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Michael Anthony Georgiana (Physed_mike)
Junior Member Username: Physed_mike
Post Number: 2 Registered: 3-2006
| Posted on Monday, April 03, 2006 - 7:18 pm: |      |
I believe that certain technologies are not appropriate for younger students in PE. At what age level should a physical education teacher begin using technology in the class room. |
Eric J. Sampson (Esamps)
Junior Member Username: Esamps
Post Number: 3 Registered: 3-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, April 04, 2006 - 9:40 am: |      |
Well mike, I believe that the way our world and culture are changing with the use of technology, that we should begin to incorporate it in the classroom A.S.A.P. So, right from the start I think technology should be used in P.E. Even if it in in the simplest form. |
Kelli Ann Pittner (Kpml21)
Junior Member Username: Kpml21
Post Number: 3 Registered: 10-2006
| Posted on Monday, October 23, 2006 - 4:52 pm: |      |
I agree with you Eric, I think even if the technology being used are simple heart rate monitors, it will let the kids know that certain things can help them with physical fitness. Once they master those, other aspects of technology can be introduced! |
Scott Tomassetti (Scottt40)
Member Username: Scottt40
Post Number: 32 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Monday, October 23, 2006 - 5:38 pm: |      |
There are many technologies that are age depended, and many that can be introduced early. Some heart rate monitors and inpedence monitors(for body fat) are recommended by the manufacturer of the product not to be used until the age of 12. I let the students begin to use the watches/stop watches at a the end of third grade to time various activities. I am sure you could use them earlier. I introduce Target Heart Rate and Use Target Heart Rate as a factor for intensity in Upper Elementary/Middle School. (5th or 6th graders). This morning (10-23-06) I let a Kindergartener have a pedometer to count his steps in my early morning activity program. I do not believe he will be able to accurately count his steps or know what they mean, but who knows. I let my 5th and 6th graders try blood pressure cuff, use my pda, work the computer (I have done this one in 2nd grade for changing music), use a video camera or digital camera, use a handheld gps, partner height and weight scale as choice, and just about anything else... I begin to let 4th grade use the online logs and journal via the computer after the 3rd quarter to get them ready for 5th grade. I have never had an instance where students were worse of for using technology, only gain knowledge and experiential learning experience. Scott Tomassetti |
john wassell (Jsw3623)
Junior Member Username: Jsw3623
Post Number: 3 Registered: 4-2007
| Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2007 - 10:45 am: |      |
I believe that technology would be more beneficial at a younger age. You can use technology such as videos to show examples of how certain sports skills should be performed. Allowing younger students to see these skills before attempting them could be crucial. So I feel that technology should be incorporated in all age levels from elementary school up. |