class? don't see bad idea also don't know parents respond . Just want get people's opinions think see anyone teaching sends newsletters. Thanks! 4465 1236628367 sent monthly PE newsletters home years. effective way reach parent information about skills/ sports students learning basic health, nutrition, exercise information. 's positive way communicate parents. include recognition students/ classes exceeding expectations. also send letters home parents individual basis regarding student behavior grades. usually attempt phone parent, unsuccessful reason, send letter. 4485 1237130726 new physical education blog started 2009. lesson ideas, fitness concepts, book & product reviews - . New content added week. www.fitmet.com 4511 1237926752 currently student Slippery Rock University. also member women's rugby team. enjoy rugby introduce prospective students someday. going be teaching high school students wondering any experienced teachers believe be good sport unit . certainly modify rough dangerous. sport growing popular student think be practical introduce rugby high school students. Heather M. Slagle 4513 1238081740 go any interview, question ask , " any tattoos?" answer be , proud ink body. grandparents names wrists thought twice about getting meaningful , tattoos meaning be looked applying teaching job? mind, tattoo offensive any way shouldn't matter . think about subject teachers having tattoos? 4515 1238082428 agree. students school issued uniforms, be sense equality students class. Also, -ed gym class wouldn't be any distractions involving girls wearing shorts guys walking shirts . 4519 1238083613 student, enjoy having music physical education classes. Having music class gets motivated energy perform skills participate game. 'm sophomore college semester year music aquatic fundamentals class help get rhythm performing butterly. Music, ccoachy said, another good way run warm- stretching routine. think music good idea class. 4524 1238413403 live America, , feel issue personnal freedom. Unfortunately, country don't think . 4525 1238422359 school issued PE uniforms, students expected change athletic wear. clothes choose meet school dress code, clearly boys shirts meet dress code. 4528 1238502142 good ways keep students involved intrigued teaching health? Students low interest health section PE class, change minds keep focused health? 4529 1238502268 heart rate monitors hold students accountable? don’t think pedometers accurate way judge students activity level, know ways hold accountable class? 4540 1238621744 know high schools across nation rules about students bringing notes written parents get participating phys. ed class. also know college told teacher certain amount days class be penalized. physical education teachers accept parental notes students, allow students set number days sit personal reasons college courses? 4571 1239052505 health bigger weakness health physical education major, stronger classroom teaching health believe taught health college? ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4605 1239080734 tattoo, back. country, especially education, views conservative. live Pennsylvania alot tattoos pretty, peoples attitude change. question someones thought rashional decision making teacher offensive tattoo, accept . Tattoos huge part American culture, unfortunately conservative views educational administrators hinder tattoo acceptance. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4610 1239082177 'm avid bicycle rider love . believe biking great way get b, produce great workouts. Biking be great tool show students stay fit, help environment, allow equal benefits . 4624 1239110310 think important get kids involved sports be fun recreational compeditive 4626 1239110554 previous school, observed third grade students participating gymnastics unit bare feet. reasoning encourages proper development strength feet/toes/ankles. letter sent home parents explain unit, inform mats cleaned regularly. opinions regarding students having bare feet class? 4638 1239114640 think school provide clean uniforms students ok, students need prodive may be bigger hassel worth. 4639 1239114833 think appropriate big deal, start teaching students ok express be confident hurting 4640 1239119070 currently class called Striking Fielding SRU. required teach lesson mine Rounders gameplay. wandering anyone any interesting variations game incorporate lesson? 4645 1239123177 Thank response. sounds be great activity students good oppurtunity spread game rugby. 4657 1239125248 heard Rugby got college think be excellent idea introduce teachings. believe modification definitely necessary having high school, probably alot interest . Goodluck! 4658 1239125482 Im Health Phys Ed major Slippery Rock University 've wondered go about grading get classroom. definitely know fair grade basketball star way struggles activities. curious ways different teachers grade hope find way. Thank ! 4677 1240199812 Thanks visiting FitMet. Just wanted know sever be week. FitMet be back running week April 27th. 4699 1242102359 FitMet.com back online. web site changed servers better . Expect see new posts starting week! 4700 1242103264 personally don't idea having students take shoes. room wrestling mats be okay. time ask students take shoes height/weight test sit & reach test ( FitnessGram). student hurt toes/foot class didn't shoes teacher be held liable. 4707 1243039977 http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=9745 article interesting. PE soft? 're involving kids lifelong fitness, great. ways PE soft. Examples... * Dodgeball banned districts, use gatorballs adapt , optional, don't eliminate people. * Recommendations grade skill, fitness, fitness improvement. understand grading skill fitness 's time fully develop skills class, motivates students try harder, particularly units dance. Students start pay attention - care . Grading improving fitness scores help motivate students, people all abilities improve. lower level improve , good athletes improve pacer/push-ups, . Grading also keeps students accountable. Students subject graded knowledge. grade students ? be balance attendance, effort, resonsibility, participation ? soft profession? 4732 1250515472 school going standard based grading, anyone already use ? 'm looking ideas ideas data/documentation use substantiate grade giving. 4733 1251287686 already students days medical days report need any suggestions ideas students medical all year weeks .... 4734 1251294650 looking ideas suggestions compose fitness portfolio students. , funds purchase computer programs books . anybody any solutions, please know. Any examples be greatly appreciated! 4737 1251347705 about graphing paper pencil? students track data. also graph students Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word. sophisticated version be use google documents create online form allow students submit fitness data. google assimilate data section . link google document football unit. easily create document fitness. http://www.fitmet.com/2009/03/google-docs-assessment/ 4786 1252035491 think ok tattoos. meaning ful want get. just think tht be place easy hide. face neck hands thats just opinion 4791 1252039620 age appropriate students fitness testing? data be recorded tests just be given teach protocol? 4828 1252341511 'm junior college lot professors tell grant money PE programs ( equipment materials). 've told lot people don't take advantage try get money. 'm wondering look grants hard get ? anyone tried recieve , feedback tips subject be great! 4875 1252378121 , believe all Physical Education classes mandatory uniforms. easier tell students changed class. Also student proper attire class. 4907 1252420590 best way handle school board trying away P.E. 5247 1260387849 forum moved better discussions exchange ideas. 5251 1260556063 Vote office. Bring stats research showing exercise better fitness helps test scores obese children HS teams better better PE programs Elem middle school 5264 1263572014 's move fast . guess forum deader civil war veteran. 18th century poet. Take pick. talked guy today trained be PE teacher ended UPS making 70k year (3rd year) laid . Amazing. hope gets PE job cause good . 5267 1264118058 bad having bad day doesn't move fast . options. 5268 1264425899 having bad day just converse PE teachers. -Z forums active great exchanges teachers. work alone interaction PE teachers rare. posts years answered. good sign PE teachers BUSY kids posting . 5271 1264690043 say agree w/ , Steve, don't post guess doesn't help . solution depend money. money available, advertising state conventions help, course national convention. 5272 1264708706 NASPE pass little cards web address . be better exchange ideas info just check . bet lots FB places. 5273 1264864296 Elementary age, 3rd-5th grade, tests older. think important tests measuring cardiovascular fitness body fat, body fat invasive. 's probably good "tests" year. start w/ pacer 3rd grade, pacer body fat BMI 5th grade, additional tests 7th grade. idea data recorded communicated parents, parents know about child's health. really apprehensive about body fat opt . 5274 1265029995 start K President's Physical Fit. Test. norms years age just use year olds. easier move grade. quite win National Fitness Award age . 5284 1265170146 wondering anyone any ideas strategies dealing students refuse participate P.E. after sent office called home. Any thoughts? 5289 1265221452 great question debated staff meetings across country. Best practices state grading fitness ability acceptable. people feel students be graded personal improvement . way district grades students execute tests correctly. keeps accountable perform exercise properly. goal PE create individuals lead active healthy lifestyles leave . focus be lifelong fitness also lifetime activities. Exposing students activities actualy perform adult key. dont know time seen group adults playing dodgeball kickball, amount adults perticipate team sport % after age 21. love play dodgeball. class . Everychild deserves positive experience. realize goal PE. find inovative strategies occasonaly participating self fitness challenges students motivated try show . reason PE get soft new age style. instructor facilitate enviroment breads motivation occasional competition. 5291 1265228035 Good News!! -workers wrote grant got . Highmark Healthy High Grant. search -line find application. just need idea K-12 program. hard complete application. talk administration give time -service work . Highmark grant $10,000. Best wishes! 5296 1265250568 may sound overly simple, try figure aren't willing participate PE. Also, explain 's important participate. time don't participate, give written work. lot times 'll hate written work realize 's easier just participate. 5331 1265649490 Thank comment. greatly appreciated. 5346 1266355549 Due demand better National Standardized Tests, school districts cutting back physical education programs. elementary schools providing hour Physical Education class month students. weeks students Physical Education class general teachers create Physical Education setting students. teachers find hard specialized Physical Education, think childhood obesity issues America good idea elementary education teachers think ways students be physically active outside Physical Education classes. 5353 1266356143 think best way help problem finding older talk . eating disorder all high school little college. about . years. didn't anyone high school talk about didn't want didn't realize going judge . After able finally eating disorder closest friends older gone problems . known years earlier think extended . years. think realizing signs early good way notice get person things ease way young girl effected. hard start conversation going young girls going deny happening. girls realize problems open get problem solved early. be hard thing fix safely noticed things don't get better get worse. 5360 1266362983 agree James said. going be kids reluctant participating class. number ways get try person want participate. try find reason refusing go along james said, also call home see mentioned any reason . also option allowing choose certain activities, pairing willing student help , also offering come school early work topics class. Kids apt participating know options. 5363 1266364937 high school, played game called Organized Chaos basketball game. - hoops gymnasium be able play game desired. split students groups ( possible) give team different colored penny. Students assigned basketball hoop also count team. teacher decide numbers be "scorers" . number called go center court lay center court circle back heads center circle. teacher place basketballs middle count . students center court try get ball shoot oponents hoops. students team, shooting, guarding hoop. want anyone scoring hoop. students play about minutes switching numbers be shooting be guarding. Teachers, teacher assistances, injured students help keep track scoring. Scoring kept baskets . basket worth point game, team amount points against hoop, winner. 5388 1266511705 sister just bought new game Just Dance Wii system. lot fun actually sweat after bit. wondering anyone played game thought be good game be played physical education classes. schools getting Wii system Wii Fit activity games. Also, schools DDR. know Just Dance give students workout Wii games DDR. Any ideas? 5392 1266511855 think pedometers work just keep eye students shake find student shaking pedometers loss points day day role. students go home see step be day motivate active outside class 5401 1266512338 think earlier students introduced fitness testing better . don’t write score 4th 5th grade important practice tests soon 5406 1266512572 written work great idea thought . sure kids willing participate. also try find kid doesnt want particpate interested . try incorporate aspesct activity want be part . 5409 1266512709 Small sided games best think. gives students time practice skill learning. smaller groups student getting work wait long lines. small sided games any activity. played side line soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, flag football. 5412 1266512903 agreew pedometers unreliable kids. cant keep eye student second sure arent shaking . Heart rate monitors really best opinion allow work hard need dont push kids slack . big fan try pre post testing see kids actually working ability. 5417 1266513265 understand trying get students be active introduce new activities, happened playing sports phy ed? sports be completely banished? 't include new activities keep sports? anyone tell happening school?? 5426 1266517709 Stations, Stations, Stations. anything small groups work stations. idea: task cards group rotates signal given (CD player, teacher audible) Second idea: Organize students small groups. class participate activity call small groups time. started doing fitness testing protocol (FitessGram be pain) use colors students know group want work . simply say, Red Group , red group come . 5432 1266525810 know grade level want teach? love working younger kids excitement openness phys. ed., secondary students activities. choose?! 5494 1266599628 just learned about subject Fitness Education class. things learned help reluctant ( refusing) student : create positive learning environment possible, gain students' trust assure student privacy comes grading, provide student positive, constructive feedback, allot time students sufficient practice grading skill/fitness test, worse comes worst, allow student exempt anxiety about particular test, mile run example ( be problem student sees happening wants sit ). think exemption be absolute resort. also agree James. Hopefully students be willing open truly concerned about participating. realize care trust ... hope helps 5495 1266599896 agree all Kara's ideas . think 's great idea reluctant, anxious student choose different modified activity help get involved. 5496 1266600473 trying find activities Striking/Fielding college class mine came across "game" student penalized winning. penalty ? Running laps. also saw another warm game 10 push penalty messed . think terrible. kind message sending students physical activity punishment? PA penalty, mean Exercise/Physical activity = bad. definitely message want relay students. penalizing students, think teachers focus motivation, corrective/positive feedback, intrinsic cases, extrinsic rewards. Thoughts/comments ? 5498 1266603752 , looks GOT WISH. Thisforum hopping today. Welcome all . just ran county soccer tournament elementary schools 120 kids, HS girls officiate (players local HS) great. (Message edited stephenpe February 19, 2010) 5503 1266630708 PE, agree. competitive sport, exercise punishment fine moderation. positive feedback, intrinsic extrinsic rewards just don't motivate ideally . 5504 1266630926 generally agree, bend far. student continues be willing participate, 's time go office. Prior phone call, usually good experience. 5521 1266701853 Research supports increasing physical activity school day help decrease behavioral problems classes. anyone any experience . result come after school activities. after school suspension, incorporate after school activity. Any thoughts. 5540 1266849487 agree important get kids involved sports interest sparked physical activity aspect point lives. children rely video games source entertainment, believe directly related obesity epidemic, rise type diabetes, rise hip replacement surgeries young ages. beleive kids be introduced sports activity young age help promote going healthy lifestyle. 5541 1266850086 exercise science major believe everday physical activity positive impact physical health also mental health. anyone know study concrete results illustrate positive correlation physical activity higher cognitive skills? 5549 1266859713 believe students be tested said above complete test .e. correct form hitting certain number stated critical elements. step better skill doing correctly. physical education teachers grade participation alone be reinforcing students poor form habit be hard overcome life. educators be doing job teach proper form variety sports activities. Students know doing skill correctly improving skill kind grading scale . all positive constructive feedback students need be challenged also need concrete evidence performed / improved. believe participation big part grading process also believe skill testing especially profession be taken seriously. 5577 1266878112 appropriate incentives prizes give children school giving bonus points aren’t allowed school systems food obesity rates skyrocketing? High school elementary. 5581 1266878990 think day year be best, sort physical movement year. half year kids half year regress skills bodily improvements. 5584 1266879997 appropriate incentives teach children benefit receiving physically active design physical activities fun military academy training use. challenge find ways get point enjoying physically active time receiving personal health benefits. don't believe prizes external incentives, also tell be amazing see excited K-3rd graders be bring home simple paper certificate said , "___________ fit jog non-, walking, minutes!" , earn , don't be afraid tell save time don't actually . 's all about delivery! 5589 1266883848 P.E. definitely be requirement high school. Health way important anything , silly schools take away physical education programs. high school, required take years physical education, completely disagree . countless studies show vital physical activity , physical education go schools? America huge obesity problem P.E. teachers 't teach student proper best way stay fit, pant sizes Americans be getting any smaller. Truthfully, students physical education program be active need be athlete. exactly P.E. needs be required, students active school, aren't home community. simple . 5591 1266884446 high school, P.E. teacher walk . mile run (weekly) . teachers, think good idea participate activities fitness testing students? , benefits seen? 5668 1267573830 believe good idea teachers participate physical activity students. sets good example students importance active. be careful active sure rules safety maintained. 5673 1267586821 school student teaching modified block plans hour half classes days week. keep children motivated participate time span? 5687 1267766901 's pretty harsh physical education class. 'd use water breaks effectively. 'd also look dividing class time large chunks. fitness time 60 minutes break nice, easy, long warm time followed fitness. give kids break moving skill development section. 'd create activities require develop cognitive knowledge skill addition physical development skill. 5695 1267996236 current physical education student almost finished health endorsement heard having drivers ed endorsement good idea. get endorsed Drivers Ed? long typical programs workshops? Illinois also. 5697 1268014347 also believe good idea participate students. be way get "shy" students get active. need plan be aware total class situation sure all safe all participating 5708 1268319557 teach high school level. rule , doctor's excuse note home everybody participate fashion. may sit - walk laps stand entire period. earn 10 points daily based dressing effort warm-ups activity day. Students walk don't dress just don't want participate earn 10 points. Students just stand receive "0". choose stand be honest , small number kids walk dressing participate. 5711 1268321266 considering going uniforms P.E. high school. Currently students change athletic wear meet school dress code requirements. weather nice start school year, students wear clothes P.E. 've worn school. promote better hygiene also increase school pride spirt requiring students dress school colors. After reading all 's posted topic, doubt 's way go! 5741 1270178185 teaching PE/Health middle school level past years. working improving record keeping comes fitness testing entire time benefit fitness level student. good product flexible useful just input. put link survey help figure exactly professional physical educators be looking . survey quick, information be useful see move forward fitness testing software idea(s). Thanks. http://www.exectones.com/limesurvey/index.php?sid=52446 5742 1270178427 teaching PE/Health middle school level past years. working improving record keeping comes fitness testing entire time benefit fitness level student. good product flexible useful just input. put link survey help figure exactly professional physical educators be looking . survey quick, information be useful see move forward fitness testing software idea(s). Thanks. http://www.exectones.com/limesurvey/index.php?sid=52446 5756 1272378430 high school required graduate. Students participate quarters year quarter health final quarter graduation portfolio class. Unfortunately, pass / fail class P.E. looking transition sports based program wellness based physical education environment focus developing healthy, active, lifestyle habits regular, individual exercise proper nutrition. places, little funding . education department needs take stand obesity problem developing children ensure funding strong PE/Health program schools help fight battle. 5821 1277146263 approved recycling program middle school, tier time kids ( select number students class 30 minutes graded , enhance learning language arts, math, .) collect recycleables place bin parking lot. wondering anyone similar program use collection bins classrooms cafeteria? recycling company provides fancy bins recycling symbol side. Thanks! 5839 1280175087 'EFFORT SURPLUS' FACE BUDGET CUTS written John Strong, Niagara County Community College Please post comments August/September article http://pelinks4u.jasonbuckboyer.com/articles/strong0810.htm 5850 1282096892 school district just researching potential grants PE. definitely check Healthy High Grant! Thanks !!! 5855 1282765657 Hello . 've change career computers physical education. decided long hours desk . look forward getting know expand knowledge physical education. 5861 1284124386 dress code classes. main reasons. Number teaches kids proper hygiene. teach junior high kids be willing wear thing school class. Number creates uniformity . looks good think kids take pride . 5882 1285791718 Im trying get information idea's takes athletic director. current PE major want teach health phys ed graduate probably high school level. hard athletic director / type certification need? 5891 1285862545 mile run be required PE class? age ranges appropriate , be graded based long takes student? 5914 1286143683 dont think mile run be required PE classes. different ways test cardiovascular endurance. Pacer test. be graded long student takes. 5920 1286145629 fitness testing be required PE classes? easy ways test students 5921 1286146341 students be required wear heart rate monitors PE classes? be graded long "heart rate zone"? 5943 1286238304 Thanks responding, high school required fitness test graded final time 5948 1286239459 tattoos 'm honestly worried about getting job comes time . wrists Physical Education teacher, hide easily 'm asked . Long sleeves wristbands trick don't see problem. 5954 1286240631 don't necessarily believe be "uniforms". Honestly, just "dress code" requires students wear sports apparel. be gym shorts, sweats, running pants, plain t-shirt, . point get wear proper clothing class. military looking workout group. 5980 1286289384 question agree PE teachers need walk walk talk talk. student observed teams students love teacher jumps game. fun lot students gets rid worries about graded teacher staring sidelines. 6009 1287689590 teach private school uniforms already students. physical education dress code shorts sweats any school issued sports t-shirt (physcial education, volleyball, track field .) All shirts color tone, Navy White. couldn't see teaching physical education class dress code clothes designed comfort durability physical activites. team games class accountability, having clothes create feeling class togetherness - all clothes. days year free dress, kids come physical education levi's skirts all sorts different clothes completely lose class. days students interested giving best effort activity may damage dirty clothes. Having uniforms also teaches responsibility students wearing correct clothes school. far individual expression comes free dress, thought ''s fine, dress want, 45 minutes class.' 6011 1287755191 school p.e health separate "specials"! really get all requirements health year p.e teacher focus p.e curriculum. use lot resources online! students questions know answer straight tell sure find ! learned lot about topics cover researching interesting! also attended state conference health p.e. picked really good ideas ! Unfortunately colleges spend time health be creating teaching style! 6039 1290189794 get regular trash bins cheap just buy recycling stickers go -- searcxh fine easily. kids stickers blank labels laminate . 6075 1296594693 yeah agree Michael. younger kids, certificate usually motivation. 're explaining , big deal, difficult obtain, 'll work harder. older, jaded kids 'd suggest kind merit system - get points things, trade points various different things (extra credit, free time, privileges, ) Hope helps! 6113 1299538437 ways incorporate multicultural lesson activity group students keep interested material? 6117 1299611670 Fitness testing important include form fitness curriculums, need get students moving. fitness unit things test : mile run, agility test, push ups, curl ups, sit reach, broad jump. feel need test longer run find lot students find mile joke don't take seriously. 6124 1300387884 also tattoos body places easily cover interviews job. tattoo easily cover be tattoo wrist says "DIABETES". feel be looked having certain tattoo medical reason. wearing medical bracelet, having tattoo easier break lose active. 6127 1300404376 feel students ( any grade level) move dance sequence things , moving keeping heart rates 35-40 minute class period, be learning thinking toes. believe dance creative dance be included P.E. curriculum? (Message edited kaylaferg March 17, 2011) 6128 1300405112 usually high school count teams needed, heard takes time way. just teams post . time things cards. Count cards need say all 's 's . 6205 1301534180 Any ideas new exciting multi-cultural lesson ideas work middle school age students? 6211 1301681417 ’s hard believe school districts require physical education week… . recommend giving students community aren’t playing sports team doing physical extra curricular activity already give type credit? class week isn’t allowing students get physical activity day, giving credit outside activities be sort motivation. opinions ? 6214 1301849440 believe depends child's age determine fitness testing be done . Younger kids going be interested running mile doing push-ups. think need focus getting children active moving young age. teach life long learning ways stay active fit. 6223 1301974828 Zumba new exciting starting be incorporated PE curriculum (Zumba fitness-teens/adults Zumbatomic-children). Zumba way get running laps long moving. music movement upbeat. students learning basic steps Cumbia, Reggaeton, Merenge, Salsa. think dance be incorporated PE classroom ? physical educator be allowed teach dance? 6224 1301975306 high school dance classes offered interested sports liked staying active. Dance class be taken replace physical education class. thoughts ? be allowed? mean provided school district think take away students learning? be provided choices right? also keep mind teachers be teaching dance substitute physical education degree PE Dance (mandatory). 6225 1301982057 think heart rate monitors great way encourage participation. allows student watch heart rate know increase decrease activity level. also think students be graded long heart rate zone. helps ensure students participation activity keeping target heart rate. 6262 1303162174 'm working assignment Physical Education class. wondering anyone answer following questions. . decide teacher/personal trainer/coach go rehab? . receive training education? . love about job? . biggest challenges face? . students clients interact daily? . Describe regular work day. . goals career? . helped influence career? (Explain ) . advice thinking pursuing job ? 6269 1303237035 . decide teacher/personal trainer/coach go rehab? wear shorts. Long answer: love playing working children. great PE teacher Jr High inspired be "coach" ( call ). feel important all children see day. . receive training education? University Fla (go gators) . love about job? kids work seeing improve finally excel activities. . biggest challenges face? Increasingly abused messed kids awful homes. . students clients interact daily? 140-150 . Describe regular work day. Get work about 645 coffee. Friday go morning announcements. 40 minute PE classes. 30 minute lunch minute planning period. Kids leave . goals career? continue teaching PE 65. keep children engaged excited about movement exercise learning skills games . helped influence career? (Explain ) Jr High PE teacher. best teacher (including classroom teachers) ended Prof. Middle Tenn State, . advice thinking pursuing job ? Wear sunscreen everyday good hat. Expect unexpected. child . key finding springboard skills. LISTEN kids. important things tell . 6288 1304281298 teach girls pe order team competitive . usually teams ahead time post . kids get partner. partner go team another partner go team. think 's important meet new people talk students. lot times comfortable group really making step outside box work students normally hang . think helps kids work . meet really liking. also done things, rock, paper, scissors, /odd birthday months, finish running order finish team . really idea about playing cards teams based suit. great! 6295 1304606265 look good climate slash burn budgets. Luckily, Fla passed law mandating PE everyday elem. years back. course way kangaroo house senate runs pass laws abolishing week. any think. hopeful survive insanity killing public schools stupid policy mandates. 6352 1305915909 wondering any schools/districts implemented formal documentation procedures re-introducing students back classroom sustained traumatic head injuries PE class? 6408 1309144416 Ways select teams: -students draw colored strip # container 't see . -class forms groups specified # numbers member group. All 's get , . -class selects partner & sits. Sitters form team & standers form team. -class puts hands interlocking fingers. R thumb top team. -partners put backs w facing front wall. Person facing front wall team, person facing back wall team. -students hi person, different person, different person-- partner. -use index cards. Write number color depending groups want. example: needing groups, write numbers - different cards). sets cards . #'s, #'s, . Students pull container/sack. odd # students, student draw "special selection" card & get join any group want. -students birthdays Jan/Feb/Mar form team. months, . - smooth peanut butter form group, liking crunchy P-nut butter form 2nd group. 10-close eyes & fold arms. w/R arm top form 1st team. L arm top forms 2nd team. 11-add numbers phone number --odd totals form 1st team, totals form 2nd team 12-place hoops gym floor. students use locomotor skills moving floor music. music stops, teacher calls number students run hoop forming groups number. 13-Name / types meat/cereals, soda drinks students stand designated place favorite called. 14- put sock shoe time form group . put socks putting shoes, form group #. 6474 1315826862 know pe teacher campus rarely interact PE teachers. great place exchange ideas compare. , anyone willing ? 6475 1316527991 pronounce forum DEAD 6477 1317066042 's PE forum, Facebook. 6478 1317229163 Definition FORUM : marketplace public place ancient Roman city forming center judicial public business b : public meeting place open discussion c : medium ( newspaper online service) open discussion expression ideas guess mod board adm. didnt come prerequisites. Im looking Facebook group real PE teachers willing exchange ideas discuss good practices. 6479 1317239922 Hi Steve. 'm board administrator simply 'm programmer set board maintain . 'm PE teacher . 'non posting' summer . , prerequisites. 'm just pelinks4u webmaster, PE teacher. Speed stacks, 's posting . times postings, . economy lot lack posting . work Central Washington University, creating upgrading software, seen things slow couple years 's work load lessened, due receiving people, people higher work load busy. thing , economy effected awful lot, including people work. 's slowed time frame. 6480 1317240164 Steve, rudeness unnecessary. moderators, best keep spambots inappropriate messages message board. NASPE talk (John Hichwa) converted email postings similar message board bells whistles realizing forum existence. people post . done get educators particpate? Posting comments doesn't mean actually read moderators. Thank denigrating volunteer position. 'll be Boston AAHPERD convention 'd face face dialog. 6481 1317310362 Paula, obviously Terri problem start rudeness. Accusing wanting be face book little dig sense. just wanted PE teachers exchange ideas . island work little interaction guild. idea economy affect forum. -Z forum (all teachers) runs high speed all time. think PE teachers lacking motivation ideas imagine medium actually use things better. apologize Terri. Boston, long haul poor fella Fla. pay lousy family support. got action albeit quite looking . done get . peers district, lets just say motivated about PE. thanks showing human beings actually read forum. 6482 1317311412 Steve, didn't accuse anyone anything. comparing flow traffic PE forum against flow traffic 'any topic, friends/family' type forum Facebook. rude, bit. perception comment different intention. words accuse wanting be facebook, words compared different types forums different flow traffic . sense. Also, economy almost . people dealing various types issues, financial underwork work, just aren't going time energy anything daily task 'getting .' people campus, worked due people laid , jobs vacated due hiring freeze position refilled. past couple years seen changes jobs, also mean changes jobs physical educators, 're working may post, may hands full aspects lives. time inclination posting . past years seen changes job market. again, sense. don't talk just talk. Don't apologize Paula. rude, wasn't. didn't rudeness coming. volunteer, giving freely time energy pay, pelinks4u 's webmaster board - approving people's registration maintenance issues, setting board . give, Paula gives, want, 're getting , please don't put any board modertor administrator gives freely all . Go getting want need. don't need be mean total stranger 's message misunderstood. Human beings actually read forum. just don't post, check read. Again, Steve, dig . contrast different TYPES forums. don't want apology isn't sincere. 's Paula. volunteer position , wasn't pre-requisites board administrator board wouldn't exist, Steve. stab wasn't justified. 6483 1317311964 ps: problem. care said be problem. time 've read pronounce forum dead. forcing be , please don't insult given freely. don't take , just don't be abusive about . 's different , good intentions good , walks gives free gift. person doesn't want given, thinks 's , slaps gifters hand! just isn't acceptable average person think 's nice. 6485 1317340692 thing learned talking face face things get skewed. apologize understanding meant. . appreciate effort maintain forum saddens forum unused PE people. sincere 6486 1317397329 Thank ! , sad. Facebook account, time, long ago fact, allowed certain number friends family list friends willing allow access said. kept list about 20, . back cut just people; closest , 've pulled back forum post . 'm saying think 's probably common see people 'tucking heads shell' turtle, energy care family, looking outside immediate circumstances . spend lot time personally financially care families children. won't see grandchildren going food good clothes. head tucked time gone past couple years, 's probably common society right . Best , Steve! 6505 1317764554 want get high school students excited class. asked play music practicing doing instant activity. problem play provocative music want play. hand play music school appropriate, just laugh actually counter-productive. songs/ music styles play school high school students actually ? 6527 1317780730 units specific activities teachers use principle "challenge choice" students. certain grade levels appropriate working equipment low high ropes courses, go far? appropriate inappropriate use? specific age use principle? students take advantage ? 6530 1317782581 Physical educators, along educators choose reward students excelling, improving, succeeding class. physical educators choose reward students "free day", meaning get any day PE choose. good students take day PE exercise everyday, students PE everyday appropriate? appropriate ? rewarding students eliminating physical activity day, supposed teach enjoy physical activity? be ? forms appropriate rewards? 6533 1317828189 , Terri. see resurrection sort. forum LIVES. 6559 1317931706 knows, world constantly changing. Education aspect facing lot changes, Physical Educators need keep changes. order remain important part education Physical educators need prove Phys. ed important show actually good students. Saying , think physical education teachers be giving students homework assignments? be doing class written work sheets? new technology emerging, options assignments related health physical education. Phys. Ed need go along emerging technology use order prove program be just important core classes? 6589 1318423506 hatching plan coerce wonderful department help get 180 new intake students - running correctly! plan video running side , treadmill, about 15 seconds. apply basic analysis ( analysis software - necessarily) order give child basic crit happening running! idea course, try correct any gait posture problems early (aged 10/11). believe get running right - fall place? 't run correctly, be tough realize potential any sporting arena. views? 6600 1318446659 know , required college learn write long lesson plans. extremely unnecessary. pages, principal wants read all . lesson plans phys ed actually teacher? feel waist time just get way good teaching. 6636 1318789459 freshman college took swimming class graded good swim. good swimmer got lot B's skill tests . skills able perfect semester think classmates improved dramatically didn't see grades wanted see. think graded improved course semester. anybody agree ? 6640 1318790440 high school "contracted phys-ed" class basically student involved sports team high school all document all practices games get signed coach sport . got documents filled took phys ed teacher approved physical education credit, student actually didnt be phys ed class. anyone opinions good idea acceptable?? Thanks!! 6652 1318862344 need write plans length teaching . important know going goal time kids charge! 'waste' time! 6653 1318862682 talking about different types assessment? 'attainment' .e, know - ( want) - 'effort improvement'? Totally different tasks asked assessor ! 6654 1318863341 New Zealand children all PE lessons, indoor outdoor, Primary quite bit Secondary school - anything feet! feel promotes better development! reckon may be ! 6676 1318884545 know lot PE classes away swimming part curriculum due wanting responsibility liability. aquatic minor, think extremely important classes. everybody 's opinion? 6681 1318885774 think all PE classes ice breaker games, trust building, . senior year just started activities feel class closer. Also, good way start semester year. outdoor pursuits class class based activities realize extremely important class. think good idea put different games class. 6682 1318886345 high school, health senior year. think important, especially young adults information health . ways incorporate health lessons activity part PE? 6688 1318889770 Thank ! 6695 1318892354 lot people find P.E. be irrelevant subject. involved field understand importance P.E. severe consequences come removing school setting. question all , P.E. respected students, colleagues, parents, national representatives? gain respect people jobs important community know be. Any answers / thoughts greatly appreciated. 6698 1318893549 human brain average minute attention span. classes ranging 35-50 minutes class, lot time spent teaching remembering. Brain breaks popular teachers matter subject may be. anyone any good brain breaks use heard about please feel free share ! promoting PA subjects promoting P.E. stands . 6700 1318894647 Concussions main focus athletes level. schools require sport take pre-concussion test incase be injury. , everyday P.E. tests really . important students seek medical help experiencing concussion symptoms all doctor says. hope helped answer question. 6701 1318895237 also P.E. high school agree contract P.E. Sports great P.E. be replaced . student writes articles school newspaper be exempt literature? attend class expand knowledge about subject enjoy? topic feel needs be addressed school districts. 6703 1318895893 totally agree Serene Thayer. Heart rate monitors fantastic breakthrough department. question ask give heart rate monitors student ( class) students class class share heart rate monitors. important remember technology fail time time. equipment working student’s fault grade suffer. judgment effort comes play. 6733 1318904931 try get active involved physical educators getting rid program. getting rid Physical Education / recess going help problem obesity? 6759 1319037464 frustrated years child parents wrapped little finger, produce note knowing smile... also third class girls swim due period. put heads came solution. produced different booklets - stretching, core strength balance work final myo-facial release exercises. non-doers take booklet, gym mat actively involved hour plus work , pool, pitch... lesson happens be! Brilliant! say ! also get fewer sitting ! 6760 1319038094 school boys receive serious neck injuries. tragically left paralyzed shoulders . fortunate, serious condition. injuries sustained playing rugby. view injuries number students simply got muscular development be involved contact sports choose. see games played high pace, Players take 'hits' train aspect game - course aspire . feel better prepare students physically enter sports. Boot camp, including strength conditioning all? 6764 1320249701 Great question. think time PE majors be better spent devoted learning teach good quality lesson plan. 's hard teach effectively alone write about subject PE majors typically know little about. stage be important learn adapt modify plans writing different skill. Steve Jefferies 6792 1328372080 7th 8th grade p.e. teacher. graded sports units quarter include packet/worksheet, skill testing, written test. also give participation points day dress/attitude/behavior. curious teachers grade p.e. classes hope respond. 6865 1331154705 think children be comfortable bare feet! see running summer outside any shoes , say classroom. long equipment cleaned regular basis children aren't risk anything bare feet be good idea. 6876 1331173758 agree Ashley. think all beneficial activities. gain doing activities class. promotes healthier relationships students. Also activities include skills areas curriculum. think sort trust building activities be great group students struggling work group. 6877 1331174658 believe question all depends age group dealing . may be appropriate grade based zone older students. , believe monitors be show students zone certain activities. help see intensity heart rate . , hard judge all students wear monitors daily basis. be learning experience show students different activities affect heart rate. Also target heart rate zones be appropriate activity PE course. 6891 1331216562 believe doing gymnastics unit bare feet be alright. gymnastics performed. Plus letter sent home explain parents informed. 6937 1339705449 Hi all, new site! 'm hoping won't mind checking new P.E. blog sharing activity ideas... know dislike. best serve P.E. community? Thanks! -Mike http://physedadventures.blogspot.com/ 6939 1340203968 Hi Michael! think 's great doing blog physical education! looking great content blog about, please send email. love chat about blogging about exciting cool initiatives going . looking share activity ideas, NASPE just developed free activity/lesson plans kids summer move Spiderman! just posted about yesterday forum linked homepage. Hope help spread word about looking forward hearing ! Sinu Patel spatel@aahperd.org 6940 1340204593 Hello , haven't heard physical health educators Pennsylvania AHPERD hitting pavement, biking 150 miles Harrisburg Capitol Hill July -11 promote fostering healthy, active kids summer! Check press release AAHPERD's website share news: http://www.aahperd.org/pressroom/psahperd_capitolbikeride.cfm 6951 1343601699 looking getting heart rate monitors PE Department. just classroom set? fairly durable ( year year)? 6975 1345825973 promoting new, educational game, Dead Miles. surface, Dead Miles game about surviving world filled zombies. , underlying goal game teach about health related components Physical Fitness calorie intake/output. obvious game teaching tool, point! soon kid suspects educational, tend anticipate unpleasant experience. hope use Dead Miles teach kids about fitness metabolism realizing . link download page: http://www.misterdonovan.com/deadmiles/ link information game be educational tool: http://www.misterdonovan.com/-value--games/ feel lack entertaining worthwhile educational software. especially true Physical Education. Please consider passing game people find useful. free, advertising game, website. Physical Education teacher New York City ( Bronx). plan use program, along carefully designed questions, optional extra credit assignments. encourage discussion about software , feel free contact site. Sincerely, .C. Donovan 6983 1348449843 Hi Michael, wondering bought all equipment $700. looking years systems expensive!!! 6984 1348480757 Hi Josephine. existing projector, saved lot money. Wii $150 . DDR games be $20-25 . cheaper dance pads $25. All be Amazon.com. DON'T buy teacher catalogs. expensive. 6990 1348709146 Thanks info. going see get system running, hopefully school year. already InFocus smartboard assigned use gym. Wii find GameStop KMart, need find someplace ship dance pads Guam. Amazon won't send electronics . Any suggestions pads longest? supply guys work magic! Thanks great school year! 6991 1348777909 wish Smartboard! dance pads, just purchased cheapest Amazon figured take go (/ break) 28 generic dance pads ( need operate time). simply place tape broken ones keep track. think years broke pads far. situation, buy ebay local store. be cheaper catalogs. 7009 1349451916 getting ready graduate thinking about future. big thing love someday build high/low ropes course school. think course be great tool students PE. team sport sport associated benifits students. promotes team building, individual confidence, helps students get fears, goal setting, accomplishment, . beneift PE program also benefit school ways. coordinate area activites . just curious peoples opinions idea realistic put high school bring administration? 7021 1349798292 went pretty small school. junior high classes seperate. got older phys ed elective mandatory class. be beneficial phys ed class genders. work harder also gave chance learn . 7057 1349910243 see sides issue. , wish gym classes segregated sex coed. play high school sports, coed. preparing ? addition, female gym teachers may motivate girls better vise versa boys. 7113 1366977158 agree, Ryan. combined jr sr high school outstanding teachers segregated all year ping pong unit. great having unit girls. 7114 1367345076 just testing board. people getting file error. 7115 1367409266 got think posted. 7116 1367422174 testing board. getting errors another person's profile. 7119 1367461277 Testing... 7121 1367462009 After teaching - lesson plan give students "elective day". day choose - options. controlled monitored. give opportunity see leaders followers. trouble socializing, organize assess activity choose. 7124 1367590114 fifth day give options. half mile choose. kids dance hula hoop jumprope time. way school structured children need social time friends learn get along . observed kids finally learn jumprope hula hoop basket days.