Kyle, we scatter your ashes back to the earth from which all life has come. You can mingle with the flowing water, stir with the breezy air and night sky, and nestle in the rich brown warmth of the earth itself.

First, in Durr Canyon where you spent many happy times with Liz and your family and friends. Let the walls of the canyon guide you on your journey over and around the earth.

Second, on Manastash Ridge where you spent time gazing at the valley below, the distant peaks, and stars in the evening sky. Let this view remind you of your home and act as a compass giving you direction for your travels.

Third, on Mt. Stuart where you achieved goals, and touched the sky. Let this height remind you of the awesome nature you have returned to.

Fourth, in the Pacific Ocean on a beach much like the one where you breathed your last, where you frolicked in the sandy pools as a toddler and thrilled at the discoveries of shell, sand dollar, and tide pool creatures. Let the sound of the waves remind you of the endless time you have for your travels.

Fifth, and finally on Mission Ridge where you tumbled in the snow, glided over the runs, jumped and spun in the air like magic on your board. Let the white softness remove any restlessness and give you peace on your journeys.

You are a part of the nature you loved. We, your family, friends, loved ones, can come to any of these places and many others on this earth and feel your presence among us. Our memories of being with you in these places will comfort us, and our knowledge that you are now a part of all nature will strengthen us in our lives and our journeys through place and time.