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steve acree (Stephenpe)
Senior Member Username: Stephenpe
Post Number: 146 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Monday, September 12, 2011 - 4:27 am: |      |
I know there are many out there that are the only pe teacher on campus and rarely interact with other PE teachers. Here is a great place to exchange ideas and compare. Someone, anyone willing to do that here? |
steve acree (Stephenpe)
Senior Member Username: Stephenpe
Post Number: 147 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 7:13 am: |      |
I pronounce this forum DEAD |
Terri Covey (Coveyte)
Board Administrator Username: Coveyte
Post Number: 7 Registered: 1-2008
| Posted on Monday, September 26, 2011 - 12:40 pm: |      |
It's a PE forum, not Facebook. |
steve acree (Stephenpe)
Senior Member Username: Stephenpe
Post Number: 148 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - 9:59 am: |      |
Definition of FORUM 1 a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business b : a public meeting place for open discussion c : a medium (as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas I guess being mod or board adm. didnt come with too many prerequisites. Im not looking for a Facebook group but real PE teachers willing to exchange ideas and discuss good practices.
Terri Covey (Coveyte)
Board Administrator Username: Coveyte
Post Number: 8 Registered: 1-2008
| Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - 12:58 pm: |      |
Hi Steve. I'm a board administrator simply because I'm a programmer and set this board up and maintain it. I'm not a PE teacher though. It has been very 'non posting' over the summer though. No, not too many prerequisites. I'm just the pelinks4u webmaster, but not a PE teacher. There is the one at Speed stacks, but there's less posting there even. Some times have more postings, sometimes less. The economy could have a lot to do with the lack of posting now though. I work at Central Washington University, creating and upgrading software, but have seen things slow down the last couple years because everyone's work load has either lessened, due to not receiving thru other people, or people have a higher work load and are too busy. The thing is, the economy has effected an awful lot, including what people do at work. It's slowed down here during that same time frame. |
Paula Summit (Summit5)
Moderator Username: Summit5
Post Number: 176 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - 1:02 pm: |      |
Steve, your rudeness is unnecessary. As moderators, we do our best to keep spambots and inappropriate messages off the message board. NASPE talk (John Hichwa) converted their email postings into a similar message board with bells and whistles without realizing this forum was in existence. We cannot make people post here. What have you done to get other educators to particpate? Posting your comments doesn't mean someone has actually read it besides the moderators. Thank you for denigrating my volunteer position. I'll be at the Boston AAHPERD convention if you'd like to have a face to face dialog. |
steve acree (Stephenpe)
Senior Member Username: Stephenpe
Post Number: 149 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2011 - 8:32 am: |      |
Paula, obviously Terri and I have no problem now but I did not start the rudeness. Accusing me of wanting this to be face book was a little dig and made no sense. I just wanted some PE teachers to exchange ideas with. I am on an island where I work with little interaction with others of my guild. I have no idea why the economy would affect a forum. The A-Z forum (all teachers) runs high speed all the time. Sometimes I think PE teachers are lacking in motivation or ideas or never imagine there is a medium we could actually use to make things better. For you I apologize to Terri. As for Boston, that is a long haul for a poor fella like me down here in Fla. The pay down here is lousy and I have a family to support. At least I got some action here albeit not quite what I was looking for. As for what I have done to get others in here. My peers in the district, lets just say they are not as motivated as I am about PE. But thanks for at least showing me human beings actually read the forum. |
Terri Covey (Coveyte)
Board Administrator Username: Coveyte
Post Number: 9 Registered: 1-2008
| Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2011 - 8:50 am: |      |
Steve, I didn't accuse anyone of anything. I was comparing the flow of traffic into a PE forum against the flow of traffic to an 'any topic, friends/family' type of forum such as Facebook. I was not rude, but you were a bit. Your perception of my comment was different than my intention. My words did not accuse you of wanting this to be facebook, but my words compared the two different types of forums with the different flow of traffic because of it. It made sense. Also, the economy has everything to do with almost everything. When people are dealing with various types of issues, whether financial or underwork or over work, they just aren't going to have time and energy for anything but the daily task of 'getting by.' I have people on my campus, who are over worked due to other people being laid off, or jobs vacated but due to a hiring freeze the position is not refilled. The past couple years has seen changes in jobs, and that will also mean changes in jobs of physical educators, and if they're not working they may not post, and if they are they may have their hands full with many other aspects of their lives. Not time nor inclination for posting here. The past 2 years have seen many changes in the job market. So again, this makes sense. I don't talk to just talk. Don't apologize to me because of Paula. You were rude, but I wasn't. I didn't have your rudeness coming. I volunteer, giving freely of my time and energy without pay, to pelinks4u as it's webmaster and to this board - approving people's registration and other maintenance issues, as well as setting this board up. I give, Paula gives, you want, but if you're not getting it here, please don't put me down or any other board modertor or administrator who gives freely to all of you. Go somewhere where you are getting what you want and need. You don't need to be mean to a total stranger who's message you misunderstood. Human beings DO actually read this forum. They just don't always post, although they check it out and read. Again, Steve, I did not make a dig at you. I did a contrast between two different TYPES of forums. I don't want your apology as it isn't sincere. It's for Paula. I am in a volunteer position too, and if it wasn't for my pre-requisites as a board administrator this board wouldn't exist, Steve. Your stab wasn't justified. |
Terri Covey (Coveyte)
Board Administrator Username: Coveyte
Post Number: 10 Registered: 1-2008
| Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2011 - 8:59 am: |      |
ps: We have NEVER had a problem. I would have to care what you said for this to be a problem. This is not the first time I've read you pronounce this forum dead. No one is forcing you to be here, so please don't insult what is being given to you freely. You don't have to take it, just don't be abusive about it. It's no different than someone, with good intentions and good will, walks up to someone and gives them a free gift. That person doesn't want what is being given, or thinks it's not enough, and slaps it out of the gifters hand! That just isn't acceptable nor will the average person think it's nice. |
steve acree (Stephenpe)
Senior Member Username: Stephenpe
Post Number: 150 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2011 - 4:58 pm: |      |
One thing I have learned is without talking face to face things get skewed. I apologize for not understanding what you meant. Now I do. I appreciate the effort to maintain this forum but it saddens me this forum is so unused by PE people. I am being sincere |
Terri Covey (Coveyte)
Board Administrator Username: Coveyte
Post Number: 11 Registered: 1-2008
| Posted on Friday, September 30, 2011 - 8:42 am: |      |
Thank you VERY much! Yes, it is sad. I do have a Facebook account, and once upon a time, not that long ago in fact, i allowed a certain number of friends and family into my list of friends whom I was willing to allow access to everything I said. I kept my list to about 20, no more. A while back I cut it down to just 5 people; those closest to me, but I've still pulled back from that forum even more and post less and less. I'm saying this only because I think it's probably very common to see more and more people 'tucking their heads into their shell' like a turtle, and using most their energy taking care of themselves and their family, and not looking outside their own immediate circumstances very much. I spend a lot of time personally and financially taking care of the families of my own two children. I won't see my grandchildren going without food and good clothes. My head has become tucked in as time has gone by these past couple years, and it's probably very common among society right now. Best to you, Steve! |
steve acree (Stephenpe)
Senior Member Username: Stephenpe
Post Number: 151 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, October 05, 2011 - 8:23 am: |      |
Same here, Terri. And I see we have had a resurrection of a sort. The forum LIVES. |