82 14 49 participated any type online instruction please help collect tips share considering enrolling. type instruction new sure ways experience successful. adding insights help enhance success others. questions about participation please create new conversation forum invite share experience. thank advance participation. PELINKS4U Production Team 87 14 51 looking recommendations technology use P.E. Health settings. be items adapted science courses also. Grades 1-8 90 14 49 junior CSU-Chico major P.E. pedagogy. upper division classes Computors P.E. interested sharing learned learning others. 91 14 53 anyone currently use palm pilot anything PE grading recording physical fitness scores Any suggestions 113 14 49 Hi name Timothy Hatten professor Rock Valley College Rockford IL. taught online taken courses online think add points discussion. currently teach Drug Alcohol Education online getting certified Illinois Online Network online instructor. currently going certification program online finish courses practicum pertaining teaching online. year took part grant team member developed assessment tool self-assess basic computer literacy. problems see online classes individuals basic computer literacy skills appropriately handle online course. going take course online be comfortable computer. means download files attachment files open plug ins send receive e-mail search internet use search engines appropriately basic adjustments computer utilize any conferencing software may be used. easy difficult frustrating assignments due figure information posting correctly. added link self-assessment developed RVC help individuals determine handle online course computer literacy standpoint. Online learning totally different medium be ACTIVE learner shift learning focused student instructor. facilitators knowledge providers knowledge. online course assignments set student complete assignments post discussion folders answer assessment questions work online group assignments enhance learning. needs constant f2f feedback instructor auditory feedback online courses may be right you. Also online student be focused deadlines instructor be reminding students class about assignments due. suggest go assessment troubles computer literacy skills may need be brushed up. http://ednet.rvc.cc.il.us/assess/home.htm Thanks Timothy Hatten Ph.D. C.S.C.S. NSCA-CPT Rock Valley College Division Fitness Wellness Sport Quincy University NYSP Activities Director 3301 N. Mulford Rd PEC Rockford IL. 61114 815-639-2491 http://www.rvc.cc.il.us/faclink/thatten 124 14 53 things cost? 132 14 53 Hi use palm store fitness information assessments on. software Sun Burst called Learner Profile Learner Profile go added software Physical Education. anyone tried software? easy use set up? school purchase software grant? Any information be useful. Thanks Tim 154 14 53 tried learner profile Newton came hard learn. think good software computer people say "it high learning curve" takes quite while. just bought Handspring Visor $200 software yet. ordered Quickoffice word processing excel work Macs really yet. Good luck think way be going. 163 14 53 just purchased Palm Pilot be class year. interested doing grades fitness skill testing. having students use Palm Pilot class. anyone doing similar love hear 174 14 53 working HP Jornada handheld past year. HealthySchools.net software website use. handheld software standards rubrics heartrate monitor program fitness program etc. Also just newsletter pesoftware.com info re: palm record keeping possibilites PE teachers. websites worth time interested pusuing use handhelds. 181 14 53 plan meet system Technology Coordinator week work program handheld be gym. write program supply information. plan use program elementary physical education classes. works school system purchase handhelds another teacher test. Hopefully program include skills class lists etc. devices programs particularly helpful know. Thanks 184 14 49 Christa Matter: cmatter@vax2.winona.msus.edu writing Winona State University currently "LapTop University". utilized software "Blackboard" all physical education courses teach volleyball racquetball lifetime fitness Adapted Physical Education Perceptual Motor Development. Blackboard be "user friendly" students faculty use it. course important tech. support school Blackboard on-line support system well! specifically use on-line quizzes/exams survey class evaluation form searches/links on-line assignments related physical activity discussion forums facilitate class discussions classobviously post assignments syllabi instructor information etc. all blackboard site. Blackboard way develop assignments students able expand learn classes teach. any interested viewing Blackboard site use please email zip student name password enter site! 210 14 53 currently working proposal grant monies developing plan incorporate pe classroom elementary is. anyone experience yet? share want... Dan 213 14 53 latest price wise sunburst's Learner 3.0 total package $729.95 8% s/h. use M100 palm-pilot salesrep suggested "shop around" pilot like. systems 8megs memory. checked healthfirstusa.com thier "Companion" PC slightly larger palm able "fit pocket". use shareware software create indicators website dwnld Companion use 1-5 pt. rubric utilize heart rate info various fitness tests including FITNESSGRAM. system costs $640 Companion $490 software. go Hewett-Packard rep said look compaq Quasio. systems 32megs memory hold 2000 students 525!. U variables i.e. participation attendance Word excel well. Companion sounds way go $500 more. currently looking grants. Dan 228 14 53 Handspring Visor Deluxe $200to record students grades. began March year any problems. bought Quicksheet program$29 go along Microsoft Excell. great recording grades. 229 14 53 just purchased Handspring Visor Deluxe. planning PDA record keeping inventory grading elementary physical education classes coming school year. Dr. Bonnie Morenson wrote Technology Physical Education sale web site softwear specifically physical education teacher. purchased text book asked questions purchased PDA. quite bit help. offers online class utilizing PDA. Check pesoftware.com 235 14 114 stages NBPTS. interested chatting Physical Educators involved process...or successfully completed program. 247 14 117 trying find quality listing online graduate programs PE related fields. Specifically student wants obtain terminal degree online online program. find site comprehensive list programs. Any help be appreciated. 251 14 53 heard company called Palm Technologies created hand held system specifically PE. unit about $1500 software included. understand software includes anything want. example dressing attendance fitness testing. set program desktop upload/download thing twice day. Kind expensive machine lot durable palm pilot. lot bigger smaller roll book love know anyone works. website doesnt say about machine itself. palm-technologies.com 258 14 53 trying find about palm-technologies.com went url got adomain server. anyone info about it. looking programs palm handhelds 264 14 123 October 15th section Technology PE suggested low tech ideas assessment simply recording student achievement charts stickers. biggest hurdle encouraging PE teachers assess appears complicated. be. main problem perceive inertia prevents simple. simple assessment ideas consider posting here. 265 14 53 http://www.palm-technology.com/ wrong thought technologies. Good luck going purchase soon. 289 14 114 love chat anyone going NBPTS! anyone successfully completed program! 307 14 51 looking software use p.e. class. similar Presidental Fitness be Mac compatible. Any software advise welcome. 313 14 53 writing grant purchase "Companion" handheld HealthFirst. anybody assist question "How new technology assist learning process students?" 316 14 117 trying find quality listing online graduate programs PE Master. Any help be appreciated. 321 14 117 contact Joella Mehrhof mehrofj@emporia.edu. think online program. 324 14 117 also find major physical education online accredited college. ba. liberal arts teach catholic school want major physical ed any suggestions 326 14 114 get involved NBPTS? compare Exemplary Physical Education Curriculum project strictly involved technology use? 327 14 53 know "Companion" assist learning process students directly. see help time teacher productive. immediate tasks desk top takes away class minutes time. 352 14 148 Hi saw report Real Sports about New PE courses showed Naperville's gym Mtn Bikes linked videogame monitor. find about cycles purchase them? Any info be greatly appreciated. 353 14 148 video bikes district called "game riders" cycle effects. get information visiting web site www.cyclefx.com anyone questions about bikes contact plawler@ncusd203.org Phil Lawler Naperville 354 14 149 process creating web quest basketball students. any sites be good gathering information WNBA/NBA players please forward IFerguson@richlandone.org Thanks Inger Ferguson Burton-Pack Elementary 443 14 53 Physical Education teacher So. Cal. check programs available bonnies fitwear companion all time consuming PE teacher utilize b/c change multiple windows student record 50+ students feasable. electronic roll book handhelds take attendance behavior marks all page record grades running total student. check website www.palmware4pe.com 485 14 53 elementary p.e. teacher Pgh PA. buy Palm tech person need know type programs need invest attendance recording skills type software use o keep r ecord students. Thanks! 491 14 172 write article school newsletter week elementary school. give cool physical education websites geared children. really know "Dole Day" nutrition based website. know any please know. 492 14 172 past years PELINKS4U editors featured web sites oriented interests children. example listed time Olympics. review past editions Elementary sections Archives. may also find interesting links skim links pages. Use click menu top left page. Good luck share any sites locate. share readers. Thanks. Steve