60 21 41 Inline Skating Program Developed Schools Rollerblade NASPE Greetings Rollerblade Skate School program. Thank interest Skate School program SIS leading-edge physical education program new millenium developed Rollerblade National Association Sport Physical Education NASPE. enclosed materials orient way inline skating be available students safe fun developmentally sound curriculum state-of-the-art inline skates protective gear. Skate School program created teacher mind order easy introduce school community. program be providing students ways stay mentally physically fit class skills use lives. Please call Skate School office 888-758-4386 contact www.skateinschool.com any questions any time move forward program. ready support incorporate fantastic sport school PE curriculum. Sincerely Margot Willett Skate School Program Manager ROLLERBLADE Phone 888-758-4386 Fax 612-8223-9214 www.skateinschool.com Rollerblade SKATE SCHOOL Program FACT SHEET Background National Association Sport Physical Education NASPE collaboration Rollerblade developed Skate School Program 1996 help physical education programs across country provide safe educationally sound affordable inline skating opportunities. Started 1992 pilot program Houstonâs Aldine School District approximately 500 Skate School programs schools across country. Purpose improve in-line skating safety children youth adults introduce inline skating way reflects developmentally appropriate physical education new national standards physical education. provide valuable new resources teachers increase participation inline skating Benefits Skate School program supports Healthy People 2000 objectives established U.S. Department Health Human Services meets National Standards Physical Education school programs. addition educationally sound program Skate School forefront "new PE" alternatives boost youth fitness self-esteem development lifelong physical skills activities. Components skate package includes durable Rollerblade recreational skates Rollerblade helmet plus protective gear knees wrists elbows; all designed be multiple students school day. NASPE-approved Intermediate Advanced level curriculum stresses inline skating basics safety skill development. school also receives information about funding equipment preparation organization safety health skating rules integrating instruction co-curricular activities. Costs price Skate School program $90 $100 plus shipping package. also receive Skate Great video. additional fee schools option hiring Rollerblade-approved instructor provide on-site skating instruction teachers and/or students assistance equipment set management provide support needed program. Information program ordering assistance may be obtained Skate School office 888-758-4386 NASPE 800-213-7193 x461. Rollerblade SKATE SCHOOL Program Package Overview #1 skates industry Rollerblade protective gear helmet wrist guards knee elbow pads Educationally appropriate curriculum developed NASPE Intermediate Advanced lesson plans grades K-12 Black brake pad outdoors Non-marking brake pad flush-mounted hardware soft wheels safe gym floors Skate Great video Cost Set Includes skates protective gear helmet video curriculum $100 set adult sizes 5-14 $90 set youth sizes 1-4 unique skate adjustable frame accommodating shoe sizes skate. Minimum order 24 sets Suggested fleet size 25 person class 35-40 sets schools district prefer share fleets additional charge $300 hire Rollerblade certified instructor come school hours provide basic inline skating instruction PE teacher. may also hire instructor work equipment handler teach set handle store maintain new fleet. contact area reach certified instructor Penny Wagoner Director SK8 KIX Skate School 360-835-8485 Washington 503-481-7655 Oregon sk84kix@earthlink.net. www.sk84kix.com questions call Skate School office toll-free 888-758-4386 www.skateinschool.com SK8 KIX Skate School come play. PO Box 852 Camas WA 98607 360-835-8485 Washington 503-481-7655 Oregon sk84kix@earthlink. www.sk84kix.com MESSAGE SK8 KIX SKATE SCHOOL Rollerblade approved certified skate school offering come school teach program shortened version great curriculum. may come handy PE staff uncertain about scheduling full 30 hours fleet be shared schools teachers plan be skates. situation easy add fun excitement inline skating PE curriculum. staff control daily schedule follow bell schedule teachers assist class saves instructor fees. teachers use skating hour catch tasks run lessons love teachers skate us! INSTRUCTION PRICING schools choose parents pay all part instructor fees. federal state grants available well. suggest 6-7 classes day 30 student maximum. $1125 Days Instructing about $1 lesson student Certified Instructor teacher aides assisting $2025 Days Instructing about $2 lesson student Certified Instructors $500 Days Use Fleet Gear Try Buy Fleet Organization Maintenance Training Program Staff $200/2 Hours Skate School Training Program Staff $300/ Hours entire staff SK8 KIX looking forward opportunity helping get school skating program rolling. Sincerely Penny Wagoner Director Skate School Fleet Order Forms SK8 KIX! Skate School School Training & Teaching Order Forms available Conference Inline Skating Demonstrations brought high-quality skates protective equipment certified instructors learning enjoyment. All Skill Levels Welcome Please Join Us! 79 21 48 Healthy Start new 12-unit comprehensive health education program preschoolers- covering health nutrition physical activity self esteem saftey violence prevention hygiene etc. posters music tape cook's manual. Developed NIH grant evaluated published papers available request. www.Healthy-Start.com 96 21 56 Kaleidoscope Orienteering Activities Deborah Tannehill & Curriculum Students Pacific Lutheran University ABSTRACT session participants be introduced variety orienteering events be across K-12 health fitness program. series events set participant be able negotiate couple time frame provided. bring friend split different events. events "photo" orienteering participants develop ability recognize terrain easily recognizable sites along course. move navigating course landmarks participants recognize environment control points. progress map participants navigate course recognizing control points designated "features" map course. Finally provide levels events skilled compass negotiate course. read full presentation click here! download MS Word version click here. 98 21 59 CONTRA DANCING PRIMER M. Fallshore Ellensburg WA April 2001 Abstract Contra dancing similar square dancing use similar moves. major differences however. square dancing partner dance couples square formation partner partner. contra dancing form long-ways sets usually across partner partner dance hall moving set. major difference square dancing gets dancers wait catch doesn�t really matter. contra dancing dances written fit music get need skip missed "fix" dance stay music. start discussion explaining moves music try put together. glossary bibliography discography resources follow. view browser click here. download MS Word file click here. 102 21 61 DEMONSTRATION SPORT SKILLS ASSESSMENT SATISFY EALRS Scott Melville Laurie Morley Eastern Washington University "How supposed be able document all EALRs?" demonstration lesson directed meeting: Essential Learning 1: student acquires knowledge skills necessary maintain active life. 1.1: Develop fundamental complex movement skills developmentally appropriate 1.2: Safely participates variety developmentally approprite physical activities. session participants be moved volleyball progressions quickly integrated mini volleyball games. course games instructor attendees use rubric evaluate players performances. rubric be holstic assessment playing skills application techniques strategies knowledge rules affective skills. Following play evaluation results process be discussed. hoped attendees better see be able feasibly assess large class short period. Authentic holistic assessment issues be discussed relate Essential Learning specifically 1.1 & 1.2 Benchmarks 3. score sheet be shown below. 1Score Sheet 104 21 64 Innovative Tennis Teaching Karen Green United States Tenis Association Presentation outline contact information below: pg pg pg 106 21 70 Teaching Olympic Powerlifting Program Andrew P. Jenkins Ph.D. PEAK Workshop Teaching Fast Lifts Exercise Progression sport coaches understand effectiveness weight training developing peak strength power athletes all types. "fast lifts" powerclean clean jerk snatch form core power training athletes. coaches power oriented sports track field football hockey basketball prescribe lifts proper training them. Observations novice lifters reveal variety common errors may result injury discouragement all may rob athlete any potential benefit performing lift. primary goal session teach coaches physical educators proper exercise progression instructing fast lifts. Specific instruction be provided regarding correcting common problems seen fast lifts. result session participants will: be familiar power clean snatch clean jerk b be enthusiastic about role fast lifts play developing power athletes c know proper progression teaching fast lifts d know proper remedial steps necessary remedy faults fast lifts Please find links page Handout Page Page Page Page Page 107 21 71 Waterworks Everyone: Foolproof Lessons Work Debra D'Acquisto Adjunct Professor Dept. PEHLS Central washington University extensive course outline presented hour session. I. Properties water Resistance Buoyancy Temperature II. Principles Water SWEAT Surface Area Speed Working Positions Enlarge Body Traveling III. Class Design Linear Drills Pyramid Building Time Space sequences Games Recall Repetition Simple/Complex Physical Fitness components Cardiorespiratory training Muscular strength Flexibility Body Composition IV. Cueing Verbal/Visual deck/In water V. Instructor Role �Teaching Methodology Creativity Adaptability/Motivation VI. Techniques ROM Use Properties Water Use Principles Water Form Alignment VII. Tools VIII. Practical Applications Class designs provided ROUND WHEELS SQUARE HOLES DEEP WATER 45 min. session. WALL LANE DRILLS 45 min. session. SUPER SET COMBOS SHALLOW WATER 45 60 min. session SHALLOW DEEP WATER LOCOMOTION 30 min. minimum session. highly individualized workout duration bouyancy equipment needs objectives warm-up dependent participant needs. 161 21 90 Teaching Games Understanding Physical Education Sport International Conference 1-4th August 2001 Announcing world conference focus solely inclusive innovative approach. conference sponsored AIESEP IYS NASPE NHAHPERD. Presenters consider research ways start implement assess TGFU. Speakers include R.Scott Kretchmar leading sport philosophers Len Almond founders TGFU Judy Oslin David Kirk. conference site Waterville Valley Resort Center heart New Hampshire's White Mountains. Bring family enjoy activity package goes night's stay golf mountain biking boating athletic club etc.. Early bird registration saves $40! Oral poster abstracts deadline Feb. 1st 2001 Early bird registration $240 April 15th Registration $280 April 15th June 1st Late Registration $300 June 1st July 31st site Registration $310 Full-time student $110 Graduate Credits NH in-state $240 $80 credit Out-of-state $270 $90 credit information contact: Dr. Joy Butler Conference Chair HPER Dept. MSC #22 Plymouth State College Plymouth NH 03264 USA Email jbutler@mail.plymouth.edu Tel: 603 535-2632 ext. Fax: 603 535-2395 visit conference website at: www.plymouth.edu/psc/hper/AIESEP 317 21 136 National Association Physical Education Higher Education meeting San Antnio Texas January 9-122002. attended meeting past please share experience. 322 21 136 provide any specific information NAPEHE meeting San Antonio Texas January 9-12-2002? Exact location meeting times discussion topics member take join etc. Thank Michael d. Cabeldue 466 21 165 anyone any information conventions workshops sport psychology 2003?