172 94 95 Phil Lawler informed positive media attention school's physical education program received. Phil received following letters parents read about Naperville Junior High School physical education program: Mr. Lawler Kudos PE program. read report Madison PE program moved drop e-mail often. Jr. High High School slow kids physically. obese just plain slow. remember PE Teacher shouting turn run 100 yard dash "Oh Reynolds get calendar time him!" learned hate PE. High School College "let go" physically hating participate sports turned hatred exercise. 28 saw saw another out-of-shape friend suffer heart attack 32 motivated exercise bring blood pressure normal lose 70 lbs back normal weight learned enjoy exercise. 31 doing best shape life. wish way all life. believe participated program Madison suffer ridicule school importantly having suffer life out-of-shape body wondering heart past 40. program LONG overdue nationwide DRAMATIC impact children's lives. Keep good work. hope children privelege participating Physical Education program similar Madison. Mike Reynolds Tualatin Phil Thank quick reply mail. answer question concerned parent coincidentally teacher. work early intervention program disabled newborns year olds grade middle schoolers. read all articles related ones about legislation PE 4Life. older son start middle school year. good chance middle school's PE class be pure failure misery probably athletic/physical boy entire 5th grade. way took about 10 years find way exercize enjoyed resurrect feelings dread complete incompetency carried PE classes. love work kickboxing classes weight lifting hiking etc. age 48 weigh little high school pinnacle unfit days. Anyway assumed son just go similar path worse boy. family hike bike ski swim together. went health club allowed use cardio machines. really enjoyed chose exercize extra 20 minutes going kid's room. love get school district adopt ideas approach. show articles take there. question know- know any schools San Francisco Bay Area approach? Thanks again Karen Mathon 189 94 101 Physical Education 21st Century Remember physical education? Daily lap running mind-numbing jumping jacks boring team sports repeated grade? Think again. Physical education changing. Look today's gyms see kids unicycling juggling learning skate play hockey practicing latest line dances. Fly fishing archery rock climbing golf yoga name PE class. name's physical education schools colleges new goal: keeping people active healthy. reason obvious. American adults overweight obesity epidemic young people. Overweight shape young people high cholesterol hypertension type diabetes. Today's inactive youth greater risk cardiovascular related diseases cancer. Health care costs half-century explode. alarming fact creative minds work inside sick bodies. past school physical education loved hated. ran ran it. grew active homes PE classes fun inspired love movement. active low skilled PE meant squeezing oversized bodies skimpy shorts tummy hugging tee-shirt. "Gym" turn convinced teens avoid physically active. years physical education suffered bad rap confused extension athletics. sort athletic-appetizer main purpose train athletes school teams. fact coaches also taught physical education confirmed belief. any more. Elementary school PE today helps young children learn basic movement skills. Active adult lifestyles depend children physically competent. Children ridiculed "throwing girls" simply failed master proper throwing fundamentals. People learn similar movement skills children be successful organized sports recreational activities. Secondary college PE teachers guide students activities hope self-motivating. Forcing fitness people really worked. just quit option. better encourage students try activities fun active leave participants wanting more. "physically educated" students adults skillful physically fit lead healthy active lifestyles. increasingly harder fit PE classes already overloaded academic schedules. consequences eliminating physical education student schedules needs careful thought. summary reasons physical education belongs 21st century academic programs: 1. Preventing Happy Puppies Old Dogs. time walk nearest elementary school playground watch children move. joy movement natural childhood drained daylong sedentary classroom instruction. Slender flexible healthy bodies change. Inactive children inactive adults face disabling chronic preventable illnesses. 2. Movement Fundamental Learning. Child development specialists discovered long ago young people learn about world moving interacting objects people. movement learn bodies do. also learn social skills needed relate others. productive member society depends learning facts figures words numbers. Humans learn move move learn. 3. Playful People Survive. earliest humans playful people fittest. just physically superior playful creativity helped adapt change. Successful adults today flexible willing think differently. resist change struggle opportunities. Physical play stimulates creative thought. 4. Living Working Productively. Adults willing dedicate waking hours job get rich. evidence clear people ignore health physical social emotional burn out. get sick work productive careers suffer. 5. Balancing Work Play. Adults lack movement skills enjoy physical activities. contrast physically skillful adults choose participate active non-work related leisure activities. physically competent creates foundation life outside work healthy productive use recreational time. school college based physical education programs foundation developed. Steve Jefferies Ph.D. Physical Education CWU 343 94 101 teacher years coach past 14 years. alsways wanted be teacher love passion outdoors sports Physcial Education easy choice. boggles "educated" people actually consider idea dropping Physical education. administrators "It budget" need save money how." anyone see cost keeping kids active? health based standards PROFESSION based on. job duty promote Physical Health help students learn healthy choices. time profession fun again. Just kids enjoy playing walk fields elementary school fun learn stay shape all time? impossible. kids deserve it. deserve it. teaching old ways. Learn inspire motivate changes. outcome same. kids grow time electronics computers Playstations. lot competition. need work standout one. run teachers believe "it done way 25 years continue doing way." said? Take track field example Olympic event. students learn about countries. twist curriculum excites students well. good come it. TEACHERS vital subject longevity students. Teach teach well. Teach enthusiasm. lose students then? longer paid recess monitors. Take Pride do. will? 447 94 163 February posted short essay role modeling Health Fitness Nutrition page PElinks4U website read http://pelinks4u.jasonbuckboyer.com/archives/health/020402.htm. launch discussion health physical educators perceived efficacy role modeling applicability research philosophy area. invite CWU Summer 2002 On-Line Masters students discussion. Andrew P. Jenkins PhD CHES 451 94 163 hear term "Role Model" thing comes mind famous Charles Barkley quote "I role model". thought humorous statment choose be role models just happends. matter job somebody watching actions choices make. responsiblity be role model taken new level applying proffession health teacher. Pollock Middleton stated "youngsters tend love admire emulate teachers". go say "a teacher's personal health behavior enhance counteract messsage intend teaching." agree just think picture paint health teacher stressing students importance balanced diet wiping crumbs Krispy Kreme face. argue article holding health teachers higher standard. Granted english teacher sure uses good gramer Math teacher portray profeciency multiplication facts role health teacher takes topic level. Health teachers dealing topics life death literally holding higher standard ask. health teachers remember "walk talk" credibility saying be better received studetns. believe Dr. Jenkins summed best said "promoting health manifest personal commitment pursuit balanced healthy lifestyle" 452 94 163 believe looks somebody role model. Be professional athlete parent teacher any adult. educators watch say professions lifestyles. know children follow lead adult role models therfore teachers use method teaching. connect children teaching hopefully strong positive influence lives. Wescott states "Although teachers virtue leadership positions automatically role models behavior effect may students may be strong weak positive negative." exactly right. may chosen be role models choose be teachers comes job. long teach preach live healthy lifestyle be watching hopefully positive impact child's life. Children today easily influenced surroundings important emphasize positive times negative be easy follow. 454 94 163 P.E teacher coach feel responsibility kids be role model practices preach.If expect be all be same. 455 94 163 role model choice responsibility given nature job education. Davis said health educators luxury accepting rejecting responsibility role model. be turned off. quote Chenoweth 1979 states "all teachers 'on stage' all times". students see classroom basketball games concerts shopping etc. little eyes actions behaviors. weight physical fitness tend be personal area may think else's business. citcumstances teaching wellness fitness. "do say do" attitute hypocrite field. sense credibility lost entire area health wellness. educational classes learned importance modeling lessons teach. "One effective techniques teaching desired behavior modeling obeservational learning." King 1982. times students including difficult time focusing said teacher observe judgements based way look things do. articles great job making aware continuing responsibility be role model area wellness fitness. awesome job have! get practice preach! 456 94 163 idea PE/Health teacher position role model intriguing sad. Looking back health ed. role models appeared be overweight partake any outwardly unhealthy habits actions. Quite contrary true. all teachers models healthy lifestyle. ran lifted weights took care nutritionally ö days students. People may try renounce position role model. Charles Barclay tried tell ãI role model.ä Reality kids looked him. Andrew Jenkins Ph. D. Role Modeling Health Physical Education refers Good Brophy 1980 ãthe fact teachers any role model necessarily choose be modeling students be aware potential role models all times.ä tells spotlight be ready. society discriminate against ãfatä people Ligos 2002. PE teachers follow standard appearance body composition just ãreinforce popular prejudices.ä Davis 1999 Again live now. educator looks part healthy person credibility fat one. Students fit fat outlook viewing video tapes Melville study ö fit instructor expert fat Melville Cardinal 1988. society fat. 1996 1/3 nation considered obese Orey 1996. time PE teachers step be role models. step educators may be back undergraduate level. Eastern Washington University fitness entrance standard get PE department Melville Cardinal 1998. donât see problem this. Central Washington University entrance exam candidates Education Department. SAT ACT determine fit candidates college entrance. classroom field role models. 457 94 163 feel positive role model responsibilty accept teachers. concept role modeling developed Bandura theory ãvicarious learningä asserts people learn observation imitation others. Bandura 1977. speaks louder say. Jenkins 2002. couldnât agree more. early study effects physical educatorâs appearance teaching effectiveness supports ideas Bandura Jenkins concluding difficult person take fat physical educator seriously. Melville & Cardinal 1988. Melville/Cardinal study 14 years old everyday observation difficult argue basic premise. respect role modeling children hear words observation actions impact. Berryman & Brightner 1994. illustrated basketball player Charles Barkleyâs well-known proclamation sportsâ fans ãI role model.ä Despite Barkleyâs verbal disclaimer actions court de facto role model great number young people. Again actions speak louder words. Barkley case reaffirms Banduraâs theory mentor choose be role model importance role modeling effective mentoring good mentors behave followers regard role models. Bandura 1977. experienced secondary physical educator extreme fitness advocate applaud attempts commentators Bandura Jenkins Melville Cardinal bring light ãproblemä unfit health physical educators. Hopefully discussions along physical educational programs designed produce fitter product result efficient physically fit entry-level health fitness teachers. 458 94 163 Role Models physical educators effective role models teachers theyâre physically fit? Size/fitness may be factor effectiveness. Melville & Maddalozzo 1988 study results show students attentive scoring lower 13 question examination ãfat suitä instructor. study limited article ãThe Problem Body Fatness Professionä states ãmore nationwide testing majors professionals warranted.ä age factor considering effectiveness physical educator? young fit 25 year old be effective role model 40 year old teacher? Role models physical education setting developed day experiences interactions teacher students. teacherâs actions be greater factor effectiveness. Creating environment student feels comfortable happy participating quality physical activity be greatest factor effective teaching. following excerpt commenting creating environment from: AAPHERD Professionals 21st Century: Bouncing balls balancing lives Journal Physical Education Recreation & Dance:Reston;March 2000;Marcia Carter äEffective leaders also create environments produce ãflowä experiences. flow experience occurs participantâs skill matched challenge levels activity. According Csikszentmihalyi 1990 participant flow state balance subjectively perceived challenge skills needed be successful. state participant experiences feelings control enjoyment lead self-growth willingness pursue higher levels challenge. leaders structure environment participants achieve flow states promoting self-determination freedom succeed. qualities cause participants be inherently satisfied experience encourage decisions promote being.ä 459 94 163 teacher contact hundreds children. children may be adults communicate observe entire day. choice be role models children. young adolescents asked identify figures pay attention concerning drinking drugs sex common response friends teachers doctors Hendry Roberts Glendinning & Coleman 1992. firmly believe saying ãPractice preachä. Students ability see words donât back words action students may take words seriously. Sequoia classes run mile twice quarter stagger days class runs run students. canât tell students run along me. students normally walk pretend sick try run me. also feel male teachers especially elementary level important. study done Mary Macdonald that; One-third 16910 children parents surveyed lived homes fathers Macdonald2002. case male teachers play important role lives children. 460 94 163 concept health physical educators act role models be effective motivators. P.E. teach elementary students. feel obligation responsibiliy act motivating role model. According Chenoweth1979 "All teachers 'on stage' time direct class." observed students go "on stage" teach role model them. mirror students tend reflect teacher's behaviors. behaviors say. Bandura's "vicarious learning" theory concept role modeling educators observe imitate colleagues guide "on stage" teach positive role model desired behavior students learn teacher. health educators be exemplar health think live healthy lifestyle. believe live healthy lifestyle professional educators naturally advocate be positive role models! challenge health educators. takes great discipline. educator employ advocated concepts health lifestyle? health educator attempt practice behavior living healthy lifestyle maintain good personal appearance be role model? help continue life-long challenge bodies grow older? remember physcial educator's impacted well. National Task Force Preparation Practice Health Educators include need competencies entry-level health educator. great challenge factors comes play. Jenkins 1989 study good point factor personal appearance may related role modeling capabilities prospective health educators. personal appearance large factor better whip shape! pressure course. 478 94 163 ROLEMODELS BE LEADER ADVISOR. GUIDES LEAD GROUP INDIVIDUALS DOING RIGHT THING. 479 94 163 Class Professional Prep 480 94 163 physical educators take role role models want not. profession given be role model. work hours students going come advice comfort friendship may need father figure. Also be careful work hours leisure time come contact students. "We're suppose social life know want face fact social life reflects school setting. Reading entries going back seminars conventions meetings physial educators future educators talked about previous settings. choose profession automatically male role models. young black males school settings bring lot table. black male teachers physical educators school settings today. populate just populate school setting inspiring intelligent educators big difference children teenagers lives. know awaiting person little confidence needs motivation get life jump started better future. entries given educators glipse briefing things educators going expeirence. 481 94 163 physical educators put image students see want accomplish. means be overweight telling students physical education good physically fit good "practicing preach". students see act teachers tend model behavior after that. students enjoy working doing activity especially teacher get them. 482 94 163 mean be overwieght!!! Sorry!!