83 7 50 just adopted State Wyoming Standards Movement Personal Social Fitness plus Health Standards. teach Middle School 6-7-8 level. want just give 4-3-2-1 curriculum. Health Teacher PE teachers. quit calling Health-PEand call Wellness. schools doing grading dealing Standards. Thanks time Jinx Tucker 114 7 72 anyone know current thoughts stretching increase flexibility? couple years seen conflicting articles students stretching pre-activity following short aerobic warm-up and/or post-activity...during cool post-activity. doing school students?Thanks information! 202 7 102 interested finding schools California handled liability issues innovative programs "skate school" high low-element ropes courses rock walls. tried implement programs middle school stonewalled superintendent business insurance liablility issues. Please send information can. bit helps!! Thanx. 231 7 111 Dear Colleagues any know completed research demonstrates failure physical education programs middle school level obviously all programs? Please advise! Thanks Al Figone 237 7 72 personal experience know stretch 20 secs after exercise stiff day. adolescent barely remember doing stretches alone needing them. difference younger put together. ran good race limbered good day. ran poorly muscles tight flexibility competitor bad day. PE specialist believe be showing students develop positive patterns behaviour sport exercise. students stretches effectively teaching warming-up limbering exercise cooling stretching after exercise go lkie study good grades! 305 7 132 teach Bethune Middle School Decatur GA. physical educators 1400 students serve day. looking ideas help transition locker room gymnasium go smoothly dismissal procedures. 308 7 132 use basketball clock timer. Students minutes time leave homeroom roll call spot. includes dressing time. 309 7 132 Thanks Allen comment. Be sure send any ideas mind. 318 7 111 Al know any specific studies question doing literature search "Cultural Roadblocks Wellness" literature speak fitness levels adolesence. be happy hear research developed. Good Luck ani frank 342 7 72 physical therapist recuperating major knee surgery stretch after warmed meant doing minutes aerobic first. use metaphors teach liken need stretch warm muscle happens try stretch chewed bubble gum. cold breaks. warm stretches. may help students visualize need warming remember well. Personally find stretching valuable conclusion work-out kid recognize need stretch specific muscle groups after warmed up- feeling tight. 381 7 72 feel children stretch minutes after lesson benefit long run. love feeling after stretched. feel relaxed muscle tension gone. student coach Kent State Gymnastics Team gymnasts stretch after practice minutes. stretching after practice girls flexibility increased greatly. Flexibility easier increase child adult. Remember save minutes stretching. 414 7 154 middle school considering various scheduling including "block" schedule. mean longer class periods possibility classes times week...etc. ramifications scheduling PE program? benefits/disadvantages schedule? schedule preferred another? Any insight? 424 7 156 interested knowing monitors give dollar. funds use purchase. distinct advantages disadvantages. require straps and/or chest applications run co-ed girl issues readings also want be able be computer friendly. anyone elaborate give hand feedback????? 431 7 132 best fastest ways getting kids locker room pipe peppy music. unfamiliar electronic music time riot. girls fast realize hit them. rhythm unconsciously picked personal beat. non-fail method works especially boys girls get involved. Leave equipment available kids use soon dressed. find all kids get right away realize play practice. Enjoy will!!! 441 7 156 Hi Paul just started Polar HRM's KS3 KS4 classes. doing unit Principles Training Fitness. great. bought Polar S610 watches. all come software downloading. addition bought inter-face unit. kids really interested motivated. print graphs downloaded info great easy kids interpret 'write-ups'. Hope helps. cheap be looked after well. hope get new school year. Bails Hong Kong 445 7 132 curretnly teach health P.E. class sizes range 29 35 students. school proposing teach health weightroom. unrealistic option teaching health. weightroom small poorly lit storgage desks. Basically administration said deal it. Any suggestions fight this? 470 7 168 go find rules specific games Internet.