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nicholas fegley (Naf0729)
Junior Member Username: Naf0729
Post Number: 3 Registered: 1-2006
| Posted on Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 2:34 pm: |      |
Does anyone have an oppinion on bringing in a spinning class to let's say a high school pe program. I feel this would be a good use of technology for many of the schools in the northern states. Granted the schools have the budget and room to house the stationary bikes. I envision the projector to make it look like your going through the mountains. Do you think the benefits outway the costs, or vice versa? |
Timothy McLellan (Karlmcl)
Junior Member Username: Karlmcl
Post Number: 2 Registered: 2-2006
| Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 10:37 am: |      |
This is a great way to introduce new technology into your classroom. However, you are getting into the costly equipment as well as the concern with room for this equpiment. Nevertheless, if your school has the budget and room for such bikes then I think it would be a great idea. If you could have it so the students think they are biking through the mountains and they all enjoy in then I believe this would be a great way to promote physical activity. Who knows, this may lead to further interest in the sport and they may go out on there own and begin to explore which would lead to a better lifestyle. Isn't that one of our goals as a PE major? All in all if you can convince your school board to buy you such equipment go for it. This can open a lot of doors in your school. You could also use the equipment to have spinning classes after school for the public and this could be a way to help pay off the bikes. Also, if you don't get enough bikes for the whole class you could always break them up into groups and do circuit training. Good Luck and let me know how things work out. |
angelo lafratta (Angelo422)
Junior Member Username: Angelo422
Post Number: 2 Registered: 10-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 4:52 am: |      |
Spinning is a great idea for physical education class. We acquired 30 spinning bikes for our middle school two years ago. It is an awesome workout for the students; they really seem to enjoy it. We just received a grant for 72 heart rate monitors and can't wait to incorporate them into our spinning unit. I have played some Tour de France videos during class and they love to watch Lance fly up the Alps. |
Kayla Jo Barkley (Kaylabarkley)
Junior Member Username: Kaylabarkley
Post Number: 5 Registered: 9-2010
| Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - 5:09 pm: |      |
I believe having a spinning lesson in a Physical Education class would be great!!! I recently started my field for one of my method classes, and the school we go to has mountain bikes! It is great to see where Phys. Ed. is going these days. I can honestly see the "traditional" Phys. Ed. changing into fitness mode! I think it is a great idea! |
frances (Mcms2011)
Junior Member Username: Mcms2011
Post Number: 3 Registered: 3-2011
| Posted on Monday, March 07, 2011 - 11:25 am: |      |
I think it is a great idea. We have 27 bikes at our middle school and the students love it. Yes, there are those students that would rather run but you will always have that type of student. We use to have our bikes on the stage of our gym but it was difficult and got really hot and limited space. Now, we have a room with air conditioning and it is great. I spin with my students and we do various things (just like taking a spin class at the gym). I use to take spin classes at my gym and I do a lot of the things that are done at the gym. I play music while we spin (music that they listen to) and they like to sing to the music and they like to keep up with me- the instructor. We also have heart monitors and I have also used them when we spin; although, I find they are not as accurate because they are so close together and the monitors read others heart rate so heart rates tend to be high, but it does motivate them to work hard and increase the tension (sometimes too much that I have to tell them to ease up on the tension knob). I would recommend the bikes and if your school has money and space for them, it would definitely improve your PE program and the students would love them. I like the idea of playing video for them to simulate a course, I am going to look into that and see if we can do that with our facility. |
Paul Dudley (Dudspizza)
Junior Member Username: Dudspizza
Post Number: 3 Registered: 11-2011
| Posted on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 10:35 am: |      |
I love the idea of having stationary bikes for PE, but the problem with many schools has to be money. I also agree that the way to fund something like this would be through grant money, as posted above. I teach in an Elementary School and this would never be an option, but a middle or high school with the space would benefit from stationary bike. I have one stationary bike in my office that kids ride if they are injured. DAPE (Adapted PE) kids also love to ride the bike when they need to "take a break". Spinning in PE, what a great idea! |
Paula Summit (Summit5)
Moderator Username: Summit5
Post Number: 181 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 1:40 pm: |      |
I worked in an elementary school. I put an exercise equipment request in the newsletter that goes home to the parents. They got a tax deduction for usable equipment donated. I asked for the equipment that was serving as a clothes hanger that would be better used by the students. I had an airdyne bike that we purchased thru a grant, but the rest was donated. Not top of the line equipment, but good enough to use in class. I didn't do a spinning class, but allowed students to use the bikes, air-step machine, or rowing machine during the warm up activity. I also managed to get a PlayStation bike donated for shipping charges. We were "beta testing" for feedback from the kids. It never hurts to ask if they are beta testing any of their products. |
Brittany Perry (Bperry1122)
Junior Member Username: Bperry1122
Post Number: 3 Registered: 2-2012
| Posted on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - 9:36 am: |      |
I believe that bringing spin into PE classes would be very benefical to the students. Spin classes are high pace and a great attention keeper because you can't slow down (well you can). I believe that the children will greatly benefit from having such a high pace class put into their PE program. |