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mark broman (Mbroman)
Junior Member Username: Mbroman
Post Number: 4 Registered: 2-2007
| Posted on Thursday, March 01, 2007 - 10:47 am: |      |
why is PE not the most important subject in a schools curriculum? It has a direct effect on your health and life. |
Donna Ash (Dash)
New member Username: Dash
Post Number: 1 Registered: 3-2007
| Posted on Monday, March 05, 2007 - 1:01 pm: |      |
I think PE is not the most important subject in the any schools curriculum because is many people do not view it as a subject they will need for the rest of their life. However, as PE teachers, I think that it is our own duty to instill into our students that PE is not a blow off class, that with taking these classes not only are they helping their bodies at the present moment, they are learning that keeping healthy throught their lifespan will benefit them in the long run. |
Howard Weiss (Weissice)
Junior Member Username: Weissice
Post Number: 7 Registered: 12-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, March 06, 2007 - 2:27 am: |      |
Physical Education can be the most important subject because without your health -- you have nothing! Unfortunately, there are many poor programs out there that do not teach developmentally appropriate skills and knowledge. These kinds of programs give physicial education a bad name. It is our job as physical educators to be the best we can be. We must do everything we can to make our programs indispensible. We should all be members of our professional organziation, attend workshops, have knowledge of the latest trends, and deliver them with enthusiasm. We should also make sure the administration, other teachers, community, and parents are aware of what is going on in our classroom. Some questions to ask ourselves. Are we integrating the curriculum? Are we giving homework? Are we meeting the national standards? Are we sending out newsletters? Are we using technology? Are we assessing our students abilities, knowledge and needs? If we can answer yes to most or all of these questions, we will be on the road to making PE the most important subject. |
Ben Brilmyer (Bmb2759)
New member Username: Bmb2759
Post Number: 1 Registered: 3-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, March 06, 2007 - 9:02 am: |      |
I believe that alot of the problems we have with people not taking PE seriously is the PE teachers whom simply roll a ball out and let the kids play kickball for an entire period. How can you expect the general public to respect a teacher whom sits back and reads a magazine while kids kids do whatever they want. As physcical education majors it should be our duty to fight this stereotype and prove the rest of our society wrong! |
julie wescott (Julie21)
Junior Member Username: Julie21
Post Number: 3 Registered: 3-2007
| Posted on Saturday, March 17, 2007 - 2:41 pm: |      |
I am studying to become a physical education teacher and sometimes I feel that friends and family overlook my profession of becoming a "gym teacher" How do I inform people that physical education is much more than just playing sports with kids all day. I take my profession very seriously and wish others would as well. |
Edward Meli (Meliville023)
Junior Member Username: Meliville023
Post Number: 3 Registered: 2-2008
| Posted on Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 8:35 am: |      |
I believe one of the main problems why people don't view physical education important, is because too many people have this view of a teacher just throwing the ball out and telling the kids to go have fun. They have this view because that’s what some teachers did and some still do. I believe with all the standards that future teachers have to meet and with America’s problem with obesity, people will start realize the importance of physical education, and start to take it more serious. |