133 13 84 Physical Education teachers typically see students infrequently wonder reasonable expect teach movement-based health promoting activities. convinced movement activities be utilized teach all types "classroom" content phrase "classroom content" prefer "academic content" tend think be regular classroom teachers integrate movement learning activities. Today's students spend far time sitting passively classrooms respond enthusiasm teachers utilized movement instructional strategy. future physical educators serve role schools teachers movement skills also movement resource coordinators regular faculty. expert knowledge movement physical educators ideally placed be able help faculty develop activities enhance learning all types classroom content. think? 134 13 84 Marina Malta Steve share experience school. lessons week 30min 4-6 year old pupils double period 60min 30 minute lesson year olds yeah sure agree time premium. find integrating vocabulary science health techcnology lessons way really think ultimately benefits PE program content whilst making meaningful experiential young learners. 16 classes meet periodically Grade teachers ensure continuity done classroom- deed health/science compenents tackle PE lesson class teachers help consolidating theme classroom. find bringing "academic" content PE lesson great benefits -there units work PE managed provide active constuctivist approach appealed pupils gone home active practice also shared families "cool" things learnt PE. Indirectly served advocacy purposes parents come parents' day telling child explaining about skeleton works move heart beats after exercise etc... idea throw integration plate classroom teachers. tell truth additional requirements new revised curriculum really pressed time. just health related fitness teaching concepts hold PE teachers elicit cooperation classroom teachers way also value PE teacher EDUCATOR right!!- far removed days "keep busy happy good" type PE teachers really think teaching best subject world PE be creative subject teach PE content motor skills address also cognitive areas affective learning areas really need teach integrated way teaching relevant life pupils. hold far important improving fitness test scores alone. 135 13 84 Part failed mention previous posting about existing collaboration subject teachers class teachers school classroom teachers years developed confidence wanting integrated movement "academic" lesson content. hold accountable confidence teacher preparation programs students days comprised single credit elementary PE wanted take Elementary Classroom. Field Day past years way show case PE program content also opportunity teachers come lesson join PE lessons weeks leading event. teachers able join see pedagogical skills required PE skills different classroom arrangement able see join use PE equipment previously "alien" them. feel really good class teacher comes borrow equipment know integrating movementinto lessons too. think secret lies word BALANCE. 137 13 84 Steve believe times use strategies "regular" classroom support instruction Physical Education. Marina suggests established collaboration classroom teacher work hand hand support other. use writing great deal check cognitive understanding students about certain areas Physical Education. use reading writing support jump rope unit incorporating rhymes unit. students learn importance rhythm movement reading. Afterall learning day brain-based learning importance movement regular classroom. Physical Education also provide "authentic" reasons writing be academic setting. answer question long physical educators establishing reinforcing importance educating "whole" child educators respect appreciate importance physical education child's development. 138 13 84 example think may be fooling claim be "integrating" physical education lessons: Yesterday watched lesson called "Bingo Basketball." students take shots scored recorded letters bingo scoring sheets. really think students carried scoring sheets write integrating language arts lesson?! high school students. find hard believe great benefit learn letters B-I-N-G-O! worse completing activity students groups about ball time inactive. Running laps having students count integrating. True integration surely requires activities complement students time also learning classroom. see know physical educators time devote it. skill level students physical education low need time practicing skills possible. Trying teach things be successful result teaching anything well. 151 13 87 time physical education already limited PE teachers seeing students week. Hawai`i PE teachers see students weeks. also teach subjects math science topics language arts be difficult. reinforce concepts learned subjects take effort. use numbers lot PE also count different languages use letters variation? Movement activities students form bodies different letter shapes talk about kind pathways letters. reinforce kids learn classroom. Crossing states steps step counters be equated distances state state. hand hurt classroom teachers provide movement opportunities class concepts kids learning. PE teachers schools importance movement learning movement be planned. heard about classroom teacher macaroni students art project discussion macaroni be part healthy diet. students take projects outside projects guides asked children shape bodies form macaroni shapes included. Thanks question. 168 13 84 concerned children writing gym bringing paper pencils gym reading gym measuring circumference gym integrate math etc. losing unique. PHYSICAL educators. educators physical physical Jesse Feiring Williams. wanted use books paper pencils classroom teacher name really largest classroom school hmmm be important. play game movement based lots action elimination child enters her/his level works auditory firure/ground discrimination auditory acuity auditory directionality; game allows children generate alternatives plan strategy evaluate; go on. point need familiar curriculum grade level building. use games movement enhance child's ability listen think get along social be able better concentrate contributed ability learn grow. done tool chosen profession different rest building MOVEMENT. Brian http://hometown.aol.com/fitplay/index.html 186 13 98 week read article Thom McKenzie Jim Sallis addressed time challenge physical educators face. suggested: "To better serve elementary school pupils schools consider modifying role specialists take new duties consultants." described PE teachers help structure entire school environment encourage all students find ways stay sufficiently physically active daily basis. future PE teachers be trained be instructors consultants? be concerned conducting lessons training teachers schools integrate movement lessons? role considering adding professional preparation program. interested readers' thoughts especially any personal experiences acting "consultants" school setting. 192 13 87 looking articles exercise science pertaining middle elementary age students. 198 13 98 Coincidentally looking material integrating activity core classes saw article. presenting session entitled "Weaving Wellness Curriculum" Team Nutrition Summer Institute Univ NH mid-July. theory people child's life need take responsibility wellness "our" children. try encourage teachers various disciplines periodically try teach lessons incorporating wellness activities tool. Thanks reference message. 199 13 98 sounds interesting topic. Please consider sharing PELINKS4U readers posting presentation forum emailing copy include Interdisciplinary PE section. Thanks. 246 13 84 Wow interesting. really variety opinions all equally valied positive. people knew smart PE teachers take granted quite much. think issue deep difficult address lines foremost educator. sports coach language teacher. take philosophy people learn different ways surely consider PE students require variety methods. students learn "facts" "skills" "doing" "words" "rhythm" etc... philosophy integration believe Elementary school level especially be involved educating "whole child" just "the subject content". somewhat concerned importance stricking best possible balance academic/cognitive physical. amount time assigned PE philosophy aims & objectives program situation regards working alongside "classroom" colleagues probably vary enormously. hope people continue add discussion find interesting. Personally call Physical Education Teacher believe Teacher Physical Educator second. 295 13 87 looking information about tranfer fine motor skills writing reading skills 297 13 87 agree ways integrate math language arts elementary physical education program. Math works well; math terms perimeter rectangle children keeping tally sheets serving scorekeepers. numerous ways incorporate language PE curriculum. example today stations simple type "Spelling Basketball"as ball-handling stations set week. Math relays word relays easy run children appear enjoy types relays. 379 13 84 undergraduate student Physical Education Kent State learning be effective teacher best teach student. imperative students learn value fitness psychomotor affective cognitive approaches. may teaching experience far certainly exposed realms possibilities Physical Educators especially regard integrating technology. elementary teacher hope incorporate subjects content lesson plans cooperating teachers school. certainly agree students lose lessons different subject content integrated believe fault educator student. Marina stated posting all about balance. balance students physical activity time outside content compliment other. believe physical education class provides ideal environment students develop motor skills cognitive affective skills. feel chance encourage development all areas act it. 389 13 87 looking lesson plans theme be entire quartersemesteryear? heard schools theme Native Americansand teachers creative lessons integrated activities lessons.