47 15 39 PELINKS4U Section Editor Isobel Kleinman wrote following March 12 edition pelinks4u. After decades teaching Title IX forced maintain coed classes high school feeling about conducting mixed classes grades 9th above changed. Mind decade open mind thought anything possible. think coed classes high school level gross injustice. advantages. sometimes. tap them. depended outside variables. example control class resister. controlled school administrator computer. fall class lists distributed greatly skewed sex try best accommodate groups. Admittedly minority hampered. instances say flat give teaching COED classes. breath wonder intent Title IX misinterpreted? leave room admit wrong. problems mine. readers come in. Please focus problem below. Post forum thoughts possible solutions. Include name school like. way see occurred classes year... joke. class register creates administrative gender inequity. imbalance girls boys vice versa grossly distorted minority seriously compromised. class 90% students sex? 90% girls? 90% boys? 70% 30% split significantly better? think. Post below:- 52 15 39 middle school level years ago male position eliminated. All classes co-ed male aide locker room help me. aide hired year great. co-ed classes not. genders different levels maturity physically mentally. size classes attitude allow teaching. "roll balls". continue try teach Physical Education athletics recess. years class 8th graders 35 students 6-10 females. fair group. go back male female teacher separate classes awhile get co-ed games activities. 56 15 39 "Good questions coed issues be interesting read feel way not. agree coed classes create problems vary according gender subject changes ie. females sports lead left guys refuse pass skills little chance developing games environment strict controls imposed. Likewise Dance reversal true males feel emasculated effort present stimuli boys appreciate sporting elements environment works letting take skill bowling action rowing action repeating 3x changing rhythm/dimension/direction repeating again joining partner provide action/reaction sequences allows concentrate feel comfortable eventually recognise rhythmical sequences akin dance performance. ignores female need aesthetic emotional stimuli. important areas recognise minority majority sections be accomodated enjoyable learning experience. Protection minority group expense majority group solution either. solution suggested earlier forum separate classes skill games environment already done use "varsity" teams allow skilled players compete different level. classromm skilled players learn great deal interacting better athletes pairing people different skill levels practise situation reduces competetive aspect allows concentrate improving action. Likewise dance environment interaction males females imperative success nurturing creative experience skilled dancer produce exciting ideas. answer? 57 15 39 hints about playing coed games mean making ridiculous rules compensate save web responsibility. admit trouble dealing classes 46 boys girls 21 unathletic girls boys 38 boys 12 girls 24 girls boys. classes all given National School Excellence. gross imbalances be outlawed. COED legislation possible intended deal bad educational environment. 59 15 39 co-ed high school pe classes indoor soccer floor hockey activities. Things get little rough co-ed. All activities co-ed students choose activities basketball weight training. Offer individual dual activities tennis archery golf rec. sports volleyball softball team sports. Hope helps. 62 15 39 disappointed route coeducational Physical Education gone..my class class counselors throw extra students give "class". means tremendous unbalancing student's expense. trying alter problem creating physical education classes students choose activity period quarterwe period day quarter eguals semester. Hopefully offering class Rhythmics attract students male female choose class. planning doing all testing stretchingand conditioning team teaching fashion day co-educational group. Hopefully students know expectations activity sign accordingly..we starting curriculum fall 01. 63 15 39 disappointed route coeducational Physical Education gone..my class class counselors throw extra students give "class". means tremendous unbalancing student's expense. trying alter problem creating physical education classes students choose activity period quarterwe period day quarter eguals semester. Hopefully offering class Rhythmics attract students male female choose class. planning doing all testing stretchingand conditioning team teaching fashion day co-educational group. Hopefully students know expectations activity sign accordingly..we starting curriculum fall 01. 64 15 39 supervising student teachers years Secondary level. generalwhat passes Secondary Physical Education travesty area country. see guys just want show impress girls girls want anything create horror sweat. see teachers frustrated scene struggle program offerings. comparision recall Secondary School physical education student taught high school physical education prior co-ed requirements. know girls boys far active see now. believe primary goals get students participate participate high level energy. observations primarily co-ed programs accomplish goal sad. 65 15 39 taught co-ed physical education years single genderfemale 22 years prior that. co-ed program ruined physical education program. offer activities keep boys interested active. Little regard given girls interested discipline problem doing totally like. believe girls public school physical education programs totally lost Title 9. teach skills spend all time disciplining refereeing supervising. feel well-paid playground supervisor. displeasure job forcing early retirement--one year out! tried get administrators see side dilemma department head all males delighted discipline problems cut half. Luckily class sizes kept equal boy/girl numbers activities square dance bowling step aerobics work fine. wish good old days..... 69 15 39 excellent resource Carpenter L. Acosta V. Portman P. & Nelson S. 2000 Equity Gymnasium:Coeducational Physical Education-Finding Solutions Meeting Challenges. NAGWS 70 15 39 Title IX served valuable service bringing girls athletics fore front supplying opportunities available Title IX. boys girls equal phyically be put sport activities. individual activity golf men women tees placed location. Physical education classes be single gender exceptions dance individual type classes. cases Co-ed volleyball OK. sport world net height different boys girls. Unfortunately cases special rules be place boys girls compete level. equal intent sure original language law. 77 15 46 see primarily physical education teacher? health education teacher? Both? students see you? principal peer teachers? limited explorations increasingly secondary physical educators also primary health education teachers. also teachers limited background school health curricula save single class undergraduate program experience effective classroom teaching strategies. know personal experience universities student teaching typically time physical education majors actually stand front classroom teach lesson health. times increased public scrutiny accountability tax dollars spent public education...it vital Health Physical Education HPE be taught coordinated approach equal value placed subject area. fact argue parents politicians support health education physical education came vote! encourage all secondary HPE teachers demand local college universities adopt coordinated approach preparing future teachers. Jon Poole PELINKS4U Secondary Section Editor 86 15 39 think coed classes value person teaching class wide variety educational tricks encourage all students. classes unbalanced modify lesson plans involve all students differing levels. teacher picks teams students. teams wide variety skill. matter student boy girl. playing team sports allow peer tutoring. teach team sports personal fitness problem coed classes think fun enjoy challenges "motor morons" performing highly skilled. 88 15 52 believe integrating physical education based previse class be real world especially workplace. fact PE about "jobs" about educating individual bodies move effectively enjoyably. real world physical movement a.k.a.-sports athletics exercise physiology medicine psychology realizes men women different physically. Women basketball leagues use smaller ball men's volleyball leagues use higher net etc. men socialize different women socialize gender socializes different still. say be separated--quite contrary. ways areas work together. assume all alike way compete physical contests ludicrous. Imagine Pamela Sue Anderson going against anyone football basketball. Physically get crushed knew techniques employ. Bring children area including recreational activities sports facet physical education require different approaches based gender differences areas alike. little boys little girls developmental needs be met socializing gender. also socialization needs be met integrating activities. insult saying teaching "physical education" genders be "real world" competition involved doing physical education. confusing physical education organized recess simply "play" education. philosophies be professional accept variety profession. Patrick Milligan BYU 89 15 39 fact PE about "jobs" about educating individual bodies move effectively enjoyably. real world physical movement a.k.a.-sports athletics exercise physiology medicine psychology realizes men women different physically. Women basketball leagues use smaller ball men's volleyball leagues use higher net etc. men socialize different women socialize gender socializes different still. say be separated--quite contrary. ways areas work together. assume all alike way compete physical contests ludicrous. Imagine Pamela Sue Anderson going against anyone football basketball. Physically get crushed knew techniques employ. Bring children area including recreational activities sports facet physical education require different approaches based gender differences areas alike. little boys little girls developmental needs be met socializing gender. also socialization needs be met integrating activities. insult saying teaching "physical education" genders be "real world" competition involved doing physical education. confusing physical education organized recess simply "play" education. philosophies be professional accept variety profession. Patrick Milligan BYU 92 15 54 anyone use point scale daily Physical education grades any scale rubric compare mine improve it. Thanks. 99 15 54 find "Complete Physical Education Plans Grades 7-12" helpful. separate performance rubrics based grid system unit chapter beginner intermediate advanced units 15 sports activities wrestling unit CD ROM included book. Hope enjoy feel free get back feedback do. 100 15 39 agree Jeff Whittaker. get problems COED PE creating teams setting competition skill level. doing girls choose opt COED classes. times chance be performance leadership initiative pick up. time return coed ask stay class boys. addition advent COED classes COED teachers PE curriculum changed dramatically. PE be just about sports major areas dance almost disappeared. Girls ove it. Guys hate it. girls good sports football weight training male dominated society enjoys boys gracious. teacher dares teach dance creative movement competitive environment happy place be. 108 15 39 all country supposed be taught be treated equal female/male black/white situation. having co-educational classes start students wrong foot learning just opposite. Honestly experience physical education teacher junior college heading direction opinion. personally see people split boy/girl physical education be high skilled/low skilled. student different skill level different areas. Separating students solution modifying games level putting students groups similar skill levels anything be learned. feel co-educational classes continue be future also feel physical education program be ruined rid co-educational idea. 109 15 39 feel sensitive subject see arguments. feel any class divided going be students "left out" due different abilities. feel about separating classes about curriculum taught students. teacher needs be able recognize different ability levels male female adapt class benefit all students. understand social aspects play role students learn participate co-ed classes feel sport education model help eliminate problems gives role team help build togetherness team work opposed individual concentration individual skill developed. also allow students see student's strengths skill related otherwise. 110 15 39 believe co-ed classes be physical education classroom. co-ed classroom males females benefit sports non-contact. example sports volleyball tennis archery softball soccer golf badminton bowling ultimate Frisbee swimming dance class. having genders interact think males females equal opportunity develop participate equally physical education classroom. Sports involve accidental contact be separated genders better chance improve skills. sports may accidental contact females males shy away be incident contact present. reason feel be beneficial separate genders give student better chance enhance skills. 111 15 39 separate high low skilled students different classes separate boys girls? agree Jeff Whittaker's post co-ed classes succeed proper rules protocols. want separate males females need learn work learn rest lives. physical education setting excellent place males females practice socializing interacting other. eliminate opportunity students. 112 15 39 crucial coeducational teaching setting. believe coeducation important interactions occurring classes valuable rest lives. program established stereotypes be reinforced strongly. gives students opportunity grow socially physically time. Coeducation also gives students opportunity interact appropriately members opposite sex. understand sexes develop different rates classes containing males females separately may be beneficial physical domain student. Coeducational classes cover all aspects fully developed person today's world dealing opposite gender. 128 15 46 disagree Jon about PE Health taught coordinated approach. Health subject area important unique. subjects certainly related similar messages need be sent Pe Health teacher. believe Health needs deal issues be dealt correctly large group sessions PE classes larger classes. coordinated approach turns students forced sit listen discuss issues importance self esteem time management stress management substance abuse sexual issues. 136 15 85 getting any responce question Middle School thought see generate som High School responces just adopted State Wyoming Standards Movement Personal Social Fitness plus Health Standards. teach Middle School 6-7-8 level. want just give 4-3-2-1 curriculum. Health Teacher PE teachers. quit calling Health-PEand call Wellness. schools doing grading dealing Standards. Thanks time Jinx Tucker 141 15 85 Jinx..I think problem questions broad easy answer. quite sure Wyoming standards areif looking method assessing students effort meet standards trying figure integrate health PE program standards Wyoming. think be looking way assessing students. direct "Complete Physical Education Plans Grades 7-12." fifteen activities beginners unit lessons get students standard performance conceptual development meets national standards. beginners unit concludes beginners performance based rubric realistic students use. based 12345. also written quiz goes unit. book accompanied CD ROM edit almost lesson rubric chart quiz there. allow adapt book needs knowing basics already there. Hope helps. ask again try best. get idea talking about going www.humankinetics.com. sample pages sample skills rubric line. purchase book too. 156 15 88 focus hand/eye coordination secondary level? firm believer lifetime fitness heart rate monitors assessment tools aide students get individual programs high school physical education class. also feel missing boat focus hand/eye coordination activtiesi.e. badminton pickleball table tennis etc.. expecting thoughts. all expect students be lifetime wellness enthusiasts well? 158 15 88 bore students death expect be lifetime wellness enthusiasts? agree you. be missing boat give tools physical fun means teaching activities require eye-hand coordination require grace balance. favorite method staying fit shape leave course single minded teach anything monitoring heart strength fat composition. 179 15 46 interesting area debate. New Zealand realatively new curriculum written curriculum subjects Health Physical Education aspects Home Economics. following approach Healtha nd Physical Education distinct subjkects seperate identities be overlap topics contexts. discussed implications teachers. PErs teaching health want background knowledge recognise be different approach.What finding schools mangement timetacbling Physical Educator take Health alwauys ideal situation. also excludes teachers want good health teachers. side tension purist Health teachers belive Physical Educators teach Health. debate continues. Personally Physical Educator Health educator. Anne 187 15 99 following information received Beth Kuhn. information email: bkuhn@kickbutt.org June 11 2001 Joe Camel may be gone cigarette makers coming ads greater impact young people anti-smoking messages said study released Monday. Exposure cigarette ads leads young people identify smoking popularity relaxation associations stronger any perceived risk picked anti-smoking ads University Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center reported. research culled interviews 1999 2000 approximately 2600 people aged 14 22 1500 people 23 older. 1998 tobacco industry ended slew health-related lawsuits agreeing annual payments states worth $246 billion. settlement also included restrictions advertising attract teen-agers. ban billboards cartoon characters R.J. Reynolds' Joe Camel. young people exposed cigarette ads magazines convenience stores promotional events bars restaurants report said. Adolescents young adults recall cigarette ads age 30. example nearly 90 percent 18-year-olds recalled seeing ads compared about 50 percent 50-year-olds. About 75 percent 18-year-olds reported seeing anti-smoking ads. messages increase awareness about risks smoking people trying cigarettes ads already formed positive images about smoking report said. Matthew Myers president Campaign Tobacco-Free Kids called important finding. "Teen-agers responsive information about health risks about psychological view smoking fostered tobac marketing" said. report said young people misconceptions about risks smoking. example said 63 percent young people incorrectly thought deaths year due drug alcohol abuse tobacco. questioned about 80 percent smokers said thought smoking addictive about 60 percent said thought quitting "either easy possible people really try." &quo t;They misunderstanding encourages try cigarettes understanding easy quit" said Dan Romer research director Annenberg Center. Romer said researchers considered exposure anti-smoking ads occurred 1999 earlier means hard-hitting messages American Legacy Foundation part study. foundation set part tobacco settlement run anti-smoking pr ogram estimated cost $1.5 billion. ads disputing industry changed narrated man talking electronic larynx. "The legacy ads increase youth exposure effective counter-marketing sufficient response tobacco industry's $8.24 annual marketing budget" Romer said. amount largest cigarette manufacturers spent advertising promotions 1999 according Federal Trade Comm ission. 22 percent increase 1998. Philip Morris spokesman Brendan McCormick said money went boosting in-store promotions. added industry's advertising efforts scaled back result settlement. "The visibility cigarette ads reduced" McCormick said. 188 15 100 past school year attended workshop area physical educators. college professors presented sessions "Getting Tumbling Mats." information text book middle school physical education. tried simpler ideas elementary physical education classes K-4. thoughly enjoyed team cooperative aspects unit. mats fold scooter boards dividing classes "teams" given assignment moving "boats" across gym floor efficient manner. team suggested all teams try. suggested "everyone use hands" "everyone use feet only" suggested folding mats canoe. great unit cooperation teamwork problem solving critical thinking gross motor movement. All students including special needs children experienced certain level accomplishment success. all about? possibilities be presented middle secondary level utilizing tumbling mats. hear cooperative lessons/units worked physical educators. 211 15 39 taught physical education coed about 25 years. Class C school Northern NY. years ago classes large mix males females quite uneven situation better ideal. girls hesitant participating boys. individuals alergic sweat. fairly traditional curriculum modify activities yearly. added strategies helped students reach state standards be succesfuland develop enthusiasm physical activity. incorporated sport education ideas activities. important factors having teacher all grouping- be skill drill activities small team games play. Factors consider grouping are: skill level;past successful experiences class;and type personality. be preplanned begins unit instruction. takes time results worth it. exampletaking high skilled student intense pairing lower skilled student successful strategy. All team games played small numbers team modified fieldscourts modified goals. soccer lacrosse example play across width field center line sideline. sideline cones spread out. team goals be cones x feet apart depending sport. periods play may start girls score time time. boys get general idea. After go anyone score remind boys want go back girls score. drills leading games usually work pairs. encourage students give positive feedback help improve. remind students personal management skills respectcommunication collaborationsportsmanshipcooperationetc. large class games going large game ball lot f students standing around. 212 15 54 currently phys. ed. days/per week elementary school parent see tremendous benefits kids. school board proposing reducing phys. ed. 1/2 days week all school districts area have. want write letter school board expressing displeasure also supporting facts point obvious anyway benefits daily PE? anyone help me? 218 15 54 saw info Ms. Kleinman about physical education book: "Complete Physical Education Plans Grades 7-12." immediately went order Amazon.com received e-mail saying longer available. went Barnes Noble got information. order book? really want obtain copy school begins middle August. believe be quite helpful me. Thank anyone information. Feel free e-mail info. Also wanting add folk dance high school PE curriculum. Any info get started be appreciated. searching internet good CD video instruction use classes. get dances different countries. Thanks again. 219 15 54 best way get Complete Physical Education Plans Grades 7-12 order directly publisher's website Humankinetics.com. book includes nice section dance emphasizes folk dance grades starts adding social dance mix grades get older. find progressions helpful need independent source dance instructions. Human Kinetics tons materials available needs far see absolutely best site finding resources physical education. 222 15 54 Thank response about book. just getting back check it. find Books far live ordered it. Thanks publisher's website Humankinetics.com. anxious look it. 230 15 110 Dear Colleagues any know completed research demonstrates failure physical education programs secondary schools obviously all programs? Please advise! Thank kindly advance! Al Figone 232 15 46 late 70's mid 80's Health Physical Education taught together. health teacher also Phys. Ed. teacher. good "P.E." teacher Health teacher just say Phys. Ed. classes. Gaining health knowledge vital young people today. increase unhealthy behaviors health risks young people take today phemonenal frightening think may end. Health teacher supervisor Physical Education dept. High School. think Phys. Ed. teacher teach qualified teach Health think colleges universities need focus preparing quality HEALTH teachers college order gain health knowledge top "School Health Education" degree program enrolled nursing courses minored Physical Education. Jon issue encourage colleges universities area promote health education core subject area. Annette 245 15 88 agree totally contributors. continue develop skills students need participate exercise albeit sport aerobics failing role PE educators. PE solely be about Health anymore be solely about sport dance. Furthermore possible push students preoccupied weight heart rate monitoring etc.. over-anxiety anything healthy. Plus students long-term enjoyment exercise lifestyle include sports activity wrong that. little goes long way! 248 15 119 Due subjects offered High School Curriculum time constraint PE classes be done way all sections levelabout 150 studentswill PE period. PE teacher facilitate lesson be assigned teachers help supervise help discipline. appreciate suggest activities suited big group given program related soccer volleyball basketball. 252 15 54 Humankinetics.com be required bookmark all new teachers. personally ordered $300 worth books site. book style activity list. love all! also website called Teachnology.com rubric generator. designed point rubric specific sports teach. understand correctly rubrics supposed label kids letter grades inspire improvement. teach middle school use thumb icon scale. Thumbs thumb 1/2 way thumbs sideways thumbs sideways thumbs 1/2 way thumbs sideways thumbs down. work students better numbers. walk give thumb activity day. feel keeps grading light students tend try harder understand difference thumbs down. 253 15 39 dont problem Co-ed issue PE. problem class sizes. teaching 60+ students hard address issues all encountering. Currently classes 35 average students 25 students discipline problems special education adapted PE retained students. Thats tough class manage. be nice PE respected class student learning place 'supervised recess' effect. number students class reduced problems boy/girl classes also be reduced. 257 15 119 serious? suggesting PE teacher building required teach 150 students session? "assistants" qualified teach PE? kind facilities talking about? Frankly suggestion quit find job school system educational approach PE babysitting one. Sorry. help all shocking. 259 15 119 Thanks reply MS/MRIsobel Kleinman..I'd share also allot 50min.periods week PE High School. period spent teacher:one class ratio second period call PE Interclass normally mini competitions. understood content response hope hear ideas you. Thanks again. 260 15 119 give any ideas understand set-up. teacher handle 150 students? class ratio? assistants? kind facilities accomodate 150 active kids time? 294 15 54 current teach 7-12 physical education. school district going accreditation visit state department education. areas job descriptionsphysical education one. written experience area anyone send example know web site get idea process? 296 15 54 teaching accreditation process idea goes scenes. Suffice say observation active class active teacher got rave reviews accreditors need know more. 302 15 54 middle school time use grading system points. student dresses participates keep current grade. dress lose points. dress give 100% lose points. schools system grading allows students grade lower increase. system works classes 150 students 10 kids making "D"'s "F"'s. 319 15 137 start conversation about research attempting. Specifically love feedback/suggestions studies authors sure see looking certain topics. sure try conduct search related literature know hitting mark. topic teacher behaviors support productive learning environments. share doing hopefully all be productive. ani frank 329 15 140 September 11 2001 athletes known self involvement giving refusal NY Jets play after events 11th message real heroes nation athletes social perspective returned. vain may physical educators promote giving signs respect community awareness increased WTC tragedy staying curriculum? 331 15 140 college athletes required service part team responsibilites agree high school athletes be asked view community position competition. theink high school coaches take addition responsibility. be given Booster Clubs! teacher Mom know handle concession stands. WHt think? Anna Marie Frank DePaul University Chicago 336 15 140 ran events Dance Concerts School Dances Volleyball Round Robins Sportsnight etc. raise money. all part monies collected ticket sales entry fees dedicated student scholarship summer camp program public charity. dance club also performed nursing homes hospitals churches. 357 15 151 horrible student. comes class higher kite feels doing matter hard try get enjoy activities. tried choose sport activity play leave chooses. also blurts swear words. teach ALC students issues wits end. Any help??? 358 15 151 try put concequence ladder really want happen. example tell participate activity stay after class. leaves class staying after choice making time class stay after school day. go step staying after school parents called. come consequences give positive choice stress also give hime negative consequence. choice apply consequence choosen behavior good bad. say participate minutes get minute time. hope helps. Good luck. Scott Stefl Ute Creek Secondary Academy Health Physical Education Teacher 359 15 151 work! staying after class school. ALC Alternative Education. parents come conference tell F*ck students. All students truancy issues hate traditional schools. minute his/her time result student leaving school going smoke. trying teach students responsibility minute time responsibility letting slack time. Thanks input. 360 15 151 anonymous think dealing frustrating typical situation. offer any help point given trhe scenario secondary methods students forward ideas you. promising professional give ideas. ani frank DePaul University afrank@depaul.edu 363 15 151 C'mon getting worse worse day please need strong advise 376 15 52 Physical Education looked forward everyday High School. loved teacher games played way class set up. class Monday Friday minutes. best part about class separated males females. Monday Thursday males Friday co-ed day integrating males females. think men women different physically sports world recognizes also. any problem having co-ed physical education class eighth grade. think reach high school issues come play males females class time. students go stage start opposite sex. females may play hard males class. males may play hard females class. fair genders having classes combined everyday. day co-ed physical education worked great high school. way fix problem physical education class set males females another gender only. 383 15 39 believe co-ed classes gives students opportunity interact appropriately members opposite sex. continue convey youth males females be split sex sex telling equal. believe Sport Education Model classroom help curriculum taught. give student role team help build teamwork individual concentration individual skill developed. agree Nicole Webb physical education setting excellent place males females practice socializing interacting other. want eliminate opportunity students. 384 15 151 believe student needs be given survey class. write about likes dislikes about class activity day. find likes activity writes about give talk about after reviewed survey after class. survey get express way get common ground issue. also student behavior contract. want include range things student be rewarded good also range punishments bad. Hopefully open new way communicate. Good luck 386 15 151 teacher having difficulty student please e-mail pe4life77@hotmail.com. ideas. Yahrasiel Davis Health Physical Education Teacher Bethune Middle School 5200 Covington Highway Decatur GA 30350 390 15 151 Sit heart heart him. Ask likes anything about class. Ask likes participate any type sport. Inform behavior problems. Work type agreement be behavioral contract verbal agreement. time really problem kids just take time sit talk things work out. approach sandwhich method. Start praise get meat situation praise. after acts pain rear fail him. Tell going give decides grade--not you. Tell get grade wants long earns it. Speak about wants future. honestly go "real world" acting way? 391 15 151 anonymous good advice. sounds actually work. Thank going go give shot after spring break know goes. 392 15 54 need help. anyone give professional position source grading pe. against making 50% grade just be dressing need convince merits skills testing written test etc. 393 15 54 grade students point scale day. tell students chance earn points day. follows: 1. time 2. Be prepared 3. Exhibit appropriate behavior 4. Participate appropriately. talk all students about items year know earning certain point day. worked nicely be fair everyone. Hope helps. 394 15 54 grade students point scale day. tell students chance earn points day. follows: 1. time 2. Be prepared 3. Exhibit appropriate behavior 4. Participate appropriately. talk all students about items year know earning certain point day. worked nicely be fair everyone. Hope helps. 397 15 54 point/day grading system excesive absences? 398 15 54 excessive absences allow students kind physical make-up work get points day. set standard works you. usually tell studenst walk half mile kind written work. prefer physical work written times person just coming back school quarter unable physical activity due doctors orders want days up. Hope helps. Oh got grading system Barry Nofzinger email address barrynof@msn.com want ask about excessive absences. Hope helps 400 15 151 tried yesterday Today ok. another student kept looking laughing playing basketball. think mind student didnt take said yesterday seriously. see week goes. 407 15 54 recommend egual division participation 33% knowledge 33% skills 33%. district policy different arduous.... 65% participation 10% skill 10% knowledge 15% fitness....so people follow it. 409 15 153 Just wondering thoughts Elective based PE programs. find type program works better having set curriculum grade level 9-12? All thoughts topic welcomed. Thanks! Rich 415 15 153 Elective based PE program beneficial individual need students institution hire teachers specific field expertise. school provide kind service better. 416 15 54 use breakdown PE grading30%participation 20% attitude30% term assessmentwritten/practical skill exams 10% attendance 10% uniform dressing. Written exams measured PE believe terminologies be clear students. Dressing also important student performance affected proper attire. Discipline behavior another area be measured PE. 418 15 151 house egged weekend strong rumor student having hard time with. said future life miserable. 421 15 151 save all. waste another minute him. Fail him. sit long disrupt class. 432 15 151 helps call parents tell need help ask suggestions. come plan use together. student won telling get act Xmas parents agree get any Xmas presents. seen face. Things changed radically better after that. basically adjusted young man just lazy. young man sounds arrives high be sent nurse. principal be informed drug abuse school building send verbally physially abusive. agree talking be helpful work all time. 436 15 151 understand. parental support. father prison mother smokes pot home also suffering mental illness. took year old son fled home going shelter telling chased go back home "they" gone good. police know "they" are. student 18 legally stay home. Social workers aware situation take class. 437 15 151 right. understand. sure completely understand now. ALC class? support personnel school doing young man? policy school students arrive high? be left hanging dry. be services help you. contain young man high verbally abusive. solve deep seated problem probably going separate emotionally remember behavior unacceptable belong group. Send nurse principal chairman straight SW school psychologist. 438 15 151 ALC alternative students. students get kicked home school truancy falling year school users. separate location individual school busses students drive. 100000 ALC students state drug testing way behind. suspended sent home etc. state says take place go offer education. finally able drop gets 0 credit PE take Independent Study means go fitness club get signed go get GED. just happy attendance sheet. 439 15 161 teaching new class year. "Officiating" class. be teaching students about officiating baseball softball soccer basketball etc. anyone any ideas go about teaching kind class. time school loss right now. Please help any way can. 440 15 137 Ani summer come along pace furious explored website. hope find forum interesting. know kind responses new hoping adding note see/read responses. Ritchie 468 15 167 All important students understand offered health physical education. just another subject? strong tool all areas life?... leading question students ask... study health physical education? anyone any good ideas web sites question please add message!! Trina 493 15 54 reading responses different grading systems wondering grade attitude? measure attitude assessment? be defended criteria evaulation? grading scale proposed Stefl usuable appropriate? teaching prospective physical education teachers stress writing goals objectives along scoring guides measurable data assessment purposes. challenged defend "appropriate" "attitude" eyes evaluator be seen thing another entirely different?