74 10 44 anyone ideas improving motor skills 6-15 yr. old wheel chair students minimal limb use low IQ? Suggestions greatly appreciated 121 10 75 looking information different school districts run preschool programs. trying get district approve preschool center services speech adapted p.e. ot pt assessment team. work center be willing exchange information. developing pamplet explaining program examples others. Thanks help! 126 10 77 anyone know about certain training programs education curriculums children ADD/ADHD????? programs relive kids' "pain"???? Endro 147 10 77 taught classes type kid years. mainstreamed special curriculum. Frankly see need one. need special attention lots patience teacher classmates repetition opportunity feel accomplished something. 178 10 97 interested any suggestions anyone regarding adapting gymnastics class/lesson obese children age 6-12 223 10 97 suggest English Gymanstics /Movement Education program thematic approach exploring gymnastic activity gymnastic equipment dance based Laban's principals Space Time Weight Flow. approach allows students discover movement wise fearing failure injury choose want move position based cues give. instance focus space guide activity asking be big small symmetrical balanced different levels use parts body support get idea? teacher job be guide exploration teach appreciate improve quality movement keep moving. be good material there. know Canadians use system. junior high kids high school. response fantastic. imagine younger kids work range physical limitations maturity level. 233 10 112 looking books articles personal data information about 'bank' goals objectives. kid field education language writing skills. realize student needs 'individual' plan be nice bank goals objectives work appropriate wording cover all IEP 'legalism' issues. Thanks Ole 234 10 113 Know school system special ed teacher giving adapted pe. person give PE certified Adapted PE? 312 10 134 anyone offer any challenges games/events encorporate inclusive PE pgrogram Pre-K K age children? 314 10 113 understanding physical education degree required anyone teaching physical adapted physical education. special ed teacher endorsement physical education be taught person. 315 10 135 Hello teaching twelve years now. started special education teacher teaching physical education. asked new special education director locate any information relating adapted physical education curriculum. anyone any idea find sample curriculums? Thanks help. 328 10 135 Sachem Central School DistrictNew York well-established Adapted P.E. program full-time teachers travel sixteen buildings. excellent physical educators probably assist quite bit. Write back need put touch them. GOOD LUCK! 338 10 142 Any practical ideas teching P.E children autism?